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Intercom service

The Intercom service API showcases the different ways to configure and manage the core functionality of the intercom devices.


The intercom service provides the API endpoint /vapix/intercom as well as the websockets endpoints ws:// and wss:// at /vapix/intercomws. The websocket endpoint can be used to both issue API commands and to initiate event notifications in the JSON format.

The intercom service includes the following methods:

  • Configure the access control integration protocol to request access to any compatible device. This can be done by using either OSDP, Wiegand or VAPIX reader connection.
  • Enabling card types.
  • Allowing third-party integrators to configure and control card data processing using the access control integration protocol.
  • Configuring the user interface behavior and API to control the feedback.

The intercom service also defines a number of events for real-time monitoring:

  • Card swipe events using tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Intercom/RFID
  • PIN entry events using tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Intercom/KeyPin
  • Aggregated call state events.

Non normative enums are used to describe possible values and their meaning, together with capabilities listing the supported values on a particular product or firmware.


  • Property: Properties.API.Intercom.Intercom="yes"
  • Property: Properties.API.Intercom.Version="1.1"
  • API Discovery: id=intercom-api
  • API Discovery: id=intercom-reader (for products with a reader)


AccessPointRepresents a reader or reader-door mapping.
ACUAccess Control Unit, i.e. external access control device or door controller, such as AXIS A1001 and AXIS A1601.
RFIDRadio Frequency IDentification. The radio technology used in cards, tags and fobs for identification.
MaskUsed together with readers to disable/filter data from being used with the configured access control integration protocol.
MIFARE®A brand named RFID-based solution for storing credential information on smart cards and keyfobs (RFC tags).
MIFARE® DESFire®A brand named RFID-based solution for storing credential information on smart cards and keyfobs (RFC tags).
Non-normative EnumAn Enum whose values are used as strings to enable future extensions. The type documents the possible values and their meaning, but a capability indicates the supported values, and an ID string type is used instead of the actual enum type when appropriate.
OSDPOpen Supervised Device Protocol. A protocol on top of a 2-wire RS-485 used between the access control system (ACU) and a reader.
PINPersonal Identification Number. The number used to authenticate a user, commonly used with an RFID card.
TagAnother term for a smartcard or keyfob used to store credential information. 
WiegandA protocol widely used in access control systems between a reader and controller (ACU).

Common examples

The majority of examples uses pseudocode to illustrate the intended flow of requests to the Intercom API service, while returning data is shown in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).


API calls can be encoded in either JSON or the key-value format referred to as "simple". Multiple JSON formats are supported, such as JSONRPC 2.0 and Google JSON API.


The original raw JSON format has the following form:

Request ver. 1

"<function>": {

This JSON request can also be made by putting the function-method in the URL: /vapix/intercom/<function>:

Request ver. 2





The JSONRPC 2.0 format has the following form:


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "<function>",
"params": {
"id": <id>


"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"id": <id>


The Google JSON API has a similar structure to JSONRPC 2.0, but uses different parameters. For example, "jsonrpc": "2.0" is replaced by "apiVersion":, "result" is changed to "data" and "id" is replaced by "context".


"apiVersion": "1.0",
"method": "<function>",
"params": {
"context": <id>


"apiVersion": "1.0",
"data": {
"context": <id>


The so called "simple" format flattens the structure to key=value strings, where each level in a structure is separated by an underscore _ when encoding the key.

  • Boolean values are encoded as either true or false, while the NULL value is encoded as null.
  • String values are URL-encoded and may start and end with quotation marks.
  • Array keys are encoded as _index_ starting from 0.

Character sets are neither converted nor validated by the intercom service, but UTF-8 should be used to ensure compatibility with most system.

Simple cURL example

This example shows a couple of configurations requested via cURL.



$ curl --digest "http://root:pass@" -s -d '{"GetConfiguration":{}}'
> {
> "Configuration": {
> "Version": "1.0",
> "CallTriggersEnabled": true,
> "CallByNumbersEnabled": true,
> "DefaultCallByNumberSIPAccountId": "",
> "CardReaderConfiguration": {
> "Protocol": "None",
> "CardTypes": [ "MIFARE_Classic",.. ],
> "WiegandConfiguration": {
> "nbrOfLEDPins": 0,
> "beeper": false,
> "beeperPin": "I3",
> "LED1Pin": "I1",
> "LED2Pin": "I2",
> "LEDColor0": "red",
> "LEDColor1": "green",
> "LEDColor00": "off",
> "LEDColor01": "green",
> "LEDColor10": "red",
> "LEDColor11": "amber",
> "keypressFormat": "FourBit"
> },
> "OSDPConfiguration": {
> "OSDPAddress": 0
> }
> }
> }
> }

cURL Simple


$ curl --digest "http://root:pass@"
# or
$ curl --digest "http://root:pass@"

> Configuration_Version="1.0"
> Configuration_CallTriggersEnabled=true
> Configuration_CallByNumbersEnabled=true
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_Protocol="None"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_CardTypes_0="EM4X02"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_CardTypes_1="HITAG_1_S"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_CardTypes_2="HITAG_2"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_CardTypes_3="EM4X50"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_CardTypes_4="ISOFDX_B"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_CardTypes_5="HID_PROX"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_CardTypes_6="AWID"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_CardTypes_7="MIFARE_Classic"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_CardTypes_8="ISO15693"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_CardTypes_9="HID_ICLASS"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_WiegandConfiguration_nbrOfLEDPins=0
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_WiegandConfiguration_beeper=false
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_WiegandConfiguration_beeperPin="I3"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_WiegandConfiguration_LED1Pin="I1"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_WiegandConfiguration_LED2Pin="I2"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_WiegandConfiguration_LEDColor0="red"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_WiegandConfiguration_LEDColor1="green"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_WiegandConfiguration_LEDColor00="off"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_WiegandConfiguration_LEDColor01="green"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_WiegandConfiguration_LEDColor10="red"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_WiegandConfiguration_LEDColor11="amber"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_WiegandConfiguration_keypressFormat="FourBit"
> Configuration_CardReaderConfiguration_OSDPConfiguration_OSDPAddress=0
> ...


A faulty request, such as missing required information or containing parameters the service doesn’t recognize will always return an error response, typically done with an HTTP 400 Bad request code unless the fault was over a websocket connection.

The error response also contains additional information. Typical FaultCodes for this API might be ter:TagMismatch, ter:InvalidArgVal or ter:InvalidArgs.

TagMismatch error

"Fault": "env:Sender",
"FaultCode": "ter:TagMismatch",
"FaultSubCode": null,
"FaultReason": "Tag mismatch",
"FaultMsg": "JSON parse error: axdsapi:CardReaderConfiguration - Unhandled field: 'WrongField' at pos 66 {WrongField.."

Simple format error

FaultReason="Tag mismatch"
FaultMsg="JSON parse error: axdsapi:CardReaderConfiguration - Unhandled field: 'WrongField' at pos 66 {WrongField.."

JSON formatted InvalidArgVal error

"Fault": "env:Sender",
"FaultCode": "ter:InvalidArgVal",
"FaultSubCode": null,
"FaultReason": "Invalid argument",
"FaultMsg": "BeeperVolume should be <= 100"

Google JSON formatted InvalidArgVal error

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "context1602748757.259225",
"error": {
"code": -32700,
"message": "BeeperVolume should be <= 100",
"errors": [
"domain": "env:Sender",
"reason": "Invalid argument",
"message": "BeeperVolume should be <= 100",
"location": "ter:InvalidArgVal"

JSONRPC2.0 formatted InvalidArgVal error

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"error": {
"code": -32700,
"message": "BeeperVolume should be <= 100",
"data": {
"Fault": "env:Sender",
"FaultCode": "ter:InvalidArgVal",
"FaultSubCode": null,
"FaultReason": "Invalid argument",
"FaultMsg": "BeeperVolume should be <= 100"
"id": "id1602750260"

Configure reader integration protocols

Use this example to build the RFID reader together with an external Access control system. Please note that you need to configure which protocol to use if the controller doesn’t connect to the device and subscribes to integration events on its own.

The following code showcase two different ways to configure the OSDP reader integration protocol:

get_response = intercom.GetConfiguration()
config = get_response['CardReaderConfiguration']
config['Protocol'] = 'OSDP'
"UpdateConfiguration": {
"Configuration": {
"CardReaderConfiguration": {
"Protocol": "OSDP"

Configure card types

Use this example to configure the card types by setting the CardTypes list in the CardReaderConfiguration. This should contain the desired card formats. Card formats not used by a site should be disabled, both from a security and performance perspective.

To find out what Card types that are supported on your device, you need to check GetSupportedTagTypes or GetServiceCapabilities.

See Enumeration: CardTypeNames enum for a list of possible values.

The following code is used to check for supported cards and configure the Card types:

supported_cards = intercom.GetSupportedTagTypes()
config = intercom.GetConfiguration()
enabledcards = config.CardReaderConfiguration.CardTypes

// Remove all LowFrequency cards from enabledcards list:
for cardtype in supported_cards {
if (cardtype.Category == 'LowFrequency') {
// Set the modified list of enabled CardTypes
config.CardReaderConfiguration.CardTypes = enabledcards

The following codes showcases how you can change the card types. Both uses the UpdateConfiguration method, while the second one also includes the use of an URL:

POST to /vapix/intercom
"UpdateConfiguration": {
"Configuration": {
"CardReaderConfiguration": {
"CardTypes": ["MIFARE_Classic"]
POST to /vapix/intercom/UpdateConfiguration
"Configuration": {
"CardReaderConfiguration": {
"CardTypes": ["MIFARE_Classic"]

Configure PIN setting

Use this example to change the Pin settings and timeout. To do this, you need to call the UpdateConfiguration method and include the fields you wish to modify.

Configure the PIN settings

// Start with an empty config object:
config = {}
config.CardReaderConfiguration = {}
config.CardReaderConfiguration.PinConfiguration = {}
// Only update these fields:
config.CardReaderConfiguration.PinConfiguration.pinLength = 6
config.CardReaderConfiguration.PinConfiguration.pinTimeout = 20

Change the PIN length and timeout

"UpdateConfiguration": {
"Configuration": {
"CardReaderConfiguration": {
"PinConfiguration": {
"pinLength": 6,
"pinTimeout": 20

Third party integration

Use this example to configure your device so that a third party application can validate a card swipe before the card data gets sent over a configured reader protocol.

This involves:

  • Configuring the device to mask the internal reader. This is done by issuing a UpdateConfiguration or RegisterReader call.
  • Subscribing to the RFID events and calling GetLastTag and GetLastKeySequence to retrieve sensitive data.
  • Calling the InjectTag, InjectKeySequence and SetUiFeedback methods.

The following code showcases how to validate the RFID data before sending it to a controller:

if (fixed) {
config = {}
config.CardReaderConfiguration.RegisteredReaderConfiguration.ReaderIds = ["ADP"]
config.CardReaderConfiguration.RegisteredReaderConfiguration.Policy = "Fixed"
Timeout = intercom.RegisterReader(Readerid="ADP", DisableInternalReader = true, UnmaskIfLost = false)
// Subscribe to events, using RTSP metadata streaming, ONVIF PullPoint subscription or
// events in JSON over websocket:
// Using websocket endpoint /vapix/intercomws:

// Subscribe to event topics and functions: Send axev:subscribe with style = "ttMessage",
// topics=["Device/Intercom/RFID", "Device/Intercom/KeyPin"],
// functions = ["axev:notify", "axdsapi:SetUiFeedback"]
"apiVersion": "1.0",
"method": "axev:subscribe",
"params": {
"style": "ttMessage",
"functions": [
"topics": ["Device\/Intercom\/RFID", "Device\/Intercom\/KeyPin"]
"id": "firstsubscribe"
device.websocket.on_message_handler = handle_websocket_message

msg = json2object(json_msg)
if (msg.method == 'axev:notify')
for notification in msg.params.notifications {
if (notification.topic == "tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Intercom/RFID") {
// Only process if Source with name Source is Internal
source = SimpleItem_lookup(, "Source")
if (source == "Internal") {
UID = SimpleItem_lookup(, "UID")
// Take snapshot, lookup UID on own database or whatever is needed
result = partner_validation(UID)
// result is expected to contain a combination of InjectTag, InjectKey and feedback
if (result.injecttag) {
// Card is valid, call InjectTag, based on the notification, possibly with a prefix.

BitCount = SimpleItem_lookup (, "BitCount")
// Possibly prefix the UID with additional hex data, e.g. 0xFACE
if (result.prefix != "") {
UID = result.prefix + UID
BitCount = BitCount + strlen(result.prefix)*4
send_InjectTag("ADP", UID, BitCount)
if (result.injectkey != '') {
// injectkey should end with # to make it a PIN code, or C to issue a call.
send_InjectKeySequence("ADP", result.injectkey)
if ( {
// Send some feedback, e.g. 'AccessDenied'

send_InjectTag(external_readerid, UID, BitCount)
"apiVersion": "1.0",
"method": "InjectTag",
"params": {
"Tag": {
"TagUid": "' + UID + '",
"BitCount": ' + BitCount + ',
"ReaderId": "' + external_readerid + '"
"id": "clientInjectTag"

send_InjectKeySequence(source, keys)
"apiVersion": "1.0",
"method": "InjectKeySequence",
"params": {
"KeySequence": "' + keys + '",
"Source": "' + source + '"
"id": "clientInjectKeySequence"

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"method": "SetUiFeedback",
"params": {
"highlevelFeedbacks": ['+feedback+']
"id": "clientSetUiFeedback"

By using UpdateConfiguration, you will be able to change RegisteredReaderConfiguration with Google JSON:

POST to /vapix/intercom (or send to ws://ip/vapix/intercomws)
"apiVersion": "1.0",
"method": "UpdateConfiguration",
"params": {
"Configuration": {
"CardReaderConfiguration": {
"RegisteredReaderConfiguration": {
"ReaderIds": ["ADP"],
"Policy": "Fixed"
"context": "updateRegisteredReaderConfig"

By using this code, you will be able to use the RFID event notification over a websocket:

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"method": "axev:notify",
"params": {
"notifications": [
"topic": "tns1:Device\/tnsaxis:Intercom\/RFID",
"timestamp": "2020-10-04T11:30:08.885643Z",
"data": {
"Source": {
"SimpleItem": [
"Name": "Source", "Value": "Internal"
"Data": {
"SimpleItem": [
"Name": "UIDFormat", "Value": "Raw"
"Name": "TagType", "Value": "MIFARE_Classic"
"Name": "BitCount", "Value": "32"
"Name": "UID", "Value": "C0DE1234"

API specifications

Common data types


Identifies a structure.

Base type: String (maxLength=64, minLength=0)


The type used for names of logical and/or physical entities.

Base type: String (maxLength=64, minLength=0)


An attribute containing a name and a value.

"Name": "anAttributeName",
"Value": "anAttributeValue"
NameStringThe attribute name.
ValueStringThe value of the attribute.


Contains the attribute description.

"Name": "anAttributeName",
"Value": "anAttributeValue",
"Type": "string"
NameStringThe attribute name.
ValueStringThe attribute value.
TypeStringThe attribute type (bool = boolean, int = integer, string)

Card reader specific types


Description of a card type. See Service capabilities for a complete list of cards supported by the products.

"Name": "MIFARE_Classic",
"DisplayName": "MIFARE Classic",
"Category": "HighFrequency",
"DataSources": [ "CSN", "Data",.. ]
NameIdThe card type identifier. See Enumeration: CardTypeNames for possible values.
DisplayNameIdThe UI-friendly name.
CategoryIdThe category. See Enumeration: CardTypeCategory for possible values.
DataSourcesId arrayThe list of data sources that are supported. See Enumeration: CardDataSources for possible values.

Enumeration: CardTypeCategory

The different categories a CardType may have.

HighFrequency13.56 MHz card type
LowFrequency125 kHz card type

Enumeration: CardTypeNames

The known card types.

See ServiceCapabilities or use GetSupportedTagTypes for a list of card types your device supports.

MIFARE_ClassicMIFARE Classic®
MIFARE_UltralightMIFARE Ultralight®
ISO14443BISO 14443-B
ISO15693ISO 15693
BLEBluetooth Low Energy

Enumeration: KeypressOutputFormat

The possible values that describes how the PIN is formatted when it is sent to the access control device.

See ServiceCapabilities for values supported by your product.

FourBitPIN "1234" becomes 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 on the wire.
EightBitZeroPaddedPIN "1234" becomes 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 on the wire.
EightBitInvertPaddedPIN "1234" becomes 0xE1 0xD2 0xC3 0xB4 on the wire.
Wiegand26PIN is encoded in Wiegand26 format with an 8 bit facility code and a 16 bit ID.
Wiegand34PIN is encoded in Wiegand34 format with a 16 bit facility code and a 16 bit ID.
Wiegand37PIN is encoded in Wiegand37 format (H10302) with a 35 bit data ID.
Wiegand37FacilityCodePIN is encoded in Wiegand37 format (H10304) with a 16 bit facility code and a 19 bit ID.

Enumeration: CardOutputFormat

The possible values that describes how card data is formatted when it is sent to the access control device.

See Service capabilities for values supported by your product.

RawThe card data is transmitted as is.
Wiegand26The card data is encoded in Wiegand26 format with an 8 bit facility code and a 16 bit ID.
Wiegand34The card data is encoded in Wiegand34 format with a 16 bit facility code and a 16 bit ID.
Wiegand37The card data is encoded in Wiegand37 format (H10302) with a 35 bit data ID.
Wiegand37FacilityCodeThe card data is encoded in Wiegand37 format (H10304) with a 16 bit facility code and a 19 bit ID.
CustomUse the OutputFormatConfiguration option as described in CustomOutputFormatConfiguration.

Enumeration: FacilityCodeOverrideMode

The possible modes of overriding the facility code.

See ServiceCapabilities for values supported by your product.

AutoOverrides will not be performed and creates a facility code from the input data auto detection: Either use the card’s original facility code or forge it from excess bits of a card number. This is the default option.
OptionalUses the facility code from the input data, otherwise overrides with a configured value (optional).
OverrideAlways overrides with a specified FacilityCode.

Enumeration: ParityType

The possible parity bit types.

See ServiceCapabilities for values supported by your product.

NoneParity bit does not exist.
EvenThe parity bit is even.
OddThe parity bit is odd.
Fix0The parity bit is always zero.
Fix1The parity bit is always one.


Defines the custom parameters for when the cardFormat is "Custom". This part defines the format if no other value in the CardOutputFormat can be used.

"facilityCodeSize": 8,
"cardNumberSize": 16,
"startParity": "Even",
"startParityBits": 12,
"stopParity": "Odd",
"stopParityBits": 12
facilityCodeSizeIntegerThe size of the facility code.
cardNumberSizeIntegerThe size of the card number.
startParityIdThe start parity bit type. See Enumeration: ParityType for possible values. Default value is None.See SupportedParityType in ServiceCapabilities for values supported by your product.
startParityBitsIntegerThe number of data bits used to calculate the start parity, counted from the first data bit.
stopParityIdThe stop parity bit type. See Enumeration: ParityType for possible values. Default value is None.See SupportedParityType in ServiceCapabilities for values supported by your product.
stopParityBitsIntegerThe number of data bits used to calculate the stop parity, counted backwards from the last data bit.


Defines how the card data is configured and sent to the output.

See ServiceCapabilities for values supported by cardFormat and cardFacilityCodeOverrideMode.

"cardFormat": "Raw",
"cardFacilityCodeOverrideMode": "Auto",
"cardFacilityCode": 0,
"Custom": {
cardFormatIdHow the card data is formatted. See Enumeration: CardOutputFormat for possible values. See SupportedCardOutputFormat in ServiceCapabilities for supported values. The default value is Raw, which means that all fields that follows after this one is disregarded.
cardFacilityCodeOverrideModeIdSee Enumeration: FacilityCodeOverrideMode for supported values. Default value is Auto. See SupportedFacilityCodeOverrideMode in ServiceCapabilities for supported values.
cardFacilityCodeIntegerThe facility code to override the card in cases where the override mode is set to either Optional or Override. The maximum value depends on the card format that is selected: 255 for Wiegand26 (8 bits), 65535 for Wiegand34 and Wiegand37FacilityCode (16 bits).
CustomSee CustomOutputFormatConfigurationThe custom parameters in cases were cardFormat is "Custom".

Enumeration: IOPinName

The possible names for the general IO pins.

See ServiceCapabilities for values supported by your product.

I1I/O 1
I2I/O 2
I3I/O 3
I4I/O 4

Enumeration: AccesscontrolIntegrationProtocol

The different ways that the device can communicate with an access control system.

See ServiceCapabilities for values supported by your product.

NoneNo protocol selected.
IPAccessVAPIX Reader over IP, see Enumeration: IPIntegrationProtocol for more information.
OSDPOSDP over RS485.

Enumeration: ColorName

The different color strings that may be supported by your device.

Colors may also be specified in #RRGGBB format for arbitrary color (if supported by the device).

See ServiceCapabilities for values supported by your product.



Defines the configuration used for the Wiegand output to change the LED and beeper. All fields are optional and will keep their existing value if nothing is set.

"nbrOfLEDPins": 3,
"beeper": true,
"beeperPin": "I1",
"LED1Pin": "I2",
"LED2Pin": "I3",
"pulseWidth": 40,
"pulseInterval": 2000,
"frameInterval": 25000,
"LEDColorDefault": "off",
"LEDColor0": "red",
"LEDColor1": "green",
"LEDColor00": "off",
"LEDColor01": "red",
"LEDColor10": "green",
"LEDColor11": "amber",
"keypressFormat": "FourBit",
"keypressFacilityCode": 0
nbrOfLEDPinsIntegerThe number of LED control pins that is connected to the access control system. 0, 1 or 2 are supported.
beeperBooleanTrue if a beeper control line is connected to the device.
beeperPinIdThe I/O input pin that the beeper is connected to. See Enumeration: IOPinName for additional information.
LED1PinIdThe I/O input pin that the LED1 is connected to (normally green or red/green). See Enumeration: IOPinName for additional information.
LED2PinIdThe I/O input pin that the LED2 is connected to (normally red). See Enumeration: IOPinName for additional information.
pulseWidthIntegerThe time of the data pulse, measured in µs. Min: 20, Max: 100, Default: 40.
pulseIntervalIntegerThe time between data pulses, measured in µs. Min: 200, Max: 20000, Default: 2000.
frameIntervalIntegerThe minimum time between data transfers, measured in µs. Min: 20000, Max: 1000000, Default: 25000.
LEDColorDefaultIdThe color that is shown if no wires are connected (i.e. nbrOfLEDPins=0). See Enumeration: ColorName for accepted colors or use #RRGGBB format for arbitrary colors.
LEDColor0IdThe color when 1 LED control wire is connected and the state is 0, typically red. See Enumeration: ColorName for accepted colors or use #RRGGBB format for arbitrary colors.
LEDColor1IdThe color when 1 LED control wire is connected and the state is 1, typically green. See Enumeration: ColorName for accepted colors or use #RRGGBB format for arbitrary colors.
LEDColor00IdThe color when 2 LED control wires are connected and the state is 00, typically off. See Enumeration: ColorName for accepted colors or use #RRGGBB format for arbitrary colors.
LEDColor01IdThe color when 2 LED control wires are connected and the state is 01, (LED1 is 1 and LED2 is 0), typically red. See Enumeration: ColorName for accepted colors or use #RRGGBB format for arbitrary colors.
LEDColor10IdThe color when 2 LED control wires are connected and the state is 10, (LED1 is 0 and LED2 is 1), typically green. See Enumeration: ColorName for accepted colors or use #RRGGBB format for arbitrary colors.
LEDColor11IdThe color when 2 LED control wires are connected and the state is 11, (LED1 is 1 and LED2 is 1), typically amber. See Enumeration: ColorName for accepted colors or use #RRGGBB format for arbitrary colors.
keypressFormatIdThe PIN code format. See Enumeration: KeypressOutputFormat and Service capabilities for additional information and supported values. Default value is FourBit.
keypressFacilityCodeIntegerThe facility code to override the PIN code (default is 0). Maximum value depends on the keypress format: 255 for Wiegand26 (8 bits), 65535 for Wiegand34 and Wiegand37FacilityCode (16 bits).


Defines the configuration options for the Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP).

"OSDPAddress": 0
OSDPAddressIntegerThe OSDP PD address (i.e. client). Min=0, Max=126, Default=0.


Defines the configuration options for PIN length and timeout. The PIN configuration should match the one set in the Access Control Unit.

"pinLength": 4,
"pinTimeout": 10
pinLengthIntegerThe number of digits in the PIN code. Min=0 (PIN is disabled), Max=32, Default=4. This parameter should match the Access control unit configuration.
pinTimeoutIntegerThe number of seconds that should pass before the device goes back to idle mode when no PIN is received. Min=1, Max=60, Default=10. This parameter should match the Access control unit configuration.


Defines the configuration options for the Axis Request Access protocol. The name is derived from Target and Source unless present in the AccessPoint. See IPAccessConfiguration for additional information.

"Name": "Door - Reader Entrance A8207",
"Id": "e6608ad31a480904f9646e936cc8e86a",
"Address": "",
"AccessControllerToken": "Axis-00408c184be0+AccessController",
"SourceToken": "Axis-00408c184be0:1581679815.571711000",
"TargetToken": "Axis-00408c184be0:1581679815.080670000",
"AccessPointToken": "Axis-00408c184be0:1581679823.844035000"
NameStringThe Nicename of the Access point.
IdStringThe internal ID of the RequestAccess (Access point) configuration.
AddressStringThe address used to access the correct controller.
AccessControllerTokenStringThe access controller token that should be accessed.
SourceTokenStringThe source token that should be used (Reader / IdPoint).
TargetTokenStringThe target token that should be used (Door).
AccessPointTokenStringThe AccessPoint token that should be used.

Enumeration: IPIntegrationProtocol

The supported IP integration protocols. See IPAccessConfiguration for additional information.

NoneNo protocol is selected.
RequestAccessAxis RequestAccess.
RemoteActivityAxis Indicated RemoteActivity.

Enumeration: IPAccessScheme

The supported IP integration transport protocols.

httpsEncrypted HTTP.
httpUnencrypted HTTP.


Configuration options for IP based access control integration. See IP Access configuration for additional information.

"Scheme": "https",
"Address": "",
"Username": "a8207userOnA1601",
"Password": "a8207passwordOnA1601",
"VerifyCertificate": true,
"IPProtocol": "RemoteActivity",
"RequestAccessConfiguration": {
SchemeStringThe scheme that should be used (optional). See Enumeration: IPAccessScheme for additional information.
AddressStringThe address that access the controller. A typical address is hostname[:port].
UsernameStringThe username.
PasswordStringThe password.
VerifyCertificateBooleanAn option to disable the certificate verification. Default value is true.
IPProtocolStringThe protocol that should be used (optional). See Enumeration: IPIntegrationProtocol for additional information.
RequestAccessConfigurationRequestAccessConfigurationThe protocol specific configuration.


Contains the card reader compatibility options, which makes it possible to extend the configuration options without changing the configuration structures.

"CompatibilityConfigs": [
CompatibilityConfigsAttribute arrayA list of compatibility configuration values. See ServiceCapabilities for additional information.


Configurations for the card reader functionality, such as the integration protocol, what card types to enable, etc. All fields are optional, meaning that their current value will be kept unless specified in a SetConfiguration or UpdateConfiguration request.

"Protocol": "Wiegand",
"CardTypes": [
"WiegandConfiguration": {
"OSDPConfiguration": {
"PinConfiguration": {
"IPAccessConfiguration": {
"CompatibilityConfiguration": {
"CardDataConfigs": [
"RegisteredReaderConfiguration": {
"OutputFormat": {
"SensitiveRFIDEventEnabled": false,
"SensitivePINEventEnabled": false
ProtocolIdThe protocol that should be used. See Enumeration: AccesscontrolIntegrationProtocol for additional information.
CardTypesId arrayA list of card types that should be accepted. See Enumeration: CardTypeNames for capabilities and possible values.
WiegandConfigurationWiegandConfigurationThe Wiegand configuration.
OSDPConfigurationOSDPConfigurationThe OSDP configuration.
PinConfigurationPinConfigurationThe PIN configuration.
IPAccessConfigurationIPAccessConfigurationThe IPAccessConfiguration.
CompatibilityConfigurationCompatibilityConfigurationCompatibility flags.
CardDataConfigsCardDataConfig arrayLists different ways to extract CardData (optional).
RegisteredReaderConfigurationRegisteredReaderConfigurationSpecifies how the clients (typically an application or 3rd party solutions) are allowed to use InjectTag.
OutputFormatOutputFormatConfigurationSpecifies how the card data should be formatted.
SensitiveRFIDEventEnabledBooleanTrue if the actual UID and card number is present in events.
SensitivePINEventEnabledBooleanTrue if the actual PIN is present in events.


The type used for the UID of a tag.

Base type: String (maxLength=64, minLength=0)


Describes the tag together with the metadata.

"TagUid": "CA4DDA7A",
"BitCount": 32,
"TagType": "MIFARE_Classic",
"ReaderId": "Internal",
"Age": 1,
"FacilityCode": "",
"CardNumber": "",
"Format": "Raw",
"Masked": true
TagUidTagUidTypeThe UID of the tag. ASCII encoded hex value (32 bytes max). Data is right justified.
BitCountIntegerThe number of bits in TagUid.
TagTypeIdIdentifies the tag type, e.g. MIFARE_Classic. See Enumeration: CardTypeNames for additional information.
ReaderIdIdThe ID of the reader. "Internal" is the default name for the built-in reader, but this can be set with an InjectTag call.
AgeIntegerHow much time has passed since the tag was presented, measured in seconds.
FacilityCodeIdThe facility code in decimals. Should be less than 64 bit number. Null or "" means that the facility code is unavailable.
CardNumberIdThe card number in decimals. Should be less than 64 bit number. Null or "" means that the card number is unavailable.
FormatIdThe detected card data format. Default value is Raw. See CardOutputFormat and SupportedCardOutputFormat in ServiceCapabilities for supported values.
MaskedBooleanTrue if the reader is masked. Default value is false.


Defines the structure that holds the data chunk extracted from an RFID card.


"name": "string",
"bitCount": 0,
"byteCount": 0,
"data": "hexBinary"
nameStringThe name of the data chunk, copied from the corresponding configuration. See CardDataConfig.
bitCountIntegerThe number of valuable data bits, its size not necessarily rounded to whole bytes. The valuable data is left-justified.
byteCountIntegerThe number of bytes that holds this data chunk (bitCount <= byteCount * 8
datahexBinaryThe data chunk.

Enumeration: CardDataSources

Defines the possible data sources. All card types supports CSN (Card serial number), but other sources may be possible depending on the card type.

CSNUses Card serial number (CSN) as the input.
SecureIdUses the secure ID as the input, e.g. iClass PAC bits or MIFARE DESFire SecureId when configured for Random Id.
DataUses data retrieved as the input.


Defines a configuration describing how to extract a specific data chunk from an RFID card. It contains both addresses required to find the data and the credentials to access them. Please note that credentials are sensitive data and should be handled with care.


"name": "referring",
"cardType": "EM4X02",
"datSource": "CSN",
"enabled": true,
"required": true,
"useAsUid": true,
"offsetByte": 0,
"lengthInBytes": 0,
"offsetBits": 0,
"lengthInBits": 0,
"attributes": [
"DESFireEncryption": {
"MifareClassicEncryption": {
"MifareULEncryption": {
nameIdA unique identifier for this configuration, typically referring to the meaning of a specific data chunk. Examples include face template, fingerprint, employee_id, etc. The CardData structure which contains the extracted data will also be identified by this name.
cardTypeIdThe card type this configuration is valid for. See Enumeration: CardTypeNames.
dataSourceIdThe data source that should be used. See Enumeration: CardDataSources (default value is CSN.
enabledBooleanTrue if CardDataConfig is enabled. A disabled config is still part of the configuration, but will not be used for data extraction.
requiredBooleanIf true and extracting data failed, the call will fail and the swipe be ignored. If false, a failed extraction will not include the data chunk in the response. Typically used in combination with useAsUid
useAsUidBooleanIf true the extracted data is used to replace the original UID. If there are more CardDataConfigs with this setting, the data chunks will be joined (concatenated).
offsetByteIntegerOptional offset (default value is 0).
lengthInBytesIntegerOptional number of bytes to read (default 0 = all).
offsetBitsIntegerOptional offset in bits (default value is 0).
lengthInBitsIntegerOptional number of bits to read (default 0 = all). If both bytes and bits are specified, they will sum up (bytes*8+bits).
attributesAttribute arrayList of additional config for future use.
DESFireEncryptionDESFireEncryptionMIFARE DESFire specific credentials and addressing. Only used if cardType=MIFARE_DESFire.
MifareClassicEncryptionMifareClassicEncryptionMIFARE Classic specific credentials and addressing. Only used if cardType=MIFARE_Classic.
MifareULEncryptionMifareULEncryptionMIFARE Ultralight specific credentials and addressing. Only used if cardType=MIFARE_Ultralight.


Key used for encryption. Typically provided as hexadecimal values.

Base type: String ()

Enumeration: KeyFormat

The format of a key. Some keys need to be protected (encrypted) and not exposed in plaintext to the user in order to protect sensitive key material.

PlaintextKey is provided in plain hexadecimal format.
ProtectedKey is provided in protected hexadecimal format.

Enumeration: DESFireKeyType

The key and authentication types for MIFARE DESFire.

Compatible_3DESDES/3DES in Compatible mode.
EV1_3DESDES/3DES in EV1 mode,
EV1_3K3DES3Key 3DES in EV1 mode.
EV1_AESAES in EV1 mode.

Enumeration: DESFireCommMode

The different communication modes for a file in a MIFARE DESFire card.

AutoWill be deduced from file settings when reading.
PlainPlain data.
Plain_MACedPlain data with MAC check.


MIFARE DESFire specific credentials and addressing configuration. Credentials are used to access the data. Addressing is used to point out the data location within the card.


"AID": "hexBinary",
"keyFormat": "Plaintext",
"key": "Key",
"keyType": "Compatible_3DES",
"commMode": "Auto",
"keyNbr": 0,
"fileNbr": 0
AIDhexBinaryMIFARE DESFire application ID, with a 3 bytes Little endian first. Common for credentials and addressing.
keyFormatEnumeration: KeyFormatFormat of the key. See Enumeration: KeyFormat for additional information.
keyKeyMIFARE DESFire key. 16 bytes for 3DES and AES, 24 bytes for 3K3DES. Used as credential.
keyTypeEnumeration: DESFireKeyTypeThe MIFARE DESFire key type. Used as credential.
commModeEnumeration: DESFireCommModeThe MIFARE DESFire communication mode. Used as credential.
keyNbrIntegerKey number 0–13, 0 is the main key. Used as credential.
fileNbrIntegerMIFARE DESFire file number 0–31. Used as addressing.


MIFARE Classic specific credentials and addressing configuration. The credentials are used to access the data, addressing to point out the data location within the card.


  • A field of CardDataConfig that is only used if cardType=MIFARE_Classic.
  • The total offset depends on the startSector, startBlock and offset.
  • For a MIFARE Classic card, sectors 0–31 have 4 blocks, while sectors 32–39 have 16 blocks each available only on 4 K cards.
  • Each block is 16 bytes.
  • The total offset must be less than 4096 bytes and total offset + length can only be up to 4096 bytes.
"keyAFormat": "Plaintext",
"keyA": "Key",
"keyBFormat": "Plaintext,
"keyB": "Key",
"startSector": 0,
"startBlock": 0,
"skipLastBlockInSector": true
keyAFormatKeyFormatFormat of keyA. See Enumeration: KeyFormat for additional information.
keyAKeyMIFARE Key A, 6 bytes. Used as credential.
keyBFormatKeyFormatFormat of keyB. See Enumeration: KeyFormat for additional information.
keyBKeyMIFARE Key B, 6 bytes. Used as credential.
startSectorIntegerOptional start for sectors 0–39. Default value is 0. Used as addressing.
startBlockIntegerOptional start for blocks 0–15. Default value is 0. Used as addressing.
skipLastBlockInSectorBooleanSkips the last block of the sector. Used as addressing.


MIFARE Ultralight specific credentials configuration only for Ultralight C. Credentials are used to access the data. No addressing is necessary, since the UL uses one single continuous block of data.

"keyFormat": "Plaintext",
"key": "Key"
keyFormatKeyFormatThe key format. See Enumeration: KeyFormat for additional information.
keyKeyOptional 16 byte key for MIFARE Ultralight C. Used as credential, but only for Ultralight C.

Enumeration: RegisteredReaderPolicy

The possible policy values that control masking of newly registered readers.

FixedIgnores masking so that only defined ReaderIds in the RegisteredReaderConfiguration are allowed to send an InjectTag to the Access control.
AutoThe default value that accepts the masking request provided by the application readers. Masking is provided in the RegisterReader call.


Specifies how the clients (usually an application or third party solution) are allowed to use the InjectTag.

"ReaderIds": [ "Internal",.. ],
"Policy": "Auto"
ReaderIdsId arrayLists the readers that are allowed to send an InjectTag to the access control integration using Protocol. The default value is Internal. This can only be done when Policy is Fixed. See Enumeration: RegisteredReaderPolicy for additional information.
PolicyIdThe policy that should be used. See Enumeration: RegisteredReaderPolicy for additional information.

Enumeration: IntercomReaderIds

Defines the reserved reader ID:s provided by the device.

InternalThe built-in reader.


Shows if the reader is masked or not.

"readerId": "Internal",
"isMasked": true
readerIdIdThe ID of the reader that can be both the ID for a third-party integration or Internal (see Enumeration: IntercomReaderIds).
isMaskedBooleanTrue if the reader is masked so that card data is not sent using the configured protocol.


Configurations of the call button functionality.

"callButtonKeyTrigger": "C",
"suppressionTimeout": 2,
"suppressionMode": "Timeout"

callButtonKeyTriggerStringThe call button, represented by the letter ‘C‘ in the API.
suppressionTimeoutIntegerThe number of seconds that the call button should be suppressed. Default: 1.
suppressionModeStringSee Enumeration: SuppressionMode.

Enumeration: SuppressionMode

NoneThe call button is always available to end the call.
TimeoutThe call button is only available to end the call after a specified period has passed.
NeverHangUpThe call button is disabled to end the call. Only the recipient can end the call.

Service capabilities

The GetServiceCapabilities call can be used to retrieve the capabilities of a service, such as extensions and product specific capabilities and implementation methods.


Assigns min/max values to an integer, allowing client side validation of the user input.

"Name": "pinLength",
"Min": 0,
"Max": 32
NameIdIdentifies the integer in the configuration.
MinIntegerMinimum value of the integer.
MaxIntegerMaximum value of the integer.

Enumeration: CompatibilityFlag

The available CompatibilityConfig names used in Attribute and AttributeInfo for the CompatibilityConfiguration and ServiceCapabilities.

ByteReversalReverses the byte order for UUID (all card types and bit lengths).
Max32bitUses maximum 32 bits of the UUID (all card types and bit lengths).


Reflects the optional, static functionality of a service that won’t change when a device is active.

"Version": "string",
"Call": true,
"DTMFEvent": true,
"CallButton": true,
"CallKeypad": true,
"PinKeypad": true,
"Reader": true,
"uiLeds": [
"AccesscontrolIntegrationProtocols": [
"SupportedCards": [
"SupportedIOPins": [
"SupportedColorNames": [
"IntegerValidators": [
"CompatibilityConfigs": [
"SupportedKeypressOutputFormatWiegand": [
"SupportedCardOutputFormat": [
"SupportedFacilityCodeOverrideMode": [
"SupportedParityType": [
"SupportedCallButtonIdleBehavior": [
"SupportedDefaultContactSorting": [
"SupportedDefaultNameFormat": [
VersionStringThe service version.
CallBooleanTrue if Call is supported.
DTMFEventBooleanTrue if DTMFEvent operations are supported.
CallButtonBooleanTrue if Callbutton is available.
CallKeypadBooleanTrue if a keypad is available for calling.
PinKeypadBooleanTrue if a keypad is available for PIN entry.
ReaderBooleanTrue if your device has a reader.
uiLedsUiLed arrayLists all LED-lights available on your system.
AccesscontrolIntegrationProtocolsId arrayLists the communication protocols with supported access controller. See Enumeration: AccesscontrolIntegrationProtocol for possible values.
SupportedCardsCardType arrayLists supported card types.
SupportedIOPinsId arrayLists supported I/O pins. See Enumeration: IOPinName for possible values.
SupportedColorNamesId arrayLists supported color names. See Enumeration: ColorName for possible values.
IntegerValidatorsIntegerValidator arrayLists limits for integer configuration fields.
CompatibilityConfigsAttributeInfo arrayLists supported compatibility configuration values. See Enumeration: CompatibilityFlag for possible values.
SupportedKeypressOutputFormatWiegandId arrayLists the supported keypress formats for wiegand. See Enumeration: KeypressOutputFormat for possible values.
SupportedCardOutputFormatId arrayLists the supported card formats. See Enumeration: CardOutputFormat for possible values.
SupportedFacilityCodeOverrideModeId arrayLists the supported facility code override modes. See Enumeration: FacilityCodeOverrideMode for possible values.
SupportedParityTypeId arrayLists the supported parity types. See Enumeration: ParityType for possible values.
SupportedCallButtonIdleBehaviorId arrayLists the supported call button idle behavior. See Enumeration: CallButtonIdleBehavior for possible values.
SupportedDefaultContactSortingId arrayLists the supported values for default contact sorting. See Enumeration: DefaultContactSorting for possible values.
SupportedDefaultNameFormatId arrayLists the supported default name format values. See Enumeration: DefaultNameFormat for possible values.


This operation returns the capabilities of the service.




"Capabilities": {
CapabilitiesServiceCapabilitiesThe capability response message. Contains the requested Intercom service capabilities.


The configuration options for the overall functionality are managed through the Configuration data structure. This can be retrieved by using either a GetConfiguration command or using the REST:ful GET operation of the configuration resource using GET /vapix/intercom/Configuration.

To modify the configuration, use the UpdateConfiguration command, or the REST:ful approach with a POST or PUT to /vapix/intercom/Configuration. It is possible to update selected parts of the configuration with the UpdateConfiguration command by only setting the fields that should be changed. Omitted fields will keep their values.

Configuration types


This command is used to configure an entity for the intercom functionality. An optional field not set by SetConfiguration will keep its current value.

"Version": "string",
"CallTriggersEnabled": true,
"CallByNumbersEnabled": true,
"DefaultContactSorting": "SortByFirstName",
"DefaultNameFormat": "FirstNameFirst",
"DefaultCallByNumberSIPAccountId": "Id",
"AudioclipVolume": 100,
"BeeperVolume": 80,
"PresenceTimeout": 12,
"CardReaderConfiguration": {
"CallButtonConfigurations": [{
"CallButtonIdleBehavior": "Automatic"
VersionStringThe configuration version.
CallTriggersEnabledBooleanTrue if the processing triggers in the PhonebookEntries are enabled.
CallByNumbersEnabledBooleanTrue if calls to dialed numbers that does not match any CallRule is enabled.
DefaultContactSortingEnumeration: DefaultContactSortingThe default method when sorting contacts.
DefaultNameFormatEnumeration: DefaultNameFormatThe default format for the contact names.
DefaultCallByNumberSIPAccountIdIdThe default SIPAccount used by CallByNumber (optional).
AudioclipVolumeIntegerThe volume for the built-in audio files (button presses, calling, ringing, etc.) Min: 0, Max: 1000, Default: 100.
BeeperVolumeIntegerThe volume for the beeper (Wiegand and OSDP) feedback. Min: 0, Max: 100, Default: 80.
PresenceTimeoutIntegerThe time (in seconds) before user presence is timed out. Min: 2, Max: 86400, Default: 12.
CardReaderConfigurationCardReaderConfigurationThe card reader related configurations.
CallButtonConfigurationsCallButtonConfigurationsThe call button related configurations.
CallButtonIdleBehaviorIdThe idle behavior for the call button. See Enumeration: CallButtonIdleBehavior and ServiceCapabilities for possible and supported values.

Enumeration: DefaultContactSorting

The default method for sorting contacts.

SortByFirstNameSorts the contacts alphabetically according to their first names.
SortByLastNameSorts the contacts alphabetically according to their last names.

Enumeration: DefaultNameFormat

The default format for the contact names.

FirstNameFirstName entries will be formatted according to FirstName + " " + LastName.
LastNameFirstName entries will be formatted according to LastName + ", " + FirstName.


This method is used to set the general configuration for the intercom.


"Configuration": {
ConfigurationConfigurationThe configuration that should be set.



Error codes

env:Sender ter:InvalidArgValThe request contains an invalid argument.
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgsThe request is missing something or has an invalid combination of inputs.


This method is used to update the general configuration. Optional fields not present in the request will keep their current values.


"Configuration": {
ConfigurationConfigurationThe configuration that should be set.



Error codes

env:Sender ter:InvalidArgValThe request contains an invalid argument.
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgsThe request is missing something or has an invalid combination of inputs.


This method is used to request the full configuration for the intercom.


"includeImageFile": (optional)
includeImageFileBooleanIf set to true, all imageFile fields will be included in the response (optional).


"Configuration": {
ConfigurationConfigurationConfiguration structure.


This method implements the REST API for the device configuration and handles both GET, SET and REMOVE.

  • Use GET /vapix/intercom/Configuration to fetch the configuration.
  • Use POST /vapix/intercom/Configuration to initiate the UpdateConfiguration.
  • Use PUT /vapix/intercom/Configuration to initiate the SetConfiguration.


"includeImageFile": (optional),
"Configuration": {
} (optional),
"imageFile": {
} (optional)
includeImageFileBooleanIf set to true, all imageFile fields will be included in the response (optional).
ConfigurationConfigurationThe configuration that should be set.
imageFileImageFileThe image file that should be used to update an image.


"Configuration": {
} (optional)
ConfigurationConfigurationThe configuration structure.

Error codes

env:Sender ter:InvalidArgValThe request contains an invalid argument.
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgsThe request is missing something or has an invalid combination of inputs.

Server report


Summarizes the call button configuration.

"VMSCallEnabled": true,
"NumberOfRecipients": 0
VMSCallEnabledBooleanThe current status of the CallButtonVMS.
NumberOfRecipientsIntegerThe number of contacts for the call button.


Summarizes the contact configuration.

"NumberOfContacts": 0,
"NumberOfOrganizations": 0
NumberOfContactsIntegerThe total number of contacts.
NumberOfOrganizationsIntegerThe total number of organizations.


This method is used when you want to return the safe and desired parts of the server report.




"Configuration": {
"DiscardedFields": [
"CallButtonInformation": {
"ContactsInformation": {
ConfigurationConfigurationA structure containing the configuration fields.
DiscardedFieldsString arrayThe configuration fields discarded due to containing sensitive data.
CallButtonInformationCallButtonInformationThe call button information.
ContactsInformationContactsInformationThe contact information.

Card reader configuration and operation

Here is a summary of supported card reader operations:

  • GetCardReaderConfiguration - Alternative operation to GetConfiguration when only the CardReaderConfiguration part is needed.
  • GetSupportedTagTypes - Retrieve a list of tag types supported by the reader. This operation is also available with GetServiceCapabilities.
  • GetDefaultTagTypes - Retrieve a list with the default enabled card types.
  • GetLastTag - Retrieve the UID of the last presented tag.
  • InjectTag - Simulates presenting an RFID tag, which is useful when you are integrating with a third party application and acts as a filter and/or transforms the tag information.
  • RegisterReader - Registers either an external or application reader to be used when processing tags. Makes it possible to mask the internal reader, i.e. a tag from a normal card swipe will not be sent using the configured integration protocol.
  • UnregisterReader - Unregisters either an external or application reader to be used when processing tags.
  • KeepAliveReader - Extends a registration.
  • GetCurrentReaders - Exposes the currently available readers.


This method is used when you want to send out a request for the full configuration.




"CardReaderConfiguration": {
CardReaderConfigurationCardReaderConfigurationThe configuration structure.


This method is used when you want to retrieve a list of tag types supported by the reader.




"CardTypes": [
CardTypesCardType arrayThe supported tag types.


This method is used when you want to retrieve a list of card types enabled by default.




"CardTypes": [
CardTypesId arrayThe default card types.


This method is used when you want to retrieve the UID of the last tag that was presented.


"ReaderId": "" (optional)
ReaderIdIdOptional reader ID that the last tag should be retrieved from. The last tag will be retrieved if this parameter is not specified.


"Tag": {
TagTagPresentedInfoThe UID of the tag last seen.

Error codes

ter:NotFoundNo tag with the specified reader ID was found.
env:Receiver ter:ActionNotSupported ter:NotSupportedThe method is not supported.


This method is used when you want to retrieve the UID of either the last presented tag or one recently presented that optionally matches the specified timestamp taken from the Device/Intercom/RFID event notification. If neither ReaderId nor timestamp is specified, the last tag will be returned


"ReaderId": "" (optional),
"timestamp": "" (optional)
ReaderIdIdOptional reader ID that the last tag should be retrieved from. The last tag will be retrieved If this parameter is not specified.
timestampStringA timestamp of the tag taken from the Device/Intercom/RFID event notification. Providing the timestamp assures that the data corresponds to the event received.


"Tag": {
TagTagPresentedInfoThe UID of the matching the input parameters.

Error codes

env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFoundNo tag with the specified reader ID and timestamp was found.
env:Receiver ter:ActionNotSupported ter:NotSupportedThe method is not supported.


This method is used when you want to simulate presenting an RFID tag to the intercom reader. If the internal reader has been masked, it is recommended to make sure that the ReaderId is no longer Internal in the supplied tag.


"Tag": {
"CardData": [
TagTagPresentedInfoThe tag to inject.
CardDataCardData arrayCard data that should be injected.



Error codes

env:Sender ter:InvalidArgValThe request contains an invalid argument.
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgsThe request is missing something or has an invalid combination of inputs.
env:Receiver ter:ActionNotSupported ter:NotSupportedThe method is not supported.


This method is used when you want to register an external application reader that can be used to process tags. This makes it possible to mask the internal reader so a tag from a normal card swipe don’t use a configured integration protocol.


"ReaderId": "",
"DisableInternalReader": (optional),
"MaskedReaderIds": [
"UnmaskIfLost": (optional)
ReaderIdIdThe ID of the external reader.
DisableInternalReaderBooleanIf this parameter exists and is true all internal readers will be added to MaskedReaderIds automatically (optional).
MaskedReaderIdsId arrayThe reader ID for internal and external application readers that should be masked. Masked readers are not allowed to send credentials to the Access control, but the data will still be available as an RFID event. Default value doesn’t mask anything and the values for the internal reader Ids can be found in IntercomReaderIds enum.
UnmaskIfLostBooleanIf true the masked readers specified above will be released when the timeout expires (optional). The default value is false.


"Timeout": <int>
TimeoutIntegerThe timeout, measured in seconds, until the registration expires.

Error codes

env:Sender ter:InvalidArgValThe request contains an invalid argument.
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgsThe request is missing something or has an invalid combination of inputs.
env:Receiver ter:Action ter:FailureThe operation failed.


This method is used when you want to un-register either an external reader or an application reader from being used to process tags.


"ReaderId": "<Id>"
ReaderIdIdThe ID of the external reader.



Error codes

env:Sender ter:InvalidArgValThe request contains an invalid argument.
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgsThe request is missing something or has an invalid combination of input.


This method is used when you want to extend the timeout given in the RegisterReader call. An error will be returned if no call was made for the ReaderId or if it had already timed out.


"ReaderId": "<Id>"
ReaderIdIdThe ID of the external reader.


"Timeout": <int>
TimeoutIntegerTimeout in seconds until this registration expires.

Error codes

env:Sender ter:InvalidArgValThe request contains an invalid argument.
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgsThe request is missing something or has an invalid combination of inputs.


This method is used when you want to expose currently available readers.




"Readers": [
ReadersReaderIdWithMask arrayThe array of strings with the available ReaderIds together with a masked flag.

IP Access configuration

The IPAccessConfiguration and RequestAccessConfiguration structures in the CardReaderConfiguration are used when IPAccess is selected as the Enumeration: AccesscontrolIntegrationProtocol.

The Enumeration: IPIntegrationProtocol (IPProtocol) field in the IPAccessConfiguration defines the protocol to use. If using RequestAccess or RemoteActivity, an outbound connection to the access controller is established by using the configuration found in RequestAccessConfiguration.

With RequestAccess, your device uses a HTTP(s) request to the Access control service providing card and PIN information. The response contains an AccessGranted value and Reason used to provide feedback from the device.

With RemoteActivity, your device creates and keeps a websocket connection to the IdPoint service of the controller. Through the connection, the device sends card and PIN information and receives notifications regarding feedback. The benefit of RemoteActivity is that access controller can provide feedback anytime, whereas RequestAccess only provides feedback for operations initiated by your device.

The ProbeIPAccessConfiguration and UpdateIPAccessConfiguration functions can be used to set up integrations with door controllers. Enumeration: IPIntegrationProtocol (IPProtocol) in IPAccessConfiguration will be determined based on the capabilities detected in the controller when these functions are used.

Enumeration: ProbeIPAccessStatus

The status of a ProbeIPAccessConfiguration request. Please note that this may be extended in the future.

OKEverything is OK.
NoAccessPointsConnection is OK, but could not find any access points.
UnknownErrorUnknown error.
ConnectionErrorFailed to connect to the specified address and scheme.
AuthenticationErrorFailed to authenticate.
CertificateErrorFailed to validate the certificate.


This structure is returned as a response to ProbeIPAccessConfiguration.

"Name": "Door - Reader Entrance A8207",
"Id": "e6608ad31a480904f9646e936cc8e86a",
"IPProtocol": "RemoteActivity"
NameStringThe door name visible to the user.
IdStringThe internal ID of the RequestAccess configuration.
IPProtocolStringThe detected protocol. See Enumeration: IPIntegrationProtocol for additional information.


Probe an IP based access controller and return a list of selectable configurations. Please note that any current configuration will be overridden by the specified input parameters. Also, the ID of the desired IPAccessOption should be supplied to UpdateIPAccessConfiguration.


"IPAccessConfiguration": {
IPAccessConfiguration (optional)
IPAccessConfigurationIPAccessConfigurationThe IPAccessConfiguration


"Status": "<string>",
"StatusText": "<string>" (optional),
"IPAccessOptions": [{
}, ...],
"SuggestedId": "<string>" (optional),
"CurrentName": "<string>" (optional)
StatusStringThe status of the probe request. See Enumeration: ProbeIPAccessStatus in IP Access configuration for additional information.
StatusTextStringTextual status related to Status.
IPAccessOptionsIPAccessOption arrayA list of options.
SuggestedIdStringA configuration ID that matches the current configuration. No match will be found if it gets omitted.
CurrentNameStringThe name of the current configuration that can be used as a hint if SuggestedId is not present.


Update the IPAccessConfiguration based on the selected IPAccessOption in the response from a previous ProbeIPAccessConfiguration.


"Id": "<string>"
IdStringThe ID from an IPAccessOption previously returned by ProbeIPAccessConfiguration


"IPAccessConfiguration": {
} (optional)
IPAccessConfigurationIPAccessConfigurationThe resulting configuration.


Get data stored on tags that support storage. You are able to specify the names of one or more configs already pre-loaded under CardReaderConfiguration/CardDataConfigs, or supply an ad-hoc CardDataConfig to be used without storing.


"DataConfigNames": [
"CardDataConfigs": [
DataConfigNamesId arrayArray of names that matches the names under CardReaderConfiguration/CardDataConfigs
CardDataConfigsCardDataConfig arrayAd-hoc configurations that should be used.


"CardData": [
CardDataCardData arrayThe data read from a card. Multiple fields are returned and identified by the name of the corresponding config. Can be either Ad-hoc or pre-loaded.

Keypress functions

Key presses can be monitored by using the Device/Intercom/KeyPin event in Third party integration, or pulled with GetLastKeySequence.

The event will only contain the actual key sequence if CardReaderConfiguration.SensitivePINEventEnabled is true, otherwise GetLastKeySequence must be used to retrieve it.

A KeySequence can be simulated by using InjectKeySequence. This can also be used with third-party integrations to provide a PIN number, such as validating a face instead of forcing the user to enter a PIN code.

The keypad on an intercom can be used both to place calls and to enter a PIN by operating in different modes. For example, if the intercom is not in PIN mode, the # key must be pressed to end the PIN entry.

The Call button, represented by the letter ‘C‘ in the API, should be pressed when you want to make a call.

Keypress types

Enumeration: PinSourceType

The reserved identifiers used in the source field of an InjectKeySequence call and for the KeyPin event.

InternalUsed by internal intercom components.
UnknownUsed when no other source is provided.


This method is used when you want to retrieve a string containing the latest key sequence. The sequence is automatically reset when new keys are entered after a complete sequence. A sequence is completed by # or the call button ('C') or when the number of digits match the configured pin length when in PIN mode. The optional timestamp should be taken from the Device/Intercom/KeyPin event notification and must be an exact match. Providing the timestamp assures that you get the data corresponding to the event received, or a not found error if another sequence has already been presented. If no timestamp is specified, the last key sequence of the specified source will be returned. If neither source or timestamp is specified, the last key sequence will be returned.


"Source": "<string>" (optional),
"timestamp": "<string>" (optional)
SourceStringAn optional identifier of the source to retrieve the key sequence from. If not specified, the last source of key sequence will be used. See Enumeration: PinSourceType in Keypress functions for identifiers already reserved for internal use.
timestampStringThe timestamp of the key sequence taken from the Device/Intercom/KeyPin event notification. Providing the timestamp assures that the data corresponds to the event received, but is not mandatory.


"KeySequence": "<string>",
"Source": "<string>" (optional),
"timestamp": "<string>" (optional)
KeySequenceStringThe key sequence.
SourceStringThe source of this key sequence.
timestampStringThe timestamp of this key sequence.


This method is used when you want to simulate key presses.

Depending on the KeyPadState (see tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Intercom/KeypadState event), the sequence must be ended with a C to make a call or # to process the key sequence as a PIN.

No ending # is required when the state is KSM_PIN_MODE. The same state is automatically entered after a card swipe if Wiegand or OSDP has been configured, or if the SetUiFeedback call is used together with RequirePIN or PINPadRequest as highlevelFeedbacks.


"KeySequence": "<string>",
"Source": "" (optional)
KeySequenceStringThe key sequence.
SourceStringIdentifies the component that posted the InjectKeySequence call. See Enumeration: PinSourceType in Keypress functions for identifiers already reserved for internal use.



Feedback functions

Contains the different kinds of feedback commands that the UI components can present.

Feedback types

Enumeration: UIHighLevelFeedback

This table describes the feedback that can be received. Please note that this may be extended in the future.

LowlevelControlLED and/or audio feedback, typically over Wiegand or OSDP.
AccessGrantedThe access controller signals that access is granted.
AccessDeniedThe access controller signals that access is denied.
EarlyRFIDIndicates the act of presenting a tag.
PINPadRequestIndicates that the user is requested to enter a PIN.
PINPadCancelIndicates that the user canceled entering a PIN.
OtherThe feedback mode is specified in some other defined way.
IdleThe normal state, typically DoorLocked or DoorUnlocked is used when the device controls a door.
DoorLockedIndicates that the door is locked.
DoorUnlockedIndicates that the door is unlocked.
DoorOpenTooLongIndicates that the door has been open for too long.
DoorPreAlarmWarningIndicates that the door is about to have been open too long.
RequirePINPIN (Personal Identification Number) code required.
RequireCardA card is required.
ProcessingProcessing in progress.
InvalidCredentialCredential is not valid.
AccessGrantedAndRequireAccess granted with further identification possible.
OkGeneric Ok indication.
FaultGeneric Fault indication.
WarningGeneric Warning indication.
AlarmGeneric Alarm indication.
CustomThe custom mode.
ProgressIndicates whether progress has been made.
AuthenticationFailedThe authentication process failed.
RequireInteractionAdditional interaction required.

Enumeration: RunStyleType

Defines the supported types of run style.

oneshotThe feedback is processed once and then removed.
permanentThe feedback is processed over and over again.

Enumeration: TargetLedType

The name of the LED types that the UiLedFeedback should be applied to.

backlightThe backlight for the keypad.
callButtonThe call button.
stripeMainly used for access control feedback.
statusDoorThe door status indicator.
statusCallThe calling status indicator.
statusSpeakThe speak/active call status indicator. 

Enumeration: LedControlType

The control type for the different LEDs.

onoffSimple on/off switch.
pwmPWM (Pulse Width Modulation) LED.
rgbpwmPWM RGB LED.

Enumeration: CallButtonIdleBehavior

Describes the possible idle behavior value for the call button.

See SupportedCallButtonIdleBehavior in ServiceCapabilities for values supported by your device.

AutomaticThe visualization specified in the configuration file etc/sysconfig/dsui.conf.
OffVisualization switched off.
OnVisualization switched on.


Lists information about the LEDs available on the device.

"ledId": "stripe",
"ledType": "rgbpwm"
ledIdEnumeration: TargetLedTypeThe name of the LED.
ledTypeEnumeration: LedControlTypeHow the LED is controlled.

Enumeration: FeedbackSourceType

The identifiers used in the source field of the SetUIFeedback call.

InternalUsed by the internal components of the intercom.
ExternalOSDPUsed by the externally connected OSDP reader.


Blinks a LED for a duration of time or during a loop.

See Enumeration: ColorName if the returned value is textual.

If the value is in hexadecimal (#RRGGBB) it will be interpreted as Monochrome vs RGB:

  • If monochrome, only the LSB is effective.
  • If RGB, 1st LSB corresponds to blue, 2nd LSB corresponds to green and 3rd LSB corresponds to red.
  • MSB is not used.

Another possible value can be retrieved from PWM vs regular:

  • If PWM, all values between 0-255 are valid.
  • For non-PWM, 0 = off, 1-255 = on.
"led": "backlight",
"runStyle": "oneshot",
"durationOnMillisec": 0,
"durationOffMillisec": 0,
"valueOn": "off",
"valueOff": "off",
"loops": 0,
"handled": true
ledStringThe LED name. See Enumeration: TargetLedType.
runStyleStringThe running style. See Enumeration: RunStyleType.
durationOnMillisecIntegerDuration for the ON state.
durationOffMillisecIntegerDuration for the OFF state.
valueOnStringValue for the ON state. See Enumeration: ColorName.
valueOffStringValue for the OFF state. See Enumeration: ColorName.
loopsIntegerThe number of loops that should be run.
handledBooleanInitially FALSE. Used to mark that this particular feedback has already been displayed.


Signals either a beeper sound or an audio file to play.

"durationOnMillisec": 0,
"durationOffMillisec": 0,
"loops": 0,
"handled": true,
"file": "string"
durationOnMillisecIntegerThe duration for the ON state.
durationOffMillisecIntegerThe duration for the OFF state.
loopsIntegerThe number of loops that should be run.
handledBooleanInitially FALSE. Used to mark that this particular feedback has already been handled.
fileStringThe audio file that should be played.


Describes the graphic sent to the device to be presented to the user.

"image": "string",
"durationMillisec": 0
imageStringThe path to image or base64 encoded data url format.
durationMillisecIntegerThe duration for the image.


Sets the behavior for the user interface feedback.


"highlevelFeedbacks": [
"ledFeedbacks": [
"audioFeedback": {
} (optional),
"source": "<string>",
"text": "<string>" (optional),
"attributes": [
"graphicFeedback": {
} (optional)
highlevelFeedbacksString arrayLists of high level feedbacks to set. See Enumeration: UIHighLevelFeedback for defined values.
ledFeedbacksUILedFeedback arrayLists of LED feedbacks to set.
audioFeedbackUIAudioFeedbackThe audio feedback.
sourceStringAn arbitrary identifier on the component that posts the feedback call. See Enumeration: FeedbackSourceType for reserved identifiers.
textStringText to display or speak.
attributesAttribute arrayList of attributes for additional information and future extensions.
graphicFeedbackUIGraphicFeedbackThe graphic feedback that should be set.


"Result": <boolean>
ResultBooleanThe result of the operation.

Websocket functions

The following types and functions are intended to be used over websockets to subscribe to notifications and do efficient API calls.

The service supports websocket on the /vapix/intercomws endpoint. All RPC functions in this API can be used over a websocket, preferably in the Google JSON or JSONRPC2.0 format.

The methods and types in the Intercom service include the namespace prefix axdsapi, which must be used when subscribing to function notifications. Subscribing to events over the websocket is done with the axev:subscribe call. This will generally supply a list of event topics as well as a list of functions, the latter of which also must include the axev:notify function.

To list all possible events, the function axev:getSupported should be used, while event notifications must be sent as an axev:notify method call.

axev:subscribe example

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"method": "axev:subscribe",
"params": {
"style": "ttMessage",
"functions": [
"topics": ["Device\/Intercom\/RFID", "Device\/Intercom\/KeyPin"]
"id": "firstsubscribe"

RFID event notification over websocket

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"method": "axev:notify",
"params": {
"notifications": [
"topic": "tns1:Device\/tnsaxis:Intercom\/RFID",
"timestamp": "2020-10-04T11:30:08.885643Z",
"data": {
"Source": {
"SimpleItem": [
"Name": "Source",
"Value": "Internal"
"Data": {
"SimpleItem": [
"Name": "UIDFormat",
"Value": "Raw"
"Name": "TagType",
"Value": "MIFARE_Classic"
"Name": "BitCount",
"Value": "32"
"Name": "UID",
"Value": "C0DE1234"


All types have an upper limit of 100 entities/type and while the Intercom service itself cannot enforce this limitation, exceeding it may cause unexpected behavior.

Notification topics

Reader notification topics

tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Intercom/RFID event

This event is used to provide information about a detected RFID card.

The UID and card numbers are sent in plaintext if CardReaderConfiguration.SensitiveRFIDEventEnabled is true, otherwise they are sent as empty strings. If CardReaderConfiguration.SensitiveRFIDEventEnabled is false, you should use the GetLastTag method to retrieve the card information.

The Masked field will be true whenever the event comes from a masked reader, and should therefore not be used for final access decisions by an access control system. The data from a masked reader is not sent over the configured access control integration protocol (VAPIX reader, OSDP or Wiegand) and only available as an event for 3rd party integrations.

Whenever a RFID tag is detected, the device will provide the following events:

Topic: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Intercom/RFID
<tt:MessageDescription IsProperty="false">
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="Source" Type="xs:string"/>
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="UIDFormat" Type="xs:string"/>
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="TagType" Type="xs:string"/>
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="TagSubType" Type="xs:string"/>
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="UID" Type="xs:string"/>
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="BitCount" Type="xs:int"/>
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="CardNumber" Type="xs:int"/>
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="CardNumberBitCount" Type="xs:int"/>
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="FacilityCode" Type="xs:int"/>
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="FacilityCodeBitCount" Type="xs:int"/>
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="Masked" Type="xs:boolean"/>
Field nameTypeDescription
Source/SourceStringThe source of events, such as the Reader Id. Generally Internal, unless InjectTag is used.
Data/UIDFormatStringThe format of the UID. See Enumeration: CardOutputFormat for additional information.
Data/TagTypeStringThe type of card/tag.
Data/TagSubTypeStringThe card sub type, such as Classic1k, Classic4k, DESFire or Ultralight.
Data/UIDStringASCII hex representation of the tag UID if SensitiveRFIDEventEnabled is true. The value will be empty otherwise.
Data/BitCountIntegerThe number of bits in the UID.
Data/CardNumberIntegerThe decimal representation of the card number.
Data/CardNumberBitCountIntegerThe number of bits in the CardNumber.
Data/FacilityCodeIntegerThe decimal representation of the facility code.
Data/FacilityCodeBitCountIntegerThe number of bits in the FacilityCode.
Data/MaskedBooleanTrue if the reader is masked.

User interface notification topics

tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Intercom/MainState event

This event provides information about Main States machine transitions.

Enumeration: MainState

The values for the MainState:

MSM_IDLEIdle, waiting for input.
MSM_KEYINGKey input in progress.
MSM_CONVERSATIONConversation in progress.

This event provides information about Main States machine transitions.

Whenever there is a transition from one to another main state, the device provides the following events:

Topic: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Intercom/MainState
<tt:MessageDescription IsProperty="true">
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="Source" Type="xs:string"/>
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="State" Type="xs:string"/>
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="Presence" Type="xs:int"/>
Field nameTypeDescription
Source/SourceStringThe source of events, generally Internal.
Data/StateStringThe state, as shown in the table above.
Data/PresenceIntegerPresence flag. Value=1 when a presence is detected, value=0 otherwise.

tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Intercom/KeyPin event

This event informs the subscribing client about the input key PIN value.

Whenever the key PIN is entered it is published as an event. The key PIN is terminated with # in cases when it is not completed as per the configuration in the reader and will be sent in plaintext if CardReaderConfiguration.SensitiveKeyPinEventEnabled is true or otherwise as the value of an empty string "". If CardReaderConfiguration.SensitiveKeyPinEventEnabled is false you should use the GetLastKeySequence method to fetch the PIN.

Topic: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Intercom/KeyPin
<tt:MessageDescription IsProperty="false">
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="Source" Type="xs:string"/>
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="KeyPin" Type="xs:string"/>
Field nameTypeDescription
Source/SourceString (optional)A component identifier for the input that published KeyPin(optional). See Enumeration: PinSourceType in Keypress functions for identifiers already reserved for internal use.
Data/KeyPinStringThe key PIN digits value, either with or without the # terminator. If CardReaderConfiguration.SensitiveKeyPinEventEnabled is false, value is empty.

tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Intercom/KeypadState event

This event will provide you with the information about the different keypad state transitions.

Enumeration: KeypadState

The keypad state can have the following values:

KSM_IDLEThe idle state, no keypress was detected.
KSM_PIN_MODEPIN code expected and will be processed when the configured number of digits are pressed.
KSM_MIXED_MODEMixed mode, where a key sequence must be ended with # for a PIN code or the call button (C) to place a call.

When there is a transition from one state to another, the device will provide the following event:

Topic: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Intercom/KeypadState
<tt:MessageDescription IsProperty="true">
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="Source" Type="xs:string"/>
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="State" Type="xs:string"/>
Field nameTypeDescription
Source/SourceStringThe event source, typically Internal.
Data/StateStringThe Keypad state. See Enumeration: KeypadState above.