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Application project structure


This page contains information relating to an older version of ACAP. See here for the latest version.

An application project contains a combination of mandatory and optional files and directories that are built into an EAP (Embedded Application Package) file with suffix .eap — the ACAP application.

The mandatory files are:

[application name].(c/cpp)Source file/files in C/C++.
LICENSEText file that lists all open source licensed source code distributed with the application.
MakefileDefines how the source code is compiled, includes dependencies and sets compilation error levels.
manifest.json- Defines the application and its configuration.
- Used at installation of the package.
See Create a manifest file from scratch and Create a manifest file from existing package.conf for more information.


  • Use manifest.json for ACAP SDK version 3.3 and later.
  • Use package.conf for ACAP SDK version 3.2 and earlier
  • An ACAP application based on manifest.json is similar to one based on package.conf. The features previously configured using package.conf and special configuration files are now included in manifest.json.

Other optional files and directories to include:

File NameTypeDescriptionlibDirectoryShared libraries custom to the application.Postinstall ScriptShell ScriptExecuted at the installation of the application.Preupgrade ScriptShell ScriptExecuted before upgrading the application, available from firmware version 9.30.

Manifest file

manifest.json defines the application and its configuration.

An ACAP application based on manifest.json is similar to one based on a package.conf. The features previously configured using the package.conf and special configuration files are now included in manifest.json.

Use manifest.json for ACAP SDK version 3.3 and later.


For ACAP applications built using manifest.json, license key handling is supported from firmware version 10.6 and later.

For more information see:

Create a manifest file from scratch

Create a manifest.json file based on the manifest.json schema, see Manifest file schema.

To create the manifest file for a simple Hello Glib ACAP application:

  1. Create a minimal manifest.json file with basic metadata:

    • Friendly name
    • Identifier and binary
    • Vendor name
    • Version


    "friendlyName": "Hello Glib",
    "appName": "hello_glib",
    "vendor": "Axis Communications",
    "version": "2.0.0"
  2. Define how you want the applications to be executed:

    • Running mode - the application keeps running at a reboot.
    • User and group for execution and file ownership, typically the sdk:sdk.
    • If needed, you could also define special start options for the execution of the binary.


    "runMode": "never",
    "user": {
    "group": "sdk",
    "username": "sdk"
  3. Add the required embedded development version on the target device.


    "embeddedSdkVersion": "3.0"
  4. Add any supported CGI endpoints.


    "configuration": {
    "httpConfig": [
    "access": "viewer",
    "name": "example.cgi",
    "type": "transferCgi"

The finished manifest.json

"schemaVersion": "1.3",
"acapPackageConf": {
"setup": {
"friendlyName": "Hello Glib",
"appName": "hello_glib",
"vendor": "Axis Communications",
"version": "2.0.0",
"embeddedSdkVersion": "3.0",
"runMode": "never",
"user": {
"group": "sdk",
"username": "sdk"
"configuration": {
"httpConfig": [
"access": "viewer",
"name": "example.cgi",
"type": "transferCgi"

Create a manifest file from existing package.conf

If there is a package.conf file for the ACAP application project, you can use it to generate an initial manifest.json file.

The easiest way to do this is interactively inside the container. To generate the initial manifest.json file:

  1. Locate tool inside the container, under /opt/axis/acapsdk/axis-acap-manifest-tools.
  2. Run inside your ACAP project (that has an existing package.conf file).

This generates a manifest file based on that configuration. The manifest file should include everything that is needed to build the EAP file.

For help on using packageconf2manifest, run -h.

Manifest file content

The table below shows the package configuration with manifest file, in relationship with the package.conf file.

SettingWith manifest fileIn package conf and filesDescription
Application identifier and main binaryacapPackageConf.
APPNAMEThe name of the application’s executable binary file.
The user friendly name of the applicationacapPackageConf.
A user-friendly package name, to be used by for instance device management software, when referring to the application.
Name of the application vendoracapPackageConf.
VENDORThe name of the vendor that created the application, to be used by for instance device management software, when referring to the vendor. Signing an application requires this field be set to the name you registered with as an Axis Technology Integration Partner.
VENDORHOMEPAGELINKSpecifies a link to the vendor’s homepage, to be used by for instance device management software, when referring to the vendor.
Version for the ACAP applicationacapPackageConf.
APPMAJORVERSIONA numerical value of the application’s major version.
APPMINORVERSIONA numerical value of the application’s minor version.
APPMICROVERSIONA numerical value of the application’s micro version.
User for execution and file ownershipacapPackageConf.
APPUSRThe user that the application will run as. The recommended user is sdk.
Group for execution and file ownershipacapPackageConf.
APPGRPThe group that the application will run as. The recommended group is sdk.
ID of the application in Axis ACAP portalacapPackageConf.
APPIDThe application copy protection identifier. Provided by Axis and required when using Axis copy protection solution.
Application architectureacapPackageConf.
APPTYPEThe automatically generated architecture of the application. For architecture-independent applications, this field can be set to all.
The execution behavior of the applicationacapPackageConf.
STARTMODEDefines how the application is started. Possible values are:
- respawn Once started, the application starts automatically when the system starts (at boot). In case the application crashes, it restarts automatically.
- once Once started, the application starts automatically when the system starts (at boot). In case the application crashes, does not restart.
- never Application does not start or restart automatically.
Special options for binary executionacapPackageConf.
APPOPTSContains the application command-line options (may be empty).
Open source licenses filefile: LICENSEfile: LICENSEA file containing all open source licenses of the application.
Copy protection solutioncopyProtection.methodLICENSEPAGESpecifies if a copy protection solution is used by the application. Possible values are:
- axis Protected by Axis copy protection license solution.
- custom Protected by a custom copy protection license solution, not provided by Axis.
- none Not protected by any license copy protection license solution.
Application specific installation scriptacapPackageConf.
POSTINSTALLSCRIPTA script that runs on the device when the installation is completed.
Required embedded development versionacapPackageConf.
REQEMBDEVVERSIONSpecifies the minimum required embedded development version that the device running the application must support. The version is dependent on the set APIs used in the application.
Application specific setting pageacapPackageConf.
SETTINGSPAGEFILESpecifies the HTML page for custom settings, to be used by for instance device management software, allowing a user to browse the application settings page. The file must be in a directory called html in the application project.
Supported CGI endpointsacapPackageConf.
HTTPCGIPATHS and fileCGI path relative to application web root
HTTPCGIPATHS and fileCGI implementation type, e.g. transferCgi
HTTPCGIPATHS and fileAccess policy for calling the CGI
Product integrated application parametersacapPackageConf.
file: param.confParameter default value
file: param.confName of the parameter
file: param.confParameter type definition string
Application specific web client pagesfolder: html/folder: html/
Application specific dynamically linked librariesfolder: lib/folder: lib/

Manifest file schema

You can find the schema application-manifest-schema-v1.3.json in the acap-sdk Docker image under /opt/axis/acapsdk/axis-acap-manifest-tools/schema/schemas.

SchemaFirmwareSDKDescription basic version fields, mainly for technical reasons uninstall functionality which is required by, for example, docker-compose-acap
1.310.93.5Architecture is automatically generated and added to manifest at packaging step

Discontinued support when using manifest file

The following is no longer supported for an ACAP application, when using manifest file:

  • Pre-upgrade script – Script run before an ACAP application is installed as an upgrade.
  • Forking main process – Forking and demonizing of the ACAP application during start.

Instead of the application forking the main process, the application is started by systemd, which assumes failure if the main process dies, and writes any output to stdout/stderr to the system log.

Package configuration file

The package.conf file is included in the application package and contains variables describing the application. Shell script command reads the contents of package.conf when the application package is created.

Mandatory parameters

Below are descriptions of the mandatory parameters in the package.conf file.

APPGRPThe group that the application will run as. The recommended group is sdk.
APPIDThe application copy protection identifier. Provided by Axis and required when using Axis copy protection solution.
APPMICROVERSIONA numerical value of the application's micro version.
APPMINORVERSIONA numerical value of the application's minor version.
APPMAJORVERSIONA numerical value of the application's major version.
APPNAMEThe name of the application's executable binary file.
APPOPTSContains the application command-line options (may be empty).
APPTYPEThe (generated) architecture for which the package is built.
APPUSRThe user that the application will run as. The recommended user is sdk.
LICENSENAMESpecifies LICENSE file information text.
LICENSEPAGESpecifies if a copy protection solution is used by the application. Possible values are:
- axis Protected by Axis copy protection license solution.
- custom Protected by a custom copy protection license solution, not provided by Axis.
- none Not protected by any license copy protection license solution.
OTHERFILESA space-separated list (may be empty) of other files and/or directories to be included in the package. Files listed here are copied to the application directory during installation. OTHERFILES can be used if separate libraries or configuration files are used by the main program.
PACKAGENAMEA user-friendly package name, to be used by for instance device management software, when referring to the application.
REQEMBDEVVERSION3Specifies the minimum required embedded development version that the device running the application must support. The version is dependent on the set APIs used in the application.
STARTMODEDefines how the application is started. Possible values are:
- respawn Once started, the application starts automatically when the system starts (at boot). In case the application crashes, it restarts automatically.
- once Once started, the application starts automatically when the system starts (at boot). In case the application crashes, does not restart.
- never Application does not start or restart automatically.
VENDORThe name of the vendor that created the application, to be used by for instance device management software, when referring to the vendor. Signing an application requires this field be set to the name you registered with as an Axis Technology Integration Partner.

Optional parameters

Below are descriptions of the optional parameters in the package.conf file.

PREUPGRADESCRIPTA script that runs on the device before upgrading the application, with the purpose of preparing the installed application for the upgrade.
POSTINSTALLSCRIPTA script that runs on the device when the installation is completed.
SETTINGSPAGEFILESpecifies the HTML page for custom settings, to be used by for instance device management software, allowing a user to browse the application settings page. The file must be in a directory called html in the application project.
VENDORHOMEPAGELINKSpecifies a link to the vendor's homepage, to be used by for instance device management software, when referring to the vendor.

License file

The LICENSE file is included in the application package. It shall contain all required open source license information for open source code distributed with the application package.


If LICENSE is empty the build fails.

Local data

Application data such as configuration data and images should in runtime be saved to the localdata directory of the application project's root directory. The localdata directory is owned by APPUSR and the application has write access to it, once installed on a device. All content in the localdata directory remains after an application upgrade.


Avoid continuous writes to localdata as it resides on a flash drive with limited write count per block. Internal wear leveling minimizes the risk of failure, however, it is still strongly recommended to avoid continuous writes.


The available free space is product dependent.


  1. We introduces this field in Schema version 1.3. It’s generated at the build step for architecture-dependent applications and should not be added. For architecture-independent applications, for example, a shell script, the architecture can be set to all in the manifest.json file.

  2. 2.0 for manifest.json schema version 1.0 and earlier (for firmware version 10.5 and earlier). 3.0 for manifest.json schema version 1.1 and later. The minor version may need to be stepped up for certain APIs. See API for more information.

  3. 2.0 if you are using package.conf only (and not manifest.json). The minor version may need to be stepped up for certain APIs. See API for more information.