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Build, install and run the application


This page contains information relating to an older version of ACAP. See here for the latest version.

To build, install and run an ACAP application, use the image in the axisecp/acap-sdk repository. You can use this image in two ways:

To build an application defined by manifest.json, use the acap-build tool, see Build tool.

To build an application defined by package.conf, use the build script, see Build script.

Build script

For applications defined by package.conf, use the build script

The script does the following:

  • Checks that the file package.conf exists and does not contain any errors.
  • Asks for missing or invalid parameters and creates package.conf.
  • Executes make in the current directory to compile the application source code into an application binary file.
  • Creates an EAP (Embedded Application Package) file with suffix .eap including the application binary, HTML files (if any) and configuration files.
  • Creates a copy of LICENSE file.

The created application package filename has the following format:


The created copy of LICENSE filename has the following format:


Build tool

For applications defined by manifest.json, use the build tool acap-build.

The acap-build tool does the following:

  • Runs make, performing any required cross-compilation as defined in the available Makefile.
  • Validates the manifest file against the manifest schema.
  • Generates a package.conf file and related configuration files for backward compatibility.
  • Creates an EAP file including:
    • application executable
    • LICENSE file
    • any available html and lib folder
    • other files listed in the acap-build request
    • generated backward compatibility files

For help on using the build tool, run acap-build -h.

  • If any additional files were previously listed in OTHERFILES in the package.conf file, these need to be listed as input to the acap-build command using the flag -a, for example acap-build ./ -a file1 -a file2.
  • At some point an EAP will be required to be based on a manifest file instead of a package.conf file. For such an ACAP application package to be supported in older firmware, a package.conf file is generated and included in the EAP file. Although it's the manifest file that is the base setup file for the ACAP application when building an EAP package in the SDK.
  • In the next step of introducing manifest file EAP files, systemd will start and stop the ACAP application. It then assumes execution failure if the main process dies, which means that the process must not fork off to a background process.

Configure network proxy settings

With some network requirements, you must run the following script on the Axis device.


# Setup proxy for dockerd

cat >> /etc/systemd/system/sdkrun_dockerd.service <<EOF

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart sdkrun_dockerd


Build, install and run with custom application image

For instructions on how to set up your build, to install, and to run with custom application image, use the Hello World application example shown in Set up and verify the SDK.

Using the custom application image, all the building and packaging is done inside a Docker container. The application is then copied to a custom directory, meaning that the original application project directory is not changed.

The top structure for an ACAP application contains a Dockerfile and a directory called app where the application project files are placed.

To install, start, stop and remove the application, use the device's web interface.

Build, install and run interactively inside container

To be able to work interactively with your application, you can bind mount the application project directory into the container. In this way, you can build and package the application directly in this folder. You may also install, start, stop and remove the application on a device directly from inside the container.

The top structure for an ACAP application contains a directory called, for example app where the application project files are placed.

To run the acap-sdk container interactively and mount the application project, go to the directory that contains app and run:

docker run -v $PWD/app:/opt/app -it hello_world:1.0


  • axisecp/acap-sdk is the Docker Hub repostitory
  • 3.5-armv7hf-ubuntu20.04 is the tag that points out which SDK version and architecture to use
  • -v $PWD/app:/opt/app mounts the host directory $PWD/app into the container directory /opt/app
  • --rm removes the container after closing it
  • -i is to run the container interactively
  • -t which repository tag to use

You should end up in a container with a prompt similar to:


Now you're ready to build and install the application. See Build the application, and Install the application.


The bind mount means that any changes made inside the container on /opt/app will be made to the host directory $PWD/app.

Build the application

Using package.conf (ACAP SDK version 3.2 and earlier)

To build an application stand in the application directory inside the container and run

Using manifest.json (ACAP SDK version 3.3 and later)

To build an application, stand in the application directory inside the container and run the acap-build tool.

Install the application

The SDK helps with installing a built application on the device from a terminal. You can also install application packages, using the device's web interface. But this method is less convenient during application development.

To install a built application on a device, run:

Run the command without any options to get help.

To install a built application on a device, run the following command (you must enter the IP address and the root password of the device the first time): <device-ip> <password> install pass install

The command remembers the device-ip and password after the first successful execution. After this you can simply run: install

You must run the command from the application project directory, see Application project structure.

Start, stop and remove the application

Before you continue, make sure that you have done a first successful execution of shell script command, see Install the application for more information.

To start, stop and remove an installed application, run: [start|stop|remove]

To start an installed application on the device, run: start

Now you can see the status of the application using the device's web interface.

To stop a running application, run: stop

To remove an installed application, run: remove