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It contains:

Code examples for both SDKs:

New features

  • Step up container base images to Ubuntu 22.04

New examples

Custom OpenSSL and curl - This example shows how to build custom versions of OpenSSL and curl from source by using the ACAP Native SDK, and how to bundle them for use in an ACAP application.

Parameter-API in C++ - This example in C++ shows how to use Parameter-API, a service exposed by ACAP Runtime using gRPC to read the values of a set of parameters. Beta

Parameter-API in Python - This example in Python shows how to use Parameter-API, a service exposed by ACAP Runtime using gRPC to read the values of a set of parameters. Beta


ACAP Computer Vision SDK

Supported architectures:


New supported products: 1

See also compatibility information for the complete list of supported products and more product information.


  • Minimum AXIS OS version: 10.12

See Firmware releases for all supported products.


  • All examples using the larod-inference-server container image currently require the following volume mount to be added to the compose file: /usr/acap-root/lib:/host/lib e.g.
- acap_dl-models:/models
- /run/dbus/system_bus_socket:/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
- /usr/acap-root/lib:/host/lib
  • The Parameter-API in Python example is not currently working on aarch64 cameras but is expected to be fixed for next release.


Supported architectures:


Supported products:

  • All products with chipsets: ARTPEC-6, ARTPEC-7, ARTPEC-8, S5 and S5L.

See also compatibility information.


  • Minimum AXIS OS version: 10.12

See Firmware releases for all supported products.

APIs supported in this release

  • Video capture API
  • Machine learning API
  • Overlay API
  • Cairo
  • OpenCL
  • Event API
  • License Key API

Corrections in release notes


  1. The structure of the ACAP Computer Vision SDK compatible products has been updated and are now grouped in product families. As a result, some models have been added. Also, we are only including the new products in the release notes, you can still find the complete list in compatibility information.