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Edge storage API

Edge storage is the capability to record and store video on the edge, for example on a network share or an SD card. Recording on the edge can reduce the load on the network in particular in large installations and in installations with wireless connections.

The Edge storage API consists of:

The Recording API is used to start and stop continuous recordings. Axis products also support event-triggered and scheduled recordings. These are configured using VAPIX® Event and action services, see Event and action services.

See also Edge storage events and actions.

Common examples

Using a network share

These examples demonstrate how to set up an Axis product to record continuously to a network share.

Add the network share "myshare" on the storage device "mynas". User name for the share is "nasuser" and password is "pass". The network share is given a user-friendly name "My Share".


The share’s unique Share ID is returned in the response. Here, the returned Share ID is 35419

Bind the network share to a disk. The disk is mounted automatically. The Share ID is from the add.cgi response above.


The Disk ID of the disk to which the share is bound is returned in the response. Here, the returned Disk ID is NetworkShare.

Define the cleanup policy for the network share by modifying parameters in the appropriate Storage group. First, use list.cgi to find the group number.



HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<disks numberofdisks="1">
<disk diskid="NetworkShare"
name="My Share"

As seen from the response, the disk to which the network share is bound is described by the parameters in the Storage.S1 group. Modify the parameters so that recordings are kept for 7 days.


Add a configuration for a continuous recording to the network share.


Play the continuous recording from 2011–08–12T08:12:11Z to 2011–08–14T10:10:00Z. To make sure that all recorded material from this time period is played, also if the recording was interrupted, the recordings are first listed. The play request is then a loop over the found recordings.

First, list recordings with eventid=continuous_nas from the desired time period.


The response below shows that the continuous recording was interrupted twice during the requested time period. A recording can for example be interrupted if the Axis product is restarted or if network connection is lost. The response contains information such as the Recording IDs, start and stop times of the three recordings found during the requested time period. Only a part of the response is shown here.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<recordings totalnumberofrecordings="6" numberofrecordings="3" >
<recording diskid="NetworkShare"
stoptime="2011-08-13T09:30:30Z" ... >
<video ... />
<audio ... />
<recording diskid="NetworkShare"
stoptime="2011-08-13T010:30:30Z" ... >
<video ... />
<audio ... />
<recording diskid="NetworkShare"
stoptime="2011-08-14T10:10:00Z" ... >
<video ... />
<audio ... />

To play the recordings, use the Recording IDs, start times and stop times from the response. The start and stop times are returned in UTC combined date and time format and must be converted before being used in the RTSP Range header. For example, starttime="2011-08-12T08:12:11Z" should be converted to 20110812T081211Z. See Date and time format for more information.

The play request below is to be inserted in a loop over the recordings from the response; Rec.recordingid is replaced with each of the three returned Recording IDs and Rec.starttime and Rec.stoptime are replaced with the returned start and stop times (converted to the proper time format).

PLAY rtsp://myserver/axis-media/media.amp?recordingid=Rec.recordingid
Range: clock=Rec.starttime-Rec.stoptime

Using an SD card

These examples demonstrate how to use an SD card with an Axis product.

Set friendly name for storage 0 to "My SD card".


List the file systems supported by the SD card.



HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<disk diskid="SD_DISK" requiredfssupported="true">
<filesystem name="vfat" nicename=" " requiredfssupported="false"/>
<filesystem name="ext4" nicename=" " requiredfssupported="true"/>

Format the SD card with ext4.


The response gives the Job ID of the started job. Here, the returned Job ID is 4.

Check the progress of the format job with jobid=4.


The response below shows that the format job is in progress, 15% of the job is done.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<job jobid="4"

By running job.cgi repeatedly, the progress of the job can be reported by showing incremental updates, for example:


Add a configuration for a continuous recording to the SD card.


Disk management API


Disks are removable storage devices such as SD cards and network shares. The Disk management API is used to manage disks, for example to list, format, mount and lock disks.


If using a network share, the share must first be added and bound to the disk using the Network Share API, see Network share API.

A disk is identified by its Disk ID. The Disk ID identifies a disk drive and not the physical disk, that is, the Disk ID does not change if the SD card or network share is replaced. For example, consider a network share with Disk ID NetworkShare. If the network share is unbound and replaced with a new one, the new share is also associated with the Disk ID NetworkShare.

The Disk management API consists of the following CGIs:

list.cgiRetrieve information about available disks. An available disk is mounted and ready to be used.
format.cgiFormat the disk. SD cards can be formatted with ext4 or vfat. Formatting a network share removes all recordings made by the Axis product performing the operation.
checkdisk.cgiCheck the status of a disk.
repair.cgiRepair the file system on a disk.
mount.cgiMount or unmount a disk. Mounting is done automatically when the system boots, when an SD card is inserted and when a network share is bound.
job.cgiCheck the progress of a format, check disk, repair, mount or unmount job. Typically used repeatedly until the job is done.
lock.cgiLock or unlock a disk. A locked disk cannot be formatted or written to. Ongoing recordings will be stopped if the disk is locked.
getcapabilities.cgiRetrieve the capabilities supported by the disk, for example the file systems the disk can be formatted with, if required file system is supported and if disk encryption is supported.
gethealth.cgiList the health status (wear level, temperature and overall health) of all disks.

The responses from format.cgi, checkdisk.cgi, repair.cgi and mount.cgi show if the job has been started or not. A successfully started job returns a Job ID, which should be used as input to job.cgi. Typically, job.cgi is run repeatedly until the job is finished. This workflow allows a user interface to be more responsive and to report the progress of a job by displaying incremental status updates, for example in a progress bar.



  • Property: Properties.API.HTTP.Version=3
  • Property: Properties.LocalStorage.LocalStorage=yes
  • Property: Properties.LocalStorage.Version=1.00
  • Firmware: 5.40 and later


Parameter CleanupLevel is obsolete in firmware 5.50 and later. The parameter is replaced by an internal, fixed value.

Common examples

Set friendly name for storage 0 to "My SD Card".


Get a list of all disks.


The response displays information about the disks.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<disks numberofdisks="2">
<disk diskid="SD_DISK"
name="My SD Card"
<disk diskid="NetworkShare"
name="My Share"

Unmount a network share.


The response gives the Job ID of the started job. Here, the returned Job ID is 3.

List the file systems supported by the SD card.



HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<disk diskid="SD_DISK" requiredfssupported="true" encryptionsupported="true">
<filesystem name="vfat" nicename=" " requiredfssupported="false"/>
<filesystem name="ext4" nicename=" " requiredfssupported="true"/>

Format the SD card with ext4.


The response gives the Job ID of the started job. Here, the returned Job ID is 4.

Check the progress of the format job with jobid=4.


The response below shows that the format job is in progress, 15% of the job is done.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<job jobid="4"

By running job.cgi repeatedly, the progress of the job can be reported by showing incremental updates, for example:


Get the wear level for all disks.




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HealthStatusResponse xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<HealthStatus diskid="SD_DISK" wear="25"/>
<HealthStatus diskid="NetworkShare" wear="-1"/>
<HealthStatus diskid="HDD_DISK" wear="13" temperature="315" overallhealth="1"/>

Check if an SD card is an Axis SD card.

  • If the wear value is 0 or positive, it is an Axis SD card.
  • If the wear value is negative, it is not an Axis SD card.




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HealthStatusResponse xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<HealthStatus diskid="SD_DISK" wear="3"/>
<HealthStatus diskid="NetworkShare" wear="-3"/>
<HealthStatus diskid="EMMC" wear="0" overallhealth="1"/>


Storage properties parameters

The parameters in the Properties.LocalStorage group identify the storage capabilities supported by the Axis product.


ParameterDefault valueValid valuesAccess controlDescription
LocalStorageProduct dependentyes noadmin: read operator: read viewer: readyes = Storage is supported. no = Storage is not supported.
VersionFirmware dependentIntegeradmin: read operator: read viewer: readSpecifies the version of the Disk Management API.
SDCardProduct dependentyes noadmin: read operator: read viewer: readyes = SD cards are supported. no = SD cards are not supported.
ContinuousRecordingProduct dependentyes noadmin: read operator: read viewer: readyes = The product supports continuous recording profiles. Use record/continuous/addconfiguration.cgi to add a continuous recording configuration. no = The product does not support continuous recording profiles. Use record/record.cgi to start a continuous recording.
NbrOfContinuousRecordingProfilesProduct dependentIntegeradmin: read operator: read viewer: readSpecifies the number of continuous recording profiles.

Mount directory parameters


ParameterDefault valueValid valuesAccess controlDescription
MountDir/var/spool/storage/var/spool/storageadmin: read operator: readMount directory. Read-only.

Storage parameters

The parameters in the Storage group are used for disk management.


ParameterDefault valueValid valuesAccess controlDescription
DiskIDStorage dependentStringadmin: read operator: readThe Disk ID. Read only.
FriendlyNameStringadmin: read, write operator: read, writeA user friendly name for the disk. This name can for example be displayed on a web page.
DeviceNodeStorage dependentStringadmin: read, write operator: readValid values depends on what kind of storage that is used.
CleanupLevel950...99admin: read, write operator: readObsolete in firmware 5.50 and later. Cleanup level in percent of the total disk space. The oldest parts of unlocked recordings will be deleted when the used disk space (in percent of total disk space) exceeds the cleanup level. Used in combination with CleanupPolicyActive=fifo.
CleanupMaxAge10...7000admin: read, write operator: readMaximum number of days that unlocked recordings are kept on the disk. Recording parts that are older than the specified number of days will be deleted. Used in combination with CleanupPolicyActive=fifo. Note: Recordings will be deleted earlier if the disk becomes full.
CleanupPolicyActivefifofifo noneadmin: read, write operator: readfifo = (first in, first out) Recordings are automatically deleted according to the rules specified by CleanupMaxAge. none = Recordings must be deleted manually. No recordings are deleted by the system.
FileSystemStorage dependentext4 vfat cifsadmin: read, write operator: readCurrent file system on the storage device. Valid values are storage dependent. Read only.
Lockednoyes noadmin: read, write operator: readyes = The disk is locked and cannot be written to. no = The disk is unlocked.
MountOnBootyesyes noadmin: read, write operator: readyes = The disk is mounted on boot. no = The disk is not mounted on boot. A manual mount is required.
RequiredFileSystemnonenone ext4admin: read, write operator: readnone = Required file system is disabled. ext4 = Required file system is set to ext4. Note: To check if required file system is supported by the disk, use getcapabilities.cgi.
AutoRepairyesyes noadmin: read, write operator: readyes= The file system is checked for errors before mounting and will be repaired if it is required. No check will be performed if the disk is locked. no= The file system is not checked.
MountPointPermissions0770Stringadmin: read, write operator: read, writeThe file permissions, which are used to set the mount point, in the form of a string. This has only an effect on volumes with an ext4 file system.
Enabledyesyes noadmin: read, write operator: readyes = The disk is enabled. no = The disk is disabled, which means that it can’t be used, e.g. mounted. You must restart your device after changing this parameter before the change can begin to take effect.
ExtraMountOptionsStringadmin: read, write operator: readThe additional mount options. For example, use vers=3.0 to specify the SMB version.

The # is replaced by a group number, for example Storage.S0. The group number is an integer between 0 and N, where N is the number of disks supported by the Axis product.

List disks

Use disks/list.cgi to retrieve information about available disks and their status. An available disk is mounted and ready to be used.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
diskid=<string>all <Disk ID 1>, <Disk ID 2>, ...Specify the Disk IDs of the disks to retrieve information about. all= List all disks. <Disk ID 1>, <Disk ID 2> = List the disks with the specified Disk IDs.


Responses from disks/list.cgi


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<disks numberofdisks="[number of disks returned in xml]">
<disk diskid="[storage parameter DiskID]"
name="[storage parameter FriendlyName]"
totalsize="[total size of storage in kB]"
freesize="[free space of storage in kB]"
cleanuplevel="[storage parameter CleanupLevel]"
cleanupmaxage="[storage parameter CleanupMaxAge]"
cleanuppolicy="[storage parameter CleanupPolicyActive]"
locked="[storage parameter Locked]"
full="[storage full]"
readonly="[storage read only]"
filesystem="[file system of storage]"
status="[disk status]"
group="[storage group]"
requiredfilesystem="[required file system]"
diskencryptionenabled="[true | false]"
diskencrypted="[true | false]"/>

In the disks/list.cgi response, some elements contain yes/no and some contain true/false.

Supported elements, attributes and values:

disksThe available disksnumberofdisksNumber of disks in the response.
diskInformation about the diskdiskidThe Disk ID.
nameUser-friendly disk name.
totalsizeTotal disk size in kilobytes (kB).
freesizeFree disk size in kilobytes (kB).
cleanuplevelObsolete in firmware 5.50 and later. Cleanup level in percent of total disk space.
cleanupmaxageMaximum number of days that unlocked recordings are kept on the disk. Recording parts that are older than the specified number of days will be deleted.Note: Recordings will be deleted earlier if the disk becomes full.
cleanuppolicyfifo = (first in, first out). Recordings are automatically deleted after the number of days specified by cleanupmaxage.none = Recordings are not deleted automatically. Must be deleted manually.
lockedThe disk is locked or unlocked. yes = Disk is locked. no = Disk is unlocked.
fullThe disk is full or not. yes = Disk is full. no = Disk is not full.
readonlyThe disk is read-only or not. yes = Disk is read-only. no = Disk is writable.
filesystemValue of parameter FileSystem.
statusDisk status. Possible values are:disconnected = The disk is disconnected.connected = The disk is connected but not mounted.OK = The disk is working correctly.failed = A problem has been discovered. Use checkdisk.cgi to find the passphrase = Encryption is disabled but the disk is encrypted. Format the disk before use.wrong passphrase = The disk is encrypted but the entered passphrase does not match the set passphrase. Set the correct passphrase before use.not encrypted = Encryption is enabled. The disk is not encrypted and not mounted. Format and mount the disk before use.
groupThe parameter group Storage.S# defining the disk.
requiredfilesystemThe file system set as required file system. To change required file system, use disks/properties/setrequiredfs.cgi.none = Required file system is not set.
diskencryptionenabledtrue = Disk encryption is enabled.false = Disk encryption is disabled.
diskencryptedtrue = The disk content is encrypted. Disk content is encrypted when disk encryption is enabled and the disk has been mounted and formatted.false = The disk content is not encrypted. Disk content is not encrypted when disk encryption is disabled, or when disk encryption is enabled but the disk has not yet been mounted and formatted.

Format disk

Use disks/format.cgi format disks. Disks are normally preformatted but can be reformatted with a different file system.


Any data present on the disk is lost when the disk is formatted.

The response shows if the job has been started or not. A successfully started job returns a Job ID, which should be used as input to job.cgi, see Job progress.

SD cards can be formatted with ext4 or vfat. Using ext4 is recommended to reduce the risk of data loss if the card is ejected and after abrupt power cycling. To read SD cards formatted with ext4 on Windows, additional software is needed.

To format a network share, set the argument filesystem to cifs. Formatting a network share removes all data recorded to the share by the Axis product performing the operation. Data uploaded to a network share recipient and recordings made by other Axis products are not removed.

Use getcapabilities.cgi to retrieve the file systems that the disk can be formatted with.

If required file system has been set, the disk is formatted automatically when mounted. See Set required file system.

If disk encryption is enabled, the disk is encrypted when formatted. See Enable disk encryption.


  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
diskid=<string><Disk ID>Required. Specify the Disk ID of the disk to format.
filesystem=<string>ext4 vfat cifsSpecify the file system to format the disk with. Available values depend on the disk and can be retrieved using disks/getcapabilities.cgi Default: The file system present on the disk.


Responses from disks/format.cgi


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<job action="format"
diskid="[Disk ID]"
jobid="[ID of the started job]"/>


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<job action="format"
diskid="[Disk ID]"
description="[error description]"/>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

jobInformation about the jobaction="format"The requested action: format
diskidThe Disk ID.
resultResult of the request. OK = The format job was started successfully. ERROR = The format job could not be started.
jobidJob ID.
descriptionError description.

Check disk

Use disks/checkdisk.cgi to check the integrity of the file system. If an error is found, try using repair.cgi to repair the file system.

The response shows if the job has been started or not. A successfully started job returns a Job ID, which should be used as input to job.cgi, see Job progress.


Only SD cards formatted with ext4 can be checked using this CGI.

The request fails if the disk is mounted or if disk encryption is enabled without a valid passphrase.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
diskid=<string><Disk ID>Required. The Disk ID of the disk to be checked.


Responses from disks/checkdisk.cgi


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<job action="checkdisk"
diskid="[Disk ID]"
jobid="[ID of the started job]"/>


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<job action="checkdisk"
diskid="[Disk ID]"
description="[error description]"/>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

jobInformation about the job.action="checkdisk"The requested action: check disk
diskidThe Disk ID.
resultResult of the request. OK = The check disk job was started successfully. ERROR = The disk could not be checked.
jobidThe Job ID.
descriptionError description.

Repair disk

Use disks/repair.cgi to perform a file system repair on the selected disk.


Repairing a disk may result in lost data.

The response shows if the job has been started or not. A successfully started job returns a Job ID, which should be used as input to job.cgi, see Job progress.


Only SD cards formatted with ext4 can be repaired using this CGI.

The request fails if the disk is mounted or if disk encryption is enabled without a valid passphrase.


  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
diskid=<string><Disk ID>The Disk ID of the disk to be repaired. Required.


Responses from disks/repair.cgi


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<job action="repair"
diskid="[Disk ID]"
jobid="[ID of the started job]"/>


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<job action="repair"
diskid="[Disk ID]"
description="[error description]"/>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

jobInformation about the job.action="repair"The requested action: repair
diskidThe Disk ID.
resultResult of the request. OK = The repair job was started successfully. ERROR = The repair job could not be started.
jobidThe Job ID.
descriptionError description.

Mount and unmount a disk

Use disks/mount.cgi to mount a disk to the system and to unmount a disk from the system.


To prevent corruption of recordings, SD cards should always be unmounted before being ejected.

The response shows if the job has been started or not. A successfully started job returns a Job ID, which should be used as input to job.cgi, see Job progress.

Mounting is done automatically:

  • when an SD card is inserted
  • when a network share is bound to a disk
  • when the system boots (provided that an SD is inserted or a network share has been bound)

A manual mount is only required if a disk has been unmounted and not automatically remounted (for example by a system restart).

Unmounting makes the disk unavailable to the system. A disk that has been unmounted can be safely removed from the product.


  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
action=<string>mount unmountRequired. Specify the action to perform. mount = Mount the disk. unmount= Unmount the disk.
diskid=<string><Disk ID>Required. Specify the Disk ID of the disk to be mounted or unmounted.


Responses from disks/mount.cgi


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<job action="[requested action]"
diskid="[Disk ID]"
jobid="[ID of the started job]"/>


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<job action="[requested action]"
diskid="[Disk ID]"
description="[error description]"/>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

jobInformation about the job.actionThe requested action: mount unmount
diskidThe Disk ID.
resultResult of the request. OK = The job was started successfully ERROR = The job could not be started.
jobidThe Job ID.
descriptionError description.

Job progress

Use disks/job.cgi to check the progress of a format, check disk, repair, mount or unmount job.

The job should be started by running one of format.cgi, checkdisk.cgi, repair.cgi and mount.cgi. If the job could be started successfully, a Job ID is returned. This Job ID is used as input to job.cgi. Typically, job.cgi is run repeatedly until the job is finished. This workflow allows a user interface to be more responsive and to report the progress of a job by displaying incremental status updates, for example in a progress bar.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
jobid=<integer><Job ID>Required. The ID of the job to check.
diskid=<string><Disk ID>Required. The Disk ID of the disk to check.


Responses from disks/job.cgi


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<job jobid="[ID of the started job]"
diskid="[Disk ID]"
action="[requested action]"
progress="[percentage done]"
description="[result description]"/>


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<job jobid="[ID of the started job]"
diskid="[Disk ID]"
action="[current action]"
description="[error description]"/>

Supported attributes and values:

jobContains the result or progress of the job.jobidThe Job ID.
diskidThe Disk ID.
actionThe requested job: format = Format the disk. checkdisk = Check disk. repair = Repair the disk. mount = Mount the disk. unmount = Unmount the disk. N/A = Not applicable.
progressProgress in percent.
resultResult of the request. OK = The job is in progress or is finished successfully. ERROR = An error was found.
descriptionDescription of the result or the error.

Lock or unlock a disk

Use disks/lock.cgi to lock or unlock a disk. When locked, all active recording are stopped and saved recordings cannot be removed. A locked disk cannot be formatted or written to.


  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
action=<string>lock unlockRequired. The action to perform. lock = Lock the disk. unlock = Unlock the disk.
diskid=<string><Disk ID>Required. The Disk ID of the disk to be locked or unlocked.


Responses from disks/lock.cgi


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<lock diskid="[Disk ID]"



<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<unlock diskid="[Disk ID]"

Supported attributes and values:

lockThe requested action: lockdiskidThe Disk ID
resultOK = The disk was locked successfully
unlockThe requested action: unlockdiskidThe Disk ID
resultOK = The disk was unlocked successfully

Get disk capabilities

Use disks/getcapabilities.cgi to list the capabilities supported by the disk. The response shows the file systems that the disk can be formatted with, if required file system is supported and if disk encryption is supported.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
diskid=<string><Disk ID>Required. The Disk ID.


Responses from disks/getcapabilities.cgi

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<disk diskid="[Disk ID]" requiredfssupported="[true | false]" encryptionsupported="[true | false]">
name="[filesystem 1]"
nicename="[filesystem 1]"
requiredfssupported="[true | false]"/>
name="[filesystem 2]"
nicename="[filesystem 2]"
requiredfssupported="[true | false]"/>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

diskContains information about the diskdiskidThe Disk ID
requiredfssupportedtrue = The disk supports required file system.false = The disk does not support required file system.
encryptionsupportedtrue = The disk supports disk encryption.false = The disk does not support disk encryption.
filesystemsLists all file systems that the disk can be formatted with.
filesystemContains information about one file systemnameFile system name
nicenameDescriptive name of the file system.
requiredfssupportedtrue = The file system can be used as required file system.false = The file system cannot be used as required file system.

Get disk health

Use gethealth.cgi to list the health status (wear level, temperature and overall health) of all disks.

Note: Requires Firmware 7.20 and later.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET




  • HTTP code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<HealthStatusResponse xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<HealthStatus diskid="SD_DISK" wear="25"/>
<HealthStatus diskid="NetworkShare" wear="-1"/>
<HealthStatus diskid="HDD_DISK" wear="13" temperature="315" overallhealth="1"/>

The wear attribute value shows how much of the disk's expected life span (in percent) that has passed. The value can exceed 100 percent.

The temperature attribute value shows the disk temperature in Kelvin degrees (315 degrees Kelvin = 42 degrees Celsius). Note: Firmware 9.50 and later.

The overallhealth attribute value shows the overall health status for the device (0 = FAIL, 1 = PASSED). Note: Firmware 9.50 and later.

Wear level is only supported on an Axis SD card. If the wear value is 0 or positive, it means it is an Axis SD card. If the wear value is negative, it means it is not an Axis SD card.

The Health Status attributes can also have one of the following negative values: -1 means that the feature is not supported for the disk, -2 means that an error occured, -3 means that the disk is not present.


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<HealthStatusResponse xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">

Possible values for the ErrorCode element:

Error codeDescription
10An error occurred while processing the request.

Disk properties API


VAPIX® Disk properties API is used to configure various disk properties. The API consists of the following CGIs:

setrequiredfs.cgiEnable and set required file system. Required file system is used to automatically format SD cards. See Set required file system.
enablediskencryption.cgiEnable disk encryption. Disk encryption is used to encrypt the SD card content in order to prevent unauthorized systems and individuals to access recorded video. See Enable disk encryption.
disablediskencryption.cgiDisable disk encryption. See Disable disk encryption.
changediskpassphrase.cgiChange the disk encryption passphrase. See Change disk encryption passphrase.
schemaversions.cgiRetrieve a list of supported versions of the XML schema for the Disk Properties API.



Required file system is supported if

  • Property: Properties.LocalStorage.RequiredFileSystem=yes

Disk encryption is supported if

  • Property: Properties.LocalStorage.DiskEncryption=yes

Required file system

Check if required file system has been set.


The response shows that required file system is disabled.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<disks numberofdisks="1">
<disk diskid="SD_DISK"
name="My SD Card"

Check if the disk supports required file system.


The response shows that required file system is supported and that ext4 can be used as required file system.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<disk diskid="SD_DISK" requiredfssupported="true" encryptionsupported="true">
<filesystem name="vfat" nicename=" " requiredfssupported="false"/>
<filesystem name="ext4" nicename=" " requiredfssupported="true"/>

Set required file system to ext4.


Disable required file system.


Disk encryption

Check if the disk supports disk encryption.



The response shows that disk encryption is supported.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<disk diskid="SD_DISK" requiredfssupported="true" encryptionsupported="true">
<filesystem name="vfat" nicename=" " requiredfssupported="false"/>
<filesystem name="ext4" nicename=" " requiredfssupported="true"/>

Enable disk encryption. Before disk encryption can be enabled, the disk must be unmounted. After enabling disk encryption the disk must be mounted and formatted before it can be used. If required file system is set, the disk is formatted automatically.

Unmount the SD card. For detailed information about the request, see Mount and unmount a disk.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<job action=unmount

Enable disk encryption and set the password to secret. For detailed information about the request, see Enable disk encryption.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DiskPropertiesResponse xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" SchemaVersion="1.0">
<GeneralSuccess />

Mount the disk:




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<job action=mount

Format the disk. If required file system is set, the disk is formatted automatically when mounted and this step should be skipped. For detailed information about the request, see Format disk.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<job action=format

Disable disk encryption. Before disk encryption can be disabled, the disk must be unmounted. After disabling disk encryption the disk must be mounted and formatted before it can be used. If required file system is set, the disk is formatted automatically. Note that recordings will be removed when the disk is formatted.

Unmount the SD card. For detailed information about the request, see Mount and unmount a disk.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<job action=unmount

Disable disk encryption. For detailed information about the request, see Disable disk encryption.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DiskPropertiesResponse xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" SchemaVersion="1.0">
<GeneralSuccess />

Mount the disk:




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<job action=mount

Format the disk. If required file system is set, the disk is formatted automatically when mounted and this step should be skipped. For detailed information about the request, see Format disk.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<job action=format

Change the passphrase. The passphrase can only be changed when the disk is mounted. If the disk is unmounted, use disks/mount.cgi to mount the disk.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DiskPropertiesResponse xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" SchemaVersion="1.0">
<GeneralSuccess />

Set required file system

Use disks/properties/setrequiredfs.cgi to enable and set a required file system for the disk. Required file system is disabled by default.

Required file system is used to automatically format SD cards to the file system set as required file system.

If required file system has been set, the Axis product checks each mounted SD card to see if the card uses the required file system. If the card uses another file system, or if the file system cannot be determined, the card is formatted to the required file system automatically. During formatting, any data on the card is lost.

An SD card that has been locked (using the switch on the card or using disks/lock.cgi) is not reformatted. If the card is unlocked using disks/lock.cgi, the card will be formatted the next time it is mounted.

If a required file system is set while a card is mounted and in use, the card will be reformatted when it is remounted and all data will be lost.


  • To check the current required file system setting, use disks/list.cgi. See List disks.
  • Before setting a required file system, use disks/getcapabilities.cgi to check if the intended file system can be used as required file system. See Get disk capabilities.
  • Required file system can be set to ext4. Using ext4 is recommended to reduce the risk of data loss if the card is ejected and after abrupt power cycling. To read SD cards formatted with ext4 on Windows, additional software is needed.
  • In the Axis product web interface, the required file system setting is called autoformat.


  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>IntegerRequired. The major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
diskid=<string><Disk ID>Required. The Disk ID of the disk to set required file system on.
filesystem=<integer>none ext4Required. The file system to use as required file system. Supported file systems can be requested using disks/getcapabilities.cgi as described in Get disk capabilities.none = Disable the required file system functionality.


Responses from disks/properties/setrequiredfs.cgi


If the request is successful, required file system is set and a Success response is returned. See General success response.


If an error occurred, an Error response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 30, 40

Enable disk encryption

Use disks/properties/enablediskencryption.cgi to enable disk encryption.

Disk encryption is disabled by default. Disk encryption can only be enabled when the disk is unmounted. After enabling disk encryption, the disk must be formatted and mounted. See Disk encryption.


  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET



with the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>IntegerRequired. The major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
diskid=<string><Disk ID>Required. Disk ID of the disk to encrypt.
passphrase=<string>StringRequired. The passphrase to use for disk encryption.Maximum length: 512 bytes


Responses from disks/properties/enablediskencryption.cgi


If the request is successful, the disk content is encrypted and a Success response is returned. See General success response.


If an error occurred, an Error response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40, 50, 100, 110, 140, 160

Disable disk encryption

Use disks/properties/disablediskencryption.cgi to disable disk encryption.

Disk encryption can only be disabled when the disk is unmounted. After disabling disk encryption, the disk must be mounted and formatted.


  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET



with the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>IntegerRequired. The major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
diskid=<string><Disk ID>Required. The disk’s Disk ID.


Responses from disks/properties/disablediskencryption.cgi


If the request is successful, disk encryption is disabled and a Success response is returned. See General success response.


If an error occurred, an Error response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40, 50, 100, 160

Change disk encryption passphrase

Use disks/properties/changediskpassphrase.cgi to change the passphrase used for disk encryption. The passphrase can only be changed when the disk is mounted. Changing the passphrase does not disrupt ongoing recordings.


  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET



with the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>IntegerRequired. The major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
diskid=<string><Disk ID>Required. The disk’s Disk ID.
newpassphrase=<string>StringRequired. The new passphrase to use for disk encryption.Maximum length: 512 bytes
oldpassphrase=<string>StringRequired. The current passphrase.


Responses from disks/properties/changediskpassphrase.cgi


If the request is successful, disk encryption is disabled and a Success response is returned. See General success response.


If an error occurred, an Error response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40, 50, 100, 120, 130, 150

Update cleanup max age

Use disks/properties/setcleanupmaxage.cgi to update the current cleanup max age setting.


  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET


ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schema versionIntegerRequired. The major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
diskidStringRequired. The disk’s Disk ID.
maxage0–7000Required. The maximum number of days that the unlocked recordings are kept on the disk itself. Recordings older than the specified number will be deleted. This parameter is only used when CleanupPolicy is set to fifo. Please note that recordings will be deleted if the free amount of storage space becomes low.


Responses from disks/properties/setcleanupmaxage.cgi


If the request is successful, the disk content is encrypted and a Success response is returned. See General success response.


If an error occurred, an Error response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40, 50, 100, 110, 140, 160

Update cleanup policy

Use disks/properties/setcleanuppolicy.cgi to update the current cleanup policy setting.


  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET


ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schema versionIntegerRequired. The major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
diskidStringRequired. The disk’s Disk ID.
cleanuppolicyfifo noneRequired. fifo = first in, first out. Recordings are automatically deleted according to the rules specified by cleanupmaxage. none = Recordings must be manually deleted. Please note that recordings will be deleted if the free amount of storage space becomes low


Responses from disks/properties/setcleanuppolicy.cgi


If the request is successful, the disk content is encrypted and a Success response is returned. See General success response.


If an error occurred, an Error response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40, 50, 100, 110, 140, 160

Set disk alert levels

Use disks/properties/setdiskalertlevels.cgi to update the alert levels for a disk.


  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET



with the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>IntegerRequired. The major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
diskid=<string>StringRequired. The disk’s Disk ID.
wear>=0The wear level of the disk that should trigger a storage alert event. The event will be sent once with the alert property set to True when any property reaches its alert level. Once all properties are below their alert levels for the event will be sent again, but with the alert property set to False.
temperature>=0The temperature, measured in Kelvin, of the disk at which to trigger a Storage alert event. This event is sent once with the alert property set to True when any property reaches its alert level. Once all properties are below their alert levels for the event will be sent again, but with the alert property set to False.


Responses from disks/properties/setdiskalertlevels.cgi


If the request is successful, the disk content is encrypted and a Success response is returned. See General success response.


If an error occurred, an Error response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40, 50, 100, 110, 140, 160

Get disk alert levels

Use disks/properties/getdiskalertlevels.cgi to check the alert levels for a disk.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



with the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversionIntegerRequired. The major version of the XML schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
diskidStringRequired. The disk’s Disk ID.


Responses from disks/properties/getdiskalertlevels.cgi


Successful response

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<DiskPropertiesResponse xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="" SchemaVersion="1.1">
<AlertLevels Wear="50" Temperature="360"/>


If an error occurred, an Error response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40, 50, 100, 110, 140, 160

XML schema versions

Use disks/properties/schemaversions.cgi to list supported versions of the XML schema for the Disk properties API and whether the schemas are deprecated or not.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



This CGI has no arguments.


Responses from disks/properties/schemaversions.cgi

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

DiskPropertiesResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
SuccessSuccessful request
SchemaVersionsSuccessContains the supported XML schema versions.
SchemaVersionContains one schema version.
VersionNumberSchema version. See XML schemas.
DeprecatedIf true, this version of the XML Schema is deprecated and should not be used.

General success response

General success response from Disk Properties API.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<DiskPropertiesResponse xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" SchemaVersion="1.0">
<GeneralSuccess />

Supported elements, attributes and values:

DiskPropertiesResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
SuccessSuccessful request.
GeneralSuccessSuccessful request.

General error response

General error response from the Disk properties API.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DiskPropertiesResponse xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" SchemaVersion="1.0">
<ErrorCode>[error code]</ErrorCode>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

DiskPropertiesResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
ErrorError response.
GeneralErrorError response.
ErrorCodeA numeric error code. See table below.
ErrorDescriptionDescription of the error.
Error codeDescriptionCGI
10Error while processing the request.All
20Invalid request.All
30Specified file system is not supported.setrequiredfs.cgi
40Specified version is not supported.All
50Invalid disk ID.enablediskencryption.cgi``disablediskencryption.cgi``changediskpassphrase.cgi
100The disk does not support disk encryption.enablediskencryption.cgi``disablediskencryption.cgi``changediskpassphrase.cgi
110Invalid passphrase.enablediskencryption.cgi
120Invalid new passphrase.changediskpassphrase.cgi
130The oldpassphrase does not match the existing passphrase.changediskpassphrase.cgi
140Encryption is already enabled.enablediskencryption.cgi
150The disk is unmounted. Passphrase can only be changed when the disk is mounted.changediskpassphrase.cgi
160The disk is mounted. Encryption can only be enabled/disabled when the disk is unmounted.enablediskencryption.cgi``disablediskencryption.cgi

Network share API


Use VAPIX® Network share API to add, remove and manage network shares. A network share can be a share on a NAS (Network Attached Storage) or on any server that uses CIFS (Common Internet File System), also known as SMB (Server Message Block).

The Axis product identifies the share using a unique Share ID. The share ID is assigned to the share by the Axis product but can also be set manually when adding the share.

To store recordings on a network share, the share must be bound to a disk. The bind request returns a Disk ID which should be used when setting up and accessing recordings. For information about recordings, see Recording API.

The Network share API consists of the following CGIs:

list.cgiList the added network shares and their parameters.
add.cgiAdd a network share.
modify.cgiModify a network share. The network share must first be unbound.
remove.cgiRemove a network share. The network share must first be unbound.
bind.cgiBind the network share to a disk. This makes it possible to access the share through the Disk Management API, see Disk management API.
unbind.cgiUnbind the network share.
test.cgiTest the network share to verify that the parameters are correct and that the share can be used as a storage device. A successfully started test returns a Job ID which should be used as input to job.cgi.
job.cgiCheck the progress of a job. Typically used repeatedly until the job is done.
schemaversions.cgiRetrieve a list of supported versions of the XML Schema for the Network Share API.

Recordings stored on a network share cannot be accessed directly. This is because the Axis product creates an internal database on the share. If recordings need to be accessed directly, create a network share recipient in an action rule instead.



  • Property: Properties.API.HTTP.Version=3
  • Property: Properties.NetworkShare.NetworkShare=yes
  • Property: Properties.NetworkShare.CIFS=yes
  • Firmware: 5.40 and later

Common examples

Test that the network share "myshare" on the storage device "mynas" can be used for storage. User name for the share is "nasuser" and password is "pass".


The response returns the Job ID of the started job. Here, the returned Job ID is 1. The Job ID is to be used as input to job.cgi to check the progress of the started job.


The response shows that the job is in progress, 15% of the job is done.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<NetworkShareResponse SchemaVersion="1.0"

By running job.cgi repeatedly, the progress of the job can be reported by showing incremental updates, for example:


Add the network share "myshare" on the storage device "mynas". User name for the share is "nasuser" and password is "pass". The network share is given a user-friendly name "My Share".


The share’s unique Share ID is returned in the response. Here, the returned Share ID is 485279c5-6676-4abd-b04c-4434e4791730

List all network shares.


The response shows that one network share has been added.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<NetworkShareResponse SchemaVersion="1.0"
<NetworkShares NumberOfShares="1">
<NetworkShare NiceName="My Share"
User="nasuser" />

Bind the network share to a disk. The disk is mounted automatically. The Share ID is from the add.cgi response.


The Disk ID of the disk to which the share is bound is returned in the response. Here, the returned Disk ID is NetworkShare.

Unbind and remove the network share.


List network shares

Use disks/networkshare/list.cgi to retrieve information about network shares used by the Axis product.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>[.<integer>]IntegersThe major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
shareid=<string>all <Share ID 1>, <Share ID 2>,...Required. The Share IDs of the shares to list.all = List all network shares that have been added to the Axis product.<Share ID 1>, <Share ID 2> = List shares with the specified Share IDs.


The response from disks/networkshare/list.cgi is a list of network shares or a general error.


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<NetworkShareResponse SchemaVersion="1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<NetworkShares NumberOfShares="[number of shares]">
<NetworkShare NiceName="[nicename 1]"
ShareId="[Share ID 1]"
Address="[address 1]"
Share="[share 1]"
User="[user 1]"
DiskId="[Disk ID 1]"/>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

NetworkShareResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
ListSuccessRequest was successful.
NetworkSharesContains the network shares that have been added.NumberOfShares = The number of network shares.
NetworkShareContains the parameters that define the network share.NiceName = User-friendly name for the network share.ShareId = The Share ID.Address = Network address of the storage device.Share = The name of the share on the storage device.User = User name for a user on the share.DiskId = The Disk ID of the disk to which the share is bound. This attribute is not present if the share is unbound.


If an error occurred, a GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40

Add network share

Use disks/networkshare/add.cgi to add a network share.


  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>[.<integer>]IntegersThe major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
nicename=<string>StringRequired. A user-friendly name for the network share.
address=<string>IPv4 address or host nameRequired. The network address of the storage device.
share=<string>StringRequired. The name of the share on the storage device.
shareid=<string>StringA unique Share ID. The ID is restricted to the regular expression [A-Za-z0-9-]+
user=<string>StringUser name for a user on the share.
pass=<string>StringPassword for the user above.


Responses from disks/networkshare/add.cgi


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<NetworkShareResponse SchemaVersion="1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<AddSuccess ShareId="[Share ID]" />

Supported elements, attributes and values:

NetworkShareResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
AddSuccessSuccessful request.ShareId = The Share ID.


If an error occurred, a GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40, 200, 210, 220, 230

Remove network share

Use disks/networkshare/remove.cgi to remove a network share from the product. Before removing, make sure that the network share is not bound. To unbound the share, use unbind.cgi, see Unbind network share.


  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>[.<integer>]IntegersThe major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
shareid=<string> Required<Share ID 1>, <Share ID 2>,...Remove the shares with the specified Share IDs.


Responses from disks/networkshare/remove.cgi


If the request is successful, disk encryption is disabled and a GeneralSuccess response is returned. See General success response.


If an error occurred, a GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40, 500

Modify network share

Use disks/networkshare/modify.cgi to modify an existing network share. The user-friendly name NiceName can always be changed. To change the other parameters, the share must be unbound from the disk using unbind.cgi, see Unbind network share.


  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>[.<integer>]IntegersThe major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
shareid=<string> RequiredStringThe Share ID of the network share to modify.
nicename=<string>StringA user-friendly name for the network share.
address=<string>IPv4 address or host nameThe network address of the storage device.
share=<string>StringThe name of the share on the storage device.
user=<string>StringUser name for a user on the share.
pass=<string>StringPassword for the user above.


Responses from disks/networkshare/modify.cgi


If the request is successful, disk encryption is disabled and a GeneralSuccess response is returned. See General success response.


If an error occurred, a GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40, 600, 610, 620

Bind network share

Use disks/networkshare/bind.cgi to bind an existing network share to a disk. This makes it possible to store recordings on the share and to access the share through the Disk management API. The request returns the Disk ID of the disk to which the share was bound. The Disk ID should be used when setting up and accessing recordings through the Recording API.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>[.<integer>]IntegersThe major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
shareid=<string><Share ID>Required. The Share ID of the network share to bind.
automaticmount=<string>yes noyes = Turn on automatic mounting. The disk to which the share is bound will be mounted automatically after = Turn off automatic mount. The disk will not be mounted automatically.Default: yes.


Responses from disks/networkshare/bind.cgi


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<NetworkShareResponse SchemaVersion="1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<BindSuccess DiskID="[Disk ID]"/>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

NetworkShareResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
BindSuccessSuccessful request.DiskID = The Disk ID of the disk that the network share was bound to.


If an error occurred, a GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40, 300, 310

Unbind network share

Use disks/networkshare/unbind.cgi to free a bound network share so that the share can be modified or removed.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>[.<integer>]IntegersThe major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
shareid=<string><Share ID>Required. The Share ID of the network share to unbind.


Responses from disks/networkshare/unbind.cgi


If the request is successful, disk encryption is disabled and a GeneralSuccess response is returned. See General success response.


If an error occurred, a GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40, 400

Test network share

Use disks/networkshare/test.cgi to test a network share. The submitted parameters specifies the share to test. These parameters are only used to run the test and are not stored. The test checks if the network share can be used as a storage device.

The response shows if the job has been started or not. A successfully started job returns a Job ID, which should be used as input to job.cgi, see Job progress.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>[.<integer>] OptionalIntegersThe major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
address=<string> OptionalIPv4 address or host nameThe network address of the storage device.
share=<string> OptionalStringThe name of the share on the storage device.
user=<string> OptionalStringUser name for a user on the share.
pass=<string> OptionalStringPassword for the user above.
shareid=<string> OptionalStringA Share ID. shareid can be used instead of one or more of address, share, user and pass. If shareid is used together with one or more the above arguments, the specified arguments will override the values stored in the Share ID.


Responses from disks/networkshare/test.cgi


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<NetworkShareResponse SchemaVersion="1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<TestSuccess JobId="[Job ID]" />

Supported elements, attributes and values:

NetworkShareResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
TestSuccessTest was started successfully.JobId = The Job ID.


If an error occurred, a GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40, 700, 710, 720, 730, 740, 750, 760

Job progress

The disks/networkshare/job.cgi is used to check the progress of a test job.

The test job should be started by running test.cgi. If the job could be started successfully, a Job ID is returned. This Job ID is used as input to job.cgi. The Job ID can also be retrieved by running job.cgi.

Typically, job.cgi is run repeatedly until the job is finished. This workflow allows a user interface to be more responsive and to report the progress of a job by displaying incremental status updates, for example in a progress bar.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>[.<integer>] RequiredIntegersThe major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
jobid=<string> Required<Job ID>The ID of the job to check progress for.


Responses from disks/networkshare/job.cgi

Success: Job is in progress

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<NetworkShareResponse SchemaVersion="1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">

Success: Job finished successfully

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<NetworkShareResponse SchemaVersion="1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<GeneralSuccess />

Success: Job finished but with errors

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<NetworkShareResponse SchemaVersion="1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">

Supported elements, attributes and values:

NetworkShareResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
JobSuccessSuccessful request.Contains Progress if the job is not finished.Contains GeneralSuccess if the job finished successfully.Contains GeneralError if the job finished with errors.
GeneralSuccessThe job finished successfully.
ProgressProgress of the job in percent.
GeneralErrorThe job finished with errors.


If an error occurred, a GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40, 700, 710, 720, 730, 740, 750, 760

XML schema versions

Use disks/networkshare/schemaversions.cgi to list supported versions of the XML schema for the Network share API and whether the schemas are deprecated or not.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



This CGI has no arguments.


Responses from disks/networkshare/schemaversions.cgi

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<NetworkShareResponse SchemaVersion="1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">

Supported elements, attributes and values:

NetworkShareResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
SchemaVersionsSuccessContains the supported XML schema versions.
SchemaVersionContains one schema version.
VersionNumberSchema version. See XML schemas.
DeprecatedIf true, this version of the XML Schema is deprecated and should not be used.

General success response

General success response from Network Share API.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<NetworkShareResponse SchemaVersion="1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<GeneralSuccess />

Supported elements, attributes and values:

NetworkShareResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
GeneralSuccessSuccessful request.

General error response

General error response from Network share API.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<NetworkShareResponse SchemaVersion="1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<ErrorCode>[error code]</ErrorCode>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

NetworkShareResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
GeneralErrorError response.
ErrorCodeA numeric error code. See table below.
ErrorDescriptionDescription of the error.
Error codeDescriptionCGI
10Error while processing the request.All
20Invalid request.All
40Specified version is not supported.All
200Invalid ShareIdadd.cgi
210The ShareId is not uniqueadd.cgi
220The NiceName is not uniqueadd.cgi
230Maximum number of network shares is already reached. No more shares can be added.add.cgi
300No available disk. Check if another network share is already bound.bind.cgi
310The network share is already bound to a disk.bind.cgi
400The network share is mounted and cannot be unbound. Unmount the share using Disk Management API.unbind.cgi
500The network share is bound and cannot be removed. Use unbind.cgi to unbind the share.remove.cgi
600The network share is bound and cannot be modified. Use unbind.cgi to unbind the share.modify.cgi
610The new ShareID parameter is no unique.modify.cgi
620The NiceName parameter is not unique.modify.cgi
700No such hostname.test.cgi``job.cgi
710Error while mounting network share.test.cgi``job.cgi
720Internal error while mounting network share.test.cgi``job.cgi
730Too many tests or jobs started, wait for some to finish.test.cgi``job.cgi
740Problem writing to the share.test.cgi``job.cgi
750Problem reading data written to the share.test.cgi``job.cgi
760Problem connecting to the share.test.cgi``job.cgi

Recording storage limit API


VAPIX® Recording storage limit API allows applications to control how the capacity of a shared storage resource is distributed. For example, when several cameras record to the same network share, the API can be used to limit the amount of disk space each camera is allowed to use.

Setting recording storage limits is equivalent to setting up quota control on network-attached storage (NAS) devices. The Recording storage limit API enables applications to simplify recording and storage configuration by allowing the camera installer to configure storage limits at the same time and in the same application as the installer configures other recording and storage settings.

Supported functionality:

  • Retrieve current recording storage limit and currently used disk space.
  • Set recording storage limit.


VAPIX® Recording storage limit API is supported if

  • Property: Properties.LocalStorage.StorageLimit=yes
  • Firmware: 5.70 and later

Common examples

Get supported XML schema versions.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<StorageLimitsResponse xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.0" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">

Suppose that two cameras should record to the same network share. Use disks/list.cgi to retrieve the network share’s disk space. The response shows that the total disk space is 4000 GB.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<disks numberofdisks="1">
<disk diskid="NetworkShare"
name="My Share"

Divide the disk space among the two cameras so that one camera uses 2/3 of the disk space and the other camera uses 1/3.





HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<StorageLimitsResponse xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.0" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<GeneralSuccess />

Retrieve the current recording storage limit, that is, the amount of disk space the Axis product is allowed to use. When no diskid is specified, storage limits for all disks are returned. In the response, attribute size contains the current storage limit. Attribute usedspace contains the disk space currently used for recordings. In this example, the SD card has size=0 which means that there is no storage limit for the SD card.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<StorageLimitsResponse xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.0" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<StorageLimit diskid="NetworkShare" size="2796202667" usedspace="553324" />
<StorageLimit diskid="SD_DISK" size="0" usedspace="661324" />

To only retrieve the recording storage limit set for the network share, specify the share’s diskid.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<StorageLimitsResponse xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.0" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<StorageLimit diskid="NetworkShare" size="2796202667" usedspace="553324" />

Retrieve the recording storage limit for a non-existing storage device.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<StorageLimitsResponse xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.0" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<ErrorDescription>Disk not found</ErrorDescription>

Disable recording storage limit for the network share.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<StorageLimitsResponse xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.0" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<GeneralSuccess />

Set an incorrect recording storage limit.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<StorageLimitsResponse xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.0" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<ErrorDescription>Invalid size value</ErrorDescription>

Get schema versions

Use record/storage/schemaversions.cgi to retrieve the supported XML schema versions.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



This CGI has no arguments


Responses from record/storage/schemaversions.cgi


A successful request returns the supported schema versions.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<StorageLimitsResponse xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.0" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">

Supported elements, attributes and values:

StorageLimitsResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
SchemaVersionsSuccessSuccessful request
SchemaVersionContains the schema version
VersionNumberSchema version. See XML schemas.
DeprecatedIf true, this version of the XML Schema is deprecated and should not be used.


If an error occurred, a GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40

Get recording storage limit

Use record/storage/getlimit.cgi to retrieve the current recording storage limit.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



with the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>IntegerRequired. The major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
diskid=<string>StringOptional. The disk ID of the disk to retrieve storage limit for. If omitted, storage limits for all disks is returned.


Responses from record/storage/getlimit.cgi


If the request is successful, the recording storage limit for the specified disks is returned.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<StorageLimitsResponse xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.0" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<StorageLimit diskid="[Disk ID]" size="[size]" usedspace="[used size]" />
<StorageLimit diskid="[Disk ID]" size="[size]" usedspace="[used size]" />

Supported elements, attributes and values:

StorageLimitsResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
GetStorageLimitsResponseSuccessful request
StorageLimitContains the storage limit for one disk.diskidThe disk ID.
sizeThe set recording storage limit size. Unit: kilobytes.0 = recording storage limit is disabled.
usedsizeSpace already used by recording data. Unit: kilobytes.


If an error occurred, a GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40, 110

Set recording storage limit

Use record/storage/setlimit.cgi to set the recording storage limit, that is, the amount of disk space the Axis product is allowed to use.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



with the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>IntegerRequired. The major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
diskid=<string>StringRequired. The Disk ID of the disk to use.
size=<string>IntegerRequired. The recording storage limit to set. Unit: kilobytes.Use size=0 to disable recording storage limit for the disk.Minimum allowed size is 1048576 kilobytes, that is, 1 GB.


Responses from record/storage/setlimit.cgi


If the request is successful, the recording storage limit is set and a GeneralSuccess response is returned. See General success response.


If an error occurred, a GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40, 110, 120, 130

General success response

General success response from Recording storage limit API.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<StorageLimitsResponse xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.0" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<GeneralSuccess />

Supported elements, attributes and values:

StorageLimitsResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
GeneralSuccessSuccessful request.

General error response

General error response from Recording storage limit API.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<StorageLimitsResponse xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.0" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<ErrorCode>[error code]</ErrorCode>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

StorageLimitsResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
ErrorCodeA numeric error code. See table below.
ErrorDescriptionDescription of the error.
Error codeDescriptionCGI
10Error while processing the request.All
20Invalid request.All
40Specified version is not supported.All
110Disk not found.getlimit.cgi``setlimit.cgi
120Invalid size value.setlimit.cgi
130Supplied size is less than the minimum allowed limit.setlimit.cgi

Recording API


The Recording API is used for recording management. Recordings can be listed, played, stopped and removed. Continuous recordings can be started and stopped. Each recording is identified by a unique Recording ID.

Recordings are stored on disks, for example SD cards and network shares. Disks are handled by the Disk Management API, see Disk management API.

The Recording API is used to start and stop continuous recordings. Axis products also support event-triggered and scheduled recordings. These are configured using VAPIX® Event and Action Services, see Event and action services.

If the Axis product supports continuous recording profiles (parameter Properties.LocalStorage.ContinuousRecording is set to yes), a continuous recording should be configured using addconfiguration.cgi.

To play recordings, use media.amp from the RTSP API. Using RTSP for playback is recommended because all video formats as well as audio and video synchronization is supported. MJPEG recordings can also be played using play.cgi from the HTTP API.

The Recording API consists of:

addconfiguration.cgiAdd continuous recording profile.
listconfiguration.cgiList continuous recording profile.
removeconfiguration.cgiRemove continuous recording profile.
list.cgiSearch for recordings and retrieve information.
record.cgiStart recording (continuous recording).
stop.cgiStop active recording.
remove.cgiRemove recordings.
play.cgiPlay MJPEG recording. This CGI has been deprecated and will no longer receive updates as of firmware version 10.2.
RTSP APIPlay H.264, MPEG-4 and MJPEG recordings. See RTSP PLAY.

Recordings can be exported using the Export Recording API. See Export recording API.

Date and time format

The date and time format used in the Recording API is the UTC combined date and time format defined in ISO 8601:


If required, the fraction of a second .<mmmm> can also be used:


The time offset from UTC can also be included:


When using the clock option with the Range header in RTSP requests, the following date and time formats should be used:


The Range header also supports NPT and SMPTE times, see Play recording using RTSP.



  • Property: Properties.API.HTTP.Version=3
  • Property: Properties.LocalStorage.LocalStorage=yes
  • Firmware: 5.40 and later

addconfiguration.cgi, removeconfigration.cgi and listconfiguration.cgiin addition require

  • Property: Properties.LocalStorage.ContinuousRecording=yes
  • Property: Properties.LocalStorage.ContinuousRecordingProfiles > 0

Playback over RTSP requires:

  • Property: Properties.API.RTSP.Version=2.01 and later

Common examples

Retrieve a list with information about all recordings.


The response gives a list of all recordings with information about Recording ID, video and audio settings etc (only a part of the response is shown here).


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<recordings totalnumberofrecordings="3" numberofrecordings="3" >
<recording diskid="NetworkShare"
recordingid="20110812_081211_016F_00408C1834FD" ... >
<video ... />
<audio ... />
<recording diskid="NetworkShare"
recordingid="20110813_093530_025B_00408C1834FD" ... >
<video ... />
<audio ... />
<recording diskid="NetworkShare"
recordingid="20110813_103530_037C_00408C1834FD" ... >
<video ... />
<audio ... />

Retrieve information about a specific recording.


List the Event IDs associated with recordings on the SD card.


The response shows that recordings with Event IDs motion and audio detection are stored on the SD card.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<eventids >
<eventid> motion </eventid>
<eventid> audio detection </eventid>

Play a recording over HTTP.


Remove a recording.


Add a configuration for continuous recording to the SD card.


Add a configuration for continuous recording to the network share.


Play the continuous recording from 2011–08–12T08:12:11Z to 2011–08–14T10:10:00Z. To make sure that all recorded material from this time period is played, also if the recording was interrupted, the recordings are first listed. The play request is then a loop over the found recordings.

First, list recordings with eventid=continuous_nas from the desired time period.


The response below shows that the continuous recording was interrupted twice during the requested time period. A recording can for example be interrupted if the Axis product is restarted or if network connection is lost. The response contains information such as the Recording IDs, start and stop times of the three recordings found during the requested time period. Only a part of the response is shown here.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<recordings totalnumberofrecordings="6" numberofrecordings="3" >
<recording diskid="NetworkShare"
stoptime="2011-08-13T09:30:30Z" ... >
<video ... />
<audio ... />
<recording diskid="NetworkShare"
stoptime="2011-08-13T010:30:30Z" ... >
<video ... />
<audio ... />
<recording diskid="NetworkShare"
stoptime="2011-08-14T10:10:00Z" ... >
<video ... />
<audio ... />

To play the recordings, use the Recording IDs, start times and stop times from the response. The start and stop times are returned in UTC combined date and time format and must be converted before being used in the RTSP Range header. For example, starttime="2011-08-12T08:12:11Z" should be converted to 20110812T081211Z. See Date and time format for more information.

The play request below is to be inserted in a loop over the recordings from the response; Rec.recordingid is replaced with each of the three returned Recording IDs and Rec.starttime and Rec.stoptime are replaced with the returned start and stop times (converted to the proper time format).

PLAY rtsp://myserver/axis-media/media.amp?recordingid=Rec.recordingid
Range: clock=Rec.starttime-Rec.stoptime


Recording default parameters

The parameters in the Recording group define default recording settings.


ParameterDefault valueValid valuesAccess controlDescription
DefaultDiskIdProduct dependentStringadmin: read, write operator: read, write viewer: readDefault Disk ID.
DefaultSplitDuration300Integeradmin: read, write operator: read, write viewer: readThe default length (in seconds) of each recording block.

Add continuous recording profile

The record/continuous/addconfiguration.cgi is used to configure a continuous recording. The recording will be started when possible.

An existing recording profile cannot be changed. To change settings, the profile must be removed and replaced with a new recording profile.

This CGI is available if Properties.LocalStorage.ContinuousRecording=yes and Properties.LocalStorage.ContinuousRecordingProfiles > 0.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
diskid=<string><Disk ID>Required.The Disk ID of the disk to record to.
options=<string>Percent-encoded stringRequired.Stream options for the recording. Example: streamprofile%3DMyProfile or other image URL settings.
eventid=<string><Event ID>Optional.The Event ID classifies the recording. Used with list.cgi to select recordings generated by this continuous recording configuration.Default: continuous


Responses from record/continuous/addconfiguration.cgi


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<configure profile="[profile number]"
result="OK" />


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<configure profile="[profile number]"
errormsg="[error description]" />

Supported elements, attributes and values:

configureInformation about the new profile.profileThe profile number.
resultOK = The configuration was added successfully. ERROR = An error occurred while configuring the recording.
errormsgDescription of the error.

List continuous recording profiles

The record/continuous/listconfiguration.cgi is used to list information about continuous recording profiles.


  • Access control: admin, operator, viewer
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
profile=<integer>IntegerOptional. The continuous recording profile to be listed. If omitted, all profiles will be listed. Value of the attribute profile from an Add or List containing continous recording profile responses.


Responses from record/continuous/listconfiguration.cgi


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<continuousrecordingconfiguration profile="[profile number]"
diskid="[disk ID]"
options="[stream options]"
eventid="[event ID]" />

Supported elements, attributes and values:

continuousrecordingconfigurationsContains the listed continuous recording profiles.
continuousrecordingconfigurationContains information about one continuous recording profile.profileThe profile number.
diskidThe Disk ID of the disk where the recording is stored.
optionsThe stream options.
eventidThe profile’s Event ID.

Remove continuous recording profile

The record/continuous/removeconfiguration.cgi is used to stop and remove a continuous recording profile.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
profile=<integer>IntegerRequired. The continuous recording profile to be removed. Value of the attribute profile from an Add or List containing continous recording profile responses.


Responses from record/continuous/removeconfiguration.cgi


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<remove profile="[profile number]"
result="OK" />


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<remove profile="[profile number]"
errormsg="[error description]" />

Supported elements, attributes and values:

removeInformation about the removed profile.profileThe profile number.
resultOK = Recording was removed successfully. ERROR = An error occurred while removing the recording.
errormsgDescription of the error.

List recordings

The record/list.cgi is used to search for recordings and list information about found recordings.


  • Access control: admin, operator, viewer
  • Method: GET/POST



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
listentity=<string>recording (One of recordingid,starttime or stoptime is required if listentity=recording) eventid sourceOptional. recording = List recordings (Default). eventid = List all Event IDs used in recordings. source = List all sources used for recordings. eventid and source can be combined with the diskid argument.
recordingid=<string> (One of recordingid,starttime or stoptime is required if listentity=recording)all <Recording ID>all = List all recordings. <Recording ID> = List recording with the specified Recording ID.
maxnumberofresults=<integer>IntegerOptional. Maximum number of recordings returned.
startatresultnumber=<integer>IntegerOptional. Start the returned result on the n:th recording.
eventid=<string><Event ID>Optional. Name of the event that triggered the recording.
diskid=<string><Disk ID>Optional. The Disk ID of the disk to search for recordings on.
starttime=<time> (One of recordingid,starttime or stoptime is required if listentity=recording)UTC ISO 8601 combined date and time. See Date and time format.Optional. Include all recordings with any part of it on or after this time and date.
stoptime=<time> (One of recordingid,starttime or stoptime is required if listentity=recording)UTC ISO 8601 combined date and time. See Date and time format.Optional. Include all recordings with any part of it on or before this time and date.
sortorder=<string>ascending descendingOptional. ascending = Sort the list in ascending order according to the recording start time. descending = Sort the list in descending order according to the recording start time. Default.
source=<integer>Quad Product dependent <channel number>Optional. The source of the recording on a multichannel video encoder. Quad = The quad stream <channel number> = The video channel number (values are product dependent).


The response from record/list.cgi depends on the submitted listentity.

List recording IDs — Success

The following response is returned if listentity=recordingid.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<recordings totalnumberofrecordings="[the number of recordings in all attached disks]"
numberofrecordings="[the number of matched recordings]" >
<recording diskid="[Disk ID]"
recordingid="[Recording ID]"
starttime="[UTC start time]"
starttimelocal="[Local start time]"
stoptime="[UTC stop time or empty string]"
stoptimelocal="[Local stop time or empty string]"
recordingtype="[Triggered, scheduled or continuous recording]"
eventid="[Name of the event that initiated the recording]"
eventtrigger="[Software input for the event that initiated the recording]"
recordingstatus="[Recording is active or inactive]"
source="[Recording source]">
<video mimetype="[video mime type]"
source="[video source]"
framerate="[frame rate]"
height="[height]" />
<audio mimetype="[audio mime type]"
source="[audio source]"
bitrate="[bit rate]"
samplerate="[sample rate]" />

Supported elements, attributes and values:

recordingsContains the recordings in the response.totalnumberofrecordingsThe number of recordings in all attached disks. If diskid is used, only recordings in that disk is counted.
numberofrecordingsThe number of matched recordings, without taking into accountstartatresultnumber and maxnumberofresults.
recordingContains information about the recording.diskidThe Disk ID of the disk on which the recording is stored.
recordingidThe Recording ID.
starttimeStart time of the recording (UTC time).
starttimelocalStart time of the recording (local time).
stoptimeStop time of the recording (UTC time).
stoptimelocalStop time of the recording (local time).
recordingtypeThe type of recording. triggered = Triggered recording. scheduled = Scheduled recording. continuous = Continuous recording.
eventidName of the event that initiated the recording.
eventtriggerThe trigger for the event that initiated the recording.
recordingstatusStatus of the recording. recording = Recording in progress. completed = Recording finished. unknown = Unknown status.
sourceMultichannel video encoders only. The video channel used for the recording.
videoContains video stream information.mimetypeVideo mime type.
sourceVideo source.
framerateFrame rate.
resolutionVideo resolution.
widthImage width in pixels.
heightImage height in pixels.
audioContains audio stream information.mimetypeAudio mime type.
sourceAudio source.
bitrateBit rate.
samplerateSample rate.

List event IDs — Success

The following response is returned if listentity=eventid.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<eventid>"[Event name]" </eventid>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

eventidsThe events in the response.
eventidName of the event.

List sources — Success

If listentity=source, the response lists the sources in which recordings were found.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<source>[Source]" </source>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

sourcesList of the sources in which recordings were found.
sourceSource identifier. For multichannel video encoders, the source is the channel number or the quad stream.

Start recording

The record/record.cgi is used to start a recording. The recording will start at once and a recording ID will be returned.


The recording must be stopped by calling stop.cgi, see Stop recording.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
diskid=<string><Disk ID>Required. The Disk ID of the disk to record to. Example: SD_DISK
options=<string>StringOptional. Stream options for the recording. Example: streamprofile%3DMyProfile or other image URL settings. Please note that the system default will be used if no value is specified.


Responses from record/record.cgi


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<record recordingid="[Recording ID]"
result="OK" />


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
errormsg="[error description]" />

Supported elements, attributes and values:

recordInformation about the started recording.recordingidThe Recording ID.
resultOK = Recording was started successfully. ERROR = An error occurred while starting the recording.
errormsgDescription of the error.

Stop recording

The record/stop.cgi is used to stop an active recording.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
recordingid=<string><Recording ID>Required. Stop recording with the specified Recording ID.


Responses from record/stop.cgi


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<stop recordingid="[Recording ID]"
result="OK" />


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<stop recordingid="[Recording ID]"
errormsg="[error description]" />

Supported elements, attributes and values:

stopInformation about the stopped recording.recordingidThe Recording ID.
resultOK = Recording was stopped successfully. ERROR = An error occurred while stopping the recording.
errormsgDescription of the error.

Remove recording

The record/remove.cgi is used to remove one or more recordings.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
recordingid=<string>all <Recording ID 1>, <Recording ID 2>, ...all = remove all recordings. Remove recordings with specified Recording IDs.
diskid=<string><Disk ID>Optional. The disk ID to remove recordings from, for example SD_DISK.
beforetime=<time>UTC ISO 8601 combined date and time. See Date and time format.Optional. Remove all recordings with any part of it on or before this time and date. The whole recording will be removed. Active recordings will be stopped and then removed. Cannot be combined with recordingid.
eventid=<string><Event ID>Optional. Remove recordings triggered by the event with this ID. Cannot be combined with recordingid.
source=<string>StringOptional. Remove recordings from this video source. Cannot be combined with recordingid.


Responses from record/remove.cgi


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<remove recordingid="[Recording ID]"
result="OK" />


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<root xmlns:xsi=""
<remove recordingid="[Recording ID]"
errormsg="[error description]" />

Supported elements, attributes and values:

removeInformation about the removed recording.recordingidThe Recording ID.
resultOK = recording was removed successfully. ERROR = an error occurred while removing the recording.
errormsgDescription of the error.

Play recording


The record/play.cgi has been deprecated and will no longer receive updates.

The record/play.cgi is used to play a MJPEG recording as a stream. The format will be the same as the live view stream.


Only MJPEG recordings can be played using this method. H.264 and MPEG-4 recordings must be played using RTSP, see Play recording using RTSP.

If possible, use the RTSP playback method. RTSP supports all video formats and synchronization of video and audio.


  • Access control: admin, operator, viewer
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
recordingid=<string><Recording ID>Required. Play recording with the specified Recording ID.
mediatype=<string>video audioOptional. Default: video video = play video audio = play audio
rate=<string>max numerator/denominatorOptional. The playback rate. max = Play as fast as possible. This is useful when an external monitoring application wants to retrieve stored recordings as fast as possible. numerator/denominator = Specifies the playback rate as a fraction of the original rate. 1/1 means the original rate. 1/2 means half the original rate. 2/1 means double the original rate. Minimum: 1/1000 Maximum: 1000/1
starttime=<time>UTC ISO 8601 combined date and time. See Date and time format.Optional Playback start time. Playback will start at the frame closest to this time. If not specified, recording is played from the beginning.
stoptime=<time>UTC ISO 8601 combined date and time. See Date and time format.Optional Playback stop time. Playback will stop at the frame closest to this time. If not specified, the recording is played to the end.

Play recording using RTSP

Recordings in all media formats, with video and audio synchronization, can be played using the RTSP API.


When playing MJPEG , the maximum resolution is 2040x2040.


  • Access control: admin, operator, viewer


PLAY rtsp://<servername>/axis-media/media.amp?<parameter>=<value>
Headerfield1: val1<CRLF>
Headerfield2: val2<CRLF>
Range: [npt | clock | smpte]=<starttime>-<stoptime><CRLF>


With the following RTSP parameters values:

RTSP parameterValid valuesDescription
recordingid=<string><Recording ID>Required. Play the recording with the specified Recording ID.
pull=<bool>0 1Optional. 1 = Stream as fast as possible. Because the receiving part determines the transfer rate, this is only useful when tunneling RTSP over HTTP. 0 = Disabled. Default.

The following additional header field is accepted when playing a recording:

Header fieldDescription
Range: [npt | clock | smpte]=<starttime>- <stoptime>Play recording from starttime to stoptime. stoptime is optional.npt = Normal Play Time. The starttime and stoptime times are relative to the start of the recording.clock = Absolute time. starttime and stoptime are UTC ISO 8601 combined date and time strings. See Date and time format.smpte = SMPTE (Society of Motion Pictures and Television Engineers) timestamps relative to the start of the recording. starttime and stoptime are SMPTE timecodes.Refer to RFC 2326 for details.

Refer to the RTSP API for additional header fields and RTSP parameters.

Export recording API


VAPIX® Export recording API is used to export an edge storage recording to a single playable file. It is possible to export a complete recording or to export a part of a recording (a video clip). The exported recording is a Matroska (.mkv) file and can be exported in an encrypted ZIP archive.

Supported functionality:

  • Retrieve supported capabilities.
  • Retrieve recording export properties such as start time, stop time and estimated file size. Recording export properties should be retrieved before exporting the recording.
  • Export recording.


VAPIX® Export recording API is supported if

  • Property: Properties.LocalStorage.ExportRecording=yes

  • Firmware: 5.60 and later

  • API version 1.1 onwards supports a method to export recordings to an external disk (e.g. USB).

  • API version 1.2 onwards supports a method to export encrypted recordings. 256–bit AES ZIP archive encryption is currently supported.

Common examples

Get supported XML schema versions

Use this example to retrieve a list of supported XML schema versions.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExportRecordingResponse xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.2" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">

Get export capabilities

Use this example to retrieve export recording capabilities. The response shows that recordings can be exported as Matroska files.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExportRecordingResponse xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.2" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<ExportCapabilities ExportFormat="matroska">
<ExportEncryption EncryptionFormat="zip-aes256"/>

Get Recording ID

Use this example to retrieve the Recording ID. Use record/list.cgi from the Recording API. See Recording API.



The response shows the Recording ID and information such as recording start time and stop time. Only a part of the response is shown here. For details, see List recordings.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<root xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation= "">
<recordings totalnumberofrecordings="30" numberofrecordings="30" >
<recording diskid="SD_DISK" recordingid="20141211_091153_025B_00408CCAD5D78" ... >
<video ... />
<audio ... />

Get recording export properties

Use these examples to retrieve recording export properties. Export properties include the recording’s start time, stop time and an estimated file size. Clients should always request recording export properties before exporting a recording.

Retrieve information about a recording

To retrieve export properties for a complete recording, specify the Recording ID and the Disk ID:




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExportRecordingResponse xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.1" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<ExportProperties RecordingId="20141211_091153_025B_00408CCAD5D78" ExportFormat="matroska" EstimatedFileSize="1234" Starttime="2014-12-11T09:11:52Z" Stoptime="2014-12-11T11:00:46Z"/>

Retrieve information about a recording between a time interval

To retrieve export properties for a part of a recording, specify the start and stop times.

In this example, the complete recording’s start time is 2014-12-11 09:11:53 and the stop time is 2014-12-11 11:00:46. The part of the recording to be exported has start time 2014-12-11 09:45:11 and stop time 2014-12-11 10:10:00. These are the start and stop times specified in the export properties request.



The response shows that the recording’s proper start time is 09:45:09. The proper start time is the preceding key frame that is closest to the start time specified in the request. Make sure to use the proper start time when exporting the recording.


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExportRecordingResponse xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.1" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<ExportProperties RecordingId="20141211_091153_025B_00408CCAD5D78" ExportFormat="matroska" EstimatedFileSize="1234" Starttime="2014-12-11T09:45:09Z" Stoptime="2014-12-11T10:10:00Z"/>

Retrieve information about a recording encrypted with 256–bit AES




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExportRecordingResponse SchemaVersion="1.2" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<ExportProperties RecordingId="20121211_091153_025B_00408CCAD5D78" ExportFormat="matroska" EncryptionFormat="zip-aes256" EstimatedFileSize="1234" Starttime="2012-12-11T09:11:52Z" Stoptime="2012-12-11T10:10:00Z"/>

Export the recording

Use the following examples to export a complete or parts of a recording.

Export a complete recording

To export a complete recording, specify the Recording ID, the Disk ID and the export format:




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="20141211_0911531234_20141211_1234565678.mkv"
Content-Type: video/x-matroska

<file data>

Export part of a recording

To export a part of a recording, specify the start and stop times retrieved in the response from record/export/properties.cgi.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="20141211_0945091234_20141211_1010565678.mkv"
Content-Type: video/x-matroska

<file data>

Export a recording

To export a recording, specify the Recording ID, the Disk ID, the export format and the start and stop times.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-disposition: attachment; filename="20121211_0945091234_20121211_1010005678.mkv"
Content-Type: video/x-matroska

<file data>

Export an ongoing recording

Export an ongoing recording. In this example, the recording’s start time is 2014-12-11 12:11:53 and the recording is exported at 2014-12-12 14:15:43. The exported file contains video from the start time to the export time 2014-12-12 14:15:43.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-disposition: attachment; filename="20141211_1211531234_20141212_1415435678.mkv"
Content-Type: video/x-matroska

<file data>

Export a complete recording and specify the file name

Specify the file name when exporting a recording. The file extension is added automatically.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-disposition: attachment; filename="my_file.mkv"
Content-Type: video/x-matroska

<file data>

Export a recording in a ZIP archive encrypted with 256–bit AES

To export a recording as a ZIP-file you must use the following request:




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-disposition: attachment; filename=""
Content-Type: application/zip

<ZIP file data>

Export part of a recording to USB

  1. Start exporting the recording using exporttoexternal.cgi.




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExportRecordingResponse SchemaVersion="1.2" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<ExportToExternal JobId="1" FilePath="video.mkv"/>
  1. Check the progress.




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExportRecordingResponse SchemaVersion="1.2" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<JobStatus Status="In Progress" Progress="45"/>

API specification

Get schema versions

Use record/export/schemaversions.cgi to retrieve the supported XML schema versions.


  • Access control: admin, operator, viewer
  • Method: GET



This CGI has no arguments


Responses from record/export/schemaversions.cgi


A successful request returns the supported schema versions.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExportRecordingResponse xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.1" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">

Supported elements, attributes and values:

ExportRecordingResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
SchemaVersionsSuccessSuccessful request.
SchemaVersionContains one schema version.
VersionNumberSchema version. See XML schemas.
DeprecatedIf true, this version of the XML Schema is deprecated and should not be used.


If an error occurred, a GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40

Get capabilities

Use record/export/capabilities.cgi to retrieve capabilities supported by the Export Recording API.


  • Access control: admin, operator, viewer
  • Method: GET



with the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>IntegerRequired. The major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.


Responses from record/export/capabilities.cgi


A successful request returns supported capabilities.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExportRecordingResponse xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.1" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<ExportCapabilities ExportFormat="[Format 1]"/>
<ExportCapabilities ExportFormat="[Format 2]"/>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

ExportRecordingResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
CapabilitiesSuccessSuccessful request.
ExportCapabilitiesContains one Export Recording API capability.ExportFormatSupported media format.


If an error occurred, a GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40

Get export properties

Use record/export/properties.cgi to retrieve recording export properties. Export properties include the recording’s start time, stop time and an estimated file size. The start time in the response is the proper start time, that is, the preceding key frame that is closest to the requested start time.

Clients should always request recording properties before exporting a recording.

To retrieve properties from a specific time interval, specify the start and stop times in the request.


  • Access control: admin, operator, viewer
  • Method: GET



with the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>IntegerRequired. The major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
recordingid=<string>StringRequired. The recording’s Recording ID.
diskid=<string>StringRequired. Disk ID of the disk where the recording is stored.
starttime=<time>UTC ISO 8601 combined date and time. (See Date and time format)Optional. Start time. Use if retrieving recording export properties for a part of a recording.If omitted, start time is set to the recording’s beginning.
stoptime=<time>UTC ISO 8601 combined date and time. See Date and time formatOptional. Stop time. Use if retrieving recording export properties for a part of a recording.Ongoing recordings: If stoptime is omitted, stop time is set to the time the request is sent.Finished recordings: If stoptime is omitted, stop time is set to the recording end time.
exportformat=<string>StringOptional. The media format that the recording should be exported to.
encryptionformat=<string>StringOptional. Specifies the encryption format of the recording.


Responses from record/export/properties.cgi


A successful request returns information about the recordings.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExportRecordingResponse SchemaVersion="1.2" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<ExportProperties RecordingId="[Recording ID]" ExportFormat="[Format]" EncryptionFormat="[Encryption format]" EstimatedFileSize="[File size]" Starttime="[Start time]" Stoptime="[Stop time]"/>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

ExportRecordingResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
PropertiesSuccessSuccessful request.
ExportPropertiesContains information about one recording.RecordingIdRecording ID.
ExportFormatMedia format.
EncryptionFormatEncryption format.
EstimatedFileSizeEstimated file size. Unit: kilobytesIf the file size cannot be estimated, the size is set to -1.
StarttimeRecording start time.The returned start time is set to the preceding key frame that is closest to the start time in the request.
StoptimeRecording stop time.


If an error occurred, a GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 40, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180

Export recording

Use record/export/exportrecording.cgi to export a recording. To only export a part of a recording, specify the start and stop times.

The recording is exported as a single playable file in the specified export format, for example Matroska. If no file name is specified, the file is given a default name constructed from the recording’s start and stop times.


  • Access control: admin, operator, viewer
  • Method: GET



with the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>IntegerRequired. The major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
recordingid=<string>StringRequired. Recording ID of the recording to export
diskid=<string>StringRequired. Disk ID of the disk where the recording is stored.
exportformat=<string>StringRequired. Media format to export the recording to. Use record/export/properties.cgi to retrieve supported media formats.
starttime=<time>UTC ISO 8601 combined date and time. (See Date and time format)Optional. Start time. Use if exporting a part of a recording.The start time should match a key frame; use the start time from the response from record/export/properties.cgi.If start time does not match a key frame, the start time is set to the closest preceding key frame. If the set start time is outside the recording, a best effort response is returned.If starttime is omitted, start time is set to the recording’s beginning.
stoptime=<time>UTC ISO 8601 combined date and time. (See Date and time format)Optional. Stop time. Use if exporting a part of a recording.Ongoing recordings: If stoptime is omitted, stop time is set to the time the export recording request is sent.Finished recordings: If stoptime is omitted, stop time is set to the recording end time.If the set stop time is outside the recording, a best effort response is returned.
filename=<string>StringOptional. Name of the exported file. The name must be UTF-8 encoded. File extension will be added automatically and should not be specified.
password=<string>StringOptional. Specifies if the exported file should be password protected. It is recommended to not have a password exceed 99 characters, as some applications may not be able to run it. Maximum length is 512 bytes.
encryptionformat=<string>StringRequired if a password has been set and also specifies the encryption format. Please note that a password must be set before you can use encryptionformat.


Responses from record/export/exportrecording.cgi


A successful request returns the exported recording as a single playable file. If filename was specified in the request, the file is named accordingly. If filename was not specified, the file is given a default name. The default name is constructed using the exported recording’s start and stop times. Start time is set to the preceding key frame that is closest to the requested start time. Stop time is the requested stop time or the end of the recording. If a password has been set the file will be encrypted according to the encryption format. Recordings encrypted in a ZIP archive and without a specified file name will receive a randomized name in the format

Success Matroska

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-disposition

    attachment; filename="YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.mkv"

  • Content-Type



HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-disposition: attachment; filename="20121219_123456_20121220_123456.mkv"
Content-Type: video/x-matroska

<file data>

Success ZIP archive

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-disposition

    attachment; filename=""

  • Content-Type



HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-disposition: attachment; filename=""
Content-Type: application/zip

<file data>

Export a recording to an external disk

Available from version 1.1.

Export the recording to an external disk (e.g. USB). It is not possible to run several export-to-external simultaneously.


  • Access control: viewer
  • Method: GET


ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>IntegerRequired. The major version of the XML Schema to use for the response.
recordingid=<string>StringRequired. Recording ID of the recording to export.
diskid=<string>StringRequired. Disk ID of the disk where the recording is stored.
externaldiskid=<string>StringRequired. Specifies the disk the recording should be exported to. Allowed values are USB_DISK.
exportformat=<string>StringRequired. Media format to export the recording to. Use record/export/properties.cgi to retrieve supported media formats.
starttime=<time>UTC ISO 8601 combined data and time. (See Date and time format)Optional. Start time. Use if exporting a port of a recording.The start time should match a key frame; use the start time from the response from record/export/properties.cgi.If start time does not match a key frame, the start time is set to the closest preceding key frame. If the set start time is outside the recording, a best effort response is returned.If starttime is omitted, start time is set to the recording’s beginning.
stoptime=<time>UTC ISO 8601 combined data and time. (See Date and time format)Optional. Stop time. Use if exporting a part of a recording.Ongoing recordings: If stoptime is omitted, stop time is set to the time the export recording request is sent.Finished recordings: If stoptime is omitted, stop time is set to the recording end time.
filepath=<string>StringOptional. Specifies where the exported recording will be saved and what file name it will get. Any missing directories in the path will be created. If no file path is specified, a default file name will be used and the exported recording is saved to the root of the external disk. No .. are allowed in the path.
password=<string>StringOptional. Specifies if the exported file should be password protected. It is recommended to not have a password exceed 99 characters, as some applications may not be able to run it. Maximum length is 512 bytes.
encryptionformat=<string>StringRequired if a password has been set and also specifies the encryption format. Please note that a password must be set before you can use encryptionformat.


Returns a job ID that can be used to track the status of the export.


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExportRecordingResponse SchemaVersion="1.2" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<ExportToExternal JobId="[jobid1]" FilePath="[filepath1]"/>


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExportRecordingResponse SchemaVersion="1.2" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">

Get job status

Available from version 1.1.

Request to query the job status of a specified job.


  • Access control: viewer
  • Method: GET


ArgumentValid valuesDescription
schemaversion=<integer>IntegerRequired. The major version of the XML Schema to use for the response.
jobid=<integer>IntegerRequired. Specifies the job that the status should be returned for.


Returns the job status. It is possible to receive the job status for all ongoing jobs and the last five completed ones.


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


For ongoing and successfully completed jobs:

Status can be either In Progress or Done, while Progress is an integer with a value between 0–100 (or -1 if the progress is unknown).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExportRecordingResponse SchemaVersion="1.2" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<JobStatus Status="[status]" Progress="[progress]"/>

For failed jobs:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExportRecordingResponse SchemaVersion="1.2" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExportRecordingResponse SchemaVersion="1.2" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">

General error response

General error response from Export recording API.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ExportRecordingResponse xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.1" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<ErrorCode>[error code]</ErrorCode>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

ExportRecordingResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
ErrorCodeA numeric error code. See table below.
ErrorDescriptionDescription of the error.
Error codeDescriptionCGI
10Error while processing the request.All
20Invalid request.All
40Specified version is not supported.All
110Recording not
120Invalid start
130Invalid stop
140Invalid start time. The requested start time is after the stop
150Invalid start time. The requested start time is after the recording’s stop
160Invalid stop time. The requested stop time is before the recording’s start
170Invalid export
180Requested export format is not compatible with the media
190Job not found.getjobstatus.cgi
200Invalid external disk.exporttoexternal.cgi
210Unusable external disk.exporttoexternal.cgi
220Maximum number of jobs reached.exporttoexternal.cgi
230Invalid file path.exporttoexternal.cgi
240Invalid password.exporttoexternal.cgi
250Invalid encryption``exporttoexternal.cgi
260Password not set.exporttoexternal.cgi
270Encryption format not set.exporttoexternal.cgi
280Requested encryption format is not compatible with requested export exporttoexternal.cgi

Edge storage events and actions

Event recording ongoing

The Recording ongoing event is emitted when there is an ongoing recording to an edge storage device.


  • Name: tnsaxis:Storage/tnsaxis:Recording
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Recording ongoing

Source instance


Data instance

  • Nice name: Recording ongoing
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: recording
  • isPropertyState: true

Event storage disruption detection

The Storage disruption detection event is true when there is a problem with a storage device.

The event is emitted with data instance disruption set to true in the following situations: storage is unmounted, storage is mounted in read-only mode, on read/write errors, storage is removed, storage is full, storage is locked.

The event is emitted with data instance disruption set to false in the following situations: storage is mounted successfully with read/write permissions, a storage that was locked has been unlocked, data has been successfully removed so that the storage is no longer full.

Use disks/checkdisk.cgi and/or disks/list.cgi to troubleshoot storage problems.


  • Name: tnsaxis:Storage/tnsaxis:Disruption
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Storage Disruption

Source instance

  • Name:


  • Type: string

  • Nice name: Disk

Data instance

  • Nice name: Storage Disruption
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: disruption
  • isPropertyState: true

Record video action template

Use the Record Video action to record video to a storage device, for example an SD card or a network share. For information about how to retrieve recordings, see Recording API.

This action can be run as:

  • fixed action — video is recorded during a pre-event and post-event time

  • unlimited action — video is recorded during a pre-event time, while the event is running and during a post-event time

  • Action ID

  • Action ID

ParameterValid valuesDescription
stream_optionsPercent-encoded stringList of stream parameters such as resolution, compression etc. All parameters supported by RTSP and HTTP stream requests can be used. See Parameter specification RTSP URL and Video streaming over HTTP. Example: stream_options=resolution%3D640x480%26compression%3D30%26rotation%3D180
pre_durationUnsigned integerPre-trigger time in milliseconds. Specify the number of milliseconds to include from the time immediately before the event.
post_durationUnsigned integerPost-trigger time in milliseconds. Specify the number of milliseconds to include from the time immediately after the event.
storage_idDisk IDDisk ID of the storage device to record to. Use axis-cgi/disks/list.cgi?diskid=all to list the disks supported by the product. For information about storage disks, see Disk management API.

Recording group video action template

By using this action along with Recording group allows you to record video to a recording group, for example on an SD card or a network share. This is useful when you want to set up a recording group that with multiple actions creates a single recording, even when two or more actions are active in parallel.

This action can be run as:

  • unlimited action — video is recorded during a pre-duration time, while the event is running and during a post-duration time.

  • Action ID

ParameterValid valuesDescription
recording_group_idRecording group IDRecording group ID for the recording group to record to.