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The release contains:

Code examples:

Device software:

New additions

  • Documentation on how to enable Developer Mode on an Axis device, that allows to ssh into an Axis device as an ACAP application user has been added. This solution is important for developers from AXIS OS 12.0 when it will not be possible to ssh as root.
  • An example called remote-debug-example has been added to the acap-native-sdk-examples and explains the process of debugging an ACAP application running on an Axis device by using GDB, Visual Studio Code and Developer Mode.
  • The following API has been added to the ACAP Native SDK:
  • A new guide on how to migrate an application from static to dynamic user has been added to the documentation.
  • A new consumable topic for Metadata Broker API is available.


  • The ACAP Service Portal service to sign an ACAP application now verifies the application's manifest.json against the latest manifest schema available, in the same major series, at that point in time.
  • The Metadata Broker API has undergone a breaking change. The symbols on_metadata and mdb_metadata_payload_t have been deprecated and replaced with on_message and mdb_message_payload_t, respectively. Check out the metadata-broker example which has been updated to reflect these changes.
  • The script in the Native SDK now allows specifying an admin user instead of the default root user. Find more details in the build, install, run documentation page.

Bug fixes

  • An issue where the user of an ACAP application could lose its UID during AXIS OS or application upgrade has been fixed in AXIS OS.
  • The OpenCL version in ACAP Native SDK was discovered to have been 3.0.0 since the first SDK release, which is not according to documentation, where 1.2.0 is stated. There should be no functional change between 1.2.0 and 3.0.0 and a fix in AXIS OS has been added where both versions exist to keep backwards compatibility.

Upcoming changes

  • After the next LTS release, the ACAP release version will be aligned with the AXIS OS release version, which means a step for ACAP version from 4.X to 12.0.
  • Security uplift:
    • From AXIS OS 12.0, signing of ACAP applications will be required by default, but can still be disabled with a toggle. Signing is planned to become mandatory in a future AXIS OS release.
    • From AXIS OS 12.0, root-privileged access is removed in AXIS OS.
    • For reference, see the announcement on Axis Developer Community about Removal of root-privileged access and ACAP application signing as default
  • This release is the last for the Computer Vision SDK on armv7hf.

APIs supported in this release

Axis APIChip
Bounding Box APIARTPEC-8, ARTPEC-7, CV25
Edge storage APIARTPEC-8, ARTPEC-7, ARTPEC-6, CV25, i.MX 6SoloX, i.MX 6ULL, S5L, S5
Event APIARTPEC-8, ARTPEC-7, ARTPEC-6, CV25, i.MX 6SoloX, i.MX 6ULL, S5L, S5
License Key APIARTPEC-8, ARTPEC-7, ARTPEC-6, CV25, i.MX 6SoloX, i.MX 6ULL, S5L, S5
Machine learning APIARTPEC-8, ARTPEC-7, CV25, S5L
Metadata Broker APIARTPEC-8, ARTPEC-7, CV25
Parameter APIARTPEC-8, ARTPEC-7, ARTPEC-6, CV25, i.MX 6SoloX, i.MX 6ULL, S5L, S5
Serial port APIARTPEC-8, ARTPEC-7
Video capture APIARTPEC-8, ARTPEC-7, ARTPEC-6, CV25, S5L, S5
Open source APIChip
CurlARTPEC-8, ARTPEC-7, ARTPEC-6, CV25, i.MX 6SoloX, i.MX 6ULL, S5L, S5
FastCGIARTPEC-8, ARTPEC-7, CV25, i.MX 6SoloX, i.MX 6ULL
JanssonARTPEC-8, ARTPEC-7, ARTPEC-6, CV25, i.MX 6SoloX, i.MX 6ULL, S5L, S5
OpenSSLARTPEC-8, ARTPEC-7, ARTPEC-6, CV25, i.MX 6SoloX, i.MX 6ULL, S5L, S5
Special APIChip