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Motion guard


AXIS Motion Guard is an AXIS Camera Application Platform (ACAP) product for AXIS network cameras. Motion Guard support fixed cameras, PTZ cameras and encoders. The ACAP makes it possible for the user to define a guarded zone by setting up one or more areas in which motion should be detected.

The ACAP makes it possible for the user to:

  • configure three motion detection zones per channel for multichannel devices and up to ten in fixed mode and PTZ mode.
  • configure a set of rules for the chosen areas.
  • configure so that an event is only triggered if the object adheres to certain dimensional constraints or when it has been visible in the camera view for a set time.

The Motion Guard API is used for configuring the behavior of the ACAP. It is possible to configure where and if a detected object should trigger an alarm.

There is support for ONVIF motion alarm event.


The API consists of five methods:

  • getConfiguration - Querying the complete ACAP configuration.
  • setConfiguration - Upload a complete ACAP configuration file.
  • getSupportedVersions - Get supported API versions.
  • sendAlarmEvent - Send a stateful alarm event for VMS testing purposes.
  • getConfigurationCapabilities - Get the boundaries and default values for the ACAP.


Software: EmbeddedDevelopment version 2.13 or higher is required for the ACAP to work.

Property: Properties.EmbeddedDevelopment.Version=2.13

In order to check if the ACAP is installed, use /axis-cgi/applications/list.cgi, which shows the status of all installed ACAP’s. It also lists the url to the configuration page and the license state of the ACAP.


AXIS Motion Guard is an extended and more advanced Motion Detection tool than AXIS Video Motion Detection 4. However, it does not replace, nor does it make VMD 4 obsolete.

Note: Motion Guard 1.0 will not be overwritten when this version is installed on compatible devices.

Common examples

Backup and restore configuration

  1. Request the current configuration of the application:
[POST] http://myserver/local/motionguard/control.cgi

JSON input parameters

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "getConfiguration"
  1. Parse the JSON response.

a. Success response example

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "getConfiguration",
"data": {...}

b. Failure response example.

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "getConfiguration",
"code": XXXX,
"message": "A descriptive error message."
  1. Validate current license state of the ACAP.

In order to post configurations to the ACAP, the license key must be valid.

[GET] http://myserver/axis-cgi/applications/list.cgi
  1. Restore settings:

Post the configuration as params using the same JSON structure from data received from previous call.

[POST] http://myserver/local/motionguard/control.cgi


"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "setConfiguration",
"params": {...}

Configure all settings

  1. Request the current configuration of the application:
[POST] http://myserver/local/motionguard/control.cgi

JSON input parameters

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "getConfiguration"
  1. Parse the JSON response.

a. Success response example.

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "getConfiguration",
"data": {...}

b. Failure response example.

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "getConfiguration",
"code": XXXX,
"message": "A descriptive error message."
  1. Parse the JSON Response:

The configuration JSON object is modified according to setConfiguration.

  1. Validate current license state of the ACAP.

In order to post configurations to the ACAP the license key must be valid.

[GET] http://myserver/axis-cgi/applications/list.cgi
  1. Upload new settings:

Post the configuration as params using the same JSON structure from data received from previous call.

[POST] http://myserver/local/motionguard/control.cgi

JSON input parameters

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "setConfiguration",
"params": {...}

a. Success response example.

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "setConfiguration",
"data": {...}

b. Failure response example.

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "setConfiguration",
"code": XXXX,
"message": "A descriptive error message."

Visual feedback

Visualize alarming objects in live view and recorded video

  1. Request all alarming objects in order to find out what causes the alarms in both live and recorded video.
[POST] http://myserver/local/motionguard/control.cgi

JSON input parameters

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "setConfiguration",
"params": {
"cameras": [
"active": true,
"id": 1,
"rotation": r,
"overlayRotation": "1280x720"
"profiles": [
"name": "Profile 1",
"alarmOverlayEnabled": true,
  1. Parse the JSON response.

a. Success response example.

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "setConfiguration",
"data": {...}

b. Failure response example.

"apiVersion": "1.3.",
"context": "<client context">",
"method": "setConfiguration",
"code": XXXX,
"message": "A descriptive error message."
  1. Validate in streams.

The video streams use the chosen resolution (e.g. 1280x720) and the specified rotation will have alarming objects with burnt in bounding boxes.


It is possible to request a video stream that ignores the alarm overlay despite using the chosen resolution. If the stream parameter overlays is set to either "none" or "dynamic" the overlay from the application is not shown.


Read the configuration capabilities

  1. Request the configuration capabilities of the application:
[POST] http://myserver/local/motionguard/control.cgi

JSON input parameters

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "getConfigurationCapabilities"
  1. Parse the JSON response:

a. Success response example.

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "getConfigurationCapabilities",
"data": {...}

b. Failure response example.

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "getConfigurationCapabilities",
"code": XXXX,
"message": "A descriptive error message."

The configuration JSON object is modified according to getConfigurationCapabilities.

API specification

All APIs uses the same CGI-call, using method property to decide the operation to perform on the data.

The different APIs uses the same error code pattern.

Error codes from 1000 to 1999 are reserved for camera application (server) errors, e.g. could not read configuration from file. The actual cause can be seen in the server-log, and the problem could in some cases be solved by restarting the camera.

Error codes from 2000 to 2999 are reserved for client errors, e.g. wrong format of configuration file or invalid parameter. These errors should be possible to solve by changing the input data to the API.

Error code 8000 indicates that the camera is not supported by this version of the application. This should be possible to solve by downloading the version of the application designed for the camera type.

Error codes 9000 to 9999 are reserved for license related errors e.g. the current license is invalid or missing. These errors should be possible to solve by uploading a new license file for the ACAP.


Request the current configuration of the ACAP.



Security level: Administrator

Method: POST

Request body syntax:

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "getConfiguration"
apiVersionThe API version that the response should use.
contextOptional Client sets this value and server echoes data in the response . It is present regardless of whether the response succeeded or failed.
methodSpecifies that the getConfiguration operation is performed.

Return value - Success

Returns the current configuration of the ACAP, in a JSON formatted response. In the following examples the values d, w, h, t, x, y, p and r are numbers. The variable resolution is a resolution string, eg. "1280x720" or "640x360". For a complete description of each field in the configuration see Configuration parameter description.

HTTP Code: 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax:

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "getConfiguration",
{ "active": true, "id": 1, "rotation": r, "overlayResolution": resolution}
"name": "Profile 1",
"uid": 1,
"camera": 1,
"alarmOverlayEnabled": true,
{ "type": "sizePerspective", "data": [w,h], "active": true },
{ "type": "sizePercentage", "data": [w,h], "active": false },
{ "type": "timeShortLivedLimit", "data": t, "active": true },
{ "type": "distanceSwayingObject", "data": d, "active": true },
{ "type": "excludeArea", "data": [ [x,y], ..., [x,y] ] },
{ "type": "excludeArea", "data": [ [x,y], ..., [x,y] ] }
{ "type": "includeArea", "data": [ [x,y], ..., [x,y] ] }
"presets": [p],
{ "type": "bar", "data": [ [x,y], [x,y] ], "height": h},
{ "type": "bar", "data": [ [x,y], [x,y] ], "height": h},
{ "type": "bar", "data": [ [x,y], [x,y] ], "height": h}
{ ... },
{ ... },
{ ... }
"configurationStatus": 0

The response if the camera supports multiple channels:

Note: Channel specific properties are set in data.cameras. However, each profile has its individual settings, and refers to a camera id property with the data.profiles[j].camera property. The parameter "presets" is not present because it is only supported for mechanical PTZ-cameras.

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "getConfiguration",
{ "active": true, "id": 1, "rotation": r, "overlayResolution": resolution1 },
{ "active": false, "id": 2, "rotation": r, "overlayResolution": resolution2 },
{ "active": false, "id": 3, "rotation": r, "overlayResolution": resolution3 },
{ "active": false, "id": 4, "rotation": r, "overlayResolution": resolution4 }
"name": "Profile 1 (Video 1)",
"uid": 1,
"camera": 1,
"alarmOverlayEnabled": true,
{ "type": "sizePerspective", "data": [w,h], "active": true },
{ "type": "sizePercentage", "data": [w,h], "active": false },
{ "type": "timeShortLivedLimit", "data": t, "active": true },
{ "type": "distanceSwayingObject", "data": d, "active": true },
{ "type": "excludeArea", "data": [ [x,y], ..., [x,y] ] },
{ "type": "excludeArea", "data": [ [x,y], ..., [x,y] ] }
"triggers": [
{ "type": "includeArea", "data": [ [x,y], ..., [x,y] ] }

{ "type": "bar", "data": [ [x,y], [x,y] ], "height": h},
{ "type": "bar", "data": [ [x,y], [x,y] ], "height": h},
{ "type": "bar", "data": [ [x,y], [x,y] ], "height": h}
"name": "Profile 2 (Video 3)",
"uid": 2,
"camera": 3,
"alarmOverlayEnabled": false,
"filters": {...},
"triggers": {...},
"perspective": {...}
{ ... },
{ ... },
{ ... }
"configurationStatus": 0

Return value - Error

Return value XXXX is a number.

HTTP Code: 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax:

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "getConfiguration",
"code": XXXX
"message": "A descriptive error message"
Application Error1000The application failed to return a configuration
Unsupported Version2000The major version number isn’t supported
Invalid Format2001The request was not formatted correctly, i.e. does not follow the JSON-schema
Unsupported Product8000The product is not supported by this application


Set the configuration to the ACAP. The ACAP is not restarted, however, any ongoing events will be set as inactive when the new configuration is applied. This will cause ongoing recordings to stop, and for multichannel products all cameras are affected simultaneously. However, if there is still motion in the include area after the new configuration is set, and no exclusion filter hinders the alarm to be sent, the event will be set to active directly after the new configuration is applied.

There is a size limitation on POST transfer request which makes it suitable to send a minified JSON structure without white-spaces and new lines.

Modify specific properties

Below are some examples for how to change values, in the JSON file to perform specific actions. In the examples i is an index in the profile-array, not the uid of the profile.

Enable alarm overlay

In order to enable alarm overlay for a profile the resolution must first be specified for the camera in the params.cameras[i].OverlayResolution. Supported resolutions are listed ingetConfigurationCapabilities. Note that these resolutions will change if the capture mode in the camera is modified.

Each profile that is connected to that camera can then be specified to visualize its alarming objects in the video by activating the parameter params.profiles[i].alarmOverlayEnabled.

"cameras": [{
"active": true,
"id": 1,
"rotation": r,
"overlayResolution": "1280x720"
"profiles": [{
"name": "Profile 1",
"camera": 1,
"alarmOverlayEnabled": true,

Set image rotation

The image rotation for which the configuration is done should be specified in params.cameras[i].rotation. Valid values are (0, 90, 180, 270), which corresponds to the rotation of the camera.

Modify include area

To change the include area for a profile consisting of n connected straight lines, connecting points [x0, y0], ..., [xn,yn] change the property params.profiles[i].triggers to

"triggers": [
{ "type": "includeArea", "data": [ [x0,y0], ..., [xn,yn] ] }

Modify exclude areas

To add an exclude area for a profile consisting of n connected straight lines, connecting points [x0,y0], ..., [xn,yn] the property params.profiles[i].filters should be changed to:

{"type": "excludeArea", "data": [ [x0,y0], ..., [xn,yn] ] },

Note that the exclude area object is removed if the exclude area is not in use.

Modify size perspective filter

In order to apply a size perspective filter with two perspective bars with height and width defined as h1 [x11, y11], [x12,y12] and h2 [x21, y21], [x22,y22]. The first set of numbers are the start position, the second set of numbers are the end position. Both params.profiles[i].perspective and the size filter must be modified.

The perspective bars are added by changing params.profiles[i].perspective to

{ "type": "bar", "data": [ [x11,y11], [x12,y12] ], "height": h1},
{ "type": "bar", "data": [ [x21,y21], [x22,y22] ], "height": h2},

The size filter in params.profiles[i].filters should be modified to

{ "type": "sizePerspective", "data": [w,h], "active": true },

The filter values width w and height h, and the heights of the perspective bars should be given in cm. Note that only one size filter can be active, so sizePercentage must be disabled if size_perspective is used. It is also crucial that the camera rotation is the same as the rotation specified in the configuration.

Set percentage filter

To apply a percentage filter with height h and width w in percent of image, params.profiles[i].filters should be modified to

{ "type": "sizePercentage", "data": [w,h], "active": true },

Note that only one size filter can be active, so sizePerspective must be disabled if sizePercentage is used. The width and height of an object follows the camera rotation, and the direction used will change if the rotation parameter is changed. That is for a camera with 640x360 resolution and a filter with width 10% and height 20%, that corresponds to a box of 64x72 pixels if the camera rotation is 0 or 180 degrees. However, if the rotation is changed to 90 or 270 degrees, the same filter setting (width 10% and height 20%), corresponds to a box of 36x128 pixels.

Set short-lived object filter

In order to set the short-lived object filter value to t seconds params.profiles[i].filters should be modified to

{ "type": "timeShortLivedLimit", "data": t, "active": true },

Set swaying object filter

In order to set the swaying object filter value to d percent of the image params.profiles[i].filters should be modifed to

{ "type": "distanceSwayingObject", "data": d, "active": true },

The filter value d determines how far an object has to move from its point of origin before it can trigger an alarm. The distance is then given in percent of the image. Note that this is a global setting that will also delay alarms from all objects in the image with that distance, which could introduce missed alarms if the value is set too high.

Modify presets

Note: Only for PTZ cameras. PTZ encoders are not supported.

To change the presets of a profile change the property params.profiles[i].presets to

"presets": [p]

where p is the id-number of the preset, the index value in the VAPIX-parameter PTZ.Preset.P0.Position.P<index>. The value can also be –1 for any-preset or –2 for anywhere.



Security level: Administrator

Method: POST

Request body syntax:

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "setConfiguration",
{"active": true, "id": 1, "rotation": r, "overlayResolution": resolution}
"name": "Profile 1",
"uid": 1,
"camera": 1,
"alarmOverlayEnabled": true,
{ "type": "sizePerspective", "data": [w,h], "active": true },
{ "type": "sizePercentage", "data": [w,h], "active": false },
{ "type": "timeShortLivedLimit", "data": t, "active": true },
{ "type": "distanceSwayingObject", "data": d, "active": true },
{ "type": "excludeArea", "data": [ [x,y], ..., [x,y] ] },
{ "type": "excludeArea", "data": [ [x,y], ..., [x,y] ] },
"triggers": [
{ "type": "includeArea", "data": [ [x,y], ..., [x,y] ] }
"presets": [p],
{ "type": "bar", "data": [ [x,y], ..., [x,y] ],"height": h},
{ "type": "bar", "data": [ [x,y], ..., [x,y] ],"height": h},
{ "type": "bar", "data": [ [x,y], ..., [x,y] ],"height": h}
{ ... },
{ ... },
{ ... }
apiVersionThe API version that the response should use.
methodSpecifies that the setConfiguration operation is performed.
contextOptional Client sets this value and server echoes data in the response. It is present regardless of whether the response succeeded or failed.
paramsA complete ACAP configuration.

To remove a profile, remove that profile object from the params.profiles array. For a complete description of each field in the configuration see Configuration parameter description.

Return value - Success

HTTP Code: 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax:

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "setConfiguration",
"data": {}

Note that successful calls contains en empty data object.

Return value - Error

Return value XXXX is a number.

HTTP Code: 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax:

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "setConfiguration",
"code": XXXX,
"message": "A descriptive error message"
Application Error1000The application failed to set the configuration.
Unsupported Version2000The major version number isn’t supported.
Invalid Format2001The configuration was not formatted correctly, i.e. does not follow the JSON-schema.
Incoherent Format2002Parts of the configuration contradict each other, e.g. several profiles have the same uid.
Missing Parameter2003The request has a missing mandatory parameter.
Invalid Parameter2004The request has parameters that has an invalid value.
Unsupported Product8000The product is not supported.
Invalid License9000The license file is invalid or missing.


Request the boundaries and default values of the ACAP.



Security level: Administrator

Method: POST

Request body syntax:

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "getConfigurationCapabilities"
apiVersionThe API version that the response should use.
contextOptional Client sets this value and server echoes data in the response. It is present regardless of whether the response succeeded or failed.
methodSpecifies that the getConfigurationCapabilities operation is performed.

Return value - Success

Return the boundaries and default values of the ACAP, in a JSON formatted response. This cgi will always return the same result for one camera independent of when it is called, i.e. these values cannot be changed through a cgi. However different cameras might return different result depending on their capabilities. In the following examples the values p, q, r and z are numbers. For a complete description of each field in the configuration see Configuration capabilities parameter description.

HTTP Code: 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax:

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "getConfigurationCapabilities",
"alarmOverlay": {
"isSupported": true,
"cameras": [
{"id": 1, "availableResolutions": ["1280x720", "640x360", ...]},
{"id": 2, "availableResolutions": ["640x480", ...]}
"maxNbrActiveCameras": 1
"type": "sizePercentage",
"min": [width, height],
"max": [width, height],
"default": [width, height],
"defaultActive": true
"type": "timeShortLivedLimit",
"min": p,
"max": q,
"default": r,
"defaultActive": true
"type": "distanceSwayingObject",
"min": p,
"max": q,
"default": r,
"defaultActive": true
"type": "excludeArea",
"min": [x,y],
"max": [x,y],
"minNbrVertices": p,
"maxNbrVertices": q,
"minNbrInstances": r,
"maxNbrInstances": z,
"defaultInstance": [ [x,y], [x,y], [x,y], [x,y] ]
"type": "includeArea",
"min": [x,y],
"max": [x,y],
"minNbrVertices": p,
"maxNbrVertices": q,
"minNbrInstances": r,
"maxNbrInstances": z,
"defaultInstance": [ [x,y], [x,y], [x,y], [x,y] ]
"minNbrProfilesPerCamera": p,
"maxNbrProfilesPerCamera": q,
"minLengthName": r,
"maxLengthName": z
"maxNbrPresets": p,
"defaultPreset": q

Return value - Error

Return value XXXX is a number.

HTTP Code: 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax:

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"context": "<client context>",
"method": "getConfigurationCapabilities",
"code": XXXX,
"message": A descriptive error message"
Application Error1000The application failed to return a configuration.
Unsupported Version2000The major version number isn’t supported.
Invalid Format2001The request was not formatted correctly, i.e. does not follow the JSON-schema.
Unsupported Product8000The product is not supported by this application.


Get a list of supported API versions for the ACAP (one for each major version).



Security level: Administrator

Method: POST

Request body syntax:

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"method": "getSupportedVersions",
"context": "<client context>"
apiVersionThe API version that the response should use.
methodSpecifies that the getSupportedVersions operation is performed.
contextOptional Client sets this value and server echoes data in the response. It is present regardless of whether the response succeeded or failed.

Return Value - Success

HTTP Code: 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax:

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"method": "getSupportedVersions",
"context": "<client context>",
"apiVersions": ["<Major1>.<Minor1>", "<Major2>.<Minor2>"]
apiVersionThe API version that is used.
apiVersions=<list of versions>List of supported versions, all major versions with highest supported minor version.
<list of versions>List of "<Major>.<Minor>" versions e.g. ["1.4",2.5"].

Return Value - Error

Return value XXXX is a number.

HTTP Code: 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax:

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"method": "getSupportedVersions",
"context": "<client context>",
"code": XXXX,
"message": "A descriptive error message"
Application Error1000The application failed to return the supported versions.
Unsupported Version2000The major version number isn’t supported
Invalid Format2001The request was not formatted correctly, i.e. does not follow the JSON-schema.
Unsupported Product8000The product is not supported by this application.


By using this method, it is possible to send a stateful alarm event, both in the AXIS and ONVIF format, for a specific profile <uid>. The stateful alarm event is active for a few seconds. The response message will be returned immediately. This can be used by VMS installers to check that the VMS configuration is correct (e.g. start recording). All events related to the profile will be sent in either format.

Note: The profile will send events independent of its current state, i.e. in PTZ products, profiles that are connected to other than the current preset will also send events if triggered by the sendAlarmEvent method.



Security level: Operator

Method: POST

Request body syntax:

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"method": "sendAlarmEvent",
"context": "<client context>",
"profile": <uid>
apiVersionThe API version that is used.
contextOptional Client sets this value and server echoes data in the response. It is present regardless of whether the response succeeded or failed.
methodSpecifies that the sendAlarmEvent operation is performed.
profile=<uid>Defines which profile that will send the motion alarm event.
<uid>The unique id that each profile has. There must be a profile with the specified uid.

Return value - Success

HTTP Code: 200 OK

Content-Type: text/json

Response body syntax:

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"method": "sendAlarmEvent",
"context": "<client context>",
"data": {}

Return value - Error

Return value XXXX is a number.

HTTP Code: 200 OK

Content-Type: text/json

Response body syntax:

"apiVersion": "1.3",
"method": "sendAlarmEvent",
"context": "<client context>",
"code": XXXX,
"message": "A descriptive error message"
Application Error1000The application failed to handle the request.
Unsupported Version2000The major version isn’t supported.
Invalid Format2001The request was not formatted correctly, i.e. invalid JSON-schema.
Incoherent Format2002The request cannot be handled, e.g. profile-id does not exist or is on an inactive camera.
Missing Parameter2003The request has a missing mandatory parameter.
Invalid Parameter2004The request has a parameter that has an invalid value.
Unsupported Product8000The product is not supported by this application.
Invalid License9000The license file is invalid or missing.

Configuration parameter description

The structure of a configuration object is the same in both the data object in the response for getConfiguration and the params object in the request for setConfiguration. The structure is the same for single and multichannel products, where the cameras objects should mirror the different VAPIX camera properties. The only difference appears when PTZ cameras are used, in which case the parameter preset can be optionally included.

Example configuration

The following example configuration will be described in details in table Section Parameter description table.

{ "active": bool, "id": 1, "rotation": r, "overlayResolution": resolution }
"name": "<client nice-name>",
"uid": <uid>,
"alarmOverlayEnabled": true,
"camera": 1,
{ "type": "sizePerspective", "data": [w,h], "active": true },
{ "type": "sizePercentage", "data": [w,h], "active": false },
{ "type": "timeShortLivedLimit", "data": t, "active": true },
{ "type": "distanceSwayingObject", "data": d, "active": true },
{ "type": "excludeArea", "data": [ [x,y], ..., [x,y] ] },
{ "type": "excludeArea", "data": [ [x,y], ..., [x,y] ] }
"triggers": [
{ "type": "includeArea", "data": [ [x,y], ..., [x,y] ] }
"presets": [1],
{ "type": "bar", "data": [ [x,y], [x,y] ], "height": h},
{ "type": "bar", "data": [ [x,y], [x,y] ], "height": h}
{ ... },
{ ... },
{ ... }
"configurationStatus": 0

Parameter description table

All parameters and properties are considered mandatory unless otherwise specified. The default values for the filters and triggers are recommended values, to get the values used by the application use the getConfigurationCapabilities.

The cameras object contains general information that is the same for all profiles using that camera.

PropertyTypeDefault valueValid valuesDescription
cameras[i].activebooleantruetrue, falseIt is possible to have active profiles for the camera if set to true. All profiles for that camera are currently inactivated if set to false.
cameras[i].idinteger11, ..., #CamerasThe corresponding camera value used when requesting a video using media.amp. Note that it starts at 1.
cameras[i].rotationinteger00, 90, 180 or 270The rotation of the camera in the plane of the camera, measured in degrees. Should match the property Image.I<camera>.Apperance.Rotation.
cameras[i].overlayResolutionstring<width>x<height>The resolution of the video stream that will have the alarming objects burnt in as an alarm overlay. The parameter is optional if profiles[j].alarmOverlayEnabled is not active.

The profiles object information for each individual profile.

PropertyTypeDefault valueValid valuesDescription
profiles[j].namestring"Profile <uid>"A unicode string up to 15 characters long. It is part of the nice name of the event, and is visible to the end user in the action rule list. Invalid character combinations are: [&&, <, >].
profiles[j].cameraint11, 2, 3, ...,Shall match id of the corresponding camera in cameras.
profiles[j].uidint11, 2, 3, ...,Shall be an unique id for each profile.
profiles[j].alarmOverlayEnabledintfalsetrue, falseSet to true If the alarming object of the profile shall be shown in the alarm overlay video stream. The parameter is optional and defaults to false if it is not present.
profiles[j].filtersarrayAn array of exclusion filters.
profiles[j].triggersarrayAn array of triggers.
profiles[j].presetsarrayAn array with a single presetindex number (optional). See Parameter presets description.
profiles[j].perspectivearray[]An array of perspective objects.

The exclusion filters of profiles[j].filters have similar structure. The exclusion filters are all optional, and a filter is considered disabled if it is not present in the array profiles[].filters.

PropertyTypeValid valuesDescription
profiles[j].filters[k].typestringSee separate table.Specifies the type of exclusion filter.
profiles[j].filters[k].dataThe data for the the exclusion filter. The type differs for each exclusion filter.
profiles[j].filters[k].activebooleantrue, falseIf the filter is active. Not applicable for exclude areas.

The data field for each exclusion filter.

Exclusion filter typeTypeDefault valueValid valuesDescription
"sizePercentage"[int, int][5, 5][3..100, 3..100]An array with width and height ([w, h]) in percent of the image. If the height and width of an object is measured as a percentage of the total camera view and it is less than or equal to the set values, it will not be able to raise an alarm.
"sizePerspective"[int, int]An array with width and height ([w, h]) in real-world size for an object in the scene. If the object’s width and height is below this value, it will not raise an alarm. The real-world height of the object is computed by comparing the pixel height of the object with the pixel height of the perspective bars. Since the perspective bars each have a real-world height assigned to them by the user, the corresponding height of the object can be computed using a linear equation. Two objects with the same height in pixel at different horizontal positions will have different real-world heights.
"timeShortLivedLimit"int11..5The value reflects how many seconds the object has to be in the camera view before it can raise an alarm. If the object does something that should trigger an alarm before the set time has passed, the alarm is temporarily suppressed. If the object is still in the camera view after the expiration of the set time, an alarm will be raised. If the object has disappeared from the camera view the alarm will not be raised.
"distanceSwayingObjectint53..20Max distance object is allowed to sway without raising an alarm. The swaying distance is given in percent of image.
"excludeArea"[ [float, float], ... [float, float] ]-1, ..1An exclude area is described as an array of points[ [x0,y0], ..., [xn,yn] ], where the unit are normalized to the size of the image, meaning that the visible view spans from -1 to 1 in both horizontal and vertical direction. Each profile can contain up to thee exclude areas.

The only type of trigger in Motion Guard is includeArea. The array profiles[j].triggers should contain exactly one include area. But this can change in the future.

PropertyTypeValid valuesDescription
profiles[j].triggers[0].typestring"includeArea"Specifies that it is an include area.
profiles[j].triggers[0].data[ [float, float], ..., [float, float] ]- 1, ..., 1An include area is described as an array of points [ [x0,y0], ..., [xn,yn] ], where the unit are normalized to the size of the image, so that the visible view spans from -1 to 1 in both horizontal and vertical direction.

It is only possible to have the exclusion filter "sizePerspective" if there is a perspective. It is described by an array of perspective objects, that calibrates the view of the camera. The only type of perspective objects are bar.

PropertyTypeValid valuesDescription
configurationStatusint0, ..., MAX_INTThis property is read-only and therefore ignored by setConfiguration. The initial value, 0, indicates a default configuration i.e. that no configuration has yet been set. Each time a configuration is set, the value is increased by one. Note that the value is reset to 1 after MAX_INT has been reached.
profiles[j].perspective[k].typestringbarSpecifies that it is a perspective bar. Which is a vertical line in the rotation of the camera.
profiles[j].perspective[k].data[ [float,float], ..., [float,float] ]-1, ..., 1Start and end points for a perspective bar. The start position should be the point that touches the ground-plane. The unit are normalized to the size of the image, so that the visible view spans from -1 to 1 in both horizontal and vertical direction.
profiles[j].perspective[k].heightintReal-world height of an object appearing at the same location and with the same perceived height in the camera view as the perspective bar.

Parameter presets description

In apiVersion 1.1 the parameter profiles[j].presets was introduced. It must be an array which can contain at most one preset. But this may change in the future. The profile will not be connected to any presets if the presets array is empty, and will always be active, i.e. it is connected to "anywhere". The client is responsible for connecting a profile to an existing preset. Note that if the connected preset is deleted, there is no automatic handling for updating the configuration. The parameter will cause an error in non PTZ-cameras.

The parameter is optional in PTZ-cameras, and if the parameter is omitted it is equivalent to an empty array, i.e. the profile is always active.

A parameter value for any-preset is -1 and for anywhere it is -2.

anywhere (value: -2): A profile that is connected to anywhere is always active, both if the PTZ-camera points at a preset or if it is manually moved away from a preset. Settings for such a general profile should be used with care to handle all different conditions, e.g. a large include area and maybe a small short-lived filter.

any-preset (value: -1): A profile that is connected to any-preset is active as long as the camera is at ANY preset, but not if it is manually moved away from a preset. This setting should also be used with care. It is useful for connecting a general action rule, where false alarms are OK, e.g. turn on lights.

Note: If all presets have a profile connected to them, one can use the event CameraProfileANY to also capture triggers from all presets. This also means that it is possible to adapt the settings for each preset.

PropertyTypeDefault valueValid valuesDescription
profiles[j].presetsarray of int[ ][-2], [-1], [ ], [1], [2], [3], ...The index number of the preset, e.g. 1 for parameter PTZ.Preset. P0.Position.P1. The value can be -1 for any-preset or -2 for anywhere.

Different apiVersion values for alarmOverlay parameters

In apiVersion 1.3 the parameters profiles[j].alarmOverlayEnabled and cameras[i].OverlayResolution are introduced. Their primary function is to control if the if the alarms from a profile should be burnt in to the video or not.

Worth noting, is that the application still support clients that are using apiVersion 1.2 or older. Because of that, some special handling of these parameters is also introduced.

If the values are activated from a configuration using at least apiVersion 1.3, the feature is enabled. However, if a client with apiVersion 1.2 or lower configures the application the values for profiles[j].alarmOverlayEnabled and cameras[i].overlayResolution are ignored and the values from the existing configuration is used instead.

Configuration capabilities parameter description

The table below describe the parameters in the getConfigurationCapabilities.


Introduced with apiVersion 1.3.


isSupportedbooleanSet to true if the camera supports the burnt in alarm overlay feature.
maxNbrActiveCamerasintThe umber of different cameras in a multichannel device that simultaneously can use the feature. The value is 0 if the feature is not supported.
cameras[object, object]A list of camera objects that describe the alarm overlay capabilities for each camera.

alarmOverlay.cameras[ ]

idintdentical to cameras[i].id in the configuration. The corresponding camera value used when requesting a video using media.amp. Note that it starts at 1.
availableResolutions[string, string]A list of resolutions of the form <width>x<height> for which it is possible to use alarm overlays for the specific camera.



min[int,int]An array containing the minimum allowed width and height ([w,h]) in percent of the image.
max[int,int]An array containing the maximum allowed width and height ([w,h]) in percent of the image.
default[int,int]An array containing the default values of width and height ([w,h]) in percent of the image.
defaultActivebooleanIf the filter is active by default.


minintThe minimum allowed time in seconds.
maxintThe maximum allowed time in seconds.
defaultintThe default time in seconds.
defautActivebooleanIf the filter is active by default.


minintThe minimum allowed distance to sway.
maxintThe maximum allowed distance to sway.
defaultintThe distance to sway.
defaultActivebooleanIf the filter is active by default.


min[int,int]An array [xPos, yPos] with the minimum allowed values in the x- and y-direction to place the window.
max[int,int]An array [xPos, yPos] with the maximum allowed values in the x- and y-direction to place the window.
minNbrVerticesintThe minimum number of vertices the area may contain.
maxNbrVerticesintThe maximum number of vertices the area may contain.
minNbrInstancesintThe minimum allowed number of exclude areas.
maxNbrInstancesintThe maximum allowed number of exclude areas.
defaultInstance[ [x,y], [x,y], [x,y], [x,y] ]The default area, an array of arrays containing the default vertices.



min[int,int]An array [xPos, yPos] with the minimum allowed values in the x- and y-direction to place the window.
max[int,int]An array [xPos, yPos] with the maximum allowed values in the x- and y-direction to place the window.
minNbrVerticesintThe minimum number of vertices the area may contain.
maxNbrVerticesintThe maximum number of vertices the area may contain.
minNbrInstancesintThe minimum allowed number of include areas.
maxNbrInstancesintThe maximum allowed number of include areas.
defaultInstance[ [x,y], [x,y], [x,y], [x,y] ]The default area, an array of arrays containing the default vertices.


minNbrProfilesPerCameraintThe minimum number of profiles a configuration may contain.
maxNbrProfilesPerCameraintThe maximum number of profiles a configuration may contain.
minLengthNameintThe minimum number of characters for a profile name.
maxLengthNameintThe maximum number of characters for a profile name.


maxNbrPresetsPerProfileintThe maximum number of presets a profile can be connected to.
defaultPresetintThe preset that the profile is connected to by default.

Note: This section is only included in the configuration for mechanical PTZ cameras.


MotionGuard event

Note: No events are declared and the ACAP does not run if the license for the ACAP is invalid or missing.

Declaration of the MotionGuard event

The declaration of the MotionGuard event can be accessed through VAPIX and ONVIF event web service APIs.

The declaration of the MotionGuard event as received from the VAPIX API:

<tnsaxis:CameraApplicationPlatform aev:NiceName="Applications">
<MotionGuard aev:NiceName="Motion Guard">
<CameraXProfileY wstop:topic="true" aev:NiceName="Motion Guard: <>">
<aev:MessageInstance aev:isProperty="true">
<aev:SimpleItemInstance Type="xsd:boolean" Name="active" aev:isPropertyState="true" />

The event in this example is named CameraXProfileY, it is sent every time an object has entered a specific include area. It is based on a profile with camera=X and uid=Y. If it is a multichannel product the nicename attribute is changed to:

aev:NiceName="Motion Guard: <> (<Image.I<>.Name>)"

The name of the camera is taken from the parhand using the Image.I<index>.Name parameter. Value <index> is the same as camera source value camera=X minus one.

The properties can be used for matching the criteria for triggering an action rule:

Property=<active> Required. When the movement is detected in the area the event is activated. When the movement disappears the event is inactivated.

<active> A stateful event. An active event has the value "1", and an inactive event has the value "0".

Declaration of the MotionGuard events for multichannel products

The following example shows how an event declaration will look for a scenario with a multichannel product with two cameras, and each camera has two profiles. The Namespaces and unnecessary tags has been removed for readability.

<MotionGuard NiceName="Motion Guard">
<Camera1Profile1 topic="true" NiceName="Motion Guard: Garden Left (Camera 1)">
<MessageInstance isProperty="true">
<SimpleItemInstance Type="xsd:boolean"
<Camera1Profile2 topic="true" NiceName="Motion Guard: Garden Right (Camera 1)">
<Camera2Profile3 topic="true" NiceName="Motion Guard: Parking Day (Camera 2)">
<Camera2Profile4 topic="true" NiceName="Motion Guard: Parking Night (Camera 2)">

CameraXProfileANY event

When the ACAP detects an object entering an include area, it will be sent as an ANY event element for a specific camera. The declaration of an ANY event as received from the VAPIX API:

<MotionGuard aev:NiceName="MotionGuard">
<CameraXProfileANY wstop:topic="true" aev:NiceName="MotionGuard: Any Profile">

The event in this example is named CameraXProfileANY and is sent every time an object has entered a specific include area. It is based on a profile with camera=X. If it is a multichannel product the nicename attribute is changed to:

aev:NiceName="Motion Guard: Any Profile (<Image.I<>.Name>)"

The name of the camera is taken from the parhand using the Image.I<index>.Name parameter. Value <index> is same as camera source value camera=X minus one.

CameraANY event

When the ACAP detects an object entering an include area, it will be sent as a global ANY event element. A global ANY event is an ANY event for ANY camera, which means an alarm on any of the channels will also trigger this event.

The declaration of such ANY event as received from the VAPIX API:

<MotionGuard aev:NiceName="Motion Guard">
<CameraANY wstop:topic="true" aev:NiceName="Motion Guard Any Camera">

The event stream

A client may subscribe to event s from the VAPIX/ONVIF event stream. The format of the stream and its element are described in and

Using VAPIX, this stream can be retrieved over RTSP using the url:


It is also possible to listen for a specific profile as below.



When the ACAP detects an object entering an include area, it will be sent as an event element. An example of such an event is described below.

<tt:MetadataStream xmlns:tt="">
<tt:Event xmlns:tt="">
<wsnt:NotificationMessage xmlns:tns1="">
<tt:Message UtcTime="2016-05-23T06:21:10.290542Z"PropertyOperation="Changed">
<tt:SimpleItem Name="active"Value="1"/>

The UtcTime of the message refers to the time of the event, i.e. this should be in sync with time stamps in an image stream with images of the actual physical event that took place.

Synchronize metadata with video stream

AXIS cameras uses the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) for controlling the media streaming between the camera and its clients. RTSP uses the Realtime Transport Protocol (RTP) for the packet format for the streaming of the meta/video data, and the RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) for the synchronization of the metadata and video data stream. The synchronization conversion from the absolute time (UTC timestamp) at the motion detection to the relative time (RTP timestamp) for the video stream, can be found in the RTCP packets.

ONVIF MotionAlarm event

Declaration of the MotionAlarm event

The declaration of the ONVIF Motion Alarm event can be accessed through the VAPIX and ONVIF event web service API:s. ONVIF event corresponds to the CameraXProfileANY event. An ONVIF event will be sent if there is an ANY event being sent for a specific camera.

The declaration of the ONVIF Motion Alarm event as received from the VAPIX API:

<MotionAlarm wstop:topic="true">
<tt:MessageDescription IsProperty="true">
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="Source" Type="tt:ReferenceToken"/>
<tt:SimpleItemDescription Name="State" Type="xs:boolean"/>
Property=<Source>Required. The Video source for ONVIF, which starts counting from 0.
<Source>Reference counter starts from 0.
Property=<Data>Required. The value for Motion Alarm State.
<State>An active event has the value "1", and an inactive event has the value "0".

The event stream

A client may subscribe to events from the VAPIX/ONVIF event stream. The format of the stream and its elements are described in and

Using VAPIX, this stream can be retrieved over RTSP using the url:
