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Event data streaming


The event stream described in this section is available in Axis network video products with firmware 5.50 and later and contains all events emitted by the Axis product. A client may receive event notifications by subscribing to specific events in the stream. The events can be used to trigger actions in the Axis product or in other systems and can also be stored together with video and audio data for later access.

The event stream is sent over RTSP/RTP. Events emitted by Axis products are in XML format and follows the ONVIF standard. For more information about the standard, see ONVIF Core specification available at

This section describes how to get event notifications from the event stream using the RTSP API, that is, without implementing web services. The section discusses how to query the Axis product for supported events, how to subscribe to the event stream and how to interpret the response.

See also section Event and action services.

Event streaming workflow

Recommended workflow:

  1. Query the Axis product for supported events. See Query event declarations.

  2. Find the event topic names and select the events to subscribe to.

  3. Construct an event streaming RTSP request by specifying eventtopic and/or eventcontent filters. See Subscribe to the event stream, Event topic filter and Event content filter.

  4. Interpret the response. See Parse the event stream.

Event streaming considerations

To avoid overloading the Axis product, only subscribe to the events interesting to the client or application. Do not subscribe to more events than necessary. Event subscriptions start internal services in the Axis product and may cause performance problems.

A client should never assume that a specific event is available in the Axis product. Start by query the event declaration list.

Event producers, such as motion detection windows and uploaded applications, may be added or removed, for example by the product administrator.

Stateful and stateless events

Events are emitted when the Axis product detects an occurrence of some kind, for example motion in the camera’s field of view or a change of status from an I/O port. The events can be used to trigger actions in the Axis product or in other systems and can also be stored together with video and audio data for later access.

The term event is used as a collective name for stateful and stateless events.

  • Stateful event: A stateful event is a property (a state variable) with a number of states. The event is always in one of its states. Example: The Motion detection event is in state true when motion is detected and in state false when motion is not detected.
  • Stateless event: A stateless event is a momentary occurrence (a pulse). Example: Storage device removed.

A stateful event has attribute isProperty="true". Stateful events also have a DataInstance that contains a SimpleItem with attribute isPropertyState="true". This SimpleItem describes the current state of the event.

When connecting to a new event stream, all stateful events will send a notification with their current state.

An event declaration describes the event. The declaration consists of a MessageInstance with a SourceInstance that provides information about the source of the event and a DataInstance that specifies the event data. For an example of an event declaration, see Response example.

An event notification is the event information in the event stream. For an example of an event notification, see Event notifications.


The following requirements must be fulfilled:

  • Firmware: 5.50 and later
  • Property: Properties.API.Metadata.Metadata=yes
  • Property: Properties.API.Metadata.Version="1.00" and later

Previous firmware versions may also support event streaming, but due to differences in the implementation, some information in this section does not apply to older firmware versions.

When upgrading from firmware 5.40 to firmware 5.50, existing events are converted.


The parameter-based event handling system in products with firmware prior to 5.40 is deprecated but supported for backward compatibility.

Event and action configurations created using the parameter-based API and the web services-based API are stored in separate configuration domains.

Query event declarations

To query the Axis product for supported events, send a GetEventInstances request to the product. The response is a list of event declarations for all event types supported by the product. The information is organized as an event topic tree in XML format.

GetEventInstances request

Use GetEventInstances to get information about event instances. The request can be sent using the web services framework or using an HTTP POST request.

POST http://<servername>/vapix/services
Headerfield1: val1<CRLF>
Headerfield2: val2<CRLF>

Required header fields:

Header FieldDescription
AuthorizationAuthorization information from the client. Use standard VAPIX authorization.
Content-TypeThe Content-Type header field should contain:action=""

The request body should contain the following SOAP message:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi=""
<GetEventInstances xmlns=""/>

The following is an example of a POST request:

POST /vapix/services HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/soap+xml;
Authorization: Basic cm9vdDpwYXNz
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Length: 255
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<GetEventInstances xmlns=""/>

Response example

The response to the GetEventInstances request is an XML-formatted list with information about the event instances. The following example shows the part of the response describing the motion detection event.


The response below shows the event emitted by the Axis product’s built-in motion detection. Motion detection must be enabled for the event to appear in the event stream.

<tnsaxis:MotionDetection wstop:topic="true" aev:NiceName="Motion detection">
<aev:MessageInstance aev:isProperty="true">
<aev:SimpleItemInstance Type="xsd:int" Name="window">
<aev:Value aev:UserString="[0] DefaultWindow">0</aev:Value>
<aev:SimpleItemInstance aev:NiceName="motion detected" Type="xsd:boolean"
Name="motion" isPropertyState="true">

Attribute topic="true" means that the event is available. The SourceInstance element contains information about where the event came from. For the motion detection event, SourceInstance shows the window that generated the event. The DataInstance element contains the data that generated the event, in this case motion.

The prefixes tns1, tnsaxis and aev are placeholders for different namespaces. tns1 is the ONVIF namespace. tnsaxis is used for Axis-specific extensions to ONVIF. aev is the event namespace See also Namespaces.

The event topic tree syntax is described in Event topic tree syntax. A list of event declarations is available in Event declarations.

Event topic tree attributes

The event topic tree is an XML structure. The following table lists the most important attributes.

NiceNameThis attribute contains a user-friendly and human-readable name describing the event.A client should use NiceName when displaying the event to an end user. If there is no NiceName, use the Name attribute. If there is no Name, use the tag name.
isPropertyStateThis attribute defines the event as a stateful or stateless event.Stateful events have isPropertyState = true. The attribute is omitted for stateless events.
isApplicationDataThis attribute indicates that the event and/or data is produced for a specific system or application.Events with isApplicationData=true are usually intended to be used only by the specific system or application, that is, they are not intended to be used as triggers in an action rule in the Axis product.A client that does not know what the event or data is used for should not display the event to the end user.Note: isApplicationData should not be used in the event content filter when subscribing to the event stream.
isDeprecatedThis attribute indicates that the event is deprecated. A deprecated event is supported for backward compatibility but should not be used by a client or in an action rule. Instead, the event replacing the deprecated event should be used.A client should not display deprecated events.

Subscribe to the event stream


To avoid overloading the Axis product, only subscribe to the events interesting to the client or application. Do not subscribe to more events than necessary. Event subscriptions start internal services in the Axis product and may cause performance problems.

The event stream is sent over RTSP/RTP. To subscribe to the event stream, use the same syntax as when retrieving video and audio streams but include the arguments event and eventtopic in the request. If required, for example to pass firewalls, the request can be tunneled over HTTP in the same way as video streams.

For information about retrieving video and audio streams over RSTP and for information about HTTP tunneling, see section Video streaming over RTSP.



with the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
eventon offDefines whether event metadata should be available in the stream.on = Event data is = Event data is not included.Default: off
eventtopicstringDefines the event topic filters to include in the stream. Default value is an empty string, which means that all events are included.Do not subscribe to more events than necessary. Event subscriptions start internal processes in the Axis product and may cause performance problems.For more information and supported syntax, see Event topic filter.
eventcontentstringDefines the event content filters to include in the stream. Default value is an empty string.For more information and supported syntax, see Event content filter.
video0 1Defines whether video should be included in the stream.0 = No video.1 = Video.Default: 1
audio0 1Defines whether audio should be included in the stream.0 = No audio.1 = Audio.Default: 1
For additional arguments, see section Parameter specification RTSP URL.

The arguments eventtopic and eventcontent follow the Xpath syntax. XPath uses path expressions to select nodes or node sets in an XML document. The node is selected by following a path.


The namespaces used in eventtopic differ from the event declaration namespaces. For more information, see Namespaces.

Selected XPath expressions:

/Selects the child topic name from the topic tree.
//.Matches the topic subtree including the specified topic.
@Selects attributes.
|Logical OR operation that combines multiple topics into a single filter.


Event declarations and event topic filters use different namespaces. Event declarations use tns1 and tnsaxis while event topic filters use onvif and axis.

Use the following table to translate event declaration namespaces to event topic filter namespaces:

Event declaration namespaceEvent topic filter namespace

The motion detection event is tns1:VideoAnalytics/tnsaxis:MotionDetection in the event declaration. When subscribing to the event stream, this event should be referred to as onvif:VideoAnalytics/axis:MotionDetection in the eventtopic argument.

Event Topic NameTopic Filter

Event topic filter

To specify the events to be included in the stream, use the argument eventtopic. The argument should be a comma-separated list of event topic filters.



where <filter#> is a topic expression filter using the ConcreteSet dialect defined by ONVIF. The ConcreteSet dialect uses the following syntax:

TopicExpression ::= TopicPath (‘|’ TopicPath)*
TopicPath ::= RootTopic ChildTopicExpression*
RootTopic ::= Qname
ChildTopicExpression ::= ‘/’ ChildTopicName '//.'?
ChildTopicName ::= QName | NCName

Here, the syntax is written in simple Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF). For more information about the syntax, see the ONVIF core specification.

To set up an event topic filter, the topic name must be known. A list of event names and event declarations is available in section Event declarations.


The namespaces used in eventtopic differ from the event declaration namespaces. For more information, see Namespaces.

Subscribe to motion detection events.


Subscribe to events triggered by a signal from the I/O port.

&eventtopic=onvif:Device/axis:IO/Port//. | onvif:UserAlarm/axis:Recurring/Interval//.

Event content filter

To specify the event content to be included in the stream, use the argument eventcontent.



where <filter> is a message content filter expression using the ItemFilter dialect defined by ONVIF. The ItemFilter dialect uses the following syntax:

Expression ::= BoolExpr | Expression ‘and’ Expression | Expression ‘or’ Expression | ‘(‘ Expression ‘)’ | ‘not’ ‘(‘ Expression ‘)’
BoolExpr ::= ‘boolean’ ‘(‘ PathExpr ‘)’
PathExpr ::= // ’Prefix ‘:’ SimpleItem‘ NodeTest | //Prefix ‘:’? ElementItem‘ NodeTest
NodeTest ::= ‘[‘ AttrExpr ‘]’
AttrExpr ::= AttrComp | AttrExpr ‘and’ AttrExpr | AttrExpr ‘or‘ AttrExpr | ‘(‘ AttrExpr ‘)‘ | ‘not’ ‘(‘ AttrExpr ‘)‘
AttrComp ::= Attribute ‘=’ ‘"’ String ‘"’
Attribute ::= ‘@Name’ | ‘@Value’

Here, the syntax is written in simple Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF). For more information about the syntax, see the ONVIF Core Specification.

Consider the following notification:

<tt:Message UtcTime="2010-04-01T07:42:58.859045Z" PropertyOperation="Initialized">
<tt:Source><tt:SimpleItem Name="port" Value="1"/></tt:Source>
<tt:Data><tt:SimpleItem Name="state" Value="high"/></tt:Data>

It is possible to construct message content filters for the source, key and data elements. Some examples are shown in the table below.

Filter examplesDescription
eventcontent=boolean(//SimpleItem[@Name="port"])Filter events based on Name.
eventcontent=boolean(//SimpleItem[@Value="high"])Filter events based on Value
eventcontent=boolean(//SimpleItem[@Name="port" and @Value="high"])Filter events based on a Name and Value pair.
eventcontent=boolean(//SimpleItem[@Name="port" and @Value="1"]) and boolean(//SimpleItem[@Name="state" and @Value="high"])Filter events based on two Name and Value pairs.

The event content filter eventcontent is most useful when used together with the event topic filter eventtopic. For example:

eventcontent=boolean(//SimpleItem[@Name="port" and @Value="1"]) and boolean(//SimpleItem[@Name="state" and @Value="high"])

The spaces in the filter expression may need to be removed or percent-encoded to prevent parsing problems. Special characters, including quotation marks, should be percent-encoded.

The following example shows an event stream subscription with the eventtopic and eventcontent filters. In the eventcontent filter, spaces and quotation marks are percent-encoded.


Parse the event stream

Using the event streaming request including the eventtopic and/or eventcontent filters, a standard RTSP client can be used to establish a connection to the Axis product and receive the event stream.


It is recommended to retrieve the event stream over TCP and not UDP.

The next step is to parse the event notifications in the event stream. Event notifications are in XML format and follows the ONVIF standard defined in ONVIF Core specification. For an example, see Event notifications.

To synchronize the event stream with the video stream, a time conversion is required. The event stream uses UTC time which is an absolute time whereas the video stream uses RTP timestamps, that is, a relative time. The conversion between RTP timestamps and UTC time can be found in the RTCP packets.

Event notifications

Event notifications contain information such as: who produced the event, what happened and when did it happen.

As an example, consider motion detection. If motion detection is enabled in the Axis product, the following notification message is included in the event stream when motion is detected:

<tt:MetadataStream xmlns:tt="">
<tt:Event xmlns:tt="">
<wsnt:NotificationMessage xmlns:tns1=""
<wsnt:Topic Dialect="">
<tt:Message UtcTime="2013-12-12T13:25:15.900235Z" PropertyOperation="Changed">
<tt:SimpleItem Name="window" Value="0" />
<tt:SimpleItem Name="motion" Value="1" />

For a detailed description of the XML structure, see Event and action services and the ONVIF Core specification. The table below lists some of the XML elements in the example notification above.

XML elementDescription
TopicTopic. The Topic element contains the name of the topic. The topic name shows what happened, that is, the type of event emitted.Here, the topic name is tns1:VideoAnalytics/tnsaxis:MotionDetection
ProducerReferenceProducer reference. The ProducerReference element identifies the product that emitted the event.
SourceSource. The Source element identifies the component in the product that emitted the event.Here, the Source element contains <tt:SimpleItem Name="window" Value="0" /> which shows that the source of the event is motion detection window 0.
DataData. The Data element contains event data.Here, the Data element contains <tt:SimpleItem Name="motion" Value="1" /> which shows that the event was emitted when motion was detected (Value="1").
Message with attribute UtcTimeThe UtcTime attribute shows when the event took place.