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Media clip API


The Media clip API gives applications and users the ability to play media clips controlled from the user interface or external applications. The supported media type is audio.

The API supports the following functionality:

  • Play and stop a media clip.
  • Upload a media clip to the Axis product.
  • Download a media clip from the Axis product (for backup or editing purposes).

The API consists of two CGIs; mediaclip.cgi that allows operators to manage media clips and playclip.cgi that allows viewers to play media clips. A media clip is an audio clip that is stored in the camera and could be played with the camera's speaker.

The following audio clip formats are supported:

  • au format, with audio encoded in µ-law or PCM.
  • wav format, with audio encoded in µ-law, mp3 or PCM .
  • mp3 format.
  • opus format
  • vorbis format (e.g. Ogg Vorbis)

The parameter Properties.AudioClip.Format specifies audio formats available on the Axis product.



  • Property: Properties.API.HTTP.Version=3
  • Property: Properties.Audio.Audio=yes
  • Property: Properties.Audio.Source.A#.Output=yes

Further capabilities may be specified in the Properties.AudioClip parameter group, see AudioClip properties parameters.

  • Firmware: 5.40 and later
  • Product category: For playing, an audio output is required (speaker or line out).


The parameters (see Parameters) are managed through the parameter management CGI param.cgi. This function is device specific, which means that transmit.cgi might not be used while playing a media clip.

Please note that this API no longer support the option to record media clips. Instead, see Edge Storage API for information and examples on how to make recordings with your device.

Common examples

Play a media clip

Audio clips can be played by using one of the following methods:

Play clip 0 (MediaClip.M0).


Play clip 0 (MediaClip.M0) at audiodeviceid 0 and audiooutputid 0.


Remove a media clip

Remove clip 2 (MediaClip.M2).


List all media clips

List the current media clips on the Axis product.



The request will result in a list of all current media clips on the Axis product.


root.MediaClip.M0.Name=My new clip
root.MediaClip.M1.Name=My new clip1
root.MediaClip.M2.Name=My new clip2

Stop a media clip

Stop any currently playing audio clips.




Max number of media clips


ParameterDefault valueValid valuesAccess controlDescription
MaxGroups10([^1])1...admin: read operator: read viewer: readMaximum number of media clips. Read-only.
MaxUploadSize1...admin: read operator: read viewer: readMaximum supported upload size for a media clip, measured in megabytes. If this parameter is missing, the maximum upload size is 1.5 MB.

[1]: Product/release-dependent. Check the product’s release notes.

Media clip parameters

These parameters define the media clip. There is one group for each media clip. See Manage media clips for how to create a new media clip.

  • Template: mediaclip

  • Access control – Create

    admin, operator

  • Access control – Delete

    admin, operator


ParameterDefault valueValid valuesAccess controlDescription
NameClip MediaClip.M#A string.admin: read, write operator: read, write viewer: readDescriptive name for the media clip.
Location/etc/audioclips/MediaClip.M#.auA local file path.admin: read, write operator: read, write viewer: read Please note that this parameter can’t be edited with param.cgi.Location of the clip. The local file path in the Axis product file system.
Typeaudioaudioadmin: read, write operator: read, write viewer: read Please note that this parameter can’t be edited with param.cgi.Media type.

The # in Clip MediaClip.M# identifies the media clip and is replaced by an integer starting from 0, e.g. Clip MediaClip.M0.

Event action parameters

Media clips can be played as event actions.

  • Template: audioclipaction

  • Access control – Create

    admin, operator

  • Access control – Delete

    admin, operator

  • Group range: 0-19


ParameterDefault valueValid valuesAccess controlDescription
TypeNNadmin: write, read operator: write, read viewer: readType of action. N=Notification
ProtocolAUDIOCLIPAUDIOCLIPadmin: write, read operator: write, read viewer: readProtocol. Describes the type of template used for this action.
Order([^2])00...2admin: write, read operator: write, read viewer: readExecution order. If an event has multiple actions, actions with the same Order will be executed in parallel (simultaneously). Actions with different Order parameters will be executed sequentially in rising order.
Clip00...<n>admin: write, read operator: write, read viewer: readThe media clip to play. <n> = The value of the MaxGroups parameter.

[2]: Non-functional at this time.


The # in Event.E#.Action.A# are replaced by group numbers starting from zero, e.g. Event.E0.Action.A1.

AudioClip properties parameters

The parameters in the Properties.AudioClip group identify the audio clip capabilities supported by the Axis product. If the parameter does not exist in the product, then default support applies as shown in the table below.


ParameterValid valuesDefault support (if parameter does not exist in the product)Access ControlDescription
PlayOptionsA comma-seperated list containing any combination of "repeat", "volume", "location", "audiodeviceid" or "audiooutputid"."" (PlayOptions not supported)Read: viewer, operator, adminSpecifies which optional arguments that are supported for play clips
StopClip"yes", "no"no (StopClip not supported)Read: viewer, operator, adminSpecifies if stopclip.cgi is supported
FormatA comma-seperated list containing any of the audio formats "au", "wav", "opus", "vorbis" and "mp3"."au,wav,mp3"Read: viewer, operator, adminSpecifies supported file formats.

API specifications

Manage media clips

Request mediaclip.cgi

The mediaclip.cgi is used to play, upload, remove, update and download media clips. Depending on the selected action, different additional arguments are supported.

  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: POST for action=upload, GET for all other actions



With the following arguments and values:

action=<action>play stop upload remove update downloadplay = Play a clip stop = Stops the current clip upload = Add a new clip by uploading an audio file remove = Remove a clip update = Change the name of a clip download = Send a clip to the client
clip=<int>0...<n>The media clip the action applies to. Supported by action=play, update, remove and download. <n> = The value of the MaxGroups parameter.
audiooutput=<int> Optional1... (#index + 1 where Properties.Audio.Source.A[index].Output = "yes"#)NoteThis parameter has been deprecated as of firmware 11.7 and will no longer receive any updates. Please use audiodeviceid and audiooutputid instead. Parameter that determines what audio output that should play medicalips (action=play).
media=<string>audioType of media when applicable. Required for action=upload.
name=<string>Name of clipName of the media clip. Supported by update and upload.
repeat=<int>-1,0...Number of times to repeat the clip, where -1 means repeat forever. 0 (default) means play once (no repeat). Supported by action=play. Supported only if PlayOptions include repeat
volume=<int>0...1000The clip volume in percentage and linear volume scale. 0 means mute. Default is 100. Supported by action=play. Only supported if PlayOptions include volume.
location=<uri><uri>Location of the clip. When using the location parameter for the play action, the clip parameter is not necessary. Accepts * as wildcard to play a random matching clip.  Supported by action=play. Supported only if PlayOptions include location.
audiodeviceid=<int> Optional0, ...Parameter that determines what audio device that should play a media clip. Used as an alternative to audiooutput and they can not be used together. Needs to be paired with audiooutputid (audiodeviceid=0&audiooutputid=0).
audiooutputid=<int> Optional0, ...Parameter that determines which output on an audio device that should play a media clip. Required when audiodeviceid is specified.

For action=upload the POST method must be used; the file content is provided in the HTTP body. Audio files should be uploaded using Multipart/Form-Data as defined in RFC 1867.


POST /axis-cgi/mediaclip.cgi?action=upload HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=<boundary>
Content-Length: <content length>

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="<name>";
filename="<file name>"
Content-Type: audio/basic

<file content>



Success for all actions except download

If the request was successful, the Axis product returns:


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain


playing=<clip> | removed=<clip> | uploaded=<clip> | updated=<clip> | stopping

Success for action=download

For a successful download, the Axis product returns the requested media file. An audio file is returned.


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-type



<audio data in .au file format>

Play media clips

Request playclip.cgi

Viewers can play media clips using the playclip.cgi.

  • Access control: admin, operator, viewer
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
clip=<int>0...<n>Specifies the media clip to be played. <n> = The value of the MaxGroups parameter.
audiooutput=<int> Optional1... (#index + 1 where Properties.Audio.Source.A[index].Output = "yes"#)NoteThis parameter has been deprecated as of firmware 11.7 and will no longer receive any updates. Please use audiodeviceid and audiooutputid instead. Parameter that determines what audio output that should play medicalips (action=play).
repeat=<int>-1,0...Number of times to repeat the clip, where -1 means repeat forever. 0 (default) means play once (no repeat). Supported only if PlayOptions include repeat
volume=<int>0...1000The clip volume in percentage and linear volume scale. 0 means mute. Default is 100. Supported only if PlayOptions include volume.
location=<string><location>Location of the clip. When using the location parameter for the play action, the clip parameter is not necessary. Accepts * as wildcard to play a random matching clip. Supported only if PlayOptions include location.
audiodeviceid=<int> Optional0, ...Parameter that determines what audio device that should play a media clip. Used as an alternative to audiooutput and they can not be used together. Needs to be paired with audiooutputid (audiodeviceid=0&audiooutputid=0).
audiooutputid=<int> Optional0, ...Parameter that determines which output on an audio device that should play a media clip. Required when audiodeviceid is specified.

Stop media clips

Using stopclip.cgi makes it possible to stop any currently playing media clip.

  • Access control: viewer
  • Method: GET



API responses

Successful responses for all actions except download

All actions except action=download returns the Content-Type text/plain containing OK and a description.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain


playing=<clip> | removed=<clip> | uploaded=<clip> | updated=<clip> | stopping

Response for action=download

The action action=download returns the Content-Type audio/basic containing the audio in the .au file format.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-Type



audio data in .au file format

Failure - Bad request

  • HTTP Code: 400 Bad Request
  • Content-Type: text/plain


400 Bad Request


Playing event

This media clip event is true whenever a media clip is played. The state is activated by HTTP API using mediaclip.cgi with action play, playclip.cgi or via action rules. It will be deactivated when either the media clip is finished or by using the HTTP API method stop.cgi.

  • Topic: tnsaxis:MediaClip/tnsaxis:Playing
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Playing state
Field nameTypeNice nameDescriptionValues
Source fields
AudioOutputIntegerAudioOutputNoteThis parameter has been deprecated as of firmware 11.7 and will no longer receive any updates.Audio output if state is relevant. 0 if undefined.0... (if 1+ index as in Properties.Audio.Source.A[AudioOuput - 1].Output = "yes" #)
audiodeviceidIntegerAudioDeviceIdParameter that determines what audio device that should play a media clip. Used as an alternative to audiooutput and they can not be used together. Needs to be paired with audiooutputid (audiodeviceid=0&audiooutputid=0).0...
audiooutputidIntegerAudioOutputIdParameter that determines which output on an audio device that should play a media clip. Required when audiodeviceid is specified.0...
Data fields
Playing (STATE)BooleanPlaying statusTrue when active.True/False

CurrentlyPlaying event

This media clip event is will be triggered whenever the Playing state is true and a new media clip is played. Using the repeat option will trigger this event multiple times.

  • Topic: tnsaxis:MediaClip/tnsaxis:CurrentlyPlaying
  • Type: Stateless
  • Nice name: Currently playing media clip
Field nameTypeNice nameDescriptionValues
Source fields
AudioOutputIntegerAudioOutputNoteThis parameter has been deprecated as of firmware 11.7 and will no longer receive any updates.Audio output if state is relevant. 0 if undefined.0... (if 1+ index as in Properties.Audio.Source.A[AudioOuput - 1].Output = "yes" #)
audiodeviceidIntegerAudioDeviceIdParameter that determines what audio device that should play a media clip. Used as an alternative to audiooutput and they can not be used together. Needs to be paired with audiooutputid (audiodeviceid=0&audiooutputid=0).0...
audiooutputidIntegerAudioOutputIdParameter that determines which output on an audio device that should play a media clip. Required when audiodeviceid is specified.0...
Data fields
FileNameStringFile NameFile name of played clip.String containing the name.