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Event logger service

Event logger service guide

The event logger service is used for event logging and management of events and alarms. The service provides ignore filters and alarm filters as well as functions for fetching events and alarms and for acknowledging alarms. Ignore filters determine if an event should be ignored or if it should be stored in the event log.

Alarm filters determine if an event should be marked as an alarm. Door controllers with firmware 1.20 and later support global event distribution, that is, events emitted by one door controller in a door controller network are replicated on all door controllers in the network. When global distribution is enabled, logged events and alarms can be fetched from any door controller in the network, not only from the controller that emitted the event. Global distribution is enabled by default but can be disabled if required, see Event distribution. In addition to the Event Logger Service, the ONVIFTM Profile C conformant AXIS A1001 Network Door Controller supports the ONVIFTM event framework including real-time pull-point subscription, WS notification and event streaming.

Ignore filter

Ignore filters determine if an event should be ignored or if it should be stored in the event log. The filter contains a list of key-value pairs of events to ignore and a list of UUID:s specifying the door controllers to which the filter should be applied. Events with key-value pairs and a UUID matching the filter will be ignored. If the filter is applicable to all door controllers, the UUID field can be left empty.

The following example shows how to set up an ignore filter with the key-value pair "a=1" and UUID "abc". An event that has a key "a" with value "1" will be ignored if the event was emitted from the door controller with UUID "abc".


{"axloc:SetIgnoreFilter": {"Filter":
[ {"KeyValues":[ {"Key":"a", "Value":"1"} ],
"UUIDs":["abc"]} ] }


<Filter token="mytoken">

If the UUID list is empty (or omitted) the filter applies to all door controllers.


{"axloc:SetIgnoreFilter": {"Filter":
[ {"KeyValues":[ {"Key":"a", "Value":"1"} ]} ] }


<Filter token="mytoken">

It is possible to omit the value in a key-value pair. The following example shows an ignore filter that ignores all events containing the key "b".


{"axloc:SetIgnoreFilter": {"Filter":
[ {"KeyValues":[ {"Key":"b"} ]} ] }


<Filter token="mytoken">
<Value />

To list the current ignore filters, the axloc:GetIgnoreFilterList call is used. The response below shows the first axloc:SetIgnoreFilter example set up above.






{"Filter": [
{"token": "Axis-00408c184bfa:1381327465.144879000",
"KeyValues": [ {"Key": "a", "Value": "1"} ],
"UUIDs": [ "abc" ]} ]


<axloc:Filter token="mytoken">

To remove an ignore filter, use axloc:RemoveIgnoreFilter and specify the token of the filter to remove. The token is obtained using axloc:GetIgnoreFilterList.


{"axloc:RemoveIgnoreFilter": {



Alarm filter

Alarm filters determine if an event should be marked as an alarm. Alarms are typically used to mark events that are more important than other events, for example events that require human attention. Alarms are stored in a separate alarm log but are also kept in the event log together with other events. When an alarm is acknowledged, it is removed from the alarm log but is kept in the event log.

The alarm filter syntax is similar to the ignore filter syntax described in the previous section. If no UUID:s are specified, the filter will be applied to all door controllers. If one or more UUID:s are specified, only events from the specified door controllers will be elevated to alarms.

To indicate that an event is marked as an alarm, a special event is sent. This special event cannot be elevated to an alarm as that would cause a cyclic behavior.

If an event matches both an ignore filter and an alarm filter, the event will be marked as an alarm and will also be stored in the event log, that is, the ignore filter is overridden.


{"axloc:SetAlarmFilter": {
"Filter": [ {"KeyValues":[{"Key":"a", "Value":"1"} ]} ]}


<Filter token="my_alarm_token">

To list the current alarm filters, the axloc:GetAlarmFilterList call is used.






{"Filter": [
{"token": "Axis-00408c184bfa:1381328407.991173000",
"KeyValues": [ {"Key": "a", "Value": "1"} ],
"UUIDs": []} ]


<axloc:Filter token="my_alarm_token">

To remove an alarm filter, use axloc:RemoveAlarmFilter and specify the token of the filter to remove. The token is obtained using axloc:GetAlarmFilterList.


{"axloc:RemoveAlarmFilter": {



Fetch events

Use axlog:FetchEvents or axlog:FetchEvents2 to fetch events from the event log. The event log can contain maximum 30,000 events but only 1000 of these events can be fetch in one call. The calls accepts the following optional parameters: Start, Stop, Limit, RowID, Descending and Filters. axlog:FetchEvents2 also supports FilterSets. The parameters are described in the following sections.

Start and stop time

The Start and Stop parameters define start and stop times for the time interval in the axlog:FetchEvents call. Events with a timestamp within the time interval will be fetched. If Start is omitted, year 0 is assumed. If Stop is omitted, the time interval has no upper limit, that is, all events until the current time will be fetched. The start and stop times should be specified using the time format in ISO 8601.


{"axlog:FetchEvents": {



Limit and RowID

One call to axlog:FetchEvents returns maximum 1000 events. If required, for example to improve performance, the maximum number of fetched events can be reduced using the Limit parameter.





If the number of events matching a fetch request is larger than the set limit, the reply will have the More flag set to true. To fetch the rest of the events matching the request, call axlog:FetchEvents again but this time with the RowID parameter set to the row id of the last event in the previous response.


{"axlog:FetchEvents":{"Limit":2, "RowID":2}}




The Descending parameter is used to sort events in descending order. By default, Descending is false and events are sorted in ascending order. To get events in descending order, set Descending to true.






The Filters parameter is used to fetch events of a specific type. The axlog:FetchEvents request will return events that match the key-value pairs specified in Filters.


{"Key":"topic0", "Value":"Door"},
{"Key":"topic1", "Value":"State"},
{"Key":"topic2", "Value":"DoorMode"},
{"Key":"State", "Value":"Locked"}]}}



Filters can contain a single key-value pair or a list of key-value pairs. It is also possible to omit the value and only specify the key.




<Value />


The FilterSets parameter provides advanced filtering options and is supported by axlog:FetchEvents2. FilterSets contains multiple Filters fields that are combined with logical OR.

The request below fetches events that match the condition (SystemReady AND 0) OR (DoorPhysicalState AND Closed).


"FilterSets": [
{"Key":"topic2", "Value":"SystemReady"},
{"Key":"ready", "Value":"0"}]
{"Key":"topic2", "Value":"DoorPhysicalState"},
{"Key":"State", "Value":"Closed"}]

FetchEvents response

The following is an example of a axlog:FetchEvents response, where the request is using filters to only return results from AccessControl:






{ "Event": [ {
"rowid": 76,
"token": "Axis-00408c184c74:1382951603.616761001",
"UUID": "5581ad80-95b0-11e0-b883-00408c184c74",
"UtcTime": "2013-10-28T09:13:23.018766Z",
"KeyValues": [
"Key": "CredentialHolderName",
"Value": "Axis-00408c184c74:1382951566.633213000",
"Tags": [ "onvif-data"]
}, {
"Key": "AccessPointToken",
"Value": "Axis-00408c184c74:1382951520.315392000",
"Tags": [ "wstype:pt:ReferenceToken",
"onvif-source" ]
}, {
"Key": "topic2",
"Value": "Credential",
"Tags": []
}, {
"Key": "topic1",
"Value": "AccessGranted",
"Tags": []
}, {
"Key": "topic0",
"Value": "AccessControl",
"Tags": []
}, {
"Key": "CredentialToken",
"Value": "Axis-00408c184c74:1382951567.312696000",
"Tags": [ "wstype:pt:ReferenceToken",
"onvif-data" ]
"Tags": []
} ],
"More": false


<axlog:Event token="Axis-00408c184c74:1382951603.616761001">

Below is an event shown which has been received using an ONVIFTM pull-point subscription. The data stored in the event logger can be matched against the real-time event in every detail except namespaces. The namespaces in the topic are not stored in the event logger database and cannot be recreated in the FetchEvents call.

<tt:Message UtcTime="2013-10-28T09:13:23Z">
<tt:SimpleItem Name="AccessPointToken"
Value="Axis-00408c184c74:1382951520.315392000" />
<tt:SimpleItem Name="CredentialHolderName"
Value="Axis-00408c184c74:1382951566.633213000" />
<tt:SimpleItem Name="CredentialToken"
Value="Axis-00408c184c74:1382951567.312696000" />

Fetching alarms

Use axlog:FetchAlarms or axlog:FetchAlarms2 to fetch alarms. These commands are used in same way and take the same parameters as the axlog:FetchEvents and axlog:FetchEvents2 commands..

The alarm list contains at most 200 alarms, which makes it possible to fetch all of them with one call. However, the limit option is still supported, and is defaulted to 1000 which means all alarms are fetched by default.



The response with matched alarms will be formatted as the example in section FetchEvents response.

Acknowledging alarms

An alarm is acknowledged by removing it from the alarm list. To remove the alarm axlog:RemoveLoggedAlarm is used. axlog:RemoveLoggedAlarm takes a token array with all the tokens of the alarms to be removed.


{"axlog:RemoveLoggedAlarm": {



Event distribution

Door controllers with firmware 1.20 and later support global event distribution, that is, events emitted by one door controller in a door controller network are replicated on all door controllers in the network. When global distribution is enabled, logged events and alarms can be fetched from any door controller in the network, not only from the controller that emitted the event.

To identify the door controller that emitted the event, an UUID key-value pair is automatically added to all events when global distribution is enabled.

Global distribution is enabled by default, but can be disabled if required. When global distribution is disabled, logged events and alarms are not replicated on other door controllers.

To check whether global distribution is enabled, use axloc:GetEventDistributionConfig without any arguments.


{"EventDistributionConfig": [
{"GlobalDistributionEnabled":true} ]}



To disable global distribution, use axloc:DisableGlobalDistribution.

To enable global distribution, use axloc:EnableGlobalDistribution.

Distributed events in pull-point subscriptions

In ONVIFTM pull-point subscriptions, use content filter "device source" to listen to events from all door controllers in the network. If global event distribution is enabled and device source is not specified, the client receives event notifications from the local door controller only. This is the default behavior. To subscribe to events from all door controllers in the network, add content filter@Name="Device Source". To subscribe to events from selected door controllers, add content filter @Name="Device Source" with specified UUIDs.

If global event distribution is disabled, the pull-point subscription must not include content filter device source. If @Name="Device Source" is included, the client will not receive any event notifications as the events do not have any device source.

To subscribe to events from all door controllers when global distribution is enabled and from the local door controller when global distribution is disabled, use boolean(//tt:SimpleItem[@Name="Device Source"])OR NOT( boolean(//tt:SimpleItem[@Name="Device Source"]))

Notification topics

The following table lists supported notification topics. Note: The notification topics available in the door controller depend on product configuration and firmware version.

Notification topics

Schedule service
tns1:Schedule/tnsaxis:IntervalEmitted when the state of an interval schedule changes.
tns1:Schedule/tnsaxis:PulseEmitted when a pulse schedule becomes active.
Door control service
tns1:Door/State/DoorModeEmitted when a door’s DoorMode state changes, for example when the door is accessed.
tns1:Door/State/DoorPhysicalStateEmitted when a door’s DoorPhysicalState changes, for example when the door is opened.
tns1:Door/State/LockPhysicalStateEmitted when a lock’s LockPhysicalState changes, for example when the door becomes unlocked.
tns1:Door/State/DoubleLockPhysicalStateEmitted when a double-lock’s DoubleLockPhysicalState changes.
tns1:Door/State/DoorAlarmEmitted when the DoorAlarm state changes, that is, when the OpenTooLongTime time expires.
tns1:Door/State/DoorFaultEmitted when the DoorFault state changes.
tns1:Door/State/DoorTamperEmitted when the DoorTamper state changes.
tns1:Door/State/DoorWarningEmitted when the DoorWarning state changes, that is, when the PreAlarmTime expires.
tns1:Door/tnsaxis:Status/BatteryAlarmEmitted when the battery in a wireless Aperio door, lock or door monitor changes state, for example when it needs to be replaced. The ID field contains the Aperio device’s hardware address.
tns1:Door/tnsaxis:Status/LockJammedEmitted when a wireless Aperio door lock is physically blocked.
tns1:Door/tnsaxis:Status/RadioDisturbanceEmitted when the radio signal from a wireless Aperio door, lock or door monitor changes state, for example when the signal is disturbed. The ID field contains the Aperio device’s hardware address.
tns1:Configuration/Door/ChangedEmitted when a Door is added or updated.
tns1:Configuration/Door/RemovedEmitted when a Door is removed.
IdPoint service
tns1:IdPoint/tnsaxis:ActivityEmitted when there is an initial activity at an Id- Point, for example when someone tries to access the door. This event does not contain any sensitive data.
tns1:IdPoint/tnsaxis:Request/PINEmitted when a person has entered a Personal Identification Number (PIN) code at an IdPoint without swiping a card. Input from the keypad is sent in the event.
tns1:IdPoint/tnsaxis:Request/REXEmitted when a REX button or similar input device is used.
tns1:IdPoint/tnsaxis:Request/IdDataEmitted when authentication information is presented at an IdPoint, for example when someone swipes a card or enters a PIN code. The event contains a Card field with user identification information such as card data and/or PIN, and a BitCount field with the bit length of the card data. Depending on the timeout configuration, card data and PIN can be sent in the same event.
tns1:IdPoint/tnsaxis:Status/BatteryAlarmEmitted when the battery in a wireless Aperio Id- Point changes state, for example when it needs to be replaced. The ID field contains the Aperio device’s hardware address.
tns1:IdPoint/tnsaxis:Status/RadioDisturbanceEmitted when the radio signal from a wireless Aperio IdPoint changes state, for example when the signal is disturbed. The ID field contains the Aperio device’s hardware address.
tns1:IdPoint/tnsaxis:TimeoutEmitted when the IdPoint timeout has expired.
tns1:IdPoint/tnsaxis:TamperingEmitted when IdPoint tampering is detected.
tns1:Configuration/tnsaxis:IdPoint/ChangedEmitted when an IdPoint is added or updated.
tns1:Configuration/tnsaxis:IdPoint/RemovedEmitted when an IdPoint is removed.
tns1:IdPoint/tnsaxis:Status/SecureChannelIndicates the status of the secure channel in a reader.
tns1:IdPoint/tnsaxis:Status/DeviceEmitted when the status of the IdPoint device changes. Only for IdPoint readers using the OSDP protocol.
tns1:IdPoint/tnsaxis:PreAuthorization/tnsaxis:IdDataIssued when a Whitelist enabled credential has received access from a Whitelist enabled reader.
tns1:IdPoint/tnsaxis:Status/tnsaxis:WhitelistSync/tnsaxis:ErrorIssued to indicate the failure to update a Whitelist of a reader with a specific IdData.
tns1:IdPoint/tnsaxis:Status/tnsaxis:WhitelistSync/tnsaxis:OngoingIssued to indicate whether there exist Whitelist Id:s that are to be sent to a physical lock or not. Ongoing is set to True if IdData exists that need to be sent/removed to/from a physical lock, i.e. if a synchronization is ongoing. Ongoing is set to False if the Whitelist of the lock and the Whitelist of the access controller is identical.
Access control service
tns1:AccessControl/AccessGranted/AnonymousEmitted when an anonymous user is granted access.
tns1:AccessControl/AccessGranted/CredentialEmitted when a valid credential, that is, a card holder or a user with a PIN, has passed all necessary checks and is granted access.
tns1:AccessControl/AccessTaken/AnonymousEmitted when an anonymous user accesses the door after being granted access.
tns1:AccessControl/AccessTaken/CredentialEmitted when an identified credential, that is, a card holder or a user with a PIN, accesses the door after being granted access.
tns1:AccessControl/AccessNotTaken/AnonymousEmitted when an anonymous user who has been granted access does not access the door.
tns1:AccessControl/AccessNotTaken/CredentialEmitted when an identified credential who has been granted access does not access the door.
tns1:AccessControl/Denied/AnonymousEmitted when an anonymous user is denied access.
tns1:AccessControl/Denied/Authentication/InvalidPINEmitted then access is denied because the PIN is not valid.
tns1:AccessControl/Denied/CredentialEmitted when an identified credential is denied access.
tns1:AccessControl/Denied/CredentialNotFound/CardEmitted when access is denied because the card is not stored in the access point.
tns1:AccessControl/Denied/CredentialNotFound/PINEmitted when access is denied because the entered PIN is not stored in the access point.
tns1:AccessControl/DuressEmitted when duress access is detected, that is, when the duress PIN code is used.
tns1:AccessPoint/State/EnabledEmitted when an AccessPoint is enabled or disabled.
tns1:Configuration/AccessPoint/ChangedEmitted when an AccessPoint is added or updated.
tns1:Configuration/AccessPoint/RemovedEmitted when an AccessPoint is removed.
tns1:Configuration/Area/ChangedEmitted when an Area is added or updated.
tns1:Configuration/Area/RemovedEmitted when an Area is removed.
tns1:Configuration/Credential/ChangedEmitted when a Credential is added or updated.
tns1:Configuration/Credential/RemovedEmitted when a Credential is removed.
tns1:Credential/State/ApbViolationEmitted when access is denied due to an Anti-Passback violation.
Connection service
tns1:Device/tnsaxis:PeerConnectionEmitted when a ConnectionState changes.
Event logger service
tnsaxis:EventLogger/AlarmEmitted when an alarm is emitted. An alarm is an event that matches the alarm filter set by axloc:SetAlarmFilter.
tnsaxis:EventLogger/DroppedAlarmsEmitted if alarms are dropped. Events, including events that otherwise would be elevated to alarms, are dropped if there is extremely high activity and the Event Logger Service cannot process all events. DroppedAlarms contains the number of alarms that are dropped.
tnsaxis:EventLogger/DroppedEventsEmitted if events are dropped. Events are dropped if there is extremely high activity and the Event Logger Service cannot process all events. DroppedEvents contains the number of events that are dropped. Frequent DroppedEvents events might indicate an error in system setup.
tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Casing/OpenEmitted when the product casing is opened or removed.
tns1:Device/tnsaxis:IO/PortEmitted when an I/O port configured as input changes state.
tns1:Device/tnsaxis:IO/VirtualinputEmitted when a virtual input changes state.
tns1:Device/tnsaxis:IO/VirtualportEmitted when the manual trigger changes state.
tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Network/LostEmitted if the network connection is lost.
tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Status/SystemreadyEmitted when the product and all its services have been started.
tns1:Device/tnsaxis:SystemMessage/ActionfailedEmitted if an action in the Action service cannot be started.
Remote I/O service
tnsaxis:RemoteDevice/Connection/StatusDescribes the remote device’s connection status. If true (1), the door controller can communicate with the remote device. If false (0), communication was unsuccessful. Unsuccessful communication can have many reasons, for example wrong credentials, network problems or because the remote device did not respond on a heartbeat.
Third party credential service
tns1:Configuration/Credential/tnsaxis:ThirdPartyCredentialCreatedIssued when a new ThirdPartyCredential has been created from the SetThirdPartyCredential API.At this point there may not exist any card data information for this credential.When the provider has aknowledged the credential a ThirdPartyCredentialEnabled event will be sent.
tns1:Configuration/Credential/tnsaxis:ThirdPartyCredentialCreatedFailedIf a ThirdPartyCredential should fail to be created then this event will be issued.
tns1:Configuration/Credential/tnsaxis:ThirdPartyCredentialRemovedIssued when a ThirdPartyCredential has been removed via the RemoveThirdPartyCredential API.
tns1:Configuration/Credential/tnsaxis:ThirdPartyCredentialRemovedFailedIssued when a ThirdPartyCredential failed to be removed via the RemoveThirdPartyCredential API.
tns1:Configuration/Credential/tnsaxis:ThirdPartyCredentialEnabledIssued when the provider has acknowledged the ThirdPartyCredential.Note that the format of the CredentialCardNumber is specific for each provider.
tnsaxis:ThirdPartyCredential/Status/ProviderConnectionAny change in the status of the connection to the provider will generate this event.

Event logger service API

EventLogger service

axlog =

The eventlogger stores events and alarms in a database. These events and alarms can be fetched using the FetchEvents and FetchAlarms calls.

LocalSetting data structure

Local settings stored in DB as keys and values.

The following fields are available:

    • token
      • Value

FilterKeyValue data structure

Key/Value pair for event filter parameters.

The following fields are available:

    • Key
      • Value

KeyValue data structure

Key/Value pair for logged events and alarms.

The following fields are available:

    • Namespace
      • Key
      • Value
      • Type
      • Tags

LoggedEvent data structure

Main structure for stored events.

The following fields are available:

    • token
      • UUID

    UUID of the producing device.

    • UtcTime
      • KeyValues
      • Tags
      • Property
      • DeclarationID

LoggedAlarm data structure

Main structure for stored alarms.

The following fields are available:

    • token
      • UUID

    UUID of the producing device.

    • UtcTime
      • KeyValues
      • Tags
      • Property
      • DeclarationID

FetchedEventKeyValue data structure

The following fields are available:

    • Key
      • Value
      • Tags

FetchedEvent data structure

Main structure for fetching events.

The following fields are available:

    • rowid
      • token
      • UUID

    UUID of the producing device.

    • UtcTime
      • KeyValues
      • Tags

FetchEvents command

Get stored events matching the supplied filter.

  • Name: FetchEvents
  • Access Class: ACTUATE
Message nameDescription
FetchEventsRequestThis message contains

- Start
- Stop
- Filters
- Limit Limit number of entries returned.
- RowID
- Descending
xs:dateTime Start [0][1]
xs:dateTime Stop [0][1]
axlog:FilterKeyValue Filters [0][unbounded]
xs:int Limit [0][1]
xs:long RowID [0][1]
xs:boolean Descending [0][1]
FetchEventsResponseThis message contains

- Event
- More
axlog:FetchedEvent Event [0][unbounded]
xs:boolean More [1][1]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidStartTime
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidStopTime

FetchAlarms command

Get stored alarms matching the supplied filter.

  • Name: FetchAlarms
  • Access Class: ACTUATE
Message nameDescription
FetchAlarmsRequestThis message contains

- Start
- Stop
- Filters
- Limit Limit number of entries returned.
- RowID
- Descending
xs:dateTime Start [0][1]
xs:dateTime Stop [0][1]
axlog:FilterKeyValue Filters [0][unbounded]
xs:int Limit [0][1]
xs:long RowID [0][1]
xs:boolean Descending [0][1]
FetchAlarmsResponseThis message contains

- Alarm
- More
axlog:FetchedEvent Alarm [0][unbounded]
xs:boolean More [1][1]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidStartTime
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidStopTime

RemoveLoggedAlarm command

Use RemoveLoggedAlarm to remove an alarm from the alarm list.

  • Name: RemoveLoggedAlarm
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
RemoveLoggedAlarmRequestThis message contains

- Token``xs:string Token [0][unbounded]
RemoveLoggedAlarmResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFound

EventLoggerConfig service

axloc =

The eventlogger configuration holds filters for incoming events. These filters are matched against incoming events and decides if an event is either ignored, stays as a normal event or is upgraded to an alarm.

An event that is ignored will not be stored in any database. An event that is upgraded to an alarm is stored in both the event and alarm database.

If an event matches both an ignore filter and an alarm filter then the event will be upgraded to an alarm.

KeyValue data structure

A structure containing a key and a value.

The following fields are available:

    • Key
      • Value

IgnoreFilter data structure

A filter for events to be ignored.

The following fields are available:

    • token
      • KeyValues
      • UUIDs

AlarmFilter data structure

A filter for matching an event as an alarm.

The following fields are available:

    • token
      • KeyValues
      • UUIDs

SetIgnoreFilter command

Use SetIgnoreFilter to create and update ignore filters.

  • Name: SetIgnoreFilter
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
SetIgnoreFilterRequestThis message contains

- Filter``axloc:IgnoreFilter Filter [0][unbounded]
SetIgnoreFilterResponseThis message contains

- Token List with the tokens of the created/updated filters.

xs:string Token [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFound

RemoveIgnoreFilter command

Use RemoveIgnoreFilter to remove ignore filters.

  • Name: RemoveIgnoreFilter
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
RemoveIgnoreFilterRequestThis message contains

- Token``xs:string Token [0][unbounded]
RemoveIgnoreFilterResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFound

GetIgnoreFilterList command

Use GetIgnoreFilterList to retrieve a list of all ignore filters.

  • Name: GetIgnoreFilterList
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
GetIgnoreFilterListRequestThis message shall be empty.
GetIgnoreFilterListResponseThis message contains

- Filter``axloc:IgnoreFilter Filter [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFound

SetAlarmFilter command

Use SetAlarmFilter to create or update alarm filters.

  • Name: SetAlarmFilter
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
SetAlarmFilterRequestThis message contains

- Filter``axloc:AlarmFilter Filter [0][unbounded]
SetAlarmFilterResponseThis message contains

- Token List with the tokens of the created/updated filters.

xs:string Token [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFound

RemoveAlarmFilter command

Use RemoveAlarmFilter to remove alarm filters.

RemoveAlarmFilter Command

  • Name: RemoveAlarmFilter
  • Access Class: WRITE_SYSTEM
Message nameDescription
RemoveAlarmFilterRequestThis message contains

- Token``xs:string Token [0][unbounded]
RemoveAlarmFilterResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFound

GetAlarmFilterList command

Use GetAlarmFilterList to retrieve all alarm filters.

  • Name: GetAlarmFilterList
Message nameDescription
GetAlarmFilterListRequestThis message shall be empty.
GetAlarmFilterListResponseThis message contains

- Filter``axloc:AlarmFilter Filter [0][unbounded]
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:NotFound

DeclKeyValue data structure

Key/Value pair for logged events and alarms.

The following fields are available:

    • Namespace
      • Key
      • Value
      • Type
      • Tags
      • ValueWildcard

Declaration data structure

Main structure for stored alarms.

The following fields are available:

    • token
      • UUID

    UUID of the producing device.

    • GlobalDeclarationID
      • Property
      • KeyValues
      • Tags

Configuration data structure

A configuration structure containing a key and a value.

The following fields are available:

    • token
      • Value

ServiceCapabilities data structure

The service capabilities reflect optional functionality of a service. The information is static and does not change during device operation. The following capabilities are available:

  • EnableGlobalEvents

    True if EnableGlobalEvents and DisableGlobalEvents operations are supported.

GetServiceCapabilities command

This operation returns the capabilities of the event logger config service.

  • Name: GetServiceCapabilities
  • Access Class: PRE_AUTH
Message nameDescription
GetServiceCapabilitiesRequestThis message shall be empty.
GetServiceCapabilitiesResponseThis message contains

- Capabilities The capability response message contains the requested event logger config service capabilities using a hierarchical XML capability structure.

axloc:ServiceCapabilities Capabilities [1][1]

EventDistributionConfig data structure

The EventDistributionConfig structure describes the current event distribution configuration.

The following fields are available:

  • GlobalDistributionEnabled

    Indicates that events are globally distributed among peers.

EnableGlobalDistribution command

This operation enables global distribution of generated events among all connected peers.

  • Name: EnableGlobalDistribution
  • Access Class: ACTUATE
Message nameDescription
EnableGlobalDistributionRequestThis message shall be empty.
EnableGlobalDistributionResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Receiver ter:ActionNotSupported ter:NotSupportedThe operation is not supported.

DisableGlobalDistribution command

This operation disables global distribution of generated events among all connected peers.

  • Name: DisableGlobalDistribution
  • Access Class: ACTUATE
Message nameDescription
DisableGlobalDistributionRequestThis message shall be empty.
DisableGlobalDistributionResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Receiver ter:ActionNotSupported ter:NotSupportedThe operation is not supported.

GetEventDistributionConfig command

The operation returns the current event distribution configuration.

  • Name: GetEventDistributionConfig
Message nameDescription
GetEventDistributionConfigRequestThis message contains

- EventDistributionConfig``axloc:EventDistributionConfig EventDistributionConfig [1][1]
GetEventDistributionConfigResponseThis message shall be empty.
Fault codesDescription
env:Receiver ter:ActionNotSupported ter:NotSupportedThe operation is not supported.