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Event and action services

This section describes how to use the VAPIX® Event service and action service APIs available in Axis network video products with firmware 5.50 and later. The APIs are based on web services.

The Event and action services are used to configure the Axis product to perform actions when the product detects an occurrence of some kind, for example to start a recording if motion is detected outside office hours or to run a guard tour once every hour.

The Event service is used to:

  • List events
  • Configure recurring events (schedules and recurrences)
  • Emit virtual input events

Events can be used in actions rules and in notification subscriptions.

For information about available events, see Event declarations.

The Action service is used to:

  • List action and recipient templates
  • Create action configurations
  • Create action rules

For information about available action templates, see Action templates.

For information about available recipient templates, see Recipient templates.

See also the Event and action services sample code and the VAPIX® Entry service sample code.



Use VAPIX® Entry service API to check if the API is supported.

  • Namespace:
  • Namespace:
  • Firmware: 5.50

Supported events, action templates and recipient templates are product dependent.

API specification

The API specifications are available as WSDL files at:


The parameter-based event handling system in products with firmware prior to 5.40 is deprecated but supported for backward compatibility.

Event and action configurations created using the parameter-based API and the web services-based API are stored in separate configuration domains.

Relationship to parameter based API

VAPIX® Event and action services APIs replace the parameter-based event handling system in products with firmware prior to 5.40. Some changes include:

  • Event servers are replaced by Recipients.
  • Event types (parameter group Event.E#) are replaced by Action rules. In contrast to Event types, an Action rule can have multiple conditions (triggers).
  • Triggers are replaced by Start event and conditions.

See also Terminology.

Existing Event types can be converted to Action rules from the product’s webpages.


  • Action: An action is a task that can be performed by the Axis product. The action is initiated by an action rule. Examples: record video, send e-mail, activate output port.
  • Action rule: An action rule specifies how and when the Axis product should perform an action. Example: record video when motion is detected outside office hours.
  • Condition: An additional condition that must be fulfilled to trigger the action rule.
  • Event: Event is used as a collective name for stateful and stateless events. Events are emitted when the Axis product detects an occurrence of some kind, for example motion in the camera’s field of view or a signal from an I/O port. Events can be used in action rules (as start event or condition) and in notification subscriptions.
  • Fixed action: A fixed action runs during a fixed, predefined time. Depending on the action type, the length of time is defined by one or more action parameters, by the length of the audio clip to be played or similar.
  • Recipient: A recipient is a network resource that can receive data, for example video clips or notification messages. Examples: network share, FTP server, email address.
  • Stateful event: A stateful event is a property (a state variable) with a number of states. The event is always in one of its states. Example: The Motion Detection event is in state true when motion is detected and in state false when motion is not detected.
  • Stateless event: A stateless event is a momentary occurrence (a pulse). Example: Storage device removed.
  • Unlimited action: An unlimited action runs as long as all conditions are fulfilled.
  • Start event: A condition that must be fulfilled to trigger the action rule. Called Trigger in the product’s webpages.

Events, actions and action rules

This section contains examples showing how to use the Event and action services. All examples are written in C#; modify as required for applications in other languages.

Identification using entry service

To check if the Axis product supports the Event and action services APIs, use GetServices from VAPIX® Entry service API as outlined below. The Entry service API is available for products with firmware 5.60 and later. For products with firmware 5.50, use the helper functions defined in appendix Helper functions.

We start by defining the IP address, user name and password for the Axis product and the namespaces of the event and action services. Then we use CreateEntryServiceClient to create an entry service client.


The function CreateEntryServiceClient is defined in the VAPIX® Entry service API sample code. For more information about the entry service, see the VAPIX® Entry service API documentation.

// Define the address, user name and password for the Axis product. <ip-address> is an IP address or host name.
string address="<ip-address>";
string username="<user name>";
string password="<password>";

// Define the namespaces of the event and action services.
string eventTargetNamespace = "";
string actionTargetNamespace = "";

// Create an Entry Service client.
EntryClient myEntryService = CreateEntryServiceClient(address, username, password);

Next, we use the entry service client and GetServices to get a list of all services in the Axis product. We then search the list to check if the event and action services are included.

If a service is found, use CreateEventServiceClient and CreateActionServiceClient to create service clients. See Helper functions. These functions are not part of the API and are created in the same way as CreateEntryServiceClient.

// Get a list of all services.
Service[] serviceList = myEntryService.GetServices(false);

// Check if event service is supported. If supported, create a service client.
for (i = 0; i < serviceList.count; i++)
if (serviceList[i].Namespace == eventTargetNamespace)
// Get the service address.
string eventXaddr = serviceList[i].Xaddr;

// Create an event client.
EventClient myEventService = CreateEventServiceClient(eventXaddr, username, password);

// Check if action service is supported. If supported, create a service client.
if (serviceList[i].Namespace == actionTargetNamespace)
// Get the service address.
string actionXaddr = serviceList[i].Xaddr;

// Create an action client.
ActionClient myActionService = CreateActionServiceClient(actionXaddr, username, password);


The term event is used as a collective name for stateful and stateless events.

  • Stateful event: A stateful event is a property (a state variable) with a number of states. The event is always in one of its states. Example: The Motion detection event is in state true when motion is detected and in state false when motion is not detected.
  • Stateless event: A stateless event is a momentary occurrence (a pulse). Example: Storage device removed

Events are emitted when the Axis product detects an occurrence of some kind, for example motion in the camera's field of view or a signal from an I/O port. Events can be used in action rules (as start event or as a condition) and in notification subscriptions.

Events are added and removed dynamically depending on device configuration. For example, when a motion detection window is configured, a motion detection event is added.

To list the currently available events, use GetEventInstances as described in section List events. The response is the event declaration topic tree described in section Event topic tree syntax. The list of events can be used to construct event filter expressions for notification subscriptions and for action rule configuration.

It is also possible to list events using HTTP as described in section List events using HTTP.

List events

To list events, use GetEventInstances as in the example outlined below. The example uses myEventService created in section Identification using entry service.

// List event instances.
TopicSetType response = myEventService.GetEventInstances();
XmlElement[] eventInstances = response.Any;
catch (Exception e)

Event topic tree syntax

The events are listed as a wstop:TopicSet tree containing aev:MessageInstance elements in each leaf topic. The aev:MessageInstance element describes the content of the event.

The topic tree has the following syntax:

<TOPIC1 aev:NiceName="topic1_nicename" wstop:topic="true">
<TOPIC2 aev:NiceName="topic2_nicename" wstop:topic="true">
<aev:MessageInstance aev:isProperty="true">
<aev:SimpleItemInstance aev:NiceName="key_nicename" Type="VALUETYPE"
<aev:Value aev:NiceName="value1_nicename">value1</aev:Value>
<aev:Value aev:NiceName="value2_nicename">value2</aev:Value>
<aev:SimpleItemInstance aev:NiceName="NICENAME" Type="VALUETYPE" Name="KEYNAME"

A real case would look like this:

<tnsaxis:TriggerLevel aev:NiceName="Audio detection" wstop:topic="true">
<aev:MessageInstance aev:isProperty="true">
<aev:SimpleItemInstance aev:NiceName="Channel" Type="xsd:int"
<aev:SimpleItemInstance aev:NiceName="Above alarm level" Type="xsd:boolean" Name="triggered"

The prefix aev is a placeholder for the namespace

Each MessageInstance element describes one type of event. If the event is stateful, the isProperty attribute is true. If the event is stateless, the isProperty attribute is omitted.

The MessageInstance element lists SourceInstance and DataInstance elements. Depending on the type of event, SourceInstance or DataInstance can be omitted. An event may have several DataInstance elements.

SourceInstance contains a SimpleItemdescribing the source of the event, for example an I/O port. DataInstance contains a SimpleItem describing the data that generates the event.

SimpleItems are described by SimpleItemInstance elements. Each SimpleItemInstance contains attributes and a list of Value child elements. The Name attribute is the name of the SimpleItem. The Type attribute describes the datatype for the SimpleItem values. The NiceName attribute is optional and contains the Key's nice name.

If the event is stateful, one of the DataInstance elements contains a SimpleItem of type boolean with the isPropertyState attribute set to true. This SimpleItem describes the current state of the event (for example the state of the I/O port).

For stateless event, the isPropertyState attribute is omitted.

The Value elements contains the possible values for the SimpleItem. The NiceName attribute is optional.

List events using HTTP

Listing events using HTTP is an alternative to using GetEventInstances. The HTTP method gives the same topic tree as GetEventInstances.

To request a list of events (the topic tree) using HTTP, send the following SOAP message to the Axis product using the URL http://<ip>/vapix/services. The HTTP header must contain the Content-Type below.


  • Content-Type

    application/soap+xml; action=; Charset=UTF-8


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC=""
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<m:GetEventInstances xmlns:m=""/>


An action is a task that can be performed by the Axis product. The action is initiated by an action rule (see Action rules). Examples: record video, send e-mail, activate output port.

A fixed action runs during a fixed, predefined time. Depending on the action type, the length of time is defined by one or more action parameters, by the length of the audio clip to be played or similar. An unlimited action runs as long as all conditions are fulfilled.

Action templates

An action template defines an action type. The template lists the parameters needed to configure the action. If the action uses a recipient, the supported recipient type is also listed.

Supported operations:

  • GetActionTemplates — list the action templates supported by the Axis product

An example of how to get an action template could look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:aa="" xmlns:soap="">
<aa:GetActionTemplates xmlns="">

An example of how an action implementation could look like:

NewActionConfiguration newAction = new NewActionConfiguration
TemplateToken = "",
Parameters = new ActionParameters
Parameter = new[]
new ActionParameter { Name = "location", Value = "etc/audioclips/" }

For available action templates, see Action templates.

Action configurations

An action configuration specifies an action to be performed. The action configuration is created by specifying an action template and a list of parameters. If the action template refers to a recipient template, the parameters in the recipient template must also be added to the action configuration.

The action configuration ID identifies the action configuration and is used as input when creating an action rule.

Supported operations:

  • AddActionConfiguration — create a new action configuration
  • GetActionConfigurations — list all stored action configurations
  • RemoveActionConfiguration — remove an action configuration

An example of how to get an action configuration could look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:aa="" xmlns:soap="">
<aa:GetActionConfigurations xmlns="">

Create an action configuration

The example in this section shows how to create an action configuration that sets output port 1 to state high.

The example uses myActionService created in section Identification using entry service.

The action template defines the unlimited output port action which has two parameters: port is I/O port number and state is the state to set the port to. For more information about the output port action template, see Output Port Action.


All parameters must be specified; if a parameter should not be used, its value should be set to an empty string.

// Verify that the camera supports the action.
ActionTemplate[] actiontemplates = myActionService.GetActionTemplates();
if (actiontemplates.Any(
template => template.TemplateToken == "") == false)
// Camera does not support the output port action.

// Create output port action
NewActionConfiguration newAction = new NewActionConfiguration
TemplateToken = "",
Parameters = new ActionParameters
Parameter = new[]
new ActionParameter { Name = "port", Value = "1" }
new ActionParameter { Name = "state", Value = "high" }

// Add the action to the camera.
string actionId = myActionService.AddActionConfiguration(newAction);
catch (Exception e)


A recipient is a network resource that can receive data, for example video clips or notification messages. Examples: network share, FTP server, email address.

Recipient templates

A recipient template defines a recipient type. The template lists the parameters used to configure a recipient of the given type.

Supported operations:

  • GetRecipientTemplates — list the recipient templates supported by the Axis product

An example of how to get a recipient template could look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:aa="" xmlns:soap="">
<aa:GetRecipientTemplates xmlns="">

For available recipient templates, see Recipient templates.

Recipient configurations

A recipient configuration specifies the parameters for a recipient. A recipient configuration is created by specifying a recipient template and a list of parameters. Recipient configurations are optional and are only used to store the parameters on the Axis product. The recipient configurations are not used directly in action configurations.

Supported operations:

  • AddRecipientConfiguration — create a new recipient configuration
  • GetRecipientConfigurations — list all stored recipient configurations
  • RemoveRecipientConfiguration — remove a recipient configuration

An example of how to get a recipient configurations could look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:aa="" xmlns:wsnt="" xmlns:tns1="" xmlns:tnsaxis="" xmlns:soap="">
<aa:GetRecipientConfigurations xmlns="">

Using recipients in an action configuration

The example in this section shows how to use a recipient in an action configuration. The action and the recipient are both defined by the action template. For example, the template com.axis.action.fixed.notification.http defines the action Send Notification and the recipient HTTP.

The action parameters and the recipient parameters are provided as ActionParameters in the NewActionConfiguration operation. In this example, parameters message and parameters belong to the Send Notification action while the remaining parameters belong to the HTTP recipient.

For more information about the action and the recipient templates, see Send notification action and HTTP recipient.


All parameters must be specified; if a parameter should not be used, its value should be set to an empty string.

The example uses myActionService created in section Identification using entry service.

// Create send notification action
NewActionConfiguration newAction = new NewActionConfiguration
TemplateToken = "com.axis.action.fixed.notification.http",
Parameters = new ActionParameters
Parameter = new[]
new ActionParameter{ Name = "message", Value = "The message to send" },
new ActionParameter{ Name = "parameters", Value = "" },
new ActionParameter{ Name = "upload_url", Value = "http://ip_address/cgi-bin/notify.cgi" },
new ActionParameter{ Name = "login", Value = "myusername" },
new ActionParameter{ Name = "password", Value = "mypassword" },
new ActionParameter{ Name = "proxy_host", Value = "" },
new ActionParameter{ Name = "proxy_port", Value = "" },
new ActionParameter{ Name = "proxy_login", Value = "" },
new ActionParameter{ Name = "proxy_password", Value = "" },
new ActionParameter{ Name = "qos", Value = "0" }

// Add action to the camera.
string actionId = myActionService.AddActionConfiguration(newAction);
catch (Exception e)

Action rules

An action rule specifies how and when the Axis product performs an action. Example: record video when motion is detected outside office hours.

An action rule consists of:

  • a start event
  • one or more conditions
  • a primary action

Fallback actions are not supported.

The primary action will be executed when the start event occurs and all specified conditions are fulfilled. The start event can be omitted. Conditions can also be omitted, but either a start event or at least one condition must be specified. The action will be stopped when any of the conditions is no longer fulfilled.


Fixed actions can be used with any combination of start events and conditions. Unlimited actions require at least one condition to prevent the action from running indefinitely; the start event may however be omitted.

The start event and the conditions are specified using TopicExpression and MessageContent filters. See Event topic tree syntax . All mandated dialects specified in ONVIF™ Core Specification 1.02 are supported.

The start event can be any valid filter expression, as defined by ONVIF™ Core Specification 1.02.

Each condition should be specified by a separate filter expression which must describe one stateful event. Stateless events cannot be used as conditions. If the provided filter does not match any stateful events or matches multiple stateful events, the AddActionRule request will fail with InvalidconditionFilterFault reply.

The primary action is specified using an action configuration as described in Setting up an action rule. Fallback actions are not supported.

Supported operations:

  • AddActionRule — create a new action rule
  • GetActionRules — list all stored action rules
  • RemoveActionRule — remove an action rule

Setting up an action rule

This example shows how to set up an action rule that plays an audio clip ( if tampering is detected while Input 1 is active.

The example uses myActionService created in section Identification using entry service.

Start event: TamperingEvent: tns1:VideoSource/tnsaxis:TamperingSee Camera tampering event.
Condition: Input 1 activeEvent: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:I0/tnsaxis:PortSee Digital Input Event.
Primary action: Play audio clipAction template: Play audio clip action.

The action rule is created in two steps:

  1. The action rule is created in two steps:

    The action configuration is created using AddActionConfiguration.

  2. The action rule is created using AddActionRule. The Action Configuration ID actionId returned by AddActionConfiguration specifies the primary action.

// Verify that the camera supports the action.
ActionTemplate[] actiontemplates = myActionService.GetActionTemplates();
if (actiontemplates.Any(
template => template.TemplateToken == "") == false)
// Camera does not support the play audio clip action.

// Create play audio clip action
NewActionConfiguration newAction = new NewActionConfiguration
TemplateToken = "",
Parameters = new ActionParameters
Parameter = new[]
new ActionParameter { Name = "location", Value = "etc/audioclips/" }

// Add the action to the camera.
string actionId = myActionService.AddActionConfiguration(newAction);

// Create action rule
NewActionRule newActionRule = new NewActionRule
Name = "Play audio clip on tampering",
StartEvent = FormatTopicExpression("tns1:VideoSource/tnsaxis:Tampering"),
Conditions = new[]
"boolean(//SimpleItem[@Name=\"port\" and @Value=\"1\"]) and "
+ "boolean(//SimpleItem[@Name=\"state\" and @Value=\"1\"])")
PrimaryAction = actionId,
Enabled = true

// Add the action rule to the camera.
string actionRuleId = myActionService.AddActionRule(newActionRule);
catch (Exception e)

Scheduled events

A scheduled event is active during specific time periods defined by an iCalendar schedule. Scheduled events can be used in action rules and in notification subscriptions.

There are two types of schedules:

  • An interval schedule emits a stateful event at the scheduled start time. The event will remain active until the scheduled end time. The schedule can be repeated according to a recurring rule. Example: A schedule named "Office Hours" which is active from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
  • A pulse schedule emits a stateless event at the scheduled start time and can be repeated according to a recurring rule. Pulse schedules are typically used for recurrences, for example to run an action once every hour.

Supported operations:

  • AddScheduledEvent — create a scheduled event
  • GetScheduledEvents — list scheduled events
  • RemoveScheduledEvent — remove a scheduled event


A schedule is specified by providing a start time, an end time and a recurring rule. The schedule format is designated by a wrapper element whose name defines the syntax and semantics of the schedule description format. The supported schedule description format is a subset of the iCalendar format specified in RFC 5545.

DTSTART:<start date>
DTEND:<end date>
RRULE:<recurring rule>

<start date> is the start date and time of the first occurrence of the event. Both date and time are required and should be specified according to ISO 8601. The time is the product's local time; time zone information is not supported.

For interval schedules, <end date> is the end date and time of the first occurrence of the event. Use the same format as for <start date>. For pulse schedules, <end date> should be omitted.

<recurring rule> specifies the repetitions of the event. The following subset of the iCalendar specification is supported:

RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY[;BYDAY=[[-]<0-5>]<MO | TU | WE | TH | FR | SA | SU>,...][;INTERVAL=<1-*>]

Create a scheduled event

This examples shows how to create a scheduled event with an interval schedule that runs from 6 am to 9 am, Monday through Friday.

The example uses myEventService created in section Identification using entry service.

// Create the scheduled event.
NewScheduledEvent scheduledEvent = new NewScheduledEvent
Name = "My schedule",
Schedule = new Schedule
ICalendar = new ICalendar
Value =
"DTSTART:20111212T06:00 " +
"DTEND:20111212T09:00 " +

// Add the scheduled event.
string scheduledEventId = myEventService.AddScheduledEvent(scheduledEvent);
catch (Exception e)

Virtual input events

A virtual input event is emitted when the state of a virtual input port is changed. Virtual input ports can be used in the same way as (physical) input ports. A virtual input port is in one of the states: true and false.

Use ChangeVirtualInputState to emit a virtual input event. An emitted virtual input event is stateful.

See also Virtual input API.

Event declarations

Call events:

  • Call/State. See .
  • Call/StateChange. See .
  • Call/DTMF. See .

PTZ events:

Edge storage events:

I/O events:

Scheduled and recurring events:

Device status events:

Device events:

Heartbeat events:

Connector events:

Video encoder events:

Video analytics events:

Video source events:

Audio source events:

  • AudioSource/TriggerLevel. See .

System message events:

ACAP events:

UserAlarm/Recurring Events

Scheduled event

A scheduled event triggers actions during specific time periods.

For information about supported schedule formats, see Schedules.


  • Name: tns1:UserAlarm/tnsaxis:Recurring/tnsaxis:Interval
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Scheduled event

Source instance

  • Nice name: Schedule
  • Type: string
  • Name: id
ValueNice name
com.axis.schedules.office_hoursOffice Hours
com.axis.schedules.after_hoursAfter Hours
com.axis.schedules.weekendsWeekends[User-defined name]

Data instance

  • Nice name: Active
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: active
  • isPropertyState: true

Recurring event

A recurring event triggers actions repeatedly, for example every 5 minutes.

For information about supported schedule formats, see Schedules.


  • Name: tns1:UserAlarm/tnsaxis:Recurring/tnsaxis:Pulse
  • Type: Stateless
  • Nice name: Recurring pulse

Source instance

  • Nice name: Schedule
  • Type: string
  • Name: id
ValueNice name[User-defined name]

Data instance

Not applicable.

Device status events

System ready event

The system ready event is true when the product has been started and all services are running. The event can for example be used to detect that a product has been restarted.


  • Name: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Status/tnsaxis:SystemReady
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: System ready

Source instance

Not applicable.

Data instance

  • Nice name: Ready
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: ready
  • isPropertyState: true

Temperature above event

The temperature above event is true when the temperature is above the operating range of the product.


  • Name: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Status/tnsaxis:Temperature/tnsaxis:Above
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Above operating temperature

Source instance

Not applicable.

Data instance

  • Nice name: Above range
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: sensor_level
  • isPropertyState: true

Temperature below event

The temperature below event is true when the temperature is below the operating range of the product.


  • Name: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Status/tnsaxis:Temperature/tnsaxis:Below
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Below operating temperature

Source instance

Not applicable.

Data instance

  • Nice name: Below range
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: sensor_level
  • isPropertyState: true

Temperature inside event

The temperature inside event is true when the temperature is inside the operating range of the product.


  • Name: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Status/tnsaxis:Temperature/tnsaxis:Inside
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Within operating temperature

Source instance

Not applicable.

Data instance

  • Nice name: Within range
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: sensor_level
  • isPropertyState: true

Temperature outside event

The Temperature outside event is true when the temperature is outside the operating range of the product.


  • Name: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Status/tnsaxis:Temperature/tnsaxis:Above_or_below
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Above or below operating temperature

Source instance

Not applicable.

Data instance

  • Nice name: Above or below range
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: sensor_level
  • isPropertyState: true

Hardware failure events

Fan failure event

The fan failure event is true if the product’s fan does not work. The fan can be built into the product or be a rack fan connected to a video encoder blade. For products with multiple fans, there is one event for each fan.


  • Name: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:HardwareFailure/tnsaxis:FanFailure
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Fan failure

Source instance

  • Nice name: Fan
  • Type: integer
  • Name: fan
ValueNice name
[number of fans]

Data instance

  • Nice name: Fan failure
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: fan_failure
  • isPropertyState: true

Power supply failure event

The power supply failure event is true if the power supply does not work.


  • Name: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:HardwareFailure/tnsaxis:PowerSupplyFailure
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Power supply failure

Source instance

  • Nice name: Power
  • Type: integer
  • Name: power
ValueNice name
[number of power supplies]

Data instance

  • Nice name: Power critical
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: power_critical
  • isPropertyState: true

Temperature critical event

The temperature critical event is true if the temperature measured by the temperature sensors exceeds the operating range of the product.


  • Name: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:HardwareFailure/tnsaxis:TemperatureCritical
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Temperature critical

Source instance

  • Nice name:
  • Type: integer
  • Name: temperature
ValueNice name
[number of temperature sensors]

Data instance

  • Nice name: Temperature is critical
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: temperature_critical
  • isPropertyState: true

Network events

Network lost event

The network lost event is true if network connection is lost.

The event can for example be used to start recording to the SD card if network is lost.


  • Name: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Network/tnsaxis:Lost
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Network lost

Source instance

  • Nice name: Interface
  • Type: string
  • Name: interface
ValueNice name
ethn [n = number of network interfaces + 1]

Data instance

  • Nice name: Lost
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: lost
  • isPropertyState: true

IP address added

The network IP address event is triggered when the device is assigned a new IP address from, for example, the DHCP server.


  • Name: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Network/AddressAdded
  • Type: Stateless
  • Nice name: AddressAdded

Source instance

  • Nice name: Interface
  • Type: string
  • Name: interface
ValueNice name

Data instance

  • Nice name: Origin
  • Type: string
  • Name: origin
Link localUsed for linklocal addresses.
DHCPUsed for DHCP assigned addresses.
RARouter advertisements (only for IPv6 addresses).
StaticConfigured static addresses.
  • Nice name: Address
  • Type: string
  • Name: address

Please note that the address can be either an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

IP address removed

The IP address removed event is triggered when an address is removed from the device.


  • Name: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Network/AddressRemoved
  • Type: Stateless
  • Nice name: AddressRemoved

Source instance

  • Nice name: Interface
  • Type: string
  • Name: interface
ValueNice name

Data instance

  • Nice name: Origin
  • Type: string
  • Name: origin
Link localUsed for linklocal addresses.
DHCPUsed for DHCP assigned addresses.
RARouter advertisements (only for IPv6 addresses).
StaticConfigured static addresses.
  • Nice name: Address
  • Type: string
  • Name: address

Please note that the address can be either an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

Device sensor events

PIR sensor event

The PIR sensor event is true when the PIR sensor detects motion.


  • Name: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Sensor/tnsaxis:PIR
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: PIR sensor

Source instance

  • Nice name: Sensor
  • Type: integer
  • Name: sensor
ValueNice name
n = number of PIR sensors - 1

Data instance

  • Nice name: Active
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: state
  • isPropertyState: true

Device casing events

Open casing detection event

The open casing detection event is true when the casing of a connected external device, such as a junction box or cabinet, is removed or opened. This can for example be used to send notifications of maintenance or unauthorized tampering.


  • Name: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:Casing/tnsaxis:Open
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Casing Open

Source instance

Not applicable.

ValueNice name
JunctionBoxJunction box

Data instance

  • Nice name: Open
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: Open
  • isPropertyState: true

Connector events

Audio connector event

The audio connector event is true if equipment is connected to the audio connector.


  • Name: tns1:Connector/tnsaxis:Source
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Audio connector

Source instance

  • Nice name: Connector
  • Type: integer
  • Name: connector
ValueNice name
[number of connectors]

Data instance

  • Nice name: Connected
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: connected
  • isPropertyState: true

Video encoder events

Video connected event

The video connected event is available in video encoders. The event is true when the video encoder receives a video signal from the analog camera. There is one event for each video channel.


  • Name: tns1:VideoEncoder/tnsaxis:Connections
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Video connected

Source instance

  • Nice name: Channel
  • Type: integer
  • Name: channel
ValueNice name
[number of video channels]

Data instance

  • Nice name: Connected
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: connected
  • isPropertyState: true

Video analytics events

Motion detection event


Deprecated in firmware 5.80 and later. The parameter-based motion detection is deprecated and replaced by the AXIS Video motion detection 3 API in the Applications folder.

The Motion detection event is true when motion is detected in a motion detection window.


  • Name: tns1:VideoAnalytics/tnsaxis:MotionDetection
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Motion detection

Source instance

  • Nice name: Window
  • Type: integer
  • Name: window
ValueNice name
0User-defined name (default: [0] DefaultWindow)
1User-defined name (default: [1] DefaultWindow)
n = maximum number of windows + 1User-defined name (default: [n] DefaultWindow)

Data instance

  • Nice name: motion detected
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: motion
  • isPropertyState: true

Video source events

Day/night vision mode event

The Day/night vision mode event is true when the product is in day mode (IR cut filter is on).

This event can for example be used to control an external IR light connected to the product’s digital output port.


  • Name: tns1:VideoSource/tnsaxis:DayNightVision
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Day night vision

Source instance

  • Nice name: Video source configuration token
  • Type: integer
  • Name: VideoSourceConfigurationToken
ValueNice name
n = number of video channels

Data instance

  • Nice name: day
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: day
  • isPropertyState: true

Live stream accessed event

The live stream accessed event is true when the Axis product sends a live media stream (video, audio or metadata) to a client.


  • Name: tns1:VideoSource/tnsaxis:LiveStreamAccessed
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Live stream accessed

Source instance

Not applicable.

Data instance

  • Nice name: Accessed
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: accessed
  • isPropertyState: true

Camera tampering event

The camera tampering event is emitted when the camera is redirected, covered or de-focused.


  • Name: tns1:VideoSource/tnsaxis:Tampering
  • Type: Stateless
  • Nice name: Camera tampering

Source instance

  • Nice name: Channel
  • Type: integer
  • Name: channel

Data instance

  • Nice name: Tampering
  • Type: integer
  • Name: tampering
ValueNice name

System message events

Action failed event

The action failed event is emitted if an action cannot be started. The event is emitted for both primary actions and fallback actions.


Fallback actions are not supported.


  • Name: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:SystemMessage/tnsaxis:ActionFailed
  • Type: Stateless
  • Nice name: Action failed

Source instance

Not applicable.

Data instance

  • Nice name: Description
  • Type: string
  • Name: description

Value: String that describes the error.

ACAP events

Application event - C applications

Events from the ACAP are defined by its application. For applications written in C, events are defined using the library libs/acapevent.


  • Name: tns1:CameraApplicationPlatform/tnsaxis:[ApplicationName]
  • Type: Application dependent
  • Nice name: Defined by the application

Source instance

  • Nice name: —
  • Type: string
  • Name: app
ValueNice name

Data instance

  • Nice name: —
  • Type: string
  • Name: event
  • isPropertyState: true. Omitted if the event is stateless.
ValueNice name
[String with the name of the event.]

Application event - Lua applications

Events from the ACAP are defined by its application. For applications written in Lua, events are defined from the application package’s xml configuration file.


  • Name: tns1:RuleEngine/tnsaxis:[ApplicationName]/tnsaxis:[EventName]
  • Type: Application dependent
  • Nice name: Defined by the application

Source instance

  • Nice name: Defined from application configuration
  • Type: boolean or string (defined from application configuration)
  • Name: Defined from application configuration
ValueNice name
Defined from application configuration

Data instance

  • Nice name: Defined from application configuration
  • Type: boolean or string (defined from application configuration)
  • Name: Defined from application configuration
  • isPropertyState: true. Omitted if the event is stateless.

Action templates

This section describes available action templates. Each template lists the parameters needed to configure the action. All parameters must be specified; if a parameter should not be used, its value should be set to an empty string.


Supported templates are product and firmware dependent. Use GetActionTemplates to list the action templates supported by the Axis product.

Activate light action

Use the activate light action to turn on the product’s built-in light.

This action can be run as:

  • fixed action — keep the light lit for a predefined time (defined by parameter duration).

  • unlimited action — keep the light lit as long as all event conditions are fulfilled.

  • Action ID


  • Action ID


ParameterValid valuesDescription
sourceUnsigned integerThe Light ID.
level Product-dependent0 ... 100The light intensity.
fade_in Product-dependent0 10 = Set light directly to the set level 1 = Turn on the light gradually until the set level is reached.
fade_out Product-dependent0 10 = Turn off the light abruptly 1 = Turn off the light gradually
frequency Product-dependent0 ... 100The strobe frequency in Hz. Set to 0 to disable.
durationUnsigned integerFixed actions: Number of seconds to keep the light lit.

Day/night mode action

Use the Day/night mode action to enable and disable the IR cut filter. The action is unlimited and the IR cut filter remains in set state as long as all conditions are fulfilled. When the conditions are no longer fulfilled, the IR cut filter returns to the opposite state.

  • Action ID: com.axis.action.unlimited.ircutfilter
ParameterValid valuesDescription
active_stateyes no auto Product dependent. Not supported by video encoders and mechanical PTZ cameras.Active state. yes = The IR cut filter is enabled. no = The IR cut filter is disabled. auto = The IR cut filter is enabled and disabled automatically depending on the lighting conditions.
inactive_stateyes no auto Product dependent. Not supported by video encoders and mechanical PTZ cameras.Inactive state. yes = The IR cut filter is enabled. no = The IR cut filter is disabled. auto = The IR cut filter is enabled and disabled automatically depending on the lighting conditions.

For fixed cameras, the IR cut filter is controlled by the ImageSource.I0.DayNight.IrCutFilter parameter. For mechanical PTZ cameras and for video encoders, the IR cut filter is controlled by the PTZ.Various.V1.IrCutFilter parameter.

LED control

Use LED control action to flash the product’s LED indicators.

This action can be run as:

  • This action can be run as:

    fixed action — flash the LED during the time defined by parameter duration

  • unlimited action — flash the LED as long as all event conditions are fulfilled

  • Action ID


  • Action ID


ParameterValid valuesDescription
ledStringThe LED name. Valid names are listed as LedName in the response from axis-cgi/ledcontrol/getleds.cgi?schemaversion=1
colorStringThe color. Valid color names are listed as ColorName in the response from axis-cgi/ledcontrol/getleds.cgi?schemaversion=1
durationUnsigned integerFixed actions: Number of seconds to keep flashing the LED.
intervalUnsigned integerNumber of milliseconds between flashes.

Common examples

Example 1

Use the following command to make your device present you with the number of available LEDs (LEDname) and colors (ColorName).


Example 2

Use the following command to make the tally-led flash for 10 seconds with the color red.


Overlay text action

Use the overlay text action to display a dynamic text overlay. The action makes use of the modifier #D. By default, #D is an empty string. When the overlay text action is activated, #D is replaced by the text stored in parameter text (see table below).

If you use the index parameter, the action will write text to a specific text overlay specified by the modifier #D<index>. See Dynamic text overlay. An action configured with an index will ignore the channels parameter.

When using this action, enable overlay text in the video channel and include the modifier #D in the overlay text. See example below.

This action can be run as:

  • fixed action — keep the overlay text during a predefined time (defined by parameter duration)

  • unlimited action — keep the overlay text as long as all event conditions are fulfilled.

  • Action ID


  • Action ID


ParameterValid valuesDescription
textStringThe text to display. The modifier #D will be replaced by this text when the action is active.
channelsStringComma-separated list of the video channels where the overlay text should be displayed.
durationUnsigned integerFixed actions: Number of seconds to display the text.
indexinteger from 1 to 16Optional. Specifies the dynamic text index to which the action applies. Using this parameter makes the channels parameter redundant.

This example shows how to use to the overlay text action to display the text "Active input ports: input 1" for 10 seconds when input port 1 becomes active. When the input port is inactive, the text "Active input ports:" is displayed.

First, enable overlay text and set the text to "Active input ports: #D".


Next, create an action configuration and an action rule. This example uses myActionService created in section Identification using entry service.

// Verify that the camera supports the action.
ActionTemplate[] actiontemplates = myActionService.GetActionTemplates();
if (actiontemplates.Any(
template => template.TemplateToken == "com.axis.action.fixed.set_overay") == false)
// Camera does not support the overlay text action.

// Create overlay text action
NewActionConfiguration newAction = new NewActionConfiguration
TemplateToken = "com.axis.action.fixed.set_overlay",
Parameters = new ActionParameters
Parameter = new[]
new ActionParameter { Name = "text", Value = "input 1" }
new ActionParameter { Name = "channels", Value = "1" }
new ActionParameter { Name = "duration", Value = "10" }

// Add the action to the camera.
string actionId = myActionService.AddActionConfiguration(newAction);

// Create action rule
NewActionRule newActionRule = new NewActionRule
Name = "Display overlay text",
StartEvent = FormatTopicExpression("tns1:Device/tnsaxis:IO/tnsaxis:Port",
"boolean(//SimpleItem[@Name=\"port\" and @Value=\"1\"]) and "
+ "boolean(//SimpleItem[@Name=\"state\" and @Value=\"1\"])")
PrimaryAction = actionId,
Enabled = true

// Add the action rule to the camera.
string actionRuleId = myActionService.AddActionRule(newActionRule);
catch (Exception e)

Play audio clip action

Use the play audio clip action to play an audio clip. The audio clip is an uploaded or recorded audio file which can be played by speakers built into or connected to the Axis product.

Action ID

  • Fixed:
  • Unlimited:
ParameterValid valuesDescription
locationLocal file pathThe audio clip location (path and file name) on the Axis product. The location is stored in parameter MediaClip.M#.Location. Default value: /etc/audioclips/
audiooutputAudio output parameterThe parameter that defines the audio output from which media clips should be played. The full parameter should look like this: Properties.Audio.Source.A[AudioOutput - 1].Output = "yes"

The # in MediaClip.M# identifies the clip and is replaced by an integer starting from 0.

It is also possible to stop the play audio clip action. This is done with a fixed action that halts the ongoing playback of the audio clips. No parameters exist for this action.

Action ID

  • Fixed: com.axis.action.fixed.stop.audioclip

Send images action

Use the send images action to send a images (JPEG) to a recipient.

This action can be run as:

  • fixed action — images are sent during a pre-event and post-event time.
  • unlimited action — images are sent during a pre-event time, while the event is running and during a post-event time.
RecipientRecipient IDAction ID
HTTPcom.axis.recipient.httpcom.axis.action.fixed.send_images.http com.axis.action.unlimited.send_images.http
HTTPScom.axis.recipient.httpscom.axis.action.fixed.send_images.https com.axis.action.unlimited.send_images.https
SMTPcom.axis.recipient.smtpcom.axis.action.fixed.send_images.smtp com.axis.action.unlimited.send_images.smtp
FTPcom.axis.recipient.ftpcom.axis.action.fixed.send_images.ftp com.axis.action.unlimited.send_images.ftp
SFTPcom.axis.recipient.sftpcom.axis.action.fixed.send_images.sftp com.axis.action.unlimited.send_images.sftp
Network Sharecom.axis.recipient.networksharecom.axis.action.fixed.send_images.networkshare com.axis.action.unlimited.send_images.networkshare

Specify the following parameters:

ParameterValid valuesDescription
stream_optionsPercent-encoded stringList of stream parameters such as resolution, compression etc. All parameters supported by RTSP and HTTP stream requests can be used.Example: stream_options=resolution%3D640x480%26compression%3D30%26rotation%3D180Available RTSP stream parameters are listed in Parameter specification RTSP URL.Available HTTP stream parameters are listed in Image request arguments.
pre_durationUnsigned integerPre-trigger time in milliseconds. Specify the number of milliseconds to include from the time immediately before the event.
post_durationUnsigned integerPost-trigger time in milliseconds. Specify the number of milliseconds to include from the time immediately after the event.
create_folderStringCreate a folder on the recipient to store uploaded files in. Modifiers can be used, see Modifiers.
filenameStringFile name for uploaded files. Modifiers can be used, see Modifiers.
max_sequence_numberUnsigned integerThe maximum sequence number to use in file names if modifier #s is used. 0 = no maximum
max_imagesUnsigned integerMaximum number of images to upload. 0 = no limit
images_per_mailUnsigned integerSMTP recipients: The maximum number of images per email.
custom_paramsStringHTTP and HTTPS recipients: Additional CGI arguments.
subjectStringSMTP recipients: Email subject. Modifiers can be used, see Modifiers.
messageStringSMTP recipients: Email message. Modifiers can be used, see Modifiers.

Send an MQTT message

This action is used when you want to configure an action rule by sending an MQTT message using the template com.axis.action.fixed.mqttpublish.

ParameterValid valuesDescription
TopicStringThe message topic. Must be at least one character and up to 1024.
QoS0, 1, 2Sets the Quality of Service level of the MQTT message,
Retainedtrue, falseDictates if the MQTT message should be sent as a retained message.
PayloadStringThe message payload that may include modifiers as per the modifiers section. May be empty, but not contain any more than 8192 characters.

Please note that the MQTT client needs to be configured, activated and connected for messages to be successfully published.

Send notification action

Use the send notification action to send notification messages to a recipient. The notification message can be formatted using modifiers, see Modifiers.

The action can be run as:

  • fixed action — messages are sent during a pre-event and post-event time
  • unlimited action — (TCP recipients only) messages are sent during a pre-event time, while the event is running and during a post-event time. Please note that a minimum period of 1 is required when using this action.
RecipientRecipient IDAction ID
TCPcom.axis.recipient.tcpcom.axis.action.fixed.notification.tcp com.axis.action.unlimited.notification.tcp

Specify the following parameters:

ParameterValid valuesDescription
messageStringNotification message. Spaces are allowed. Modifiers can be used, see Modifiers.HTTP and HTTPS recipients: The message will be sent in a CGI argument called Message. Spaces are allowed. If using more than 255 characters, some or all of the information provided in parameters (see below) will be excluded.
parametersStringHTTP and HTTPS recipients: Additional CGI arguments. Spaces are not allowed; all text must be percent-encoded.
periodUnsigned integerTCP recipients, continuous upload: Number of seconds between successive notification messages.
subjectStringSMTP recipients: Email subject. Modifiers can be used, see Modifiers.
methodGET POST PUT PATCH DELETEFor HTTP and HTTPS notifications: The HTTP method to use when sending a notification. Defaults to GET if empty.
http_headersValid HTTP headersFor HTTP and HTTPS notifications: Multiple lines of valid HTTP headers, such as Content-Type: "application/json".
bodyStringFor HTTP and HTTPS notifications: The data that will be sent in the request body by POST, PUT and PATCH.

Send video clip action

Use the send video clip action to send a video clip to a recipient.

This action can be run as:

  • fixed action — video is recorded during a pre-event and post-event time
  • unlimited action — video is recorded during a pre-event time, while the event is running and during a post-event time
RecipientRecipient IDAction ID
HTTPcom.axis.recipient.httpcom.axis.action.fixed.send_videoclip.http com.axis.action.unlimited.send_videoclip.http
HTTPScom.axis.recipient.httpscom.axis.action.fixed.send_videoclip.https com.axis.action.unlimited.send_videoclip.https
SMTPcom.axis.recipient.smtpcom.axis.action.fixed.send_videoclip.smtp com.axis.action.unlimited.send_videoclip.smtp
FTPcom.axis.recipient.ftpcom.axis.action.fixed.send_videoclip.ftp com.axis.action.unlimited.send_videoclip.ftp
SFTPcom.axis.recipient.sftpcom.axis.action.fixed.send_videoclip.sftp com.axis.action.unlimited.send_videoclip.sftp
Network sharecom.axis.recipient.networksharecom.axis.action.fixed.send_videoclip.networkshare com.axis.action.unlimited.send_videoclip.networkshare

Specify the following parameters:

ParameterValid valuesDescription
stream_optionsPercent-encoded stringList of stream parameters such as resolution, compression etc. All parameters supported by RTSP and HTTP stream requests can be used.Example: stream_options=resolution%3D640x480%26compression%3D30%26rotation%3D180Available RTSP stream parameters are listed in Parameter specification RTSP URL.Available HTTP stream parameters are listed in Image request arguments.
pre_durationUnsigned integerPre-trigger time in milliseconds. Specify the number of milliseconds to include from the time immediately before the event.
post_durationUnsigned integerPost-trigger time in milliseconds. Specify the number of milliseconds to include from the time immediately after the event.
create_folderStringCreate a folder on the recipient to store uploaded files in. Modifiers can be used, see Modifiers.
filenameStringFile name for uploaded files. Modifiers can be used, see Modifiers.
max_file_sizeUnsigned integerNot supported. Use empty string.
max_durationUnsigned integerNot supported. Use empty string.
custom_paramsStringHTTP and HTTPS recipients: Additional CGI arguments.
subjectStringSMTP recipients: Email subject. Modifiers can be used, see Modifiers.
messageStringSMTP recipients: Email message. Modifiers can be used, see Modifiers.

Recipient templates

This section describes available recipient templates. Each template lists the parameters needed to configure the recipient. All parameters must be specified; if a parameter should not be used, its value should be set to an empty string.


Supported templates are product and firmware dependent. Use GetRecipientTemplates to list the recipient templates supported by the Axis product.

FTP recipient

An FTP recipient can receive video clips, uploaded images and notification messages.

  • Recipient ID: com.axis.recipient.ftp
ParameterValid valuesDescription
hostString (IP address or host name)Required. The address to connect to. Use the FTP server’s IP address or host name.
upload_pathStringPath to the FTP server directory where uploaded files should be stored. The directory must exist.
portUnsigned integerFTP port. Default: 21
loginStringUser name for the FTP server.
passwordStringPassword for the FTP server user.
passive1 0Use passive mode. If passive=1 the Axis product establishes a passive FTP connection to the FTP server using the PASV command. A passive connection is often required if there is a firewall between the product and the FTP server.
temporary1 0Supported in firmware 5.70 and later.Use temporary mode. If temporary=1, files are first uploaded to a temporary file on the FTP server. When upload is completed, the file is renamed and transferred to the final destination.
qos0 ... 63Quality of Service. The DSCP (Differentiated Services Codepoint) value for network traffic from the FTP recipient. Default: 0

SFTP recipient

An SFTP recipient uses SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) for encrypted transfer of video clips (action send video clip) and uploaded images (action send images). SFTP is a more secure method than FTP but file transfer might be slower, especially for large files such as high resolution video.

The SFTP recipient supports SFTP servers using SSH-2 with RSA and DSA host key types. RSA is the preferred method. To use DSA, disable the RSA key on the SFTP server.

  • Recipient ID: com.axis.recipient.sftp
ParameterValid valuesDescription
hostString (IP address or host name)Required. The address to connect to. Use the SFTP server’s IP address or host name.
upload_pathStringPath to the SFTP server directory where uploaded files should be stored. The directory must exist.
portUnsigned integerSFTP server port.Default: 22
loginStringUser name for the SFTP user.
passwordStringPassword for the SFTP user.
ssh_host_pub_key_md532 hexadecimal digitsThe MD5 checksum of the SFTP server’s public key.Case-insensitive string with 32 hexadecimal characters [0..9,A..F].It is mandatory to have at least one key. If SHA256 is given MD5 can be skipped.
ssh_host_pub_key_sha256StringThe SHA256 checksum of the server’s public key.It is mandatory to have at least one key. If MD5 is given SHA256 can be skipped.
ssh_auth_type1 Currently not supported 2SSH authentication type.1 = Public key authentication2 = Password authentication
ssh_public_key (Currently not supported)StringSSH public key.
ssh_private_key (Currently not supported)StringSSH private key.
ssh_private_key_passphrase (Currently not supported)StringSSH private key passphrase.
temporary1 0Not supported.
qos0 ... 63Quality of Service. The DSCP (Differentiated Services Codepoint) value for network traffic from the SFTP recipient.Default: 0

HTTP recipient

An HTTP recipient can receive video clips, uploaded images and notification messages.

  • Recipient ID: com.axis.recipient.http
ParameterValid valuesDescription
upload_urlStringRequired. A URL containing the network address to the HTTP server and the script that will handle the request. For example: http://ip_address/cgi-bin/notify.cgi
loginStringUser name for the HTTP server
passwordStringPassword for the HTTP server user
proxy_hostIP address or host nameProxy address
proxy_portUnsigned integerProxy port
proxy_loginStringUser name for the proxy
proxy_passwordStringPassword for the proxy user
qos0 ... 63Quality of Service. The DSCP (Differentiated Services Codepoint) value for network traffic from the HTTP recipient. Default: 0

HTTPS recipient

An HTTPS recipient can receive video clips, uploaded images and notification messages.

  • Recipient ID: com.axis.recipient.https
ParameterValid valuesDescription
upload_urlStringRequired. A URL containing the network address to the HTTPS server and the script that will handle the request. For example: https://ip_address/cgi-bin/notify.cgi
loginStringUser name for the HTTPS server
passwordStringPassword for the HTTPS server user
proxy_hostIP address or host nameProxy address
proxy_portUnsigned integerProxy port
proxy_loginStringUser name for the proxy
proxy_passwordStringPassword for the proxy user
qos0 ... 63Quality of Service. The DSCP (Differentiated Services Codepoint) value for network traffic from the HTTPs recipient. Default: 0
validate_server_cert0 11 = validate the HTTPS server certificate against certificates installed in the product. 0 = Do not validate the certificate.

Network share recipient

A network share recipient can receive video clips and uploaded images.

A network share can be a share on a NAS (Network Attached Storage) or any server that uses CIFS (Common Internet File System) also known as SMB (Server Message Block).

Using a network share recipient allows you to store recordings with user defined directory, structure and file names. The files are stored as mkv files.

  • Recipient ID: com.axis.recipient.networkshare
ParameterValid valuesDescription
upload_pathStringThe path to the directory on the network share where uploaded images or recordings should be stored.
share_idShare IDThe Share ID. The Share ID can be retrieved from axis-cgi/disks/networkshare/list.cgi?shareid=all
qos0 ... 63Quality of Service. The DSCP (Differentiated Services Codepoint) value for network traffic from the Network Share recipient. Default: 0

SMTP recipient

An SMTP recipient can receive notification messages. Snapshots can be attached as email attachments.

  • Recipient ID: com.axis.recipient.smtp
ParameterValid valuesDescription
email_toEmail addressThe email address to send messages to
email_fromEmail addressEmail address of the sender
hostIP address or host nameIP address or host name for the SMTP server
portUnsigned integerSMTP server port
loginStringUser name for the SMTP server
passwordStringPassword for the SMTP server user
pop_hostIP address or host nameIP address or host name for the POP3 server used for authentication
pop_portUnsigned integerPOP3 server port
pop_loginStringUser name for the POP server
pop_passwordStringPassword for the POP server user
qos0 ... 63Quality of Service. The DSCP (Differentiated Services Codepoint) value for network traffic from the SMTP recipient. Default: 0
encryptionnone ssl tlsThe encryption method to use.
validate_server_cert0 11 = validate the SMTP server certificate against certificates installed in the product. 0 = Do not validate the certificate.

TCP recipient

A TCP recipient can receive notification messages.

  • Recipient ID: com.axis.recipient.tcp
ParameterValid valuesDescription
hostIP address or host nameRequired. The IP address or host name of the TCP server.
portUnsigned integerTCP port
qos0 ... 63Quality of Service. The DSCP (Differentiated Services Codepoint) value for network traffic from the TCP recipient. Default: 0

Adding recipients

FTP recipient

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<SOAP-ENV:Body xmlns:act="">
 <act:Parameter Name="host" Value=""/>
<act:Parameter Name="upload_path" Value=""/>
<act:Parameter Name="port" Value="21"/>
<act:Parameter Name="login" Value="test"/>
<act:Parameter Name="password" Value="test"/>
<act:Parameter Name="passive" Value="0"/>
<act:Parameter Name="temporary" Value="0"/>
<act:Parameter Name="qos" Value="0"/>

TCP recipient

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:aa="" xmlns:soap="">
<aa:AddRecipientConfiguration xmlns="">
<Parameter Name="host" Value="">
<Parameter Name="port" Value="50000">
<Parameter Name="qos" Value="0">

HTTP recipient

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:aa="" xmlns:soap="">
<aa:AddRecipientConfiguration xmlns="">
<Parameter Name="upload_url" Value="{{HTTP_URL}}">
<Parameter Name="login" Value="{{HTTP_USER}}">
<Parameter Name="password" Value="{{HTTP_PASSWD}}">
<Parameter Name="proxy_host" Value="{{HTTP_PROXY}}">
<Parameter Name="proxy_port" Value="{{HTTP_PROXY_PORT}}">
<Parameter Name="proxy_login" Value="{{HTTP_PROXY_USER}}">
<Parameter Name="proxy_password" Value="{{HTTP_PROXY_PASSWD}}">
<Parameter Name="qos" Value="0">

HTTPS recipient

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
<SOAP-ENV:Body xmlns:act="">
<act:Parameter Name="validate_server_cert" Value="1"/>
<act:Parameter Name="upload_url" Value="{{HTTP_URL}}"/>
<act:Parameter Name="login" Value="{{HTTP_USER}}">
<act:Parameter Name="password" Value="{{HTTP_PASSWD}}">
<act:Parameter Name="proxy_host" Value="{{HTTP_PROXY}}">
<act:Parameter Name="proxy_port" Value="{{HTTP_PROXY_PORT}}">
<act:Parameter Name="proxy_login" Value="{{HTTP_PROXY_USER}}">
<act:Parameter Name="proxy_password" Value="{{HTTP_PROXY_PASSWD}}">
<act:Parameter Name="qos" Value="0">


Modifiers can be used to format file names, folders for uploaded images, notification messages, text in image overlays and similar. A modifier always starts with a % or # character, followed by another character.

The percent ("%") and hashtag ("#") must be percent-encoded. That means:

  • % = %25
  • # = %23

Use image-%F-%H-%M-%S.jpg so timestamp uploaded video snapshots with the date, hour, minute and second the snapshot was taken.

The following modifiers are available:


%cDate and time.Sun Dec 25 10:25:01 2011
%DDate in format MM/DD/YY.12/25/11
%FDate in format YYYY-MM-DD.2011–12–25
%xSame as %D.12/25/11


%pAM or PM according to the given time or the corresponding strings for the current locale. Noon is treated as PM and midnight as AM.
%rTime in a.m or p.m. notation.10:25:01 AM
%RTime in 24-hour notation without seconds.10:25
%TTime in 24-hour notation with seconds.10:25:01
%XSame as %T.
%zTime zone as offset from UTC.+0000
%ZTime zone name or abbreviation.GMT


%CThe century as a 2-digit number (year/100).20
%GThe ISO 8601 week-numbering year as a 4-digit number.2011
%gThe ISO 8601 week-numbering year as a 2-digit number without the century, range 00 to 99.11
%YThe Gregorian calendar year as a 4-digit number.2011
%yThe Gregorian calendar year as a 2-digit number without the century, range 00 to 99.11


%bAbbreviated month name.Dec
%BFull month name.December
%hSame as %b.
%mMonth as a 2-digit number, range 01 to 12.12


%UThe week number as a 2-digit number, range 00 to 53. Sunday is the first day of the week. Week 01 is the week starting with the first Sunday of the current year.52
%VThe ISO 8601 week number as a 2-digit number, range 01 to 53. Monday is the first day of the week. Week 01 is the first week that has at least four days in the current year.51
%WThe week number as a 2-digit number, range 00 to 53. Monday is the first day of the week. Week 01 is the week starting with the first Monday of the current year.51


%aAbbreviated weekday name.Sun
%AFull weekday name.Sunday
%dDay of the month as a 2-digit number, range 01 to 31.25
%eSame as %d but a leading zero is replaced by a blank space.25
%jDay of the year as a 3-digit number, range 001 to 366.359
%uDay of the week as an 1-digit number, range 1 to 7. Monday is 1.7
%wDay of the week as an 1-digit number, range 0 to 6. Sunday is 0.0


%HHour in 24-hour fomat, range 00 to 23.10
%IHour in 12-hour format, range 01 to 12.10
%kSame as %H but a leading zero is replaced by a blank space.
%lSame as %I but a leading zero is replaced by a blank space.


%MMinute as a 2-digit number, range 00 to 59.25


%f1/100 seconds as a 2-digit number.67
%sThe number of seconds since EPOCH, that is, since 1970–01–01 00:00:00 UTC.1319178723
%SThe current second as a 2-digit number, range 00 to 59.10

Product and system information

#iThe IP address.
#mThe short MAC address (last 6 characters).77:F8:26
#MThe full MAC address (all characters).00:40:8C:77:F8:26
#nThe host name.axis-00408c77f826
#U<index>The fan status. <index> = A specified fan. For example 1.Stopped
#TC<index>The temperature of the camera sensor in Celsius. <index> = A specified camera sensor. For example 1.48,4
#TF<index>The temperature of the camera sensor in Fahrenheit. index> = A specified camera sensor. For example 1.119,1

Video information Bit rate and frame rate modifiers are available in products with ARTPEC® chips.

#bBit rate in kbit/s (no decimals).16333
#BBit rate in Mbit/s (two decimals).16.33
#rFrame rate with two decimals.30.00
#RFrame rate without decimals.30
#vVideo source number.1

Pan/Tilt/Zoom information

#xPan coordinate (signed, with two decimals).—77.61
#yTilt coordinate (signed, with two decimals).—7.61
#zZoom coordinate (range 1 to 19999).256
#ZZoom magnification (with one decimal).12.0
#pPreset position number. If not at a preset position, blank space is used.3
#PPreset name. If not at a preset position, blank space is used.Door
#LOSDI (On Screen Directional Indicator) zone name. A zone within specified pan and tilt coordinates. If not within an OSDI zone, blank space is used.Construction


#sSequence number of the video image as a 5-digit number.
#DDynamic text overlay.
%%The % character.
##The # character.

Helper functions

This section defines the helper functions used in this document.

Create web service connections

CreateActionServiceClient creates an action service client.

/// <summary>
/// Creates an action service client with the specified address and the provided credentials.
/// </summary>
private static ActionClient CreateActionServiceClient(
string address, string userName, string password)
// Create SOAP 1.2 text encoding binding element.
TextMessageEncodingBindingElement soap12Encoding =
new TextMessageEncodingBindingElement(MessageVersion.Soap12, Encoding.UTF8);

// Create HTTP transport binding element with Digest authentication.
HttpTransportBindingElement httpTransport = new HttpTransportBindingElement();
httpTransport.AuthenticationScheme = AuthenticationSchemes.Digest;
System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding binding = new CustomBinding(soap12Encoding, httpTransport);
EndPointAddress endpoint = new EndpointAddress(string.Format("http://{0}/vapix/services", address));

// Create the client and set credentials.
ActionClient client = new ActionClient(binding, endpoint);
client.ClientCredentials.HttpDigest.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;
client.ClientCredentials.HttpDigest.ClientCredential.UserName = userName;
client.ClientCredentials.HttpDigest.ClientCredential.Password = password;
client.ClientCredentials.HttpDigest.ClientCredential.Domain = "localhost";
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = userName;
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = password;
return client;

CreateEventServiceClient creates an event service client.

/// <summary>
/// Creates an event service client with the specified address and the provided credentials.
/// </summary>
private static EventClient CreateEventServiceClient(
string address, string userName, string password)
// Create SOAP 1.2 text encoding binding element.
TextMessageEncodingBindingElement soap12Encoding =
new TextMessageEncodingBindingElement(MessageVersion.Soap12, Encoding.UTF8);

// Create HTTP transport binding element with Digest authentication.
HttpTransportBindingElement httpTransport = new HttpTransportBindingElement();
httpTransport.AuthenticationScheme = AuthenticationSchemes.Digest;
Binding binding = new CustomBinding(soap12Encoding, httpTransport);
EndpointAddress endpoint = new EndpointAddress(string.Format("http://{0}/vapix/services", address));

// Create the client and set credentials.
EventClient client = new EventClient(binding, endpoint);
client.ClientCredentials.HttpDigest.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;
client.ClientCredentials.HttpDigest.ClientCredential.UserName = userName;
client.clientCredentials.HttpDigest.ClientCredential.Password = password;
client.ClientCredentials.HttpDigest.ClientCredential.Domain = "localhost";
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = userName;
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = password;
return client;

Formatting data

The following functions are used to format XML data.

/// <summary>
/// Document header for XML documents.
/// </summary>
private const string DocumentHeader = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>";
/// <summary>
/// XML for a topic filter.
/// </summary>
private const string TopicXml =
@"<wsnt:TopicExpression " +
@"xmlns:tns1="""" " +
@"xmlns:tnsaxis="""" " +
@"xmlns:wsnt="""" " +
@"Dialect="""">" +
@"{0}" +
/// <summary>
/// XML for a message filter.
/// </summary>
private const string MessageXml =
@"<wsnt:MessageContent " +
@"xmlns:wsnt="""" " +
@"Dialect="""">" +
@"{0}" +
/// <summary>
/// Formats a topic expression from the provided topic and message filters.
/// </summary>
private static FilterType FormatTopicExpression(string topicFilter, string messageFilter = null)
// Create a list with the topic filter formatted as XML.
List<XmlElement> xmlElements = new List<XmlElement>
ToXml(TopicXml, topicFilter)

// If there is a message filter add it to the list.
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(messageFilter))
xmlElements.Add(ToXml(MessageXml, messageFilter));

// Return the formatted topic expression.
return new FilterType { Any = xmlElements.ToArray() };
/// <summary>
/// Converts a string to an <see cref="XmlElement"/>.
/// </summary>
private static XmlElement ToXml(string xml, string data)
string document = DocumentHeader + string.Format(xml, data);

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

return doc.DocumentElement;

Error handling

The following functions are used for error handling.

/// <summary>
/// Method for handling exceptions that can occur during web service calls.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="exception">The exception.</param>
private void HandleException(Exception exception)
if (exception is MessageSecurityException)
// Invalid credentials.
if (exception is FaultException)
// Check the documentation to see a list of possible faults.
if (exception is ProtocolException)
// .NET fails to catch some FaultExceptions so look at the ProtocolException to be sure
// that it isn't a hidded FaultException.
Exception e = ToFaultException(exception as ProtocolException);

if (e is FaultException)
// Check the documentation to see a list of possible faults.
// It is a real ProtocolException.
// These can be thrown if the client and server uses different versions of the WSDL.

if (exception is CommunicationException ||
exception is TimeoutException)
// Failed to contact camera.

// No recognized exception
throw exception;
/// <summary>
/// Transforms the exception to a FaultException if possible.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">The exception to transform.</param>
/// <returns>A FaultException or e if transformation failed.</returns>
private static Exception ToFaultException(CommunicationException e)
WebException webException = e.InnerException as WebException;
if (webException != null && webException.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError)
using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)webException.Response)
using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
if (responseStream != null && responseStream.CanRead)
using (StreamReader textStream = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8))
string soapErrorXml = textStream.ReadToEnd();
return ParseFaultException(soapErrorXml) ?? e;
catch (IOException)
return e;

return e;
// Strings used in the XML parsing.
private const string SoapNamespace = "{}";
private const string Fault = SoapNamespace + "Fault";
private const string Code = SoapNamespace + "Code";
private const string SubCode = SoapNamespace + "Subcode";
private const string Value = SoapNamespace + "Value";
private const string Reason = SoapNamespace + "Reason";
private const string Text = SoapNamespace + "Text";
/// <summary>
/// Parses the SOAP error.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="soapErrorXml">The SOAP error XML.</param>
/// <returns>The parsed error or null if parsing failed.</returns>
private static FaultException ParseFaultException(string soapErrorXml)
XDocument xml = XDocument.Parse(soapErrorXml);
var dec = xml.Descendants(Fault);
var fault =
(from faultItem in dec
select new
Code = GetValueOrDefault(faultItem.Elements(Code).Elements(Value)),
SubCode = GetValueOrDefault(
SubSubCode = GetValueOrDefault(
Reason = GetValueOrDefault(faultItem.Elements(Reason).Elements(Text))

FaultCode code;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fault.SubSubCode))
FaultCode subSubCode = new FaultCode(fault.SubSubCode, string.Empty);
FaultCode subCode = new FaultCode(fault.SubCode, string.Empty, subSubCode);
code = new FaultCode(fault.Code, string.Empty, subCode);
else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fault.SubCode))
FaultCode subCode = new FaultCode(fault.SubCode, string.Empty);
code = new FaultCode(fault.Code, string.Empty, subCode);
code = new FaultCode(fault.Code, string.Empty);

FaultException error = new FaultException(fault.Reason, code);

return error;
catch (XmlException)
// Parsing failed - return null;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the value of the first element in the list or an empty string if list is empty.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The value or an empty string if list is empty.</returns>
private static string GetValueOrDefault(IEnumerable<XElement> elements)
var element = elements == null ? null : elements.FirstOrDefault();
return element == null ? string.Empty : element.Value;