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Input and outputs

This section describes I/O functionality in Axis products.

I/O port API


Most Axis products have integrated digital input and output ports which enable connection to external devices such as detectors, lights, switches and alarm relays. The number of I/O ports is product dependent. In some products, each I/O port can be configured to act as input or output.

Input ports – For external alarm devices that can toggle between an open and grounded (closed) circuit, for example a pushbutton or a door sensor. Devices connected to input ports are usually used to trigger alarms.

Output port – For external alarm devices such as relays and LEDs that, for example, are to be activated by a triggered/scheduled event.

For information about the manual trigger /io/virtualinput.cgi, see Virtual input API.


The port.cgi described in this document replaces the input.cgi and output.cgi from VAPIX version 2. The input.cgi and output.cgi are obsolete but supported for backwards compatibility. For products with configurable ports, port.cgi must be used.


  • Property: Properties.API.HTTP.Version=3.
  • Firmware: 5.00 and later
  • Product category: Products with I/O connectors

To configure Port n+1 (n is a non-negative integer) the product requires:

  • Parameter: IOPort.In.Configurable=yes

Numbering of I/O ports

The numbering of the I/O ports starts from one in port.cgi requests and in all responses. For the IOPort.I# parameter groups port numbering starts from zero.

The physical port labeled n in port.cgi requests and the corresponding parameter group is IOPort.I(n-1).

Common examples

Check the number of configured inputs.



  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain



Check the number of configured outputs.



  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain



Check if port 1 is configurable.



  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain



Set port 2 to active for 300 ms, wait 500 ms and then set the port to active for another 300 ms. That is, create two 300 ms pulses with a 500 ms delay between the pulses. Some characters in the action argument action=2:/300\500/300\ must be percent-encoded.


Check status of port 1 and 2.



  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain



Check if port 3 is active.



  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain



Monitor data on port 3.


The Content-type multipart/x-mixed-replace contains elements that are no longer supported by Chrome or Firefox, but still work in Edge.


a) Port 3 is an input port.


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-type

    multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=ioboundary


Content-Type: text/plain


Content-Type: text/plain


Content-Type: text/plain


Content-Type: text/plain


Content-Type: text/plain

Content-Type: text/plain


The characters / and \ indicate a change in the state. The characters H and L indicate that the state is unchanged.


Non-empty boundaries are sent when the port status changes. If there are no changes, empty boundaries are sent at 15-second intervals.

b) Port 3 is an output port.


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-type

    multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=ioboundary


Content-Type: text/plain


Content-Type: text/plain


Content-Type: text/plain


Content-Type: text/plain


Content-Type: text/plain

Content-Type: text/plain


The characters / and \ indicate a change in the state. The characters H and L indicate that the state is unchanged.


Non-empty boundaries are sent when the port status changes. If there are no changes, empty boundaries are sent at 15-second intervals.

I/O parameters

Port settings

The settings for the physical I/O port numbered # are defined by the group IOPort.I#, where # is an integer starting from 0 (zero) for the first physical port. These parameters are handled by param.cgi.


ParameterDefault valueValid valuesSecurity levelDescription
Configurableyes Product/release dependent. See the product’s release notes.yes noadmin: read operator: readThe port is configurable or not.
Directioninputinput outputadmin: read, write operator: readThe port is configured to act as input or output. Read-only for non-configurable ports.
Usage Product/release dependent. See the product’s release notes.Product/release dependent. See the product’s release notes.Stringadmin: read, write Product/release dependent. See the product’s release notes.
operator: read
Tells the intended purpose of the port and can be used as a hint for applications to automatically handle a port in a specific way. Example of valid values are: Button, Door, REX and Tampering. This parameter is read-only for non-configurable ports.
Input.Name Supported by products with configurable output ports.Port n+1 n is a non-negative integer.Stringadmin: read, write operator: readUser-friendly name for the input.
Input.Trig Supported by products with configurable output ports.closedclosed openadmin: read, write operator: readDetermines when to trig.closed=The input port triggers when the circuit is closed open=The input port triggers when the circuit is open.
Output.DelayTime1Integeradmin: read, write operator: readThe timeout period until the port returns to its idle state. The period is measured in seconds.
Output.Modebistablemonostable bistableadmin: read, write operator: readDecides if the port should return to its previous, idle state (monostable) after using DelayTime, or remain (bistable).
Output.Name Supported by products with configurable input ports.Port n+1 n is a non-negative integer.Stringadmin: read, write operator: readUser-friendly name for the output.
Output.Active Supported by products with configurable input ports.closedclosed openadmin: read, write operator: readThe active state of the output.closed=The output port is active when the circuit is closed open=The output port is active when the circuit is open.
Output.Button Supported by products with configurable input ports.nonenone pulse actinactadmin: read, write operator: readThe button type associated with this output.
Output.PulseTime Supported by products with configurable input ports.0Integeradmin: read, write operator: readThe pulsetime for the pulse button connected to this output, if any.

Input parameters

Input defines the input parameters. The parameter is handled by param.cgi.


ParameterDefault valuesValid valuesAccess controlDescription
NbrOfInputs0 Product-dependent. Check the product's specification.Integeradmin: read operator: read viewer: readNumber of inputs. When the ports are configurable this parameter is updated automatically to match the number of configured inputs. This means that this number is not related to the physical number of inputs for configurable ports.

Output parameters

Output defines the output parameters. The parameter is handled by param.cgi.


ParameterDefault valuesValid valuesAccess controlDescription
NbrOfOutputs0 Product-dependent. Check the product's specification.Integeradmin: read operator: read viewer: readNumber of outputs. When the ports are configurable this parameter is updated automatically to match the number of configured outputs. This means that this number is not related to the physical number of outputs for configurable ports.

Properties parameters

Defines certain properties of the I/O API.

ParameterDefault valuesValid valuesAccess controlDescription
ManualTriggerNbr6 Product-dependent. See your products specifications for additional information.Integeradmin: read operator: read viewer: readThe I/O number that the manual trigger port starts at. This is product dependent, but the default value is commonly 6 for product with up to 4 I/O ports. This is the number that should be used in virtualinput.cgi actions to generate a ManualTrigger event such as http://myserver/axis-cgi/io/virtualinput.cgi?action=6:/1000\.


Manage I/O ports - port.cgi

Use io/port.cgi to retrieve information about port status and directions, to activate and deactivate ports and to monitor ports.


In port.cgi requests and in all responses, port numbering (Port ID below) starts from one (where one corresponds to the physical port labeled ‘1’).

  • Security level: viewer
  • Method: GET

With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
check=<int>[,<int>,...]<Port ID 1>[<Port ID 2>,...]Return the status (1 or 0) of one or more ports numbered <Port ID 1>, <Port ID 2>, ... 1 = Closed circuit. 0 = Open circuit.
checkactive=<int> [,<int>,...]<Port ID 1>[,Port ID 2>,...]Return the status (active or inactive) of one or more ports numbered <Port ID 1>, <Port ID 2>, ... This value depends on the parameters Output.Active for an output and Input.Trig for an input.If the port is an output and Output.Active is configured as closed, then this request will return active if the port state is closed. The same goes for an input port that has Input.Trig configured as closed.
checkdirection=<int> [,<int>,...]<Port ID 1>[,<Port ID 2>,...]Return the port direction (input or output) of one or more ports numbered <Port ID 1>, <Port ID 2>,...
monitor=<int>[,<int>,...] Outputs and inputs must be monitored separately.<Port ID 1>[,Port ID 2>,...]Return a multipart stream of "check" ports (see return description below). Input and output ports must be monitored separately.
action=<string> Valid for output ports only.[<Port ID>]:<a>[<wait><a>...]Activate or deactivate an output. Use the <wait> option to activate/deactivate the port for a limited period of time.<Port ID> = Port number. If omitted, output 1 is selected.<a> = Action character. /=active, \=inactive<wait> = Delay before the next action. Unit: millisecondsNote: The :, / and \ characters must be percent-encoded in the URI. See Percent encoding.Example: To set output 1 to active, use 1:/. In the URI, the action argument becomes action=1%3A%2F

Example 1:

Retrieve information about port 1.



  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain
root.IOPort.I0.Input.Name=Input 1
root.IOPort.I0.Output.Name=Output 1

Example 2:

Configure port 2 to act as output. This example is only applicable to configurable ports.


Example 3:

Set port 2 to active, wait 300 ms and then set the port to inactive. Some characters in the action argument action=2:/300\ must be percent-encoded.


Successful request, all arguments except monitor


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain
<Port ID>=<information>

The body is empty for the action argument.

Successful request, argument monitor


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=<boundary>


<monitor data>

Where the returned <monitor data> is:

<Port ID><port direction>:<action character>

<monitor data>

Here <id> is the port and <port direction> is I for inputs and O for outputs. The action character is / or H for active and \ or L for inactive ports. The characters / and \ indicates a change in the state. The characters H and L indicates that the state is unchanged.


Non-empty boundaries are sent when the port status changes. If there are no changes, empty boundaries are sent at 15-second intervals.

I/O events and actions

Digital Input Event

The Digital Input event is true if the digital I/O port configured as input is active. There is one event for each input port. The Any event is true if any of the input ports is active.


  • Name: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:IO/tnsaxis:Port
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Digital input port

Source instance

  • Nice name: Port
  • Type: integer
  • Name: port
ValueNice name
0User-defined name (default Input 1)
1User-defined name (default Input 2)
nUser-defined name (default Input n+1)

Data instance

  • Nice name: Active
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: state
  • isPropertyState: true

Virtual Input Event

The Virtual Input event is true if the virtual input is active. There is one event for each virtual input.


  • Name: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:IO/tnsaxis:VirtualInput
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Virtual input

Source instance

  • Nice name: Input
  • Type: integer
  • Name: port
ValueNice name
1Input 1
2Input 2
32Input 32

Data instance

  • Nice name: Active
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: active
  • isPropertyState: true

Manual Trigger Event

The Manual Trigger event is true if the manual trigger is active. The manual trigger can be activated using axis-cgi/io/virtualinput.cgi or using the button in the product’s Live View page. For products with multiple view areas or multiple video channels, there is one manual trigger for each view area or video channel. The channel element in SourceInstance specifies the view area or video channel.


  • Name: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:IO/tnsaxis:VirtualPort
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Manual trigger

Source instance

  • Nice name: Channel
  • Type: integer
  • Name: port
ValueNice name
number of channels/view areas

Data instance

  • Nice name: Active
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: state
  • isPropertyState: true

Output event

This event is sent every time the state of an output port changes.


  • Name: tns1:Device/tnsaxis:IO/tnsaxis:OutputPort
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Output
ParameterDescriptionValid values
portThe output port.An unsigned integer that matches one of the output ports on your device.
stateThe new state of the output port.high low

Output Port Action

Use the Output Port action to activate and inactive the product’s output ports.

This action can be run as:

  • fixed action — set the port state when action is triggered and return to the opposite state after the time defined by parameter duration

  • unlimited action — set the port state when the action is triggered and return to the opposite state when event conditions are no longer fulfilled

  • Action ID

  • Action ID

ParameterValid valuesDescription
portUnsigned integerThe I/O port number of the output port to activate. The I/O ports are numbered starting from zero. The I/O port number is the # of parameter IOPort.I#.
statehigh lowState to set the port to.
durationUnsigned integerFixed actions: Number of seconds before returning to the opposite state.Use duration = 0 if the port should remain in the set state.

General purpose I/O service


VAPIX® General purpose I/O service API is used to manage I/O ports. The General purpose I/O service API complements VAPIX® I/O port API by providing support for supervised I/O and relay connectors.

Supported functionality:

To simplify configuration, only the PortId field and the fields to be modified are required when configuring a port.

  • Find available ports. Use GetPortList.

  • Find information about specific ports. Use GetPort.

  • Configure port settings and set ports as active or inactive. Use SetPort.

    To simplify configuration, only the PortId field and the fields to be modified are required when configuring a port.

The General purpose I/O service API produces the following events:

  • tns1:Device/tnsaxis:IO/SupervisedPort. See Supervised port event.
  • tns1:Device/Trigger/DigitalInput. ONVIF property event for digital input port.
  • tns1:Device/Trigger/Relay. ONVIF property event for relay ports. This event is also emitted for open-collector output ports.

VAPIX General purpose I/O service API applies to the following products: AXIS A9161 Network I/O Relay Module and AXIS A9188 Network I/O Relay Module.


VAPIX ® General Purpose I/O Service API is supported if:

  • Property: Properties.API.GPIO.GPIO=yes
  • Property: Properties.API.GPIO.Version=1.0 and later.

Use axgpio:GetServiceCapabilities to list the service capabilities. See GetServiceCapabilities command.

Common examples

This section contains examples how to use the General purpose I/O service API.

API calls can be constructed using JSON or using SOAP. Some of the examples here also use pseudocode to illustrate the intended workflow. To improve readability, the responses are prettified and sometimes truncated. For example, in SOAP responses the namespace attributes in the SOAP-ENV:Envelope tag are omitted. All response sizes are examples only and might differ from the actual response sizes.

Get service capabilities

Use axgpio:GetServiceCapabilities to get a list of the service capabilities.

JSON request:

POST /vapix/axgpio HTTP/1.1
Host: root:pass@
Content-Type: application/json


JSON response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 49
Content-Type: application/json

"Capabilities": {
"MaxLimit": "1000"

SOAP request:

POST /vapix/services HTTP/1.1
Host: root:pass@
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:axgpio="" xmlns="">

SOAP response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Authentication-Info: rspauth="...", cnonce="...", nc=..., qop=auth
Connection: close
Content-Length: 2402
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Server: gSOAP/2.7

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope ...>
<axgpio:Capabilities MaxLimit="1000"></axgpio:Capabilities>

List ports

Use axgpio:GetPortList to list the Axis product’s ports. The Limit, StartReference and NextStartReference fields allow clients to iterate over large data sets and fetch data in chunks. A response with a NextStartReference field indicates that the call did not return all available ports. Use the returned NextStartReference as StartReference in a new call to continue fetching data. See also GetPortList command. To list all ports, omit Limit and StartReference.

The following two examples show how to use Limit and StartReference in two successive calls. In the first call. Limit is set to 1 to list only one port. The response includes a NextStartReference field which is used as StartReference in the next call.

Example 1:

To list only one port, set Limit to 1.

The response lists the first port (port 0) and its current settings. The PortId field identifies the port. The SupportedModes field shows each port’s available modes. Here, port 0 can be used in three modes: DigitalInput, OpenCollectorOutput or SupervisedInput. Fields CurrentMode and CurrentState show the port’s current mode and state. The NextStartReference fields gives the StartReference to be used in the next call.

JSON request:

POST /vapix/axgpio HTTP/1.1
Host: root:pass@
Content-Type: application/json

"Limit": "1"

JSON response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 1384
Content-Type: application/json

"NextStartReference": "1",
"Port": [
"PortId": "0",
"SupportedModes": [
"CurrentMode": "OpenCollectorOutput",
"CurrentState": "closed",
"Active": true,
"InputProperties": {
"NiceName": "Input 1",
"ActiveState": "closed"
"OutputProperties": {
"NiceName": "Output 1",
"ActiveState": "closed"
"SupervisedInput": {
"Triggers": [
"State": "shorted",
"LowerLimit": "0",
"UpperLimit": "100"
"State": "closed",
"LowerLimit": "500",
"UpperLimit": "1500"
"State": "open",
"LowerLimit": "1800",
"UpperLimit": "2200"
"State": "cut",
"LowerLimit": "2300",
"UpperLimit": "12000"
"Capabilities": {
"MaxNumberOfRanges": 4,
"MinVoltageRange": 60,
"MinVoltageLevel": 0,
"MaxVoltageLevel": 12000

SOAP request:

POST /vapix/services HTTP/1.1
Host: root:pass@
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:axgpio="" xmlns="">

SOAP response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Authentication-Info: rspauth="...", cnonce="...", nc=..., qop=auth
Connection: close
Content-Length: 3966
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Server: gSOAP/2.7

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope ...>
<axgpio:NiceName>Input 1</axgpio:NiceName>
<axgpio:NiceName>Output 1</axgpio:NiceName>

Example 2:

The second call uses the returned NextStartReference as StartReference to continue listing ports.

JSON request:

POST /vapix/axgpio HTTP/1.1
Host: root:pass@
Content-Type: application/json

"Limit": "1",
"StartReference": "1"

JSON response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 1384
Content-Type: application/json

"NextStartReference": "2",
"Port": [
"PortId": "1",

SOAP request:

POST /vapix/services HTTP/1.1
Host: root:pass@
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:axgpio="" xmlns="">

SOAP response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Authentication-Info: rspauth="...", cnonce="...", nc=..., qop=auth
Connection: close
Content-Length: 3966
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Server: gSOAP/2.7

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope ...>

List ports settings

When a port’s PortId is known, use axgpio:GetPort to list the port’s settings. This example lists information about ports 8 and 9.

JSON request:

POST /vapix/axgpio HTTP/1.1
Host: root:pass@
Content-Type: application/json


JSON response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 598
Content-Type: application/json

"Port": [
"PortId": "8",
"SupportedModes": [
"CurrentMode": "RelayOutput",
"CurrentState": "closed",
"Active": true,
"OutputProperties": {
"NiceName": "Relay 1",
"ActiveState": "closed"
"PortId": "9",
"SupportedModes": [
"CurrentMode": "RelayOutput",
"CurrentState": "closed",
"Active": true,
"OutputProperties": {
"NiceName": "Relay 2",
"ActiveState": "closed"

SOAP request:

POST /vapix/services HTTP/1.1
Host: root:pass@
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:axgpio="" xmlns="">

SOAP response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Authentication-Info: rspauth="...", cnonce="...", nc=..., qop=auth
Connection: close
Content-Length: 3099
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Server: gSOAP/2.7

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope ...>
<axgpio:NiceName>Relay 1</axgpio:NiceName>
<axgpio:NiceName>Relay 2</axgpio:NiceName>

Configure ports as supervised inputs

To configure a port as supervised input, use axgpio:SetPort to update the Port data structure. Set the field CurrentMode to SupervisedInput.

A supervised input can be in one of the following states:

  • open
  • closed
  • cut
  • shorted

Each state has an associated voltage range. The Axis product emits a tns1:Device/tnsaxis:IO/SupervisedPort event when the analog voltage in the circuit connected to the supervised input changes from a value outside the range to a value inside the range. In the Port data structure, use the SupervisedInput field to set the voltage ranges.

The following pseudocode shows how to set port 0 as supervised input.


get_response = axgpio.GetPort(PortId = 0)
ports = get_response.Port
port0 = ports[0]
supervised = port0.SupervisedInput
triggers[0] = {.State = "shorted", .LowerLimit = 0, .UpperLimit = 100}
triggers[1] = {.State = "closed", .LowerLimit = 500, .UpperLimit = 1500}
triggers[2] = {.State = "open", .LowerLimit = 1800, .UpperLimit = 2200}
triggers[3] = {.State = "cut", .LowerLimit = 2300, .UpperLimit = 12000}
supervised.Triggers = triggers
port0.SupervisedInput = supervised
port0.CurrentMode = "SupervisedInput"

Supported values for the State field are PortStateEnum strings. This behavior might change in the future. Axis recommends applications to assume that State could be any string.

Only fields to be updated need to be included in a axgpio:SetPort call. Omitted fields keep their current values. The response lists the PortId of the updated ports.

The following call sets port 0 as supervised input and port 1 as digital input.

JSON request:

POST /vapix/axgpio HTTP/1.1
Host: root:pass@
Content-Type: application/json

"Port": [
"PortId": "0",
"CurrentMode": "SupervisedInput",
"InputProperties": {
"NiceName": "Supervised Input 1",
"ActiveState": "open"
"OutputProperties": {
"NiceName": "Output 1",
"ActiveState": "closed"
"SupervisedInput": {
"Triggers": [
"State": "shorted",
"LowerLimit": "0",
"UpperLimit": "100"
"State": "closed",
"LowerLimit": "500",
"UpperLimit": "1500"
"State": "open",
"LowerLimit": "1800",
"UpperLimit": "2200"
"State": "cut",
"LowerLimit": "2300",
"UpperLimit": "12000"
"PortId": "1",
"CurrentMode": "DigitalInput",
"InputProperties": {
"NiceName": "Input 1",
"ActiveState": "closed"

JSON response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 61
Content-Type: application/json

"Port": [

SOAP request:

POST /vapix/services HTTP/1.1
Host: root:pass@
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:axgpio="" xmlns="">
<axgpio:NiceName>Supervised Input 1</axgpio:NiceName>
<axgpio:NiceName>Output 1</axgpio:NiceName>
<axgpio:NiceName>Input 1</axgpio:NiceName>

SOAP response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Authentication-Info: rspauth="...", cnonce="...", nc=..., qop=auth
Connection: close
Content-Length: 2409
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Server: gSOAP/2.7

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope ...>

Configure ports as outputs

To configure a port as output, use axgpio:SetPort to update the Port data structure. Set the field CurrentMode to OpenCollectorOutput.

The following call sets ports 0 to 7 as outputs. Omitted fields keep their current values. The response lists the ports that were changed.

JSON request:

POST /vapix/axgpio HTTP/1.1
Host: root:pass@
Content-Type: application/json

"Port": [
"PortId": "0",
"CurrentMode": "OpenCollectorOutput"
"PortId": "1"
"CurrentMode": "OpenCollectorOutput"
"PortId": "2",
"CurrentMode": "OpenCollectorOutput"
"PortId": "3",
"CurrentMode": "OpenCollectorOutput"
"PortId": "4",
"CurrentMode": "OpenCollectorOutput"
"PortId": "5",
"CurrentMode": "OpenCollectorOutput"
"PortId": "6",
"CurrentMode": "OpenCollectorOutput"
"PortId": "7",
"CurrentMode": "OpenCollectorOutput"

JSON response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 116
Content-Type: application/json

"Port": [

SOAP request:

POST /vapix/services HTTP/1.1
Host: root:pass@
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:axgpio="" xmlns="">

SOAP response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Authentication-Info: rspauth="...", cnonce="...", nc=..., qop=auth
Connection: close
Content-Length: 2569
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Server: gSOAP/2.7

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope ...>

Activate ports

To set a port as active, use axgpio:SetPort to update the Port data structure. Set the field Active to true.

In this example, ports 0 to 15 are all set to active in the same request. It is also possible to use one request per port. Setting all ports in one request is recommended as this reduces the latency between the first and last port state change.

The response lists the ports that were updated.

JSON request:

POST /vapix/axgpio HTTP/1.1
Host: root:pass@
Content-Type: application/json

"PortId": "0",
"Active": true
"PortId": "1",
"Active": true
"PortId": "2",
"Active": true
"PortId": "3",
"Active": true
"PortId": "4",
"Active": true
"PortId": "5",
"Active": true
"PortId": "6",
"Active": true
"PortId": "7",
"Active": true
"PortId": "8",
"Active": true
"PortId": "9",
"Active": true
"PortId": "10",
"Active": true
"PortId": "11",
"Active": true
"PortId": "12",
"Active": true
"PortId": "13",
"Active": true
"PortId": "14",
"Active": true
"PortId": "15",
"Active": true

JSON response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 210


SOAP request:

POST /vapix/services HTTP/1.1
Host: root:pass@
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:axgpio="" xmlns="">

SOAP response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Authentication-Info: rspauth="...", cnonce="...", nc=..., qop=auth
Connection: close
Content-Length: 2831
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Server: gSOAP/2.7

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope ...>

Configure port names

I/O ports have configurable nice names. Each port has two nice names, one for the supervised and digital input modes and one for the open collector output and relay modes.

The following pseudocode shows how to read port 0 nice names.


get_response = axgpio.GetPort(PortId = 0)
ports = get_response['Port']
port0 = ports[0]
if (port0.CurrentMode == "SupervisedInput" or port0.CurrentMode == "DigitalInput") {
nicename = port0.InputProperties.NiceName
} else {
nicename = port0.OutputProperties.NiceName

Use axgpio:SetPort to update nice names.

JSON request:

POST /vapix/axgpio HTTP/1.1
Host: root:pass@
Content-Type: application/json

"Port": [
"PortId": "0",
"InputProperties": {
"NiceName": "A new nice name for input 0"
"OutputProperties": {
"NiceName": "A new nice name for output 0"

SOAP request:

POST /vapix/services HTTP/1.1
Host: root:pass@
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:axgpio="" xmlns="">
<axgpio:NiceName>A new nice name for input 0</axgpio:NiceName>
<axgpio:NiceName>A new nice name for output 0</axgpio:NiceName>

Event examples

VAPIX® General Purpose I/O Service API produces the following events:

  • tns1:Device/tnsaxis:IO/SupervisedPort. See Supervised port event.
  • tns1:Device/Trigger/DigitalInput. ONVIF property event for digital input port.
  • tns1:Device/Trigger/Relay. ONVIF property event for relay ports. This event is also emitted for open-collector output ports.

The supervised port event in the event stream.

Supervised port event:

<tt:MetadataStream xmlns:tt="">
<tt:Event xmlns:tt="">
<wsnt:NotificationMessage xmlns:tns1="" xmlns:tnsaxis="" xmlns:wsnt="" xmlns:wsa5="">
<wsnt:Topic Dialect="">tns1:Device/tnsaxis:IO/SupervisedPort</wsnt:Topic>
<tt:Message UtcTime="2016-02-29T04:28:26.976004Z" PropertyOperation="Initialized">
<tt:SimpleItem Name="port" Value="0" />
<tt:SimpleItem Name="state" Value="cut" />

The ONVIF digital input event in the event stream.

Digital input event:

<tt:MetadataStream xmlns:tt="">
<tt:Event xmlns:tt="">
<wsnt:NotificationMessage xmlns:tns1="" xmlns:wsnt="" xmlns:wsa5="">
<wsnt:Topic Dialect="">tns1:Device/Trigger/DigitalInput</wsnt:Topic>
<tt:Message UtcTime="2016-02-29T04:28:26.976004Z" PropertyOperation="Initialized">
<tt:SimpleItem Name="InputToken" Value="1" />
<tt:SimpleItem Name="LogicalState" Value="0" />

The ONVIF relay event in the event stream.

Relay event:

<tt:MetadataStream xmlns:tt="">
<tt:Event xmlns:tt="">
<wsnt:NotificationMessage xmlns:tns1="" xmlns:wsnt="" xmlns:wsa5="">
<wsnt:Topic Dialect="">tns1:Device/Trigger/Relay</wsnt:Topic>
<tt:Message UtcTime="2016-02-29T04:28:26.976004Z" PropertyOperation="Initialized">
<tt:SimpleItem Name="RelayToken" Value="1" />
<tt:SimpleItem Name="LogicalState" Value="active" />

Read analog level

For ports configured as supervised inputs, the AnalogLevel field shows the current analog voltage at the input pin. Use axgpio:GetPort to read the value.

This example assumes that port 0 is configured as supervised input. The analog voltage is 2800 mV and the port state is cut.

JSON request:

POST /vapix/axgpio HTTP/1.1
Host: root:pass@
Content-Type: application/json


JSON response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 1413
Content-Type: application/json

"Port": [
"PortId": "0",
"SupportedModes": [
"CurrentMode": "SupervisedInput",
"CurrentState": "cut",
"Active": false,
"InputProperties": {
"NiceName": "Input 1",
"ActiveState": "open"
"OutputProperties": {
"NiceName": "Output 1",
"ActiveState": "closed"
"SupervisedInput": {
"AnalogLevel": "2800",
"Triggers": [
"State": "shorted",
"LowerLimit": "0",
"UpperLimit": "100"
"State": "closed",
"LowerLimit": "500",
"UpperLimit": "1500"
"State": "open",
"LowerLimit": "1800",
"UpperLimit": "2200"
"State": "cut",
"LowerLimit": "2300",
"UpperLimit": "12000"
"Capabilities": {
"MaxNumberOfRanges": 4,
"MinVoltageRange": 60,
"MinVoltageLevel": 0,
"MaxVoltageLevel": 12000

SOAP request:

POST /vapix/services HTTP/1.1
Host: root:pass@
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:axgpio="" xmlns="">

SOAP response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Authentication-Info: rspauth="...", cnonce="...", nc=..., qop=auth
Connection: close
Content-Length: 3975
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Server: gSOAP/2.7

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope ...>
<axgpio:NiceName>Input 1</axgpio:NiceName>
<axgpio:NiceName>Output 1</axgpio:NiceName>

Service capabilities


The ServiceCapabilities data structure describes the available service capabilities.

Mandatory fields:

MaxLimitIntegerThe maximum number of entries returned by the GetPortList and GetPort commands.

GetServiceCapabilities command

Use the GetServiceCapabilities command to retrieve the capabilities supported by the service.

  • Command: axgpio:GetServiceCapabilities
  • Access class: PRE_AUTH



The request is empty.


"Capabilities": { ServiceCapabilities }

with the following data fields:

Data fieldValid valuesDescription
CapabilitiesServiceCapabilitiesThe supported service capabilities.



PortId is read-only string that identifies the port.

  • Base type: String. Maximum length: 64. Minimum length: 1


PortMode is a string containing a port mode.

  • Base type: String. Maximum length: 32. Minimum length: 1

Enumeration: PortModeEnum

PortModeEnum is a non-normative enum that contains available port modes.

PortModeEnum valueDescription
DigitalInputThe port is a digital input.
SupervisedInputThe port is a supervised input.
OpenCollectorOutputThe port is an open collector output.
RelayOutputThe port is a relay output.


The SupervisedInputCapabilities data structure contains the capabilities of a supervised input.

Mandatory fields:

MaxNumberOfRangesIntegerThe maximum number of SupervisionRange data structures supported by the supervised input.
MinVoltageRangeStringThe minimum voltage span that is viable to use with respect to noise and analog-to-digital-converter (ADC) resolution. Unit: mV
MinVoltageLevelStringThe minimum voltage that can be specified in a SupervisionRange data structure. Unit: mV
MaxVoltageLevelStringThe maximum voltage that can be specified in a SupervisionRange data structure. Unit: mV


PortState is a string containing a port state.

  • Base type: String. Maximum length: 32. Minimum length: 1

Enumeration: PortStateEnum

PortStateEnum is a non-normative enum that contains the port’s available states.

PortStateEnum valueDescription
openThe port is open.
closedThe port is closed.
shortedThe port is short-circuited.
cutThe port is floating (wires are cut or open-circuited).
undefinedThe port state is undefined.

Enumeration: ActiveStateEnum

ActiveStateEnum is a non-normative enum that defines which port state is the port’s active state.

ActiveStateEnum valueDescription
openThe port is active when open (floating).
closedThe port is active when closed (grounded).


The Properties data structure contains the port’s properties. In the Port data structure, fields InputProperties and OutputProperties specify properties for input and output ports, respectively. A port can have input and output properties specified at the same time.

Optional fields

NiceNameStringThe port’s nice name.
ActiveStateStringSpecifies when the port is active.


The SupervisionRange data structure defines a voltage range for a supervised input state.

The Axis product emits a Device/IO/SupervisedPort event if the analog voltage in the circuit connected to a supervised input changes from a value outside the range to a value inside the range.

Mandatory fields:

StatePortStateThe supervised input’s state.The behavior of the State field might change in future releases. Axis recommends applications to assume that State could be any string.
LowerLimitStringThe lower voltage limit (inclusive). Unit: mV
UpperLimitStringThe upper voltage limit (exclusive). Unit: mV


The SupervisedInput data structure contains the configuration for a supervised input.

Mandatory fields:

TriggersList of SupervisionRangeList of user-defined ranges for the supervised input.
Optional fields
AnalogLevelIntegerRead-only. The current analog voltage at the input pin. Unit: mV
CapabilitiesSupervisedInputCapabilitiesRead-only. The supervised input’s capabilities.


The Port data structure contains the configuration for a port.

Mandatory fields:

PortIdPortIdRead-only. The port identifier.
Optional fields
SupportedModesList of PortModeRead-only. Supported port modes.
PortUsageStringString describing the port usage.
CurrentModePortModeThe port’s current mode.
CurrentStatePortStateThe port’s current state. Read-only. Use field Active to set the port to active or inactive.
Activetrue, falsetrue = The port is active.false = The port is inactive.
InputPropertiesPropertiesThe port’s input properties.
OutputPropertiesPropertiesThe port’s output properties.
SupervisedInputSupervisedInputThe configuration to use when the port is used as a supervised input.

GetPortList command

Use the GetPortList command to list the Axis product’s Port data structures.

The Limit, StartReference and NextStartReference fields allow clients to iterate over large data sets and fetch data in chunks. Limit is the maximum number of Port items returned in the response. If the response does not return all available data, the response contains a NextStartReference with a reference to the first item in the next data set. To continue fetching data, use the reference as StartReference in the next call.

StartReference specifies the first item in the data set to return. Use the reference returned by the previous GetPortList request. Do not use the same reference more than once. If StartReference is omitted, the call returns items starting from the beginning of the data set.

Limit is the maximum number of items returned. The actual number of returned items may be less than Limit depending on the Axis product’s performance. If Limit is omitted, the number of returned items is determined by the ServiceCapabilities data structure and the Axis product’s performance. See Service capabilities.

  • Command: axgpio:GetPortList


"Limit": "<integer>",
"StartReference": "<string>"

with the following data fields:

Data fieldValid valuesDescription
LimitIntegerOptional. Maximum number of items to return in the response.
StartReferenceStringOptional. Internal reference specifying the first item in the data set to return. Use the NextStartReference returned by the previous call.


"NextStartReference": "<string>"
"Port": [{ Port }, ...]

with the following data fields:

Data fieldValid valuesDescription
NextStartReferenceStringReference to use as StartReference in the next call.Returned if the response does not include all available Port items.
PortList of PortThe returned Port items.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidStartReferenceStartReference is invalid or has timed out.
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal

GetPort command

Use the GetPort command to list specified Port data structures.

In the request, each Port is identified by its PortId. If a PortId cannot be resolved, it is ignored. A request without any valid PortId returns an empty set.

The maximum number of returned items is determined by the ServiceCapability data structure. See Service capabilities.

  • Command: axgpio:GetPort


"PortId": ["<PortId>", ...]

with the following data fields:

Data fieldValid valuesDescription
PortIdList of PortIdList of port identifiers.


"Port": [{ Port }, ...]

with the following data fields:

Data fieldValid valuesDescription
PortList of PortThe returned Port items.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgs ter:TooManyItemsToo many items were requested.

SetPort command

Use the SetPort command to update one or more Port data structures. Available fields are described in section Port. All fields except PortId are optional. Fields omitted in the request keep their current values.

The request returns PortId:s of the Port items that were updated. Ports with PortId:s not in the list were not updated.

  • Command: axgpio:SetPort
  • Access class: WRITE_SYSTEM


"Port": [{ Port }, ...]

with the following data fields:

Data fieldValid valuesDescription
PortList of PortList of Port items.


"PortId": ["<PortId>", ...]

with the following data fields:

Data fieldValid valuesDescription
PortIdList of PortIdThe PortId identifiers of the Port items that were updated.
Fault codesDescription
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgsThe data in the request is missing.
env:Sender ter:InvalidArgVal ter:InvalidArgValThe data in the request is invalid.

Supervised port event

The supervised port event tns1:Device/tnsaxis:IO/SupervisedPort is a stateful event emitted when a supervised input changes state. The event ‘s Source field contains the port number of the I/O that emitted the event. The Data field contains the port’s new state.

To retrieve the event declaration, use aev:GetEventInstances.

Event declaration:

<tns1:Device aev:NiceName="Device">
<tnsaxis:IO aev:NiceName="Input ports">
<SupervisedPort wstop:topic="true" aev:NiceName="Supervised input port">
<aev:MessageInstance aev:isProperty="true">
<aev:SimpleItemInstance aev:NiceName="Port" Type="xsd:int" Name="port">
<aev:Value aev:NiceName="I/O 8">7</aev:Value>
<aev:Value aev:NiceName="I/O 7">6</aev:Value>
<aev:Value aev:NiceName="I/O 6">5</aev:Value>
<aev:Value aev:NiceName="I/O 5">4</aev:Value>
<aev:Value aev:NiceName="I/O 4">3</aev:Value>
<aev:Value aev:NiceName="I/O 3">2</aev:Value>
<aev:Value aev:NiceName="I/O 2">1</aev:Value>
<aev:Value aev:NiceName="I/O 1">0</aev:Value>
<aev:SimpleItemInstance aev:NiceName="State" Type="xsd:string" Name="state" isPropertyState="true">

Virtual input API


Virtual inputs enable clients to trigger actions in an Axis product. In the Axis product, the virtual input is used as action rule start event or condition and can trigger any type of action, for example video recording, output port activation or go to PTZ preset position.

Axis products have two types of virtual inputs:

  • Virtual input ports. Recommended for products with firmware 5.50 and later. There are 32 ports that can be connected to different actions. See Virtual input ports.

    Event tns1:Device/tnsaxis:IO/tnsaxis:VirtualInput

  • Manual trigger. Use the manual trigger for products with older firmware. Can be used to simulate I/O ports during testing or as manual trigger. See Manual trigger and I/O port simulation.

    Event tns1:Device/tnsaxis:IO/tnsaxis:VirtualPort

To use virtual inputs:

  1. Set up an action rule in the Axis product. Use the virtual input event as start event or condition. See Event and action services.

  2. Configure the client to activate or deactivate the virtual input.

To activate virtual inputs, clients can use web services or CGI:s.

A VMS can use virtual inputs to allow users to trigger camera actions manually. By clicking a button in the VMS user interface, the user sends an activate virtual input command to the Axis product. An action rule in the Axis product listens to the virtual input event and triggers the action.

Consider a surveillance system where a camera should record video on motion detection but only when the alarm control system is activated. Configure the alarm control system to send commands to the camera to activate virtual input 1 when the alarm control system is activated, and to deactivate the input when the system is deactivated. In the camera, set up an action rule with motion detection as start event, virtual input 1 as condition and record video as action.

Virtual input ports

Each virtual input port has two states: high and low. Activating sets the port to state high. Deactivating sets the port to state low.

The default number of virtual input ports is 64. Some devices may have a different number of ports.

To activate and deactivate virtual input ports, use one of the following methods:

  • Web services. See Virtual input events in VAPIX® Event and Action Services API.
  • CGI. Described in this chapter.

To check the state of a virtual input port, subscribe to the corresponding tns1:Device/tnsaxis:IO/tnsaxis:VirtualInput event. The event is described in section Virtual Input Event.


Virtual input ports are available if:

  • Property: Properties.VirtualInput.VirtualInput=yes
  • Firmware: 5.50 and later

The manual trigger /io/virtualinput.cgi is available if:

  • Property: Properties.API.HTTP.Version=3
  • Firmware: 5.00 and later
  • Product category: Network cameras and video encoders

Common examples

Activate virtual input 10.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<VirtualInputResponse xmlns=""
xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.1"

Deactivate virtual input 10.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<VirtualInputResponse xmlns=""
xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.1"

Activate virtual input port 3 for a certain time.




HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<VirtualInputResponse xmlns=""
xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.1"

Activate a virtual input

Use virtualinput/activate.cgi to activate a virtual input.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



with the following arguments and values:

schemaversion=<integer>Required. The major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
port=<integer>Required. The virtual input to activate. The value may vary for different devices. Default value is 64.
duration=<integer>Optional. Specifies the number of seconds until the port is automatically deactivated. If the port is already active, it will continue to be active and will be deactivated after the specified time. If the duration is set to 0, the port will be activated first and then deactivated directly. If it is not specified, the port will not be automatically deactivated.


The response from virtualinput/activate.cgi shows if the virtual input was activated and if the port state was changed.


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<VirtualInputResponse xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.1" xsi:schemaLocation="">

Supported elements, attributes and values:

VirtualInputResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
SuccessSuccessful request.
ActivateSuccessThe virtual input was activated successfully.
StateChangedtrue = The port state was changed.false = The port state was not changed.


If an error occurred, a GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50

Deactivate a virtual input

Use virtualinput/deactivate.cgi to deactivate a virtual input.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



with the following arguments and values:

schemaversion=<integer>Required. The major version of the XML Schema to use for the response. See XML schemas.
port=<integer>Required. The virtual input to deactivate. The value may vary for different devices. Default value is 64.


The response from virtualinput/deactivate.cgi shows if the virtual input was deactivated and if the port state was changed.


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<VirtualInputResponse xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.1" xsi:schemaLocation="">

Supported elements, attributes and values:

VirtualInputResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
SuccessSuccessful request.
DeactivateSuccessThe virtual input was deactivated successfully.
StateChangedtrue = The port state was changed.false = The port state was not changed.


If an error occurred, a GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

Error codes: 10, 20, 30, 40

Get schema versions

The virtualinput/getschemaversions.cgi returns a list of supported versions of the XML schema for the Virtual input API. The list also shows if the schemas are deprecated or not.


  • Access control: admin, operator
  • Method: GET



This CGI has no arguments.


The response from virtualinput/getschemaversions.cgi shows available schema versions for the Virtual input API and if the schemas are deprecated.


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<VirtualInputResponse xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.1" xsi:schemaLocation="">

Supported elements, attributes and values:

VirtualInputResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
SuccessSuccessful request.
GetSchemaVersionsSuccessSuccessful response from getschemaversions.cgi.
SchemaVersionOne version of the schema. Contains Major, Minor and Deprecated.
MajorVersionThe major version of the XML Schema.
MinorVersionThe minor version of the XML Schema.
DeprecatedIf true, this version of the XML Schema is deprecated and should not be used.

General error response

General error response from Virtual input API.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/xml


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<VirtualInputResponse xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" SchemaVersion="1.1" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<ErrorCode>[error code]</ErrorCode>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

VirtualInputResponseContains the response. For information about XML schema versions, see XML schemas.
ErrorThe request contains errors.
GeneralErrorGeneral error.
ErrorCodeA numeric error code. See table below.
ErrorDescriptionDescription of the error.
Error codeDescriptionCGI
10Missing argument.activate.cgi deactivate.cgi
20The specified virtual input does not exist.activate.cgi deactivate.cgi
30The specified schema version is not supported.All
40Internal server error.All
50Invalid duration.activate.cgi

Manual trigger and I/O port simulation

The /io/virtualinput.cgi is used to:

  • Simulate activation and deactivation of the physical input ports. This is useful when testing the I/O port functionality but can also be used to trigger actions. For more information about the physical I/O ports, see I/O port API.
  • Activate and deactivate the manual trigger. The manual trigger is available in most Axis network video products and can be used together with the event and action functionality to trigger actions in the product. The port number to use for the manual trigger depends on the product. Normally, port 6 or port 1 should be used.

Both the manual trigger and the I/O ports can be activated for a specified time.

Activate the manual trigger, keep it active for 2 seconds and then deactivate the trigger. In this example, the manual trigger is port 6. Some characters in the action argument action=6:/2000\ must be percent-encoded.




  • Security level: viewer
  • Method: GET



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
action=<string>[<Port ID>]:<a>[<wait><a>...]Set port <Port ID> to active or inactive and, optionally, wait <wait> milliseconds before the next action.The port can be a physical I/O port or the manual trigger. Normally, port 6 or port 1 should be used for the manual trigger.<Port ID> = Port number. If omitted, input 1 is selected.<a> = Action character: / = active, \ = inactive.<wait> = Delay before the next action. Unit: milliseconds.Note: The :, / and \ characters must be percent-encoded in the URI. See Percent encoding.Example: To activate port 6, keep it active for 2 seconds and then deactivate the port, use 6:/2000\. In the URI, the action argument becomes action=6%3A%2F2000%5C


Response from /io/virtualinput.cgi

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain