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Access control service

Access control service guide

The AccessControl service handles authentication of credential holders, that is, the service determines where and when a credential holder will get access.

Set up the initial system

This section describes how to set up an initial system for allowing access to a door, and explains the necessary data structures and how these work together. The order in which the data structures are set does not matter. The API functions for getting, setting, and removing data structures are named according to the type of data item handled, as summarized in the table below.

API functions for getting, setting and removing data structures.

Sets the supplied data items in the AccessControl Service.
Retrieves a list of available data items. It is possible to specify limits and offsets to only retrieve selected parts of the data items.
Retrieves a list of data items as specified by the supplied token list. If the token list is empty, all data items are retrieved.
pacsaxis:GetCredentialStatisticsLists the total number of credentials and the number of disabled credentials.
Removes the data items specified by the supplied token list.
Lists, sets and resets anti-passback monitoring data.

Retrieve default configuration

The initial configuration data structures for the AccessControl service are an access controller and default authentication profiles. These are provided to make it easier to configure the system, as the device UUID will be set in the access controller, and commonly used authentication profiles are already available.

The access controller is represented by two data types: AccessController and AccessControllerConfiguration. These are the most basic representations of the device in the Access- Control service and the default data is retrieved by calling API functions pacsaxis:GetAccessControllerList and pacsaxis:GetAccessControllerConfigurationList. The following example shows the default configuration:

{"AccessController": [ {
"token": "Axis-00408c184bdb AccessController",
"Name": "Axis-00408c184bdb AccessController",
"Description": "",
"AccessPoint": []
} ]
{"AccessControllerConfiguration": [ {
"token": "Axis-00408c184bdb AccessController",
"DeviceUUID": "5581ad80-95b0-11e0-b883-00408c184bdb",
"Configuration": []
} ]
<AccessController token="Axis-00408c184bdb AccessController">
<Name>Axis-00408c184bdb AccessController</Name>
<AccessControllerConfiguration token="Axis-00408c184bdb AccessController">

The access controller contains an AccessPoint that links to the access points of this door controller. This is described further in section Setting the access point. The authentication profiles are represented by AuthenticationProfile and are used to set up the type of credential data that must be provided in order to be granted access. The default authentication profiles are for access using only access card, using only PIN, using access card with PIN and using a REX device. The default profiles can be retrieved by calling the API function pacsaxis:GetAuthenticationProfileList. The following data is returned:

{"AuthenticationProfile" : [ {
"token": "CardOnly",
"Name": "CardOnly",
"Description": "Card only",
"IdFactor": [ { "IdDataName": "Card",
"IdMatchOperatorName": "IdDataEqual",
"OperatorValue": ""} ],
"Schedule": [ "standard_always" ]
}, {
"token": "PINOnly",
"Name": "PINOnly",
"Description": "PIN only",
"IdFactor": [ {"IdDataName": "PIN",
"IdMatchOperatorName": "IdDataEqual",
"OperatorValue": ""} ],
"Schedule": [ "standard_always" ]
}, {
"token": "CardPlusPin",
"Name": "CardPlusPin",
"Description": "Card + PIN",
"IdFactor": [ {"IdDataName": "Card",
"IdMatchOperatorName": "IdDataEqual",
"OperatorValue": ""},
{"IdDataName": "PIN",
"IdMatchOperatorName": "IdDataEqual",
"OperatorValue": ""} ],
"Schedule": ["standard_always"]
}, {
"token": "REXOnly",
"Name": "REXOnly",
"Description": "REX only",
"IdFactor": [{"IdDataName": "REX",
"IdMatchOperatorName": "OperatorValueEqual",
"OperatorValue": "Active"}],
"Schedule": ["standard_always"]
} ]
<AuthenticationProfile token="CardOnly">
<Description>Card only</Description>
<AuthenticationProfile token="PINOnly">
<Description>PIN only</Description>
<AuthenticationProfile token="CardPlusPin">
<Description>Card + PIN</Description>
<AuthenticationProfile token="REXOnly">
<Description>REX only</Description>

The IdFactor fields describe the data used by the profile to validate if a request should be granted or denied. If the profile has more than one required IdFactor, then all must be available and added in the same order as in the IdFactor array, and if fewer are provided then the AccessControl service asks the user for additional ones, or deny the request if no credential can be linked to the initial IdFactor. For example, if only the valid card number is provided for the CardPlusPinprofile, then the AccessControl service asks for the PIN as well. This is done by flashing LEDs, if available, on the card reader to notify the user that further credentials are needed.

The default data is not constant and can be removed or replaced if necessary. The data is restored when resetting the door controller to factory default settings.

When adding, deleting or changing an AuthenticationProfile, the internal representation of data types in the system must be updated. During the update, access requests are not be handled. For systems with a large number of credentials, an update can take several minutes and it is recommended to only change AuthenticationProfile:s at times when immediate system response is not required.

Setting the access point

The AccessPoint represents the entity a user can access and is the link between the AccessControl Service and the Door Control and IdPoint Services. A door can have more than one AccessPoint, for example when using a card reader at one side of the door and a REX device on the other side.

The AccessPoint data structure is set to the AccessControl Service by calling the API function pacsaxis:SetAccessPoint. The following is an example of an AccessPoint:

"pacsaxis:SetAccessPoint" : {
"AccessPoint" : [ {
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000",
"Name" : "Entry 1",
"Description" : "Entry 1 main door",
"AreaFrom" : "",
"AreaTo" : "",
"EntityType" : "axtdc:Door",
"Entity" : "Door0",
"DoorDeviceUUID" : "",
"Enabled" : true,
"IdPointDevice" : [ { "IdPoint" : "idpoint_token",
"DeviceUUID": "" } ],
"AuthenticationProfile" : [ "CardOnly" ],
"Attribute" : [],
"ActionArgument" : [],
"Action" : "Access"
} ]
<pacsaxis:AccessPoint token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000">
<Description>Entry 1 main door</Description>
<Name>Entry 1</Name>

The example shows the Door entity and the IdPoint entities that are connected to this AccessPoint.

To connect a Door to the AccessPoint, the type of connected entity should be specified by setting the EntityType field to axtdc:Door. axtdc:Door is also the default value and is used if EntityType is empty. In the Door data structure, the token should be set to Entity.

To connect one or more IdPoint:s, specify the token for each IdPoint in the IdPointDevice array.

The two UUID fields DoorDeviceUUID and DeviceUUID are left empty as the IdPoint and Door are connected to the same door controller as the AccessPoint.

The AuthenticationProfile list specifies which authentication profiles to use with the IdPoint when allowing access to the connected Door. The authentication profiles can be overridden by other authentication profiles as described in section Override the authentication of an access point.

The Action field specifies the action associated with the AccessPoint. Typical actions are Access, AccessDoor and AccessDoorWithoutUnlock. If no action is specified, the default action Access is used. Access requests must have an action that matches the action in the AccessPoint, see section Send access request.

The ActionArgument field specifies arguments to be used together with the action. Each argument has a Name, a Value and, optionally, a Type that specifies the type of action.

After setting a new AccessPoint to the AccessControl service, it is necessary to refer to it in the AccessController. For example, with the AccessController from section Retrieve default configuration, it would be necessary to replace it with the following that now includes the token of the AccessPoint (bold marks the new addition). Setting AccessController is done by calling pacsaxis:SetAccessController:

"pacsaxis:SetAccessController" : {
"AccessController" : [ {
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb AccessController",
"Name" : "Axis-00408c184bdb AccessController",
"Description" : "",
"AccessPoint" : [ "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000" ]
} ]
<AccessController token="Axis-00408c184bdb AccessController">
<Name>Axis-00408c184bdb AccessController</Name>

Setting the access profile

The access profile describes which entities can be accessed, and when this is allowed. This means that the access profile groups different access points together, and describes certain rules for them. In a way, the access profile can be seen as a group bundling users to a set of access points.

The AccessProfile data structure is as follows, and is set to the AccessControl service by calling the API function pacsaxis:SetAccessProfile:

"pacsaxis:SetAccessProfile" : {
"AccessProfile": [ {
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591416.539133000",
"Name" : "AccessProfile1",
"Description" : "AccessProfile description",
"Enabled" : true,
"Schedule" : [ "standard_always" ],
"ValidFrom": "1997-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"ValidTo": "2038-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"AuthenticationProfile" : [],
"AccessPolicy": [ {
"AccessPoint" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000",
"AuthorizationProfile" : [],
"Attribute" : [],
"Schedule" : [ "standard_always" ]
} ]
} ]
<AccessProfile token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591416.539133000">
<Description>AccessProfile description</Description>

The AccessPoints that should be affected by this AccessProfile are listed by their tokens in AccessPolicy. This is illustrated above, as the AccessPoint’s token from the example in section Setting the access point is set here (marked in bold). For this example, the AccessProfile is always active by setting the schedule to standard_always (schedules are further discussed in section Specify time-dependent access behavior).

The AuthenticationProfile, Schedule, and ValidFrom/ValidTo fields is described in later sections.

Setting the credential

The Credential contains the credentials that a user (credential holder) must provide to get access to the door, for example card and PIN code. The Credential also specifies the access profiles where the credentials can be used. A single Credential can represent a unique user with a unique card and PIN, or it can represent a group of users with the same credentials.

The Credential data structure is set to the access control service using the API function pacsaxis:SetCredential as shown in the following example:

"pacsaxis:SetCredential" : {
"Credential": [ {
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000",
"UserToken" : "user_token1",
"Description" : "Credential description",
"ValidFrom" : "1997-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"ValidTo" : "2038-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Enabled" : true,
"Status" : "Enabled",
"IdData" : [ {
"Name" : "Card",
"Value" : "12345678"
}, {
"Name" : "PIN",
"Value" : "1234" } ],
"Attribute" : [],
"AuthenticationProfile" : [],
"CredentialAccessProfile": [ {
"ValidFrom" : "1997-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"ValidTo" : "2038-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"AccessProfile" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591416.539133000"
} ]
} ]
<Credential token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000">
<Description>Credential description</Description>
<IdData Name="Card" Value="12345678"/>
<IdData Name="PIN" Value="1234"/>

As can be seen in the example above, the credential has a link to each access profile that applies. The CredentialAccessProfile field contains all AccessProfiles the Credential may use.

This example includes the AccessProfile from Setting the access profile (marked in bold). This gives the Credential access to the AccessPoints specified in the AccessProfile.

The IdData contains valid identification data for this Credential, which in this example is both Card and PIN. This data is used to identify and validate the user, depending on necessary authorization requirements of the current AuthenticationProfile.

If an IdData-field with the name "CardNr" is supplied, an extra validation is performed when adding the credential to make sure that no other IdData-field with the name "CardNr" has the same value. This is a special case added to support the use case of having unique card numbers.

Note that no validation is performed on any other IdData-field except for "CardNr" to ensure that the value is unique to the system.

Further note that the IdData-name is unique on the credential; There is no support for having two, for example, PIN IdData-fields on one credential.

The AuthenticationProfile and ValidFrom/ValidTo fields are described in later sections. The UserToken is an optional field of the credential, and is used to link the Credential to a User as described in User service guide.

The Attribute field can be used if the Credential should use the ExtendedAccessTime defined in the Door, see Extend access time for a credential.

Credential statistics

Use pacsaxis:GetCredentialStatistics to list the total number of credentials in the system and the number of disabled credentials. If there are 1000 credentials and 5 credentials are disabled, the call returns:

"CredentialStatistics": {
"NumberOfCredentials": 1000,
"NumberOfDisabledCredentials": 5

Overview of the initial system

The diagram shows the initial system as described previously in section Set up the initial system.

Overview of the initial system

Send access request

It is possible to send an access request to the AccessControl service. This is equivalent to initiating an access request from an ID point. If the request is granted, affected doors become accessible (if this is the specified behavior).

It is possible to verify if the request would be granted. Verification reaches the same decisions as the access request, but without interacting with any doors or ID points.

The access request shall provide IdData that will be matched against existing Credentials. The matching ensures that the credential is valid and allowed to access the access point by checking all rules for the credential, access profile, and access point. It also ensures that the request operates on the correct access controller.

If a request’s IdData has mixed IdMatchOperatorName (specified in the Authentication Profile) then IdDataEqual (CardNr, PIN, etc) is chosen over OperatorValueEqual (used by REX).

Access requests when using REX devices are almost identical to card and PIN, but with the exception of that is not relevant to check the credential and it is excluded from the check.

The following example illustrates an access request, and the API function RequestAccess can be replaced by VerifyRequest without changing the parameters to verify:


"pacsaxis:RequestAccess" : {
"Action" : "Access",
"IdData" : [ {
"Name" : "Card",
"Value": "12345678"
} ],
"SourceToken" : "idp_token",
"TargetToken" : "door_token",
"Token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb AccessController"


<IdData Name="Card" Value="12345678"/>
<Token>Axis-00408c184bdb AccessController</Token>

The Token field shall match the token of AccessController where the request applies; SourceToken shall match the token of the IdPoint where this request originates from; TargetToken shall be used to specify the token of the Door the request attempts to access, but may be left empty as the request defaults to the available Door of the AccessPoint where the IdPoint resides. The Action shall specify what to do on the target resource, i.e. the Action as specified in the AccessPoint.

The AccessControl service responds with the result of the access/verification request. The response is given as the result, together with a reason if not granted. See the following examples, where the last one exemplifies the case with an invalid card or PIN:


"AccessGranted" : true, "Reason" : "Granted"


"AccessGranted" : false, "Reason" : "InvalidCredential"


"AccessGranted" : false, "Reason" : "InvalidCredential"



The AccessControl service also issues events at the end of any processed requested access. For a granted request, two events are sent. The first event is always AccessControl/AccessGranted/Credential, or AccessControl/AccessGranted/Anonymous if an anonymous access was requested. If more than one credential could be matched against the request in the case of, for example, PIN only access where two or more users share the same PIN then the CredentialToken is empty to signify that a specific credential couldn’t be found. The same goes for CredentialHolderName when multiple users gets access. The second event depends on whether the action was taken (i.e. the door was opened) or not, and is either AccessControl/AccessTaken/Credential, or AccessControl/AccessNotTaken/Credential. The events contain information about the processed request as described by the following examples of the AccessGranted events:

"rowid": 317,
"token": "Axis-00408c185451:1383231311.023721000",
"UUID": "5581ad80-95b0-11e0-b883-00408c185451",
"UtcTime": "2013-10-31T14:55:10.136376Z",
"Key": "CredentialHolderName",
"Value": "user_token1",
"Tags": [ "onvif-data"]
"Key": "AccessPointToken",
"Value": "Axis-00408c185451:1383040794.997528000",
"Key": "topic2",
"Value": "Credential",
"Tags": []
"Key": "topic1",
"Value": "AccessGranted",
"Tags": []
"Key": "topic0",
"Value": "AccessControl",
"Tags": []
"Key": "CredentialToken",
"Value": "Axis-00408c185451:1383215256.021032000",
"Tags": []
}, {
"rowid": 325,
"token": "Axis-00408c185451:1383231432.473419000",
"UUID": "5581ad80-95b0-11e0-b883-00408c185451",
"UtcTime": "2013-10-31T14:57:12.106469Z",
"Key": "CredentialHolderName",
"Value": "user_token1",
"Tags": [ "onvif-data"]
"Key": "AccessPointToken",
"Value": "Axis-00408c185451:1383040794.997528000",
"Key": "topic2",
"Value": "Credential",
"Tags": []
"Key": "topic1",
"Value": "AccessTaken",
"Tags": []
"Key": "topic0",
"Value": "AccessControl",
"Tags": []
"Key": "CredentialToken",
"Value": "Axis-00408c185451:1383215256.021032000",
"Tags": []


If the request was not granted, then an event is dispatched depending on the reason. There exist several different events for this, some of which are discussed further in the following sections. The event for not entering with a valid credential, i.e. wrong card, is AccessControl/Denied/CredentialNotFound/Card. This event looks as follows:

"rowid": 330,
"token": "Axis-00408c185451:1383232007.384795000",
"UUID": "5581ad80-95b0-11e0-b883-00408c185451",
"UtcTime": "2013-10-31T15:06:46.680154Z",
"Key": "Card",
"Value": "00007352",
"Tags": [ "onvif-data"]
"Key": "CardNr",
"Value": "87654321",
"Tags": [ "onvif-data"]
"Key": "AccessPointToken",
"Value": "Axis-00408c185451:1383040794.997528000",
"Key": "topic2",
"Value": "CredentialNotFound",
"Tags": []
"Key": "topic1",
"Value": "Denied",
"Tags": []
"Key": "topic0",
"Value": "AccessControl",
"Tags": []
"Key": "topic3",
"Value": "Card",
"Tags": []
"Tags": []

Note that all other events when access is denied contain the CredentialToken rather than the Card field. Card field is only relevant in the case when the Credential is not found.

Disable selected parts of a service

Selected Credential, AccessProfile, and AccessPoint data items can be disabled and enabled. Disabled items are ignored when the door controller evaluates access requests.

To disable and enable an item, use one of the following methods:

  • Toogle the boolean Enabled field when setting the data structure.
  • Use the provided enable and disable API functions. This option is not available for AccessProfile.

Disable a credential

To disable a credential, use pacsaxis:DisableCredential:


"pacsaxis:DisableCredential" : {
"Token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000",
"Status" : "Disabled"



The Status field is optional but is submitted here to help human readers to note that the credential is disabled. To enable the credential, call pacsaxis:EnableCredential without the Status field, which then defaults to "Enabled".

A disabled Credential has the following data structure (with the changes marked in bold):

"Credential" : {
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000",
"UserToken" : "user_token1",
"Description" : "Credential description",
"ValidFrom" : "",
"ValidTo" : "",
"Enabled" : false,
"Status" : "Disabled",
"IdData" : [ {
"Name" : "Card",
"Value" : "12345678"
}, {
"Name" : "PIN",
"Value" : "1234" } ],
"Attribute" : [],
"AuthenticationProfile" : [],
"CredentialAccessProfile" : [ {
"ValidFrom" : "",
"ValidTo" : "",
"AccessProfile" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591416.539133000"
} ]
<Credential token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000">
<Description>Credential description</Description>
<IdData Name="Card" Value="12345678"/>
<IdData Name="PIN" Value="1234"/>

The Access Control Service returns CredentialNotEnabled in response to an access request with a disabled Credential. The service also generates the event AccessControl/Denied/Credential with Reason set to CredentialNotEnabled:

"rowid": 336,
"token": "Axis-00408c185451:1383232272.025462002",
"UUID": "5581ad80-95b0-11e0-b883-00408c185451",
"UtcTime": "2013-10-31T15:11:11.955788Z",
"Key": "CredentialHolderName",
"Value": "user_token1",
"Tags": [ "onvif-data"]
"Key": "Reason",
"Value": "CredentialNotEnabled",
"Tags": [ "onvif-data"]
"Key": "AccessPointToken",
"Value": "Axis-00408c185451:1383040794.997528000",
"Key": "topic2",
"Value": "Credential",
"Tags": []
"Key": "topic1",
"Value": "Denied",
"Tags": []
"Key": "topic0",
"Value": "AccessControl",
"Tags": []
"Key": "CredentialToken",
"Value": "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000",
"Tags": []

Disable an access point

To disable and enabled access points, use tac:DisableAccessPoint and tac:EnableAccessPoint. The requests are similar to the corresponding credential requests but do not have any status field. The example below shows DisableAccessPoint:


"tac:DisableAccessPoint" : {
"Token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000",



A disabled AccessPoint has the following data structure (with the changes marked in bold):

"AccessPoint" : {
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000",
"Name" : "Entry 1",
"Description" : "Entry 1 main door",
"AreaFrom" : "",
"AreaTo" : "",
"Type" : "tdc:Door",
"Entity" : "Door0",
"DoorDeviceUUID" : "",
"Enabled" : false,
"IdPointDevice" : [ {
"IdPoint" : "idpoint_token",
"DeviceUUID" : "" } ],
"AuthenticationProfile" : [ "CardOnly" ],
"Attribute" : [],
"ActionArgument" : [],
"Action" : "Access"
<AccessPoint token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000">
<Description>Entry 1 main door</Description>
<Name>Entry 1</Name>

The AccessControl Service returns Unauthorized in response to an access request with a disabled AccessPoint. The service also generates the event AccessControl/Denied/Credential:

"Data" : { "CredentialHolderName" : "user_token1",
"CredentialToken" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000",
"Reason" : "Unauthorized" },
"Source" : { "AccessPointToken" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000" },
"Topic" : "tns1:AccessControl/Denied/Credential",
"UtcTime": "2012-10-31T08:25:32Z"

Disable an access profile

For AccessProfile:s, there are no enable and disable API functions. Instead, call pacsaxis:SetAccessProfile to set the Enabled field to false.

"pacsaxis:SetAccessProfile" : {
"AccessProfile" : [ {
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591416.539133000",
"Name" : "AccessProfile1",
"Description" : "AccessProfile description",
"ValidFrom" : "",
"ValidTo" : "",
"Enabled" : false,
"Schedule" : ["standard_always"],
"AuthenticationProfile" : [],
"Attribute" : [],
"AccessPolicy" : [ {
"AccessPoint" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000",
"AuthorizationProfile" : [],
"Attribute" : [],
"Schedule" : [ "standard_always" ]
} ]
} ]
<AccessProfile token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591416.539133000">
<Description>AccessProfile description</Description>

The AccessControl Service returns InvalidAccessProfile in response to an access request with a disabled AccessProfile. The service also generates the event AccessControl/Denied/Credential:

"rowid": 339,
"token": "Axis-00408c185451:1383232539.745263001",
"UUID": "5581ad80-95b0-11e0-b883-00408c185451",
"UtcTime": "2013-10-31T15:15:39.249125Z",
"Key": "CredentialHolderName",
"Value": "user_token1",
"Tags": [ "onvif-data"]
"Key": "Reason",
"Value": "InvalidAccessProfile",
"Tags": [ "onvif-data"]
"Key": "AccessPointToken",
"Value": "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000",
"Key": "topic2",
"Value": "Credential",
"Tags": []
"Key": "topic1",
"Value": "Denied",
"Tags": []
"Key": "topic0",
"Value": "AccessControl",
"Tags": []
"Key": "CredentialToken",
"Value": "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000",
"Tags": []

Allow access within a specified time frame

The access control service supports having access profiles and credentials valid during specific time frames. For example, if the current time is outside of an access profile’s time frame, it is equivalent to the access profile being disabled.

A time frame is set by using ValidFrom as start time and ValidTo as end time. The date fields are optional, and can be left empty, in which case there are no restrictions on start or end time.

The time format is ISO 8601, which uses the format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (for example 1997-07- 16T19:20:30+01:00).


The Credential has a general time frame which determines when this Credential is active. Outside of this period, the Credential is disabled.

It is also possible to specify a time period for each CredentialAccessProfile of an Credential. Using this, the administrator can set up specific time frames for when a user is allowed to use different access profiles.

For example, a user may have access to some access profiles, but one access profile should only be available for a certain period. When that time frame has passed, it is now off limits to the user. The AccessProfile itself still has a valid time period, it is only this particular user who has restricted access to it.

An example of a Credential with valid time frames:

"Credential" : {
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000",
"UserToken" : "user_token1",
"Description" : "Credential description",
"ValidFrom" : "2011-06-30T10:11:12Z",
"ValidTo" : "2027-06-30T10:11:12Z",
"Enabled" : true,
"Status" : "Enabled",
"IdData": [ {
"Name" : "Card",
"Value" : "12345678"
}, {
"Name" : "PIN",
"Value" : "1234" } ],
"Attribute" : [],
"AuthenticationProfile" : [],
"CredentialAccessProfile": [ {
"ValidFrom" : "2011-06-30T10:11:12Z",
"ValidTo" : "2013-06-30T10:11:12Z",
"AccessProfile" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591416.539133000"
} ]
<Credential token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000">
<Description>Credential description</Description>
<IdData Name="Card" Value="12345678"/>
<IdData Name="PIN" Value="1234"/>

The access control service returns an access denied if outside the valid time frame. Depending on whether ValidFrom or ValidTo is violated, the Reason field is either CredentialNotActive or CredentialExpired.

Events issued are AccessControl/Denied/Credential and AccessControl/Denied/Credential as in the following examples:

"rowid": 342,
"token": "Axis-00408c185451:1383232840.672639000",
"UUID": "5581ad80-95b0-11e0-b883-00408c185451",
"UtcTime": "2013-10-31T15:20:39.933137Z",
"Key": "CredentialHolderName",
"Value": "user_token1",
"Tags": [ "onvif-data"]
"Key": "Reason",
"Value": "CredentialNotActive",
"Tags": [ "onvif-data"]
"Key": "AccessPointToken",
"Value": "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000",
"Key": "topic2",
"Value": "Credential",
"Tags": []
"Key": "topic1",
"Value": "Denied",
"Tags": []
"Key": "topic0",
"Value": "AccessControl",
"Tags": []
"Key": "CredentialToken",
"Value": "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000",
"Tags": []
"rowid": 345,
"token": "Axis-00408c185451:1383232972.722756000",
"UUID": "5581ad80-95b0-11e0-b883-00408c185451",
"UtcTime": "2013-10-31T15:22:51.973900Z",
"Key": "CredentialHolderName",
"Value": "user_token1",
"Tags": [ "onvif-data"]
"Key": "Reason",
"Value": "CredentialExpired",
"Tags": [ "onvif-data"]
"Key": "AccessPointToken",
"Value": "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000",
"Key": "topic2",
"Value": "Credential",
"Tags": []
"Key": "topic1",
"Value": "Denied",
"Tags": []
"Key": "topic0",
"Value": "AccessControl",
"Tags": []
"Key": "CredentialToken",
"Value": "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000",
"Tags": []


Analogously to the case with Credential, the AccessProfile may have a time frame set for when the profile is valid. Outside this time frame, any access requests involving it are denied. See the example below:

"AccessProfile" : {
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591416.539133000",
"Name" : "AccessProfile1",
"Description" : "AccessProfile description",
"ValidFrom" : "2011-06-30T10:11:12Z",
"ValidTo" : "2027-06-30T10:11:12Z",
"Enabled" : true,
"Schedule" : ["standard_always"],
"AuthenticationProfile" : [],
"Attribute" : [],
"AccessPolicy" : [ {
"AccessPoint" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000",
"AuthorizationProfile" : [],
"Attribute" : [],,
"Schedule" : [ "standard_always" ]
} ]
<AccessProfile token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591416.539133000">
<Description>AccessProfile description</Description>

The response of an access request and dispatched events are the same as if the AccessProfile was disabled, see section Disable an access profile.

Specify time-dependent access behavior

Schedules provide a way of configuring who has access during certain time periods. The schedules themselves are added using the schedule service, but they may be referenced from the AccessControl service to describe the desired access behavior. Schedules can be applied to authentication- and access profiles.

As described in section Schedule service, the format is compliant with the iCalendar format, which allows for schedules occurring once, at recurring times or with optional start and stop dates.

It is possible to specify both when a schedule is to be active and when there is an exception to it. It is possible to specify more than one schedule for each authentication- and access profile. All schedules are then analyzed together to determine whether the profile is active or not. The exception schedules have precedence over normal schedules, so it only requires one active exception to evaluate the list as inactive. If no exception is active, at least one regular schedule must be active for the list to be evaluated as active. Both schedules are illustrated in the following sub-sections.

Authentication profile

The AuthenticationProfiles can be configured with schedules which tells when an AuthenticationProfile is available. An AccessPoint using scheduled AuthenticationProfiles will have changing access requirements over time.

The example below shows how to set CardOnly to be scheduled as valid during office hours and CardPlusPin as valid outside of office hours. Additionally, an exception is set saying that during public holidays CardPlusPin is required. The example assumes the three schedules, office_hours, not_public_holidays and the default standard_always, already exists (and is being active when the name implies). The setup of the AuthenticationProfiles follows:

{"AuthenticationProfile" : [ {
"token": "CardOnly",
"Name": "CardOnly",
"Description": "Card only",
"IdFactor": [ { "IdDataName": "Card",
"IdMatchOperatorName": "IdDataEqual",
"OperatorValue": ""} ],
"Schedule": ["office_hours", "not_public_holidays"]
}, {
"token": "CardPlusPin",
"Name": "CardPlusPin",
"Description": "Card + PIN",
"IdFactor": [ {"IdDataName": "Card",
"IdMatchOperatorName": "IdDataEqual",
"OperatorValue": ""},
{"IdDataName": "PIN",
"IdMatchOperatorName": "IdDataEqual",
"OperatorValue": ""} ],
"Schedule": ["standard_always"]
} ]
<AuthenticationProfile token="CardOnly">
<Description>Card only</Description>
<AuthenticationProfile token="CardPlusPin">
<Description>Card + PIN</Description>

The setup of the AccessPoint, showing the list of AuthenticationProfiles that applies:

"AccessPoint" : [ {
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000",
"Name" : "Entry 1",
"Description" : "Entry 1 main door",
"AreaFrom" : "",
"AreaTo" : "",
"EntityType" : "tdc:Door",
"Entity" : "Door0",
"DoorDeviceUUID" : "",
"Enabled" : true,
"IdPointDevice" : [ { "IdPoint" : "idpoint_token",
"DeviceUUID" : "" } ],
"AuthenticationProfile" : [ "CardOnly", "CardPlusPin" ],
"Attribute" : [],
"ActionArgument" : [],
"Action" : "Access"
} ]
<AccessPoint token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000">
<Description>Entry 1 main door</Description>
<Name>Entry 1</Name>

Access profile

The AccessProfile has two configuration options that are possible to set specific schedules to. One main schedule which determines when the AccessProfile is available, making it possible to administrate time limits for a group of users. The other is for each attached AccessPoint, which makes it possible to have separate doors accessible to the users at different times.

In the following example, the schedules from the example in the previous section are recalled. An advanced setup has been made to the AccessProfile saying that the group of users linked to this access profile has access all the time, except for public holidays. In addition, access is always granted through the secondary access point called "employee-door", but the main access point ("main-door") is restricted to office hours.

"AccessProfile" : [{
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591416.539133000",
"Name" : "AccessProfile1",
"Description" : "AccessProfile description",
"ValidFrom" : "",
"ValidTo" : "",
"Enabled" : true,
"Schedule" : ["standard_always", "not_public_holidays"],
"AuthenticationProfile" : [],
"Attribute" : [],
"AccessPolicy" : [ {
"AccessPoint" : "main-door",
"AuthorizationProfile" : [],
"Attribute" : [],,
"Schedule" : [ "office_hours" ]
}, {
"AccessPoint" : "employee-door",
"AuthorizationProfile" : [],
"Attribute" : [],,
"Schedule" : [ "standard_always" ]
} ]
} ]
<AccessProfile token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591416.539133000">
<Description>AccessProfile description</Description>

Override the authentication of an access point

It is possible to set up a system with different levels of authentication profiles, providing an advanced way of overriding the common rules for accessing a door. Say the access point, uses one type of authentication, then it is possible to override this by setting other types of authentication at the access profile or the credential.

It is also possible to exclude having an AuthenticationProfile specified at the AccessPoint, and only use AuthenticationProfiles in the AccessProfiles or Credential. This may be useful if the intention is to have different users, or groups of users, access the same access point in different ways without a common way of doing so.

When overriding authentication profiles with lower priority, it is possible to add more levels of schedules into the system. By specifying AuthenticationProfiles that are active during different schedules, one can create advanced schemata where a certain user or group of users may enter using other credentials.

The precedence order for AuthenticationProfiles overrides are from high to low: Credentials, AccessProfiles and AccessPoints. This is further shown in the flowchart below.

Authentication profiles precedence order

In this example, an AccessPoint is set up where card and pin is required and a specific group of users should be able to access it with only their cards during office hours. This is achieved by setting CardOnly-office-hours in the AccessProfile, thus overriding CardPlusPin in the AccessPoint. Outside this schedule, the default requirements of the AccessPoint applies.

{"AuthenticationProfile" : [ {
"token": "CardOnly-office-hours",
"Name": "CardOnlyOfficeHours",
"Description": "Card only during office hours",
"IdFactor": [ { "IdDataName": "Card",
"IdMatchOperatorName": "IdDataEqual",
"OperatorValue": ""} ],
"Schedule": [ "office_hours", "not_public_holidays" ]
}, {
"token": "CardOnly-always",
"Name": "CardOnlyAlways",
"Description": "Card only always",
"IdFactor": [ { "IdDataName": "Card",
"IdMatchOperatorName": "IdDataEqual",
"OperatorValue": ""} ],
"Schedule": [ "standard_always" ]
}, {
"token": "CardPlusPin",
"Name": "CardPlusPin",
"Description": "Card + PIN",
"IdFactor": [ {"IdDataName": "Card",
"IdMatchOperatorName": "IdDataEqual",
"OperatorValue": ""},
{"IdDataName": "PIN",
"IdMatchOperatorName": "IdDataEqual",
"OperatorValue": ""} ],
"Schedule": [ "standard_always" ]
} ]
<AuthenticationProfile token="CardOnly-office-hours">
<Description>Card only during office hours</Description>
<AuthenticationProfile token="CardOnly-always">
<Description>Card only always</Description>
<AuthenticationProfile token="CardPlusPin">
<Description>Card + PIN</Description>

The AccessPoint using CardPlusPin:

"AccessPoint" : [ {
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000",
"Name" : "Entry 1",
"Description" : "Entry 1 main door",
"AreaFrom" : "",
"AreaTo" : "",
"EntityType" : "tdc:Door",
"Entity" : "Door0",
"DoorDeviceUUID" : "",
"Enabled" : true,
"IdPointDevice" : [ {"IdPoint": "idpoint_token",
"DeviceUUID": ""} ],
"AuthenticationProfile" : ["CardPlusPin"],
"Attribute" : [],
"ActionArgument" : [],
"Action" : "Access"
} ]
<AccessPoint token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000">
<Description>Entry 1 main door</Description>
<Name>Entry 1</Name>

The AccessProfile with overriding CardOnly-office-hours (CardOnly during office_hours):

"AccessProfile" : [ {
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591416.539133000",
"Name" : "AccessProfile1",
"Description" : "AccessProfile description",
"ValidFrom" : "",
"ValidTo" : "",
"Enabled" : true,
"Schedule" : ["standard_always"],
"AuthenticationProfile" : ["CardOnly-office-hours"],
"Attribute" : [],
"AccessPolicy" : [ {
"AccessPoint" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000",
"AuthorizationProfile" : [],
"Attribute" : [],
"Schedule" : [ "standard_always" ]
} ]
} ]
<AccessProfile token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591416.539133000">
<Description>AccessProfile description</Description>

Finally, a kind of superuser, who only needs a card at all times, shall be added. This is done by adding CardOnly-always to the Credential, thus overriding both AccessProfile and AccessPoint:

"Credential" : [ {
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000",
"UserToken" : "user_token1",
"Description" : "Credential description",
"ValidFrom" : "",
"ValidTo" : "",
"Enabled" : true,
"Status" : "Enabled",
"IdData" : [ {"Name" : "Card",
"Value" : "12345678"},
{"Name" : "PIN",
"Value" : "1234"} ],
"Attribute" : [],
"AuthenticationProfile" : ["CardOnly-always"],
"CredentialAccessProfile" : [ {
"ValidFrom" : "",
"ValidTo" : "",
"AccessProfile" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591416.539133000"
} ]
} ]
<Credential token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000">
<Description>Credential description</Description>
<IdData Name="Card" Value="12345678"/>
<IdData Name="PIN" Value="1234"/>

The diagram shows AuthenticationProfile added to the diagram in chapter Overview of the initial system, where unaffected parts are dimmed in gray.

Initial system with added authentication profiles

Enable duress access

Credentials can have an extra PIN code to be used for access under duress. If a credential holder uses his normal card together with the duress PIN code, the door is unlocked and a duress event is sent.

To unlock the door and send a duress event, the AccessPoint must be configured to allow duress access, the duress PIN code must be defined in the Credential and the Credential must be part of an AccessProfile that is configured to allow duress access.

A typical duress configuration setup is shown in the figure below. The Credential is part of two groups: one normal group and one group with duress access. The two AccessProfile items are two connected to an AccessPoint that supports duress access. The AccessPoint has two connected AuthenticationProfile items one for CardPlusPIN and one for CardPlusDuressPIN. This setup grants normal access if the normal PIN code is used and grants duress access and sends a duress event if the duress PIN code is used.

Duress access configuration.

The AuthenticationProfile used for duress access should have IdMatchOperatorName set to IdDataEqualToField and OperatorValue set to DuressPIN as illustrated in the example below. This makes the system match an incoming PIN code with the value in the Credential DuressPIN field.

"pacsaxis:SetAuthenticationProfile" : {
"AuthenticationProfile" : [ {
"token": "CardPlusPin",
"Name": "CardPlusPin",
"Description": "Card + PIN",
"IdFactor": [ {"IdDataName": "Card",
"IdMatchOperatorName": "IdDataEqual",
"OperatorValue": ""},
{"IdDataName": "PIN",
"IdMatchOperatorName": "IdDataEqual",
"OperatorValue": ""} ],
"Schedule": ["office_hours"]
}, {
"token": "CardPlusDuressPIN",
"Name": "CardPlusDuressPIN",
"Description": "Card + DuressPIN",
"IdFactor": [ {"IdDataName": "Card",
"IdMatchOperatorName": "IdDataEqual",
"OperatorValue": ""},
{"IdDataName": "PIN",
"IdMatchOperatorName": "IdDataEqualToField",
"OperatorValue": "DuressPIN"} ],
"Schedule": ["office_hours"]
} ]
<AuthenticationProfile token="CardPlusPin">
<Description>Card + PIN</Description>
<AuthenticationProfile token="CardPlusDuressPIN">
<Description>Card + DuressPIN</Description>

To allow duress access at an AccessPoint, add an attribute with Name set to Duress and leave Value empty.

{ "pacsaxis:SetAccessPoint": {
"AccessPoint" : [{
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000",
"Name" : "Entry 1",
"Description" : "",
"AreaFrom" : "",
"AreaTo" : "",
"Entity" : "Door0",
"DoorDeviceUUID" : "",
"Enabled" : true,
"IdPointDevice" : [ {
"IdPoint" : "idpoint_token",
"DeviceUUID" : "" } ],
"AuthenticationProfile" : [ "CardPlusPin", "CardPlusDuressPIN"],
"Attribute" : [{
"type" : "",
"Name" : "Duress",
"Value" : ""}],
"ActionArgument" : [],
"Action" : "Access"
<AccessPoint token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000">
<Name>Entry 1</Name>
<Attribute type="" Name="Duress" Value=""/>

To limit duress access at an AccessPoint to selected members of an AccessProfile, create an additional AccessProfile. Connect the new AccessProfile to the same AccessPoint and enable duress access by adding the attribute Duress. See example below. A member in the first AccessProfile (with name NormalGroup) gets normal access and if the member is also included in the second AccessProfile (with name DuressGroup), the member gets duress access as well.

"pacsaxis:SetAccessProfile" : {
"AccessProfile" : [ {
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591416.539133000",
"Name" : "NormalGroup",
"Description" : "Members can get normal access",
"ValidFrom" : "",
"ValidTo" : "",
"Enabled" : true,
"Schedule" : ["office_hours"],
"AuthenticationProfile" : [],
"Attribute" : [],
"AccessPolicy" : [ {
"AccessPoint" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000",
"AuthorizationProfile" : [],
"Attribute" : [],
"Schedule" : [ "office_hours" ]
} ]
}, {
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591417.539133000",
"Name" : "DuressGroup",
"Description" : "Members can trigger duress access",
"ValidFrom" : "",
"ValidTo" : "",
"Enabled" : true,
"Schedule" : ["office_hours"],
"AuthenticationProfile" : [],
"Attribute" : [ {
"type" : "",
"Name" : "Duress",
"Value" : ""} ],
"AccessPolicy" : [ {
"AccessPoint" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351589192.102223000",
"AuthorizationProfile" : [],
"Attribute" : [],
"Schedule" : [ "office_hours" ]
} ]
<AccessProfile token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591416.539133000">
<Description>Members can get normal access</Description>
<AccessProfile token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591417.539133000">
<Description>Members can trigger duress access</Description>
<Attribute Name="Duress" Value="" type="" />

To set a duress PIN code in a Credential, add an extra IdData with Name equal to DuressPIN and Value set to PIN code that is different from the normal PIN code.

{"pacsaxis:SetCredential": {
"Credential" : [{
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000",
"UserToken" : "user_token1",
"Description" : "Credential description",
"ValidFrom" : "",
"ValidTo" : "",
"Enabled" : false,
"Status" : "Disabled",
"IdData" : [ {
"Name" : "Card",
"Value" : "12345678"
}, {
"Name" : "PIN",
"Value" : "1234"
}, {
"Name" : "DuressPIN",
"Value" : "1235" } ],
"Attribute" : [],
"AuthenticationProfile" : [],
"CredentialAccessProfile" : [ {
"ValidFrom" : "",
"ValidTo" : "",
"AccessProfile" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591416.539133000"
}, {
"ValidFrom" : "",
"ValidTo" : "",
"AccessProfile" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591417.539133000" }]
} }
<Credential token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000">
<Description>Credential description</Description>
<IdData Name="Card" Value="12345678"/>
<IdData Name="PIN" Value="1234"/>
<IdData Name="DuressPIN" Value="1235"/>

Extend access time for a credential

The time the door is unlocked after access has been granted is defined by AccessTime in the Door data structure, see Door data structure. The Door can also have an extended access time which is defined by ExtendedAccessTime in Door.

A Credential can be configured to use the extended access time from the Door instead of the normal access time. To achieve this, set the Attribute field in the Credential to ExtendedAccessTime without any value as shown in the following example:

"pacsaxis:SetCredential" : {
"Credential": [ {
"token" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000",
"UserToken" : "user_token1",
"Description" : "Credential description",
"ValidFrom" : "1997-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"ValidTo" : "2038-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Enabled" : true,
"Status" : "Enabled",
"IdData" : [ {
"Name" : "Card",
"Value" : "12345678"
}, {
"Name" : "PIN",
"Value" : "1234" } ],
"Attribute" : [{
"Name": "ExtendedAccessTime"
"AuthenticationProfile" : [],
"CredentialAccessProfile": [ {
"ValidFrom" : "1997-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"ValidTo" : "2038-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"AccessProfile" : "Axis-00408c184bdb:1351591416.539133000"
} ]
} ]
<Credential token="Axis-00408c184bdb:1351593020.016190000">
<Attribute Name="ExtendedAccessTime"/>
<Description>Credential description</Description>
<IdData Name="Card" Value="12345678"/>
<IdData Name="PIN" Value="1234"/>

When the door is accessed using this credential, the door remains unlocked for the number of seconds specified by ExtendedAccessTime in Door. The Attribute field in the Credential can also be used to specify door timeouts that are specific to this Credential. The following timeouts can be used: AccessTime, OpenTooLongTime, PreAlarmTime. These timeouts are similar to the door timeouts described in section Door data structure. Each timeout must have a Value in the form PTXS where X is the number of seconds.

Enable anti-passback

Anti-passback monitors violations to rules preventing the same card being used for access to the same area multiple times, if other conditions are not first fulfilled. A violation can be defined in two ways, depending on the anti-passback mode:

  • Logical: A violation occurs when the user enters the area (opens the door) and then requests to enter it again (e.g. the card is passed back through the door to another user).
  • TimedLogical: A violation occurs when the user enters the area and then requests to enter again within a configurable time span. After the configured time has passed, requests to re-enter will not cause violations.

Anti-passback is configured using access point attributes, and concerns the AreaTo of an access point. When the user requests access to AreaTo of an access point with anti-passback enabled, the request may be denied if it constitutes an anti-passback violation, or granted if enforcement is disabled, which can be done for a credential by setting its AntiPassbackOverride attribute to True.

Note: Door monitor input is needed to get anti-passback to work.

Example 1: Enable hard-timed logical anti-passback feature for an access point, with a timeout of 5 min. Anti-passback is configured by adding attributes to an AccessPoint.

"pacsaxis:SetAccessPoint": {
"AccessPoint": [
"token": "Main entrance in",
"Name": "Main entrance in",
"Description": "",
"AreaFrom": "main building out",
"AreaTo": "main building in",
"EntityType": "tdc:Door",
"Entity": "main entrance door",
"Enabled": true,
"DoorDeviceUUID": "5581ad80-95b0-11e0-b883-00408cffe4b3",
"IdPointDevice": [
"IdPoint": "main entrance idpoint",
"DeviceUUID": ""
"AuthenticationProfile": [],
"Attribute": [
"type": "",
"Name": "Direction",
"Value": "in"
"type": "",
"Name": "AntiPassbackMode",
"Value": "TimedLogical"
"type": "",
"Name": "AntiPassbackTimeout",
"Value": "300"
"type": "",
"Name": "AntiPassbackEnforcementMode",
"Value": "Hard"
"ActionArgument": [],
"Action": "Access"
<!--1 or more repetitions:-->
<pacs:AccessPoint token="Main entrance in">
<pacs:Name>Main entrance in</pacs:Name>
<pacs:AreaFrom>main building out</pacs:AreaFrom>
<pacs:AreaTo>main building in</pacs:AreaTo>
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<pacs:IdPoint>main entrance idpoint</pacs:IdPoint>
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<pacs:Attribute type="" Name="Direction" Value="in">
<pacs:Attribute type="" Name="AntiPassbackMode" Value="TimedLogical">
<pacs:Attribute type="" Name="AntiPassbackTimeout" Value="300">
<pacs:Attribute type="" Name="AntiPassbackEnforcementMode" Value="Hard">
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<pacs:ActionArgument type="?">

Example 2: Configure anti-passback override for a credential.

"pacsaxis:SetCredential": {
"Credential": [
"token": "credential token",
"UserToken": "user_token",
"Description": "credential description",
"ValidFrom": "1997-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"ValidTo": "2038-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Enabled": true,
"Status": "Enabled",
"IdData": [
"Name": "Card",
"Value": "12345678"
"Name": "PIN",
"Value": "1234"
"Attribute": [
"type": "",
"Name": "AntiPassbackOverride",
"Value": "True"
"AuthenticationProfile": [],
"CredentialAccessProfile": [
"ValidFrom": "1997-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"ValidTo": "2038-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"AccessProfile": "AccessProfile token"
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:pacs="">
<!--1 or more repetitions:-->
<pacs:Credential token="credential token">
<pacs:Description>credential description></pacs:Description>
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<pacs:IdData Name="Card" Value="12345678">
<pacs:IdData Name="PIN" Value="1234">
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<pacs:Attribute type="" Name="AntiPassbackOverride" Value="True">
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<pacs:AccessProfile>AccessProfile token></pacs:AccessProfile>

Example 3: Set anti-passback data for the controller.

"CredentialToken": "credential token",
"CurrentArea": "main building in",
"ByTime": false,
"PassOkThreshold": 0,
"Violation": ""
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:pacs="">
<!--1 or more repetitions:-->
<pacs:CredentialToken>credential token</pacs:CredentialToken>
<pacs:CurrentArea>main building in></pacs:CurrentArea>

Configure anti-passback

Anti-passback is configured by adding attributes to an AccessPoint. The following configuration attributes are available:

AntiPassbackModeStringLogical or TimedLogicalN/A
AntiPassbackEnforcementModeString"Soft" or "Hard"Hard

Note: AntiPassbackMode is mandatory to enable the feature. The other two attributes will use default values if not entered.


  • Logical - Two card readers attached to the door. The user cannot access the area twice without exiting in between. The timer is not used.
  • TimedLogical - Same as Logical, but the user can access the area again when the AntiPassbackTimeout timer has expired.


  • Soft - Anti-passback is not enforced, but violations still produce anti-passback events.
  • Hard - Anti-passback is enforced and violations produce anti-passback events.


  • Number of seconds the user will be locked out when anti-passback occurs.

Note 1: AntiPassbackTimeout is only used in TimedLogical mode. Timer is not restarted on consecutive card swipes.

Note 2: Even if all configuration attributes are entered in the AccessPoint, Areas (SetArea) will also need to be created, and specified in the AccessPoint (AreaTo and AreaFrom).

Configure anti-passback override

Anti-passback may be overridden for a credential by adding a credential attribute. When set to True, anti-passback is disabled entirely for that credential.

AntiPassbackOverrideboolTrue or FalseFalse

List and set anti-passback

The anti-passback feature is enforced based on the anti-passback monitoring data stored locally in the access controller. Anti-passback monitoring data is updated once the anti-passback feature is enabled, with a list of credentials and related information. The following data types for anti-passback monitoring data are valid:

  • pt:ReferenceToken CredentialToken
    Credential token number
  • xs:long PassOkThreshold
    Anti-passback timer value (in microseconds)
  • xs:string CurrentArea
    The current area token
  • xs:boolean ByTime
    Used to indicate AntiPassbackMode. False denotes Logical, Truedenotes TimedLogical.

Anti-passback monitoring data of the access controller can be configured by the client, directly through the function SetAntipassbackData. The client can list the anti-passback database of the controller through GetAntipassbackDataList. A typical use case for this feature is to synchronize anti-passback database in multiple controllers in the same area, to achieve area-based anti-passback. The recommended way to configure the anti-passback monitoring data is to first employGetAntipassbackDataList and then send this same data to the controller directly. In most cases, there is no need to modify the data from GetAntipassbackDataList before using it for SetAntipassbackData.

Reset anti-passback

The clearing of anti-passback data for specific or all credentials stored in the controller is supported. If the credential is currently not in anti-passback violation, then nothing happens. For further details, refer to the Access Control Service API Enable anti-passback.

  • Clear anti-passback data for all credentials
    Function: ResetAllAntipassbackViolations
  • Clear anti-passback monitoring data for a specific credential
    Function: ResetAntipassbackViolation

Anti-passback notifications

When access is denied because of anti-passback, the existing event AccessControl/Denied/Credential is sent with AntiPassbackViolation as the reason.
A new event is also sent, Credential/State/ApbViolation, as shown below:

[CredentialToken = 'Axis-accc8e25445a:1480425881.133982000'] {onvif-source} {wstype:pt:ReferenceToken}
[tns1:topic2 = 'ApbViolation'] {evvnn:Anti Passback Violation}
[tns1:topic1 = 'State'] {evvnn:State}
[tns1:topic0 = 'Credential']
[CredentialHolderName = 'Axis-accc8e25445a:1480425880.628047000'] {onvif-source} {wstype:pt:ReferenceToken}
[Device Source = '5581ad80-95b0-11e0-b883-accc8e25445a'] {onvif-source}
[Reason = 'AntiPassbackViolation'] {onvif-data}
[ApbViolation = '1'] {onvif-data}
[ClientUpdated = '0'] {onvif-data}

The event Credential/State/ApbViolation, can also be sent in the following scenarios:

  • If the anti-passback violation is reset by an API call, i.e. ResetAntipassbackViolation (ApbViolation 0, ClientUpdated 1).
[CredentialToken = 'Axis-accc8e25445a:1480425881.133982000'] {onvif-source} {wstype:pt:ReferenceToken}
[tns1:topic2 = 'ApbViolation'] {evvnn:Anti Passback Violation}
[tns1:topic1 = 'State'] {evvnn:State}
[tns1:topic0 = 'Credential']
[CredentialHolderName = 'Axis-accc8e25445a:1480425880.628047000'] {onvif-source} {wstype:pt:ReferenceToken}
[Device Source = '5581ad80-95b0-11e0-b883-accc8e25445a'] {onvif-source}
[Reason = 'AntiPassbackViolation'] {onvif-data}
[ApbViolation = '0'] {onvif-data}
[ClientUpdated = '1'] {onvif-data}
  • If the internal anti-passback cleanup timer (currently running every 10 minutes) finds any credentials where the violation should be removed (ApbViolation 0, ClientUpdated 0). This is only applicable if TimedLogical is used as the anti-passback mode.
[CredentialToken = 'Axis-accc8e25445a:1480425881.133982000'] {onvif-source} {wstype:pt:ReferenceToken}
[tns1:topic2 = 'ApbViolation'] {evvnn:Anti Passback Violation}
[tns1:topic1 = 'State'] {evvnn:State}
[tns1:topic0 = 'Credential']
[CredentialHolderName = 'Axis-accc8e25445a:1480425880.628047000'] {onvif-source} {wstype:pt:ReferenceToken}
[Device Source = '5581ad80-95b0-11e0-b883-accc8e25445a'] {onvif-source}
[Reason = 'AntiPassbackViolation'] {onvif-data}
[ApbViolation = '0'] {onvif-data}
[ClientUpdated = '0'] {onvif-data}
  • If the credential in violation is removed by the API call RemoveCredential(ApbViolation 0, ClientUpdated 1).
[CredentialToken = 'Axis-accc8e25445a:1480425881.133982000'] {onvif-source} {wstype:pt:ReferenceToken}
[tns1:topic2 = 'ApbViolation'] {evvnn:Anti Passback Violation}
[tns1:topic1 = 'State'] {evvnn:State}
[tns1:topic0 = 'Credential']
[CredentialHolderName = 'Axis-accc8e25445a:1480425880.628047000'] {onvif-source} {wstype:pt:ReferenceToken}
[Device Source = '5581ad80-95b0-11e0-b883-accc8e25445a'] {onvif-source}
[Reason = 'AntiPassbackViolation'] {onvif-data}
[ApbViolation = '0'] {onvif-data}
[ClientUpdated = '1'] {onvif-data}

Note that due to load considerations, the Credential/State/ApbViolation event is not sent in the following scenarios:

  • ResetAllAntipassbackViolations
  • SetAntipassbackData

Access control service API

The AccessControl service implements the Authentication and Authorization functionality and controls the actions to get access to various Access Points controlling access to Doors and Areas.

The AccessControl service can have multiple AccessController instances (configurations).

The basic data structures used by the service are:

  • CredentialInfo holding basic information of a credential.
  • AccessPointInfo holding basic information on how access is controlled in one direction for a door (from which area to which area) defined in the DoorControl service.
  • AccessController holding information on which AccessPoints are handled by which controller.
  • AccessProfileInfo and AccessProfile holding authorization information.
  • AuthenticationProfileInfo and AuthenticationProfile holding authentication requirements.

Standardised attributes:

ExtendedTime - Use extended timer for Door Control Access.

Extensions and new features can be controlled with the existing API:s and datastructures by using new Attributes or adding new MatchOperators.

Attributes can exist in the Credential indicating that a Credential (or holder) needs or provides certain checks.

Other Attributes that perhaps should be standardized (but not mandatory): EscortRequired - if the holder of the Credential requires escort.

EscortNotRequired - if the holder of the Credential does not require escort.

Escort - the holder of the credential is an escort.

VideoVerifiation and similar extra authentication or authorization checks - can be implemented using a specific IdMatchOperator used by an IdFactor in an AuthenticationProfile, where the OperatorValue points to a remote AccessController where the check is done.

Design considerations

Instance-level capabilities

A single PACS device may have diverse components of the same type. For example, a controller may operate two doors: one at the entrance to the building which has secure locking, monitoring and alarm abilities, and the other one is internal which can be only locked and unlocked.

Therefore, capabilities can be divided into 2 groups:

  • Overall service capabilities;
  • Capabilities for a particular entity in the service. It can also work in conjunction with GetEventProperties function to provide finer control over system.

Please refer to section [Service capabilities] for more information.

Retrieving status

The PACS family of ONVIF services defines 2 parallel mechanisms for retrieving status information for most entities:

  • Get<Entity>State functions return a cumulative snapshot of the current state, operating mode and other run-time information.
  • The Event Service returns up-to-date and consistent states of entities. Each entity provides a set of events (usually one per each field in the State type) to notify a client about status changes. As far as these events are property events, a client receives the current state whenever a new subscription is initialized.

Retrieving system configuration

The PACS family of ONVIF services defines several Get-functions that can return data incrementally. These functions allow the processing of a large number of entities even though resources are highly constrained.

To return data incrementally, these functions make use of a parameter called StartReference. StartReference is a device internal identifier used to continue fetching data from the last position, and allows a client to iterate over a large dataset in smaller chunks. The device handles a reasonable number of different StartReferences at the same time and they live for a reasonable time so that clients are able to fetch complete datasets.

An ONVIF compliant client always passes the value returned from a previous request to continue fetching data. Client do not use the same reference more than once.

For example, the StartReference can be incrementing start position number or underlying database transaction identifier.

The returned NextStartReference is used as the StartReference parameter in successive calls, and may be changed by device in each call.

The following pseudo-code demonstrates how information about all Access Points can be obtained from a device:

StartRef = null
do {
Response = GetAccessPointInfoList(StartReference = StartRef)
if (Response.AccessPointInfo != null) {
StartRef = Response.NextStartReference
} while (StartRef != null)

Service capabilities

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ServiceCapabilities data structure

The service capabilities reflect optional functionality of a service. The information is static and does not change during device operation. The following capabilities are available:

  • MaxLimit

    The maximum number of entries returned by a single GetList request. The device shall never return more than this number of entities in a single response.

  • DisableCredential

    True if EnableCredential and DisableCredential operations is supported.

  • GetAccessPoint

    True if GetAccessPointList and GetAccessPoint operations are supported.

  • SetAccessPoint

    True if SetAccessPoint operations is supported.

  • RemoveAccessPoint

    True if RemoveAccessPoint operation is supported.

  • GetArea

    True if GetAreaList and GetArea operations are supported.

  • SetArea

    True if SetArea operation is supported.

  • RemoveArea

    True if RemoveArea operation is supported.

  • GetCredential

    True if GetCredentialList and GetCredential operations are supported

  • SetCredential

    True if SetCredential operation is supported.

  • RemoveCredential

    True if RemoveCredential operation is supported.

  • StandardAttributesSupported

    True if the GetStandardAttributes operation is supported.

  • VendorAttributesSupported

    True if the GetVendorAttributes operation is supported.

GetServiceCapabilities command

This operation returns the capabilities of the Access Control service.

An ONVIF compliant device which provides the Access Control service shall implement this method.

GetServiceCapabilities Command

  • Name: GetServiceCapabilities
  • Access Class: PRE_AUTH
Message nameDescription
GetServiceCapabilitiesRequestThis message shall be empty.
GetServiceCapabilitiesResponseThis message contains:

- Capabilities: The capability response message contains the requested Access Control service capabilities using a hierarchical XML capability structure.

tac:ServiceCapabilities Capabilities [1][1]

Access point information

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AccessPointInfo data structure

The AccessPointInfo structure contains basic information about an AccessPoint instance. An AccessPoint defines an entity a Credential can be granted or denied access to. The AccessPointInfo provides basic information on how access is controlled in one direction for a door (from which area to which area).

Door is the typical device involved, but other type of devices may be supported as well. Multiple AccessPoint items may cover the same Door and/or IdPoint items. A typical case is one AccessPoint for entry and another for exit, both referencing the same Door.

If an AccessPoint is disabled, it shall not be considered in the decision making process and no commands (e.g. AccessDoor requests) will be issued from that AccessPoint to the door (or other type of Entity) configured for that AccessPoint.

An ONVIF compliant device shall provide the following fields for each AccessPoint instance:

  • token

    A service-unique identifier of the AccessPoint.

  • Name

    A user readable name. It shall be up to 64 characters.

  • Entity

    Reference to the entity used to control access; the entity type may be specified by the optional EntityType field explained below but is typically a Door.

  • Capabilities

    The capabilities for the AccessPoint.

To provide more information, the device may include the following optional fields:

  • Description

    Optional user readable description for the AccessPoint. It shall be up to 1024 characters.

  • AreaFrom

    Optional reference to the Area from which access is requested.

  • AreaTo

    Optional reference to the Area to which access is requested.

  • EntityType

    Optional entity type; if missing, a Door type as defined by the ONVIF DoorControl service should be assumed. This can also be represented by the QName value "tdc:Door". This field is provided for future extensions; it will allow an AccessPoint being extended to cover entity types other than Door items as well.

AccessPointCapabilities data structure

The AccessPoint capabilities reflect optional functionality of a particular physical entity. Different AccessPoint instances may have different set of capabilities. This information may change during device operation, e.g. if hardware settings are changed. The following capabilities are available:

  • DisableAccessPoint

    Indicates whether or not this AccessPoint instance supports EnableAccessPoint and DisableAccessPoint commands.

  • Duress

    Indicates whether or not this AccessPoint instance supports generation of duress events.

  • AnonymousAccess

    Indicates whether or not this AccessPoint has a REX switch or other input that allows anonymous access.

  • AccessTaken

    Indicates whether or not this AccessPoint instance supports generation of AccessTaken and AccessNotTaken events. If AnonymousAccess and AccessTaken are both true, it indicates that the Anonymous versions of AccessTaken and AccessNotTaken are supported.

  • ExternalAuthorization

    Indicates whether or not this AccessPoint instance supports the ExternalAuthorization operation and the generation of Request events. If AnonymousAccess and ExternalAuthorization are both true, it indicates that the Anonymous version is supported as well.

GetAccessPointInfoList command

This operation requests a list of all AccessPointInfo items provided by the device. An ONVIF compliant device which provides the Access Control service shall implement this method.

A call to this method shall return a StartReference when not all data is returned and more data is available. The reference shall be valid for retrieving the next set of data. See section Retrieving system configuration.

The number of items returned shall not be greater than Limit parameter.

GetAccessPointInfoList Command

  • Name: GetAccessPointInfoList
  • Access Class: READ_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
GetAccessPointInfoListRequestThis message contains:

- Limit: Maximum number of entries to return. If not specified, less than one or higher than what the device supports, the number of items is determined by the device.:
- StartReference: Start returning entries from this start reference. If not specified, entries shall start from the beginning of the dataset.

xs:int Limit [0][1]
xs:string StartReference [0][1]
GetAccessPointInfoListResponseThis message contains:

- NextStartReference: StartReference to use in next call to get the following items. If absent, no more items to get.:
- AccessPointInfo: List of AccessPointInfo items.

xs:string NextStartReference [0][1]
tac:AccessPointInfo AccessPointInfo [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidStartReferenceStartReference is invalid or has timed out. Client needs to start fetching from the beginning.

GetAccessPointInfo command

This operation requests a list of AccessPointInfo items matching the given tokens.

An ONVIF compliant device which provides Access Control service shall implement this method.

The device shall ignore tokens it cannot resolve and shall return an empty list if there are no items matching specified tokens. The device shall not return a fault in this case.

If the number of requested items is greater than MaxLimit, a TooManyItems fault shall be returned.

GetAccessPointInfo Command

  • Name: GetAccessPointInfo
  • Access Class: READ_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
GetAccessPointInfoRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of AccessPointInfo items to get.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
GetAccessPointInfoResponseThis message contains:

- AccessPointInfo: List of AccessPointInfo items.

tac:AccessPointInfo AccessPointInfo [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgs ter:TooManyItemsToo many items were requested, see MaxLimit capability.

Area information

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AreaInfo data structure

The AreaInfo structure contains basic information about an Area. An ONVIF compliant device shall provide the following fields for each Area:

  • token

    A service-unique identifier of the Area.

  • Name

    User readable name. It shall be up to 64 characters.

To provide more information, the device may include the following optional field:

  • Description

    User readable description for the Area. It shall be up to 1024 characters.

GetAreaInfoList command

This operation requests a list of all AreaInfo items provided by the device. An ONVIF compliant device which provides the Access Control service shall implement this method.

A call to this method shall return a StartReference when not all data is returned and more data is available. The reference shall be valid for retrieving the next set of data. See section Retrieving system configuration.

The number of items returned shall not be greater than Limit parameter.

GetAreaInfoList Command

  • Name: GetAreaInfoList
  • Access Class: READ_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
GetAreaInfoListRequestThis message contains:

- Limit: Maximum number of entries to return. If not specified, less than one or higher than what the device supports, the number of items is determined by the device.:
- StartReference: Start returning entries from this start reference. If not specified, entries shall start from the beginning of the dataset.

xs:int Limit [0][1]
xs:string StartReference [0][1]
GetAreaInfoListResponseThis message contains:

- NextStartReference: StartReference to use in next call to get the following items. If absent, no more items to get.:
- AreaInfo: List of AreaInfo items.

xs:string NextStartReference [0][1]
tac:AreaInfo AreaInfo [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidStartReferenceStartReference is invalid or has timed out. Client needs to start fetching from the beginning.

GetAreaInfo command

This operation requests a list of AreaInfo items matching the given tokens.

An ONVIF compliant device which provides Access Control service shall implement this method.

The device shall ignore tokens it cannot resolve and shall return an empty list if there are no items matching specified tokens. The device shall not return a fault in this case.

If the number of requested items is greater than MaxLimit, a TooManyItems fault shall be returned.

GetAreaInfo Command

  • Name: GetAreaInfo
  • Access Class: READ_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
GetAreaInfoRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of AreaInfo items to get.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
GetAreaInfoResponseThis message contains:

- AreaInfo: List of AreaInfo items.

tac:AreaInfo AreaInfo [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgs ter:TooManyItemsToo many items were requested, see MaxLimit capability.

Access point status

The state of the AccessPoint is determined by a number of operations that can be performed on it depending on its capabilities.

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AccessPointState data structure

The AccessPointState contains state information for an AccessPoint. An ONVIF compliant device shall provide the following fields for each AccessPoint instance:

  • Enabled

    Indicates that the AccessPoint is enabled. By default this field value shall be True, if the DisableAccessPoint capabilities is not supported.

GetAccessPointState command

This operation requests the AccessPointState for the AccessPoint instance specified by token.

An ONVIF compliant device that provides Access Control service shall implement this method.

GetAccessPointState Command

  • Name: GetAccessPointState
Message nameDescription
GetAccessPointStateRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Token of AccessPoint instance to get AccessPointState for.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][1]
GetAccessPointStateResponseThis message contains:

- AccessPointState: AccessPointState item.

tac:AccessPointState AccessPointState [1][1]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFoundAccessPoint is not found.

Access control commands

The service control commands contain operations that allow modifying AccessPoint states and controlling AccessPoints.

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Decision data structure

The Decision enumeration represents a choice of two available options for an access request:

  • Granted

    The decision is to grant access.

  • Denied

    The decision is to deny access.

EnableAccessPoint command

This operation allows enabling an access point.

A device that signals support for DisableAccessPoint capability for a particular AccessPoint instance shall implement this command.

EnableAccessPoint Command

  • Name: EnableAccessPoint
  • Access Class: ACTUATE
Message nameDescription
EnableAccessPointRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Token of the AccessPoint instance to enable.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][1]
EnableAccessPointResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFoundThe specified token is not found.
env:Receiver ter:ActionNotSupported ter:NotSupportedThe operation is not supported.

DisableAccessPoint command

This operation allows disabling an access point.

A device that signals support for DisableAccessPoint capability for a particular AccessPoint instance shall implement this command.

DisableAccessPoint Command

  • Name: DisableAccessPoint
  • Access Class: ACTUATE
Message nameDescription
DisableAccessPointRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Token of the AccessPoint instance to disable.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][1]
DisableAccessPointResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFoundThe specified token is not found.
env:Receiver ter:ActionNotSupported ter:NotSupportedThe operation is not supported.

ExternalAuthorization command

This operation allows to deny or grant decision at an AccessPoint instance.

A device that signals support for ExternalAuthorization capability for a particular AccessPoint instance shall implement this method.

ExternalAuthorization Command

  • Name: ExternalAuthorization
  • Access Class: ACTUATE
Message nameDescription
ExternalAuthorizationRequestThis message contains:

- AccessPointToken: Token of the AccessPoint instance.:
- CredentialToken: Optional. Token of the Credential involved.:
- Reason: Optional. Reason for decision.:
- Decision: Decision. Granted or Denied.

pt:ReferenceToken AccessPointToken [1][1]
pt:ReferenceToken CredentialToken [0][1]
xs:string Reason [0][1]
tac:Decision Decision [1][1] (extendable)
ExternalAuthorizationResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFoundThe specified token is not found.
env:Receiver ter:ActionNotSupported ter:NotSupportedAccessPoint is not found.

AccessPoint configuration

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AccessPoint data structure

The AccessPoint structure provides the full configuration for an AccessPoint. The AccessPoint structure defines a mapping between one or multiple axtid:IdPoints and some Entity (typically of the EntityType tdc:Door) used to control access. Multiple mappings covering the same IdPoint and the same Door may exist.

The IdPointDevice list may contain multiple IdPoint items in cases where request can or must come from more than one IdPoint - e.g. one fingerprint reader and one card reader.

The following fields are available:

  • token

    A service-unique identifier of the AccessPoint.

  • Name

    A user readable name. It shall be up to 64 characters.

  • Entity

    Reference to the entity used to control access; the entity type may be specified by the optional EntityType field explained below but is typically a Door.

  • Enabled

    Whether this AccessPoint is enabled or not.

  • IdPointDevice

    List of IdPoint items and their device info.

  • AuthenticationProfile

    List of AuthenticationProfile items that apply for this AccessPoint.

  • Attribute

    Optional attributes associated with this AccessPoint.

  • ActionArgument

    Optional arguments to action associated with this AccessPoint.

  • Action

    Action associated with this AccessPoint, typically "AccessDoor".

To provide more information, the device may include the following optional fields:

  • Description

    Optional user readable description for the AccessPoint. It shall be up to 1024 characters.

  • AreaFrom

    Optional reference to the Area from which access is requested.

  • AreaTo

    Optional reference to the Area to which access is requested.

  • EntityType

    Optional entity type; if missing, a Door type as defined by the ONVIF DoorControl service should be assumed. This can also be represented by the QName value "tdc:Door". This field is provided for future extensions; it will allow an AccessPoint being extended to cover entity types other than door as well.

  • DoorDeviceUUID

    DeviceUUID, if empty or not specified, the Door token refers to this device and may be filled in by the device.

IdPointDevice data structure

The following fields are available:

  • IdPoint

    Reference to a axtid:IdPoint.

To provide more information, the device may include the following optional field:

  • DeviceUUID

    DeviceUUID of the device where IdPoint is located. if empty or not specified, the IdPoint token refers to this device and may be filled in by the device.


Argument to be used in Action items.

The following fields are available:

  • Name

    Name of argument.

  • Value

    Value of argument.

To provide more information, the device may include the following optional field:

  • type

    Type of argument.

GetAccessPointList command

This operation requests a list of all of AccessPoint items provided by the device. This function shall be implemented if the GetAccessPoint service capability is true.

A call to this method shall return a StartReference when not all data is returned and more data is available. The reference shall be valid for retrieving the next set of data. See section Retrieving system configuration.

The number of items returned shall not be greater than Limit parameter.

GetAccessPointList Command

  • Name: GetAccessPointList
Message nameDescription
GetAccessPointListRequestThis message contains:

- Limit: Maximum number of entries to return. If not specified, less than one or higher than what the device supports, the number of items is determined by the device.:
- StartReference: Start returning entries from this start reference. If not specified, entries shall start from the beginning of the dataset.

xs:int Limit [0][1]
xs:string StartReference [0][1]
GetAccessPointListResponseThis message contains:

- NextStartReference: StartReference to use in next call to get the following items. If absent, no more items to get.:
- AccessPoint: List of AccessPoint items.

xs:string NextStartReference [0][1]
pacsaxis:AccessPoint AccessPoint [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidStartReferenceStartReference is invalid or has timed out. Client needs to start fetching from the beginning.

GetAccessPoint command

This operation requests a list of AccessPoint items matching the given tokens.

This method shall be supported if the GetAccessPoint service capability is true. At least one token shall be specified.

The device shall ignore tokens it cannot resolve and may return an empty list if there are no items matching specified tokens.

If the number of requested items is greater than MaxLimit, a TooManyItems fault shall be returned.

GetAccessPoint Command

  • Name: GetAccessPoint
Message nameDescription
GetAccessPointRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of AccessPoint items to get.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
GetAccessPointResponseThis message contains:

- AccessPoint: List of AccessPoint items.

pacsaxis:AccessPoint AccessPoint [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgs ter:TooManyItemsToo many items were requested, see MaxLimit capability.

SetAccessPoint command

Add/update a list of AccessPoint items.

If AccessPoint items with the specified tokens already exist, they shall be updated. If not, they shall be added.

If the token field of any AccessPoint is empty, the service shall allocate a token for the AccessPoint.

All tokens shall be returned in the response.

This function must be available if the SetAccessPoint service capability is true.

SetAccessPoint Command

  • Name: SetAccessPoint
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
SetAccessPointRequestThis message contains:

- AccessPoint: The AccessPoint items to add/update.

pacsaxis:AccessPoint AccessPoint [1][unbounded]
SetAccessPointResponseThis message contains:

- Token: The Tokens of the added/updated AccessPoint items.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgs
env:Receiver ter:ActionNotSupported ter:NotAllowed

RemoveAccessPoint command

Remove the specified AccessPoint items.

This function must be available if the RemoveAccessPoint service capability is true.

RemoveAccessPoint Command

  • Name: RemoveAccessPoint
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
RemoveAccessPointRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of AccessPoint items to remove.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
RemoveAccessPointResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFoundAccessPoint is not found.

Area configuration

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Area data structure

An area is configured using the Area data structure which contains information and settings about an area.

The following fields are available:

  • token

    A service-unique identifier of the Area.

  • Name

    User readable name. It shall be up to 64 characters.

  • Attribute

    Attribute list for the Area.

To provide more information, the device may include the following optional fields:

  • Description

    User readable description for the Area. It shall be up to 1024 characters.

  • Extension

    Future extension .

GetAreaList command

This operation requests a list of all of Area items provided by the device. This function shall be implemented if the GetArea service capability is true.

A call to this method shall return a StartReference when not all data is returned and more data is available. The reference shall be valid for retrieving the next set of data. See section Retrieving system configuration.

The number of items returned shall not be greater than Limit parameter.

GetAreaList Command

  • Name: GetAreaList
Message nameDescription
GetAreaListRequestThis message contains:

- Limit: Maximum number of entries to return. If not specified, less than one or higher than what the device supports, the number of items is determined by the device.:
- StartReference: Start returning entries from this start reference. If not specified, entries shall start from the beginning of the dataset.

xs:int Limit [0][1]
xs:string StartReference [0][1]
GetAreaListResponseThis message contains:

- NextStartReference: StartReference to use in next call to get the following items. If absent, no more items to get.:
- Area: List of Area items.

xs:string NextStartReference [0][1]
pacsaxis:Area Area [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidStartReferenceStartReference is invalid or has timed out. Client needs to start fetching from the beginning.

GetArea command

This operation requests a list of Area items matching the given tokens.

This method shall be supported if the GetArea service capability is true. At least one token shall be specified.

The device shall ignore tokens it cannot resolve and may return an empty list if there are no items matching specified tokens.

If the number of requested items is greater than MaxLimit, a TooManyItems fault shall be returned.

GetArea Command

  • Name: GetArea
Message nameDescription
GetAreaRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of Area items to get.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
GetAreaResponseThis message contains:

- Area: List of Area items.

pacsaxis:Area Area [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgs ter:TooManyItemsToo many items were requested, see MaxLimit capability.

SetArea command

Add/update a list of Area items.

If Area with the specified tokens already exist, they shall be updated. If not, they shall be added.

If the token field of any Area is empty, the service shall allocate a token for the Area.

All tokens shall be returned in the response.

This function must be available if the SetArea service capability is true.

SetArea Command

  • Name: SetArea
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
SetAreaRequestThis message contains:

- Area: The Area items to add/update.

pacsaxis:Area Area [1][unbounded]
SetAreaResponseThis message contains:

- Token: The tokens of the added/updated Area items.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgs
env:Receiver ter:ActionNotSupported ter:NotAllowed

RemoveArea command

Remove the specified Area items.

This function must be available if the RemoveArea service capability is true.

RemoveArea Command

  • Name: RemoveArea
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
RemoveAreaRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of Area items to remove.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
RemoveAreaResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFoundArea is not found.

AccessController information

The AccessController entity provides a grouping of AccessPoint items.

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Information for an AccessController.

Provides a list of the available AccessPoint items controlled by the AccessController so that a topological view can be generated for systems consisting of multiple AccessController items exposed thru one device.

The following fields are available:

  • token

    A service-unique identifier of the AccessController.

  • Name

    Short name of AccessController.

  • AccessPoint

    List of AccessPoint items the AccessController manages.

To provide more information, the device may include the following optional field:

  • Description

    Description of the AccessController.

GetAccessControllerInfoList command

This operation requests a list of all AccessControllerInfo items provided by the device. An ONVIF compliant device which provides the Access Control service shall implement this method.

A call to this method shall return a StartReference when not all data is returned and more data is available. The reference shall be valid for retrieving the next set of data. See section Retrieving system configuration.

The number of items returned shall not be greater than Limit parameter.

GetAccessControllerInfoList Command

  • Name: GetAccessControllerInfoList
  • Access Class: READ_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
GetAccessControllerInfoListRequestThis message contains:

- Limit: Maximum number of entries to return. If not specified, less than one or higher than what the device supports, the number of items is determined by the device.:
- StartReference: Start returning entries from this start reference. If not specified, entries shall start from the beginning of the dataset.

xs:int Limit [0][1]
xs:string StartReference [0][1]
GetAccessControllerInfoListResponseThis message contains:

- NextStartReference: StartReference to use in next call to get the following items. If absent, no more items to get.:
- AccessControllerInfo: List of AccessControllerInfo items.

xs:string NextStartReference [0][1]
pacsaxis:AccessControllerInfo AccessControllerInfo [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidStartReferenceStartReference is invalid or has timed out. Client needs to start fetching from the beginning.

GetAccessControllerInfo command

This operation requests a list of AccessControllerInfo items matching the given tokens.

An ONVIF compliant device which provides Access Control service shall implement this method.

The device shall ignore tokens it cannot resolve and shall return an empty list if there are no items matching specified tokens. The device shall not return a fault in this case.

If the number of requested items is greater than MaxLimit, a TooManyItems fault shall be returned.

GetAccessControllerInfo Command

  • Name: GetAccessControllerInfo
  • Access Class: READ_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
GetAccessControllerInfoRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of AccessControllerInfo items to get.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
GetAccessControllerInfoResponseThis message contains:

- AccessControllerInfo: List of AccessControllerInfo items.

pacsaxis:AccessControllerInfo AccessControllerInfo [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgs ter:TooManyItemsToo many items were requested, see MaxLimit capability.

AccessController configuration

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AccessController data structure

The AccessController structure contains the full configuration from an access controller.

The AccessController receives request for access from IDP:s - Identification Points, by some internal means, using the ONVIF Event mechanism or API call and controls Doors and other resources/targets.

You can do get/set/remove on AccessController items depending on capabilities.

The following fields are available:

  • token

    A service-unique identifier of the AccessController.

  • Name: Short name of AccessController.

  • AccessPoint

    List of AccessPoint items the AccessController manages.

To provide more information, the device may include the following optional field:

  • Description

    Description of the AccessController.

GetAccessControllerList command

This operation requests a list of all AccessController items provided by the device. An ONVIF compliant device which provides the Access Control service shall implement this method.

A call to this method shall return a StartReference when not all data is returned and more data is available. The reference shall be valid for retrieving the next set of data. See section Retrieving system configuration.

The number of items returned shall not be greater than Limit parameter.

GetAccessControllerList Command

  • Name: GetAccessControllerList
Message nameDescription
GetAccessControllerListRequestThis message contains:

- Limit: Maximum number of entries to return. If not specified, less than one or higher than what the device supports, the number of items is determined by the device.:
- StartReference: Start returning entries from this start reference. If not specified, entries shall start from the beginning of the dataset.

xs:int Limit [0][1]
xs:string StartReference [0][1]
GetAccessControllerListResponseThis message contains:

- NextStartReference: StartReference to use in next call to get the following items. If absent, no more items to get.:
- AccessController: List of AccessController items.

xs:string NextStartReference [0][1]
pacsaxis:AccessController AccessController [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidStartReferenceStartReference is invalid or has timed out. Client needs to start fetching from the beginning.

GetAccessController command

This operation requests a list of AccessController items matching the given tokens.

An ONVIF compliant device which provides Access Control service shall implement this method.

The device shall ignore tokens it cannot resolve and shall return an empty list if there are no items matching specified tokens.

The device shall not return a fault in this case.

If the number of requested items is greater than MaxLimit, a TooManyItems fault shall be returned.

GetAccessController Command

  • Name: GetAccessController
Message nameDescription
GetAccessControllerRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of AccessController items to get.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
GetAccessControllerResponseThis message contains:

- AccessController: List of AccessController items.

pacsaxis:AccessController AccessController [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgs ter:TooManyItemsToo many items were requested, see MaxLimit capability.

SetAccessController command

Add/update a list of AccessController items.

If AccessController items with the specified tokens already exist, they shall be updated. If not, they shall be added.

If the Token field of any AccessController is empty, the service shall allocate a token for the AccessController.

All tokens shall be returned in the response.

SetAccessController Command

  • Name: SetAccessController
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
SetAccessControllerRequestThis message contains:

- AccessController: The AccessController items to add/update.

pacsaxis:AccessController AccessController [1][unbounded]
SetAccessControllerResponseThis message contains:

- Token: The Tokens of the added/updated AccessController items.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgs
env:Sender ter:ActionNotSupported ter:NotAllowed

RemoveAccessController command

Remove the specified AccessController items.

RemoveAccessController Command

  • Name: RemoveAccessController
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
RemoveAccessControllerRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of AccessController items to remove.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
RemoveAccessControllerResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFoundAccessController is not found.

Access management

Credential management involves a number of data structures that defines the requirements for granting access, and a number of operations to modify those structures. The major structures involved are the Credential, AccessProfile and AuthenticationProfile structures.

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Credential datatype

A Credential contains a number of IdData items that represent the credential data such as card number, PIN etc.

The Credential is assigned a number of AccessProfile items using the CredentialAccessProfile where ValidFrom and ValidTo can be individually assigned.

CredentialInfo data structure

Information about a Credential.

The following fields are available:

  • token

    A service-unique identifier of the Credential.

  • Enabled

    Whether Credential is enabled or not.

  • Status

    Information regarding status of the Credential, e.g. the reason for being disabled. Should normally be one of the defined values in the CredentialStatusEnum type.

To provide more information, the device may include the following optional fields:

  • UserToken

    Identifies the User of the Credential. For security, privacy and possibly other reasons this is optional.

  • Description

    Description of the Credential.

  • ValidFrom

    When Credential starts to be valid. If null, the credential has no restriction on when it starts to be valid (valid from whenever).

  • ValidTo

    When Credential stops to be valid. If null, the credential has no restriction on when it stops to be valid (valid forever).

CredentialStatusEnum data structure

The status of the credential, e.g. reason for being disabled etc. This value should be used as the Reason field in certain events.

The following values are available:

  • NotActivated

    Credential is not activated yet (BACNET has Unassigned and not_provisioned).

  • Enabled

    Credential is enabled, this is the only state in which access can be granted.

  • Disabled

    Credential is disabled for unknown reason.

  • LockedOut

    Credential is locked out.

  • Lost

    Credential is reported as lost.

  • Stolen

    Credential is reported as stolen.

  • Damaged

    Credential is reported as damaged.

  • Destroyed

    Credential is reported as destroyed.

  • Inactive

    Credential is disabled due to inactivity.

  • MaxDays

    Credential is disabled due to being used maximum number of days.

  • MaxUses

    Credential is disabled due to being used maximum number of times.

  • Expired

    Credential has expired.

Credential data structure

The Credential data structure for the AccessController items.

The Credential contains information needed to authenticate a user and a list of references to AccessProfile that determines what this credential is authorized to do.

AttributeList is a list of names or name=value pairs. The following standard Attributes exist: ExtendedTime

A number of these datastructures is stored within the servce and managed using the set/get/remove credential API functions.

The following fields are available:

  • token

    A service-unique identifier of the Credential.

  • Enabled

    Whether Credential is enabled or not.

  • Status

    Information regarding status of the Credential, e.g. the reason for being disabled. Should normally be one of the defined values in the CredentialStatusEnum type.

  • IdData

    The identification data for the credential.

  • Attribute

    Attributes associated with the credential.

  • AuthenticationProfile

    Overrides AuthenticationProfile items specified in an AccessProfile or AccessPolicy if it is set.

  • CredentialAccessProfile

    AccessProfile items associated with the credential.

To provide more information, the device may include the following optional fields:

  • UserToken

    Identifies the User of the Credential. For security, privacy and possibly other reasons this is optional.

  • Description

    Description of the Credential

  • ValidFrom

    When Credential starts to be valid. If null, the credential has no restriction on when it starts to be valid (valid from whenever).

  • ValidTo

    When Credential stops to be valid. If null, the credential has no restriction on when it stops to be valid (valid forever).

IdData data structure

IdData contains a single identification/authentication name and the value. A list of these are stored in each Credential. The IdPoint service sends a number of these as SimpleItem name/nalue pairs in the Data section.

The following fields are available:

  • Name

    Name of the field (called IdField in other types.)

  • Value

    The value to match against.

CredentialAccessProfile data structure

Used by the Credential to reference one AccessProfile, and allowing ValidFrom and ValidTo to be further restricted compared to what is in the AccessProfile.

The following fields are available:

  • AccessProfile

    Reference to AccessProfile.

To provide more information, the device may include the following optional fields:

  • ValidFrom

    Optional ValidFrom that may limit the time period for the AccessProfile, if null no additional restriction.

  • ValidTo

    Optional ValidTo that may limit the time period for the AccessProfile, if null no additional restriction.

AuthenticationProfile datatype

The AuthenticationProfile data structure defines what IdFactor items are required at certain schedules.

AuthenticationProfile items are referenced by the AccessPoint but can be overridden in the AccessProfile and in the Credential.

AuthenticationProfileInfo data structure

Information about an AuthenticationProfile.

The following fields are available:

  • token

    A service-unique identifier of the AuthenticationProfile.

  • Name

    Name of the AuthenticationProfile.

  • Description

    Description of the AuthenticationProfile.

AuthenticationProfile data structure

The AuthenticationProfile holds the authentication requirements.

A number of these data structures is stored within the service and managed using the set, get and remove AuthenticationProfile API functions.

By default the device MUST have at least the following predefined authentication profiles, although they can be modified using the API:

  • CardOnly

    Requiring only the IdDataName "Card".

  • PINOnly

    Requiring only the IdDataName "PIN".

  • CardPlusPIN

    Requiring the IdDataName items "Card" and "PIN".

The following fields are available:

  • token

    A service-unique identifier of the AuthenticationProfile.

  • Name

    Name of the AuthenticationProfile.

  • Description

    Description of the AuthenticationProfile

  • Schedule

    The Schedule items that determine when the AuthenticationProfile is applicable.

  • IdFactor

    The IdFactor items needed to authenticate.

To provide more information, the device may include the following optional field:

  • Extension


IdMatchOperator data structure

An IdMatchOperator determines the way a Request IdData Value field in Request and other conditions should be evaluated/treated. ONVIF defines a number of mandatory operators, some optional and device vendors may create new ones. The available IdMatchOperator items are returned in the ServiceCapabilities.

The following fields are available:

  • Name

    Name of the IdMatchOperator.

  • Description

    Description of the operator.

IdFactor data structure

An IdFactor contains the Name of a the IdData and the IdMatchOperator to use. The available IdMatchOperator items are available in the ServiceCapabilities. The following fields are available:

  • IdDataName

    The Name of an IdData field to check.

  • IdMatchOperatorName

    A Name of an existing IdMatchOperator.

  • OperatorValue

    Info/config for certain operators, typically empty.


Attributes is a generic structure that can be added to various data structures, and can be used by clients/management systems for various reasons.

Some standardised attributes exists, which have a defined meaning. The supported attributes that has a special meaning shall be returned by the GetStandardAttributeList and GetVendorAttributeList methods.

Attribute data structure

Attribute contains a Name and an optional Value and type.

The following fields are available:

  • Name

    Name of attribute

To provide more information, the device may include the following optional fields:

  • type

    Type of the Attribute. int, bool or string.

  • Value

    Value of attribute.

AccessProfile datatype

An AccessProfile contains a number of AccessPolicy items that reference AccessPoint items and contains the authorization conditions such as schedules.

AccessProfileInfo data structure

Information about an AccessProfile.

The following fields are available:

  • token

    A service-unique identifier of the AccessProfile.

  • Name

    Name of the AccessProfile.

  • Description

    Description of the AccessProfile.

AccessProfile data structure

The AccessProfile data structure for the AccessController.

The AccessProfile determine what resources that can be accessed and when by containing references to AccessPolicy items. It also contains information on what AuthenticationProfile items that apply.

A number of these data structures is stored within the service and managed using set, get and remove AccessProfile API functions.

The following fields are available:

  • token

    A service-unique identifier of the AccessProfile.

  • Name

    Name of the AccessProfile.

  • Description

    Description of the AccessProfile.

  • Schedule

    The Schedule items that determine when the AccessProfile is applicable and access to the resources is allowed if the requirements in the AuthenticationProfile items etc. are fulfilled.

  • AuthenticationProfile

    The authentication profiles for this AccessProfile. This list overrides the list in the AccessPoint, so it is typically empty. If one of the authentication profiles in the list is fulfilled access is granted to the resources.

  • Attribute

    Attributes associated with the AccessProfile.

  • AccessPolicy

    List of AccessPolicy that are allowed.

  • Enabled

    If this AccessProfile is enabled or not.

To provide more information, the device may include the following optional fields:

  • ValidFrom

    When AccessProfile starts to be valid. If null, no restriction on start time.

  • ValidTo

    When AccessProfile stops to be valid. If null, no restriction on stop time.

AccessPolicy data structure

The AccessPolicy data structure defines the authentication and authorization requirements for a Resource and is a used by the AccessProfile data structure. Multiple AccessPolicy items may reference the same Resource and have different authentication and authorization requirements.

The following fields are available:

  • AuthorizationProfile

    List of AuthorizationProfile items that apply to this policy.

  • Attribute

    Optional Attribute list that is applicable for the AccessPolicy.

  • Schedule

    Schedule items when authorized by this AccessPolicy if the other conditions is met.

  • AccessPoint

    Reference to the AccessPoint this AccessPolicy is applicable for.

AuthorizationProfile datatype

AuthorizationProfile is a placeholder for future extensions where additional authorizations rules and conditions can be specified.

AuthorizationProfileInfo data structure

Information about an AuthorizationProfile.

The following fields are available:

  • token

    A service-unique identifier of the AuthorizationProfile.

  • Name

    Name of the AuthorizationProfile.

  • Description

    Description of the AuthorizationProfile.

RuleOperator data structure

A RuleOperator determines the way a Request IdData Value field in Request and other conditions should be evaluated/treated.

ONVIF defines a number of mandatory operators, some optional and device vendors may create new ones.

The available RuleOperator items are returned by the GetRuleOperators method.

The following fields are available:

  • Name

    Name of the RuleOperator.

  • Description

    Description of the operator.

Rule data structure

An Rule contains the Name of the Rule which should be the same as the IdData in a Request (and in the Credential) and the RuleOperator to use.

The available RuleOperator items are returned by the GetRuleOperators method.

The following fields are available:

  • Name

    The name of the Rule.

  • OperatorValue

    Values for certain operators.

  • OperatorName

    A Name of an existing RuleOperator.

AuthorizationProfile data structure

The AuthorizationProfile holds the authorization requirements.

A number of these data structures is stored within the service and managed using the set, get and remove AuthorizationProfile API functions.

The following fields are available:

  • token

    A service-unique identifier of the AuthorizationProfile.

  • Name

    Name of the AuthorizationProfile.

  • Description

    Description of the AuthorizationProfile.

  • Schedule

    The Schedule items that determine when the AuthorizationProfile is applicable.

  • Rule

    Additional rules needed to authorize.

To provide more information, the device may include the following optional field:

  • Extension

    Future extension.

Attribute operations

The attributes are assigned in various data structures, but for a client to know what attributes that are available and have special meaning, a couple of operations is defined.

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GetStandardAttributeList command

Returns a list of attributes and their value type supported by the service. ONVIF mandates the following attributes:

  • ExtendedTimeFlag

    If extended times should be used in AccessDoor.

  • IdFactorOverride=string

    overrides AuthenticationProfile.

    IdFactor, string should be in the form IdDataName=RuleOperatorName E.g. IdFactorOverride=PIN=DontCare

Other attributes that perhaps should be standardized (but not mandatory):

  • EscortRequired

    If the holder of the Credential requires escort, or if a Resource referenced by an AccessProfile requires escort.

  • EscortNotRequired

    If the holder of the Credential does not require escort.

  • Escort

    The holder of the credential is an escort.

GetStandardAttributeList Command

  • Name: GetStandardAttributeList
Message nameDescription
GetStandardAttributeListRequestThis message shall be empty.
GetStandardAttributeListResponseThis message contains:

- Attribute: List of supported standardized Attribute itemspt:Attribute Attribute [0][unbounded]

GetVendorAttributeList command

This function shall return the vendor specific attributes supported.

GetVendorAttributeList Command

  • Name: GetVendorAttributeList
Message nameDescription
GetVendorAttributeListRequestThis message shall be empty.
GetVendorAttributeListResponseThis message contains:

- Attribute: List of supported vendor specific attributes.

pt:Attribute Attribute [0][unbounded]

Extended access operations

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VerifyRequest command

Perform a validation of the request, and return the result, but does not perform any action.

VerifyRequest Command

  • Name: VerifyRequest
  • Access Class: ACTUATE
Message nameDescription
VerifyRequestRequestThis message contains:

- Token: The AccessController to send request to.:
- IdData: The id data, typically including entries for card and PIN.:
- SourceToken: Where the request comes from.:
- TargetToken: The Resource the subject identified by IdField items and/or PIN want access to.:
- Action: The desired action on the resource. If missing "Access" should be assumed.:
- Environment: Additional information.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][1]
pacsaxis:IdData IdData [0][unbounded]
pt:ReferenceToken SourceToken [0][1]
pt:ReferenceToken TargetToken [0][1]
xs:string Action [0][1]
pacsaxis:NameValue Environment [0][unbounded]
VerifyRequestResponseThis message contains:

- AccessGranted: True if access is granted, false if denied.:
- Reason: Reason for denial.

xs:boolean AccessGranted [1][1]
xs:string Reason [1][1]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFoundAccessController is not found.

NameValue data structure

Generic structure containing a name/value pair.

The following fields are available:

  • Name


  • Value


RequestAccess command

Request access to the specified Resource with the given IdField items.

RequestAccess Command

  • Name: RequestAccess
  • Access Class: ACTUATE
Message nameDescription
RequestAccessRequestThis message contains:

- Token: The AccessController to send request to.:
- IdData: The id data, typically including entries for card and PIN.:
- SourceToken: Where the request comes from.:
- TargetToken: The Resource the subject identified by IdField items and/or PIN want access to.:
- Action: The desired action on the resource. If missing "Access" should be assumed.:
- Environment: Additional information.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][1]
pacsaxis:IdData IdData [0][unbounded]
pt:ReferenceToken SourceToken [0][1]
pt:ReferenceToken TargetToken [0][1]
xs:string Action [0][1]
pacsaxis:NameValue Environment [0][unbounded]
RequestAccessResponseThis message contains:

- AccessGranted: True if access is granted, false if denied.:
- Reason: Reason for denial.

xs:boolean AccessGranted [1][1]
xs:string Reason [1][1]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFoundAccessController is not found.

Credential operations

These operations are used to manage the Credential database.

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GetCredentialInfoList command

This operation requests a list of all CredentialInfo items provided by the device. An ONVIF compliant device which provides the Access Control service shall implement this method.

A call to this method shall return a StartReference when not all data is returned and more data is available. The reference shall be valid for retrieving the next set of data. See section Retrieving system configuration.

The number of items returned shall not be greater than Limit parameter.

This function must be available if the GetCredentialListSupported service capability is true.

GetCredentialInfoList Command

  • Name: GetCredentialInfoList
  • Access Class: READ_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
GetCredentialInfoListRequestThis message contains:

- Limit: Maximum number of entries to return. If not specified, less than one or higher than what the device supports, the number of items is determined by the device.:
- StartReference: Start returning entries from this start reference. If not specified, entries shall start from the beginning of the dataset.

xs:int Limit [0][1]
xs:string StartReference [0][1]
GetCredentialInfoListResponseThis message contains:

- NextStartReference: StartReference to use in next call to get the following items. If absent, no more items to get.:
- CredentialInfo: List of CredentialInfo items.

xs:string NextStartReference [0][1]
pacsaxis:CredentialInfo CredentialInfo [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidStartReferenceStartReference is invalid or has timed out. Client needs to start fetching from the beginning.

GetCredentialInfo command

This operation requests a list of CredentialInfo items matching the given tokens.

This method shall be supported if the GetCredential service capability is true. At least one token shall be specified.

The device shall ignore tokens it cannot resolve and may return an empty list if there are no items matching specified tokens.

If the number of requested items is greater than MaxLimit, a TooManyItems fault shall be returned.

GetCredentialInfo Command

  • Name: GetCredentialInfo
  • Access Class: READ_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
GetCredentialInfoRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of CredentialInfo items to get.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
GetCredentialInfoResponseThis message contains:

- CredentialInfo: List of CredentialInfo items.

pacsaxis:CredentialInfo CredentialInfo [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgs ter:TooManyItemsToo many items were requested, see MaxLimit capability.

EnableCredential command

This operation shall enable a credential.

This function must be available if the DisableCredential service capability is true.

EnableCredential Command

  • Name: EnableCredential
  • Access Class: ACTUATE
Message nameDescription
EnableCredentialRequestThis message contains:

- Token: The Credential to enable.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][1]
EnableCredentialResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFound

DisableCredential command

This operation shall disable a credential.

This function must be available if the DisableCredential service capability is true.

DisableCredential Command

  • Name: DisableCredential
  • Access Class: ACTUATE
Message nameDescription
DisableCredentialRequestThis message contains:

- Token: The Credential to disable.:
- Status: Optional status to set about the reason to disable the credential. If missing "Disabled" should be assumed.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][1]
pacsaxis:CredentialStatusEnum Status [0][1]
DisableCredentialResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFound

GetCredentialList command

This operation requests a list of all Credential items provided by the device. An ONVIF compliant device which provides the Access Control service shall implement this method.

A call to this method shall return a StartReference when not all data is returned and more data is available. The reference shall be valid for retrieving the next set of data. See section Retrieving system configuration.

The number of items returned shall not be greater than Limit parameter.

This function must be available if the GetCredential service capability is true.


This could be a security risk.

GetCredentialList Command

  • Name: GetCredentialList
  • Access Class: READ_SYSTEM_SECRET
Message nameDescription
GetCredentialListRequestThis message contains:

- Limit: Maximum number of entries to return. If not specified, less than one or higher than what the device supports, the number of items is determined by the device.:
- StartReference: Start returning entries from this start reference. If not specified, entries shall start from the beginning of the dataset.

xs:int Limit [0][1]
xs:string StartReference [0][1]
GetCredentialListResponseThis message contains:

- NextStartReference: StartReference to use in next call to get the following items. If absent, no more items to get.:
- CredentialInfo: List of CredentialInfo items.

xs:string NextStartReference [0][1]
pacsaxis:CredentialInfo CredentialInfo [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidStartReferenceStartReference is invalid or has timed out. Client needs to start fetching from the beginning.

GetCredential command

This operation requests a list of Credential items matching the given tokens.

This method shall be supported if the GetCredential service capability is true. At least one token shall be specified.

The device shall ignore tokens it cannot resolve and may return an empty list if there are no items matching specified tokens.

If the number of requested items is greater than MaxLimit, a TooManyItems fault shall be returned.


This could be a security risk.

GetCredential Command

  • Name: GetCredential
Message nameDescription
GetCredentialRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of Credential items to get.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
GetCredentialResponseThis message contains:

- Credential: List of Credential items.

pacsaxis:Credential Credential [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgs ter:TooManyItemsToo many items were requested, see MaxLimit capability.

SetCredential command

Add/update a list of Credential items.

If Credential items with the specified tokens already exist, they shall be updated. If not, they shall be added.

If the Token field of any Credential item is empty, the service shall allocate a token for the Credential.

All tokens shall be returned in the response.

SetCredential Command

  • Name: SetCredential
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
SetCredentialRequestThis message contains:

- Credential: The Credential items to add/update.

pacsaxis:Credential Credential [1][unbounded]
SetCredentialResponseThis message contains:

- Credential: List of Credential items.

pacsaxis:Credential Credential [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidCredentialFaultInvalid credential.

RemoveCredential command

Remove the specified Credential items.

RemoveCredential Command

  • Name: RemoveCredential
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
RemoveCredentialRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of the Credential items to remove.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
RemoveCredentialResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFoundCredential is not found.

AccessProfile operations

These operations are used to manage AccessProfile entities.

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GetAccessProfileInfoList command

This operation requests a list of all AccessProfileInfo items provided by the device. An ONVIF compliant device which provides the Access Control service shall implement this method.

A call to this method shall return a StartReference when not all data is returned and more data is available. The reference shall be valid for retrieving the next set of data. See section Retrieving system configuration.

The number of items returned shall not be greater than Limit parameter.

This function is mandatory.

GetAccessProfileInfoList Command

  • Name: GetAccessProfileInfoList
  • Access Class: READ_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
GetAccessProfileInfoListRequestThis message contains:

- Limit: Maximum number of entries to return. If not specified, less than one or higher than what the device supports, the number of items is determined by the device.:
- StartReference: Start returning entries from this start reference. If not specified, entries shall start from the beginning of the dataset.

xs:int Limit [0][1]
xs:string StartReference [0][1]
GetAccessProfileInfoListResponseThis message contains:

- NextStartReference: StartReference to use in next call to get the following items. If absent, no more items to get.:
- AccessProfileInfo: List of AccessProfileInfo items.

xs:string NextStartReference [0][1]
pacsaxis:AccessProfileInfo AccessProfileInfo [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidStartReferenceStartReference is invalid or has timed out. Client needs to start fetching from the beginning.

GetAccessProfileInfo command

This operation requests a list of AccessProfileInfo items matching the given tokens.

This method shall be supported if the GetAccessProfile service capability is true. At least one token shall be specified.

The device shall ignore tokens it cannot resolve and may return an empty list if there are no items matching specified tokens.

If the number of requested items is greater than MaxLimit, a TooManyItems fault shall be returned.

GetAccessProfileInfo Command

  • Name: GetAccessProfileInfo
  • Access Class: READ_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
GetAccessProfileInfoRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of AccessProfileInfo items to get.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
GetAccessProfileInfoResponseThis message contains:

- AccessProfileInfo: List of AccessProfileInfo items.

pacsaxis:AccessProfileInfo AccessProfileInfo [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgs ter:TooManyItemsToo many items were requested, see MaxLimit capability.

GetAccessProfileList command

This operation requests a list of all of AccessProfile items provided by the device. This function shall be implemented if the GetAccessProfile service capability is true.

A call to this method shall return a StartReference when not all data is returned and more data is available. The reference shall be valid for retrieving the next set of data. See section Retrieving system configuration.

The number of items returned shall not be greater than Limit parameter.

GetAccessProfileList Command

  • Name: GetAccessProfileList
Message nameDescription
GetAccessProfileListRequestThis message contains:

- Limit: Maximum number of entries to return. If not specified, less than one or higher than what the device supports, the number of items is determined by the device.:
- StartReference: Start returning entries from this start reference. If not specified, entries shall start from the beginning of the dataset.

xs:int Limit [0][1]
xs:string StartReference [0][1]
GetAccessProfileListResponseThis message contains:

- NextStartReference: StartReference to use in next call to get the following items. If absent, no more items to get.:
- AccessProfile: List of AccessProfile items.

xs:string NextStartReference [0][1]
pacsaxis:AccessProfile AccessProfile [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidStartReferenceStartReference is invalid or has timed out. Client needs to start fetching from the beginning.

GetAccessProfile command

This operation requests a list of AccessProfile items matching the given tokens.

This method shall be supported if the GetAccessProfile service capability is true. At least one token shall be specified.

The device shall ignore tokens it cannot resolve and may return an empty list if there are no items matching specified tokens.

If the number of requested items is greater than MaxLimit, a TooManyItems fault shall be returned.

GetAccessProfile Command

  • Name: GetAccessProfile
Message nameDescription
GetAccessProfileRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of AccessProfile items to get.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
GetAccessProfileResponseThis message contains:

- AccessProfile: List of AccessProfile items.

pacsaxis:AccessProfile AccessProfile [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgs ter:TooManyItemsToo many items were requested, see MaxLimit capability.

SetAccessProfile command

Add/update a list of AccessProfile items.

If AccessProfile items with the specified tokens already exist, they will be updated. If not, they shall be added.

If the Token field of any AccessProfile is empty, the service shall allocate a token for the AccessProfile.

All tokens shall be returned in the response.

SetAccessProfile Command

  • Name: SetAccessProfile
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
SetAccessProfileRequestThis message contains:

- AccessProfile: The AccessProfile items to add/update.

pacsaxis:AccessProfile AccessProfile [1][unbounded]
SetAccessProfileResponseThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of the added/updated AccessProfile items.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidAccessProfileFault

RemoveAccessProfile command

Remove the specified AccessProfile items.

RemoveAccessProfile Command

  • Name: RemoveAccessProfile
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
RemoveAccessProfileRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of the AccessProfile items to remove.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
RemoveAccessProfileResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFoundAccessProfile is not found.

AuthenticationProfile operations

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Use authentication profile operations to manage AuthenticationProfile and AuthenticationProfileInfo items.

tac:GetAuthenticationProfileInfoListGet all AuthenticationProfileInfo items.
tac:GetAuthenticationProfileInfoGet selected AuthenticationProfileInfo items.
tac:GetAuthenticationProfileListGet all AuthenticationProfile items.
tac:GetAuthenticationProfileGet selected AuthenticationProfile items.
tac:SetAuthenticationProfileAdd or update selected AuthenticationProfile items.
tac:RemoveAuthenticationProfileRemove selected AuthenticationProfile items.
pacsaxis:GetIdMatchOperatorsGet all IdMatchOperator items.
pacsaxis:GetRuleOperatorsGet all RuleOperator items.

GetAuthenticationProfileInfoList command

This operation requests a list of all AuthenticationProfileInfo items provided by the device. An ONVIF compliant device which provides the Access Control service shall implement this method.

A call to this method shall return a StartReference when not all data is returned and more data is available. The reference shall be valid for retrieving the next set of data. See section Retrieving system configuration.

The number of items returned shall not be greater than Limit parameter.

GetAuthenticationProfileInfoList Command

  • Name: tac:GetAuthenticationProfileInfoList
  • Access Class: READ_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
GetAuthenticationProfileInfoListRequestThis message contains:

- Limit: Maximum number of entries to return. If not specified, less than one or higher than what the device supports, the number of items is determined by the device.:
- StartReference: Start returning entries from this start reference. If not specified, entries shall start from the beginning of the dataset.

xs:int Limit [0][1]
xs:string StartReference [0][1]
GetAuthenticationProfileInfoListResponseThis message contains:

- NextStartReference: StartReference to use in next call to get the following items. If absent, no more items to get.:
- AuthenticationProfileInfo: List of AuthenticationProfileInfo items.

xs:string NextStartReference [0][1]
tac:AuthenticationProfileInfo AuthenticationProfileInfo [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidStartReferenceStartReference is invalid or has timed out. Client needs to start fetching from the beginning.

GetAuthenticationProfileInfo command

This operation requests a list of AuthenticationProfileInfo items matching the given tokens.

An ONVIF compliant device which provides Access Control service shall implement this method.

The device shall ignore tokens it cannot resolve and shall return an empty list if there are no items matching specified tokens. The device shall not return a fault in this case.

If the number of requested items is greater than MaxLimit, a TooManyItems fault shall be returned.

GetAuthenticationProfileInfo Command

  • Name: tac:GetAuthenticationProfileInfo
  • Access Class: READ_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
GetAuthenticationProfileInfoRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of AuthenticationProfileInfo items to get.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
GetAuthenticationProfileInfoResponseThis message contains:

- AuthenticationProfileInfo: List of AuthenticationProfileInfo items.

tac:AuthenticationProfileInfo AuthenticationProfileInfo [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgs ter:TooManyItemsToo many items were requested, see MaxLimit capability.

GetAuthenticationProfileList command

This operation requests a list of all AuthenticationProfile items provided by the device. An ONVIF compliant device which provides the Access Control service shall implement this method.

A call to this method shall return a StartReference when not all data is returned and more data is available. The reference shall be valid for retrieving the next set of data. See section Retrieving system configuration.

The number of items returned shall not be greater than Limit parameter.

GetAuthenticationProfileList Command

  • Name: tac:GetAuthenticationProfileList
Message nameDescription
GetAuthenticationProfileListRequestThis message contains:

- Limit: Maximum number of entries to return. If not specified, less than one or higher than what the device supports, the number of items is determined by the device.:
- StartReference: Start returning entries from this start reference. If not specified, entries shall start from the beginning of the dataset.

xs:int Limit [0][1]
xs:string StartReference [0][1]
GetAuthenticationProfileListResponseThis message contains:

- NextStartReference: StartReference to use in next call to get the following items. If absent, no more items to get.:
- AuthenticationProfile: List of AuthenticationProfile items.

xs:string NextStartReference [0][1]
tac:AuthenticationProfile AuthenticationProfile [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidStartReferenceStartReference is invalid or has timed out. Client needs to start fetching from the beginning.

GetAuthenticationProfile command

This operation requests a list of AuthenticationProfile items matching the given tokens.

An ONVIF compliant device which provides Access Control service shall implement this method.

The device shall ignore tokens it cannot resolve and shall return an empty list if there are no items matching specified tokens. The device shall not return a fault in this case.

If the number of requested items is greater than MaxLimit, a TooManyItems fault shall be returned.

GetAuthenticationProfile Command

  • Name: tac:GetAuthenticationProfile
Message nameDescription
GetAuthenticationProfileRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of AuthenticationProfile items to get.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
GetAuthenticationProfileResponseThis message contains:

- AuthenticationProfile: List of AuthenticationProfile items.

tac:AuthenticationProfile AuthenticationProfile [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgs ter:TooManyItemsToo many items were requested, see MaxLimit capability.

SetAuthenticationProfile command

Set (adds or modifies) the supplied list of AuthenticationProfile items to the internal storage/database. If the token attribute is empty, a new unique token will be generated by the service. All supplied and generated tokens are returned.

SetAuthenticationProfile Command

  • Name: tac:SetAuthenticationProfile
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
SetAuthenticationProfileRequestThis message contains:

- AuthenticationProfile: List of AuthenticationProfile items to set.

tac:AuthenticationProfile AuthenticationProfile [1][unbounded]
SetAuthenticationProfileResponseThis message contains:

- Token: List of supplied and generated tokenspt:ReferenceToken Token [0][unbounded]

RemoveAuthenticationProfile command

Remove the specified AuthenticationProfile items.

RemoveAuthenticationProfile Command

  • Name: tac:RemoveAuthenticationProfile
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
RemoveAuthenticationProfileRequestThis message contains:

- Token: List of tokens for the AuthenticationProfile items to remove If list is empty, no profiles will be removed.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [0][unbounded]
RemoveAuthenticationProfileResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFoundAuthenticationProfile is not found.

GetIdMatchOperators command

Returns the IdMatchOperator items supported by the service.

ONVIF mandates the following IdMatchOperators: IdDataEqual, OperatorValueEqual, RemoteValidationEvent .

  • IdDataEqual

    The IdData value in the request should be equal to the one in the Credential.IdFields. result = (Request[IdDataName] == Credential.IdFields[IdDataName])

  • OperatorValueEqual

    The IdData value in the request must have the same value as the OperatorValue result = (Request[IdDataName] == OperatorValue). The OperatorValueEqual operator is typically used for REX requests, and OperatorValue = "Active" and IdDataName = "REX"

  • RemoteValidationEvent

    An AccessControl/Request/ExternalConfirmation event is sent and an external entity will do what ever action is needed.

ONVIF recommends the following IdMatchOperators: RemoteValidationRequest (if ServiceCapabilities.RemoteService is true) .

ONVIF reserves the following IdMatchOperators for future use: MatchPhoto, MatchFingerprint, MatchIris, MatchVoice, VerifySignature.

GetIdMatchOperators Command

  • Name: pacsaxis:GetIdMatchOperators
Message nameDescription
GetIdMatchOperatorsRequestThis message shall be empty.
GetIdMatchOperatorsResponseThis message contains:

- IdMatchOperator: List of supported IdMatchOperator items.

pacsaxis:IdMatchOperator IdMatchOperator [0][unbounded]

GetRuleOperators command

Returns the RuleOperator items supported by the service.

ONVIF mandates the following RuleOperators: Authenticate, RequestEqual, OperatorValueEqual, RemoteValidationEvent.

ONVIF recommends the following RuleOperators: CredentialAttributeEqual, AccessProfileAttributeEqual, RemoteValidationRequest (if ServiceCapabilities.RemoteService is true).

  • Authenticate

    Perform positive authentication according to what the AuthenticationProfileList specifies.

  • RequestActionEqual

    The RequestAction must match OperatorValue[0] result = (Request.Action == Operatorvalue[0])

  • OperatorValueEqual

    The IdData value in the request with the name OperatorValue[0] must have the same value as the OperatorValue[1] result = (Request[[OperatorValue[0]] == OperatorValue[1]). The OperatorValueEqual operator is typically used for REX requests, and OperatorValue = "Active" and IdDataName = "REX".

  • CredentialAttributeEqual

    There must be one Attribute in the Credential that have the same Name as OperatorValue[0] and Value as OperatorValue[1] if that is specified.

  • RemoteValidationEvent

    An AccessControl/Request/Authorization/Credential event is sent and an external entity will do what ever action is needed.

If ServiceCapabilities.RemoteService is true the following must be supported:

  • RemoteValidationRequest

    The RemoteService referenced by the OperatorValue is queried with atac:ValidateRequest(Request, ..) call. [result, Reason] = RemoteService[OperatorValue].ValidateRequest(Request)Request = Event notification Source, and Data fields.

GetRuleOperators Command

  • Name: pacsaxis:GetRuleOperators
Message nameDescription
GetRuleOperatorsRequestThis message shall be empty.
GetRuleOperatorsResponseThis message contains:

- RuleOperator: List of supported RuleOperator items.

pacsaxis:RuleOperator RuleOperator [0][unbounded]

Access control management system

The PACSAxis service extends the Onvif PACS service so it is a full featured Access Control Management System (ACMS). It adds the concept of Users and Areas and a number of functions to access the database.

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AccessControllerConfiguration data structure

The device and hardware configuration for an AccessController.

The following fields are available:

  • token

    AccessController Id to use for set, remove and usage.

  • DeviceUUID

    What device the AccessController is on.

  • Configuration

    Configuration for the AccessController.

MatchOperator data structure

Enum that specifies matching comparison operators. Subset and Intersection are for matching lists. Subset requires that all the items in the specified list must exist in the list in the matching object. Intersection requires that at least one of the items in the specified list must exist in the list of the matching object.

The following values are available:

    • Equal - NotEqual - Subset - Intersection

MatchRule data structure

A single rule for matching entity instances, specifying field name and operator to use when matching field value to existing entities in the system.

The following fields are available:

    • Field - Operator

CredentialStatistics data structure

Statistics related to Credential items.

The following fields are available:

  • NumberOfCredentials

    Number of Credential items in the system.

  • NumberOfDisabledCredentials

    Number of disabled Credential items in the system.

GetAccessControllerConfigurationList command

This operation requests a list of all of AccessControllerConfiguration items provided by the device. An ONVIF compliant device which provides the Door Control service shall implement this method.

The returned list shall start with the item specified by a StartReference parameter. If it is not specified by the client, the device shall return items starting from the beginning of the dataset.

StartReference is a device internal identifier used to continue fetching data from the last position, and shall allow a client to iterate over a large dataset in smaller chunks. The device shall be able to handle a reasonable number of different StartReference parameters at the same time and they must live for a reasonable time so that clients are able to fetch complete datasets.

An ONVIF compliant client shall not make any assumptions on StartReference contents and shall always pass the value returned from a previous request to continue fetching data. Client shall not use the same reference more than once.

For example, the StartReference can be incrementing start position number or underlying database transaction identifier.

The returned NextStartReference shall be used as the StartReference parameter in successive calls, and may be changed by device in each call.

The number of items returned shall not be greater than Limit parameter. If Limit parameter is not specified by the client, the device shall assume it unbounded. The number of returned elements is determined by the device and may be less than requested if the device is limited in its resources.

GetAccessControllerConfigurationList Command

  • Name: GetAccessControllerConfigurationList
Message nameDescription
GetAccessControllerConfigurationListRequestThis message contains:

- Limit: Maximum number of entries to return. If not specified, or higher than what the device supports, the number of items shall be determined by the device.:
- StartReference: Start returning entries from this start reference. If not specified, entries shall start from the beginning of the dataset.

xs:int Limit [0][1]
xs:string StartReference [0][1]
GetAccessControllerConfigurationListResponseThis message contains:

- NextStartReference: StartReference to use in next call to get the following items. If absent, no more items to get.:
- AccessControllerConfiguration: List of AccessControllerConfiguration items.

xs:string NextStartReference [0][1]
pacsaxis:AccessControllerConfiguration AccessControllerConfiguration [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidStartReferenceStartReference is invalid or has timed out. Client need to start fetching from the beginning.

GetAccessControllerConfiguration command

This operation request a list of AccessControllerConfiguration items matching the given tokens.

The device shall ignore tokens it cannot resolve and may return an empty list if there are no items matching specified tokens.

If the number of requested items is greater than the max limit supported, a TooManyItems fault shall be returned

GetAccessControllerConfiguration Command

  • Name: GetAccessControllerConfiguration
Message nameDescription
GetAccessControllerConfigurationRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of AccessControllerConfiguration items to get.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
GetAccessControllerConfigurationResponseThis message contains:

- AccessControllerConfiguration: List of AccessControllerConfiguration items.

pacsaxis:AccessControllerConfiguration AccessControllerConfiguration [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgs ter:TooManyItemsToo many items were requested, see MaxLimit capability.

SetAccessControllerConfiguration command

Add/update a list of AccessControllerConfiguration items.

If AccessController items with the specified tokens already exist, they will be updated. If not, they will be added.

If the Token field of any AccessController is empty, the service will allocate a token for the AccessController. All tokens are returned in the response.

SetAccessControllerConfiguration Command

  • Name: SetAccessControllerConfiguration
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
SetAccessControllerConfigurationRequestThis message contains:

- AccessControllerConfiguration: The AccessControllerConfiguration items to add/update.

pacsaxis:AccessControllerConfiguration AccessControllerConfiguration [1][unbounded]
SetAccessControllerConfigurationResponseThis message contains:

- Token: The tokens of the added/updated AccessController items.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgs
env:Receiver ter:ActionNotSupported ter:NotAllowed

RemoveAccessControllerConfiguration command

Remove the specified AccessControllerConfiguration items.

RemoveAccessControllerConfiguration Command

  • Name: RemoveAccessControllerConfiguration
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
RemoveAccessControllerConfigurationRequestThis message contains:

- Token: Tokens of AccessControllerConfiguration items to get.

pt:ReferenceToken Token [1][unbounded]
RemoveAccessControllerConfigurationResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFoundAccessController not found.

GetCredentialStatistics command

Get statistics related to the Credential items in the system.

GetCredentialStatistics Command

  • Name: GetCredentialStatistics
Message nameDescription
GetCredentialStatisticsRequestThis message shall be empty.
GetCredentialStatisticsResponseThis message contains:

- CredentialStatistics:pacsaxis:CredentialStatistics CredentialStatistics [1][1]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:None

GetMasterDBState command

Returns the current state of the MasterDB.

GetMasterDBState Command

  • Name: GetMasterDBState
Message nameDescription
GetMasterDBStateRequestThis message shall be empty.
GetMasterDBStateResponseThis message contains:

- NbrTotalPages: Number of total pages in the database.:
- NbrFreePages: Number of free pages in the database.:
- SizeOnDisk: Number of bytes the database occupies on disk.

xs:int NbrTotalPages [1][1]
xs:int NbrFreePages [1][1]
xs:int SizeOnDisk [1][1]

ReOpenMasterDB command

Reopens the MasterDB, optionally: * deleting the current database * opening the new one in a specified path and * enabling encryption with a specific key.

ReOpenMasterDB Command

  • Name: ReOpenMasterDB
Message nameDescription
ReOpenMasterDBRequestThis message shall be empty.
ReOpenMasterDBResponseThis message contains:

- NbrTotalPages: Number of total pages in the database.:
- NbrFreePages: Number of free pages in the database.:
- SizeOnDisk: Number of bytes the database occupies on disk.

xs:int NbrTotalPages [1][1]
xs:int NbrFreePages [1][1]
xs:int SizeOnDisk [1][1]


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ResetAntipassbackViolation command

Reset anti-passback for the specified credential(s). If the credential is currently not in anti-passback violation, nothing happens.

  • Name: ResetAntipassbackViolation
  • Access Class: ACTUATE
Message nameDescription
ResetAntipassbackViolationRequestThis message contains:

- CredentialToken: Token of Credentialpt:ReferenceToken CredentialToken [1][1]
ResetAntipassbackViolationResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
Credential token

ResetAllAntipassbackViolations command

Reset anti-passback for all credentials.

  • Name: ResetAllAntipassbackViolations
  • Access Class: ACTUATE
Message nameDescription
ResetAllAntipassbackViolationsRequestThis message shall be empty.
ResetAllAntipassbackViolationsResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal


Anti-passback data describing one entry for GetAntipassbackData and SetAntipassbackData.

The following fields are available:

  • CredentialToken: Credential
  • PassOkThreshold: Anti-passback timer value (in seconds)
  • CurrentArea: Current area token
  • ByTime: Used to indicate AntiPassbackMode. False means Logical, True means TimedLogical.
  • Violation: Used to indicate whether monitoring has resulted in one or more violations.

GetAntipassbackDataList command

This operation requests a list of all of AntipassbackData items provided by the device. An ONVIF Profile A compliant device which provides the DoorControl service shall implement this method.

The returned list shall start with the item specified by a StartReferenceparameter. If not specified by the client, the device shall return items starting from the beginning of the dataset.

StartReferenceis a device-internal identifier used to continue fetching data from the last position, and shall allow a client to iterate over a large dataset in smaller chunks. The device shall be able to handle a reasonable number of different StartReferences at the same time, and these must live for a reasonable time so that clients are able to fetch complete datasets. An ONVIF-compliant client shall not make any assumptions on StartReference contents and shall always pass the value returned from a previous request to continue fetching data. Client shall not use the same reference more than once.

For example, the StartReferencecan be incrementing start position number or underlying database transaction identifier.

The returned NextStartReferenceshall be used as the StartReferenceparameter in successive calls, and may be changed by the device in each call.

The number of items returned shall not be greater than the Limitparameter. If Limit is not specified by the client, the device shall assume it to be unbounded. The number of returned elements is determined by the device and may be less than requested if the device has limited resources.

  • Name: GetAntipassbackDataList
Message nameDescription
GetAntipassbackDataListRequestThis message contains:

- Limit: Maximum number of entries to return. If not specified, or greater than the device supports, the number of items shall be determined by the device.:
- StartReference: Start returning entries from this start reference. If not specified, entries shall start from the beginning of the dataset.

xs:int Limit [0][1]
xs:string StartReference [0][1]
GetAntipassbackDataListResponseThis message contains:

- NextStartReference: StartReference to use in next call to get the following items. If absent, no more items to get.:
- AntipassbackData: List of AntipassbackData items.

xs:string NextStartReference [0][1] pacsaxis:AntipassbackData AntipassbackData [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal
StartReference is invalid or has timed out. Client needs to start fetching from the beginning.

SetAntipassbackData command

  • Name: SetAntipassbackData
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
SetAntipassbackDataRequestThis message contains:

- AntipassbackData: List of AntipassbackData to setpacsaxis:AntipassbackData AntipassbackData [1][unbounded]
SetAntipassbackDataResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription