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This document is automatically generated from manifest schema

Field descriptions

All fields that are not marked as Required are optional

  • schemaVersion string Required

    Specifies the application manifest schema version using two dot-separated integer numbers, which follow the semantic versioning rules for MAJOR and MINOR version numbers.

  • resources object

    Host resources the application requires access to.

    • dbus object

      D-Bus resources on the host system that the application requires or desires access to.

      • requiredMethods array

        A list of D-Bus methods (given as strings) that are required by the application to be part of an API of the host system. If the methods are not present, the application is considered incompatible and will be rejected at installation.

      • conditionalMethods array

        A list of D-Bus methods (given as strings) desired by the application that may or may not be part of an API of the host system. If the methods are not present the application will still be installed. It is up to the application to handle the absence of the methods appropriately.

    • linux object

      Linux resources on the host system that the application requires or desires access to.

      • user object

        Dynamic user the application shall run as. The username of the dynamic user is determined at installation. If the application requires knowledge of the username it shall use the underlying OS functions to read it. Only one of dynamic user and static user (see acapPackageConf > setup > user) may be specified.

        • groups array

          A list of secondary groups (given as strings) the application user should belong to.

  • acapPackageConf object Required

    An ACAP package configuration object.

    • setup object Required

      ACAP application identification and information settings.

      • appName string Required

        Name of the executable file.

      • appId string

        Application ID (provided by Axis). To retrieve an application ID, contact the Axis Technology Integration Partner Program support

      • embeddedSdkVersion string

        Minimum required SDK version that the device running the application must support. This field must be set to a version less than 3.0 if compatibility with pre-manifest firmware is needed. Otherwise the version should be set to 3.0

      • friendlyName string

        User-friendly package name. The name that will be displayed e.g. in the embedded web pages.

      • user object

        Static user and group the application shall run as. Only one of dynamic user (see resources > linux > user) and static user may be specified.

        • username string Required

          Name of a user already existing on the device, used for application execution and file ownership.

        • group string Required

          Name of a user group already existing on the device, used for application execution.

      • runMode string Required

        If 'respawn' application will be restarted if exited. If 'never' application will never be restarted. If 'once' application will not be restarted if exited but will be restarted on reboot of device if application is running. Possible values: respawn, once, never

      • runOptions string

        Optional application command line options

      • vendor string Required

        The company name of the provider and maintainer of the ACAP application.

      • vendorUrl string

        Link to the vendor home page.

      • version string Required

        The ACAP application version, following the semantic versioning rules.

    • installation object

      ACAP application installation settings

      • postInstallScript string

        Optional script that will be run on the Axis product after ACAP package installation completion. This must be a shell script located in the package root.

    • configuration object

      ACAP application interaction setup.

      • settingPage string

        The name of the main embedded web page of the ACAP application. To be refered to when listing installed ACAP applications. Must be located in directory 'html' relative to application package root.

      • paramConfig array

        A list of parameter configuration objects. It is possible to interact with these parameters using the Parameter API (axparameter), the VAPIX API or from the settings web page of the ACAP application.

        A parameter object.

        • name string Required

          Name of the parameter.

        • default string Required

          Parameter default value.

        • type string Required

          Parameter type definition string.

      • httpConfig array

        A list of web server CGI configuration objects.

        A web server CGI configuration object.

        • type string Required

          CGI implementation type. Possible values: transferCgi, fastCgi

        • name string Required

          CGI path relative to application web root.

        • access string Required

          Access policy for calling the CGI. Possible values: admin, operator, viewer

    • copyProtection object

      ACAP application copy protection utilization

      • method string Required

        Copy protection mechanism. Possible values: none, axis, custom