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Pan/tilt/zoom API


The PTZ API is used to configure and control the pan, tilt and zoom (PTZ) functionality in Axis network cameras and video encoders. PTZ functionality is available in most camera models. Cameras categorized as PTZ cameras have mechanical PTZ functionality while other cameras can have view areas with digital PTZ. Cameras and video encoders with serial ports can be connected to external devices, for example pan-tilt motors, that provide PTZ functionality. To control the external PTZ device, a PTZ driver must be uploaded.

For cameras with view areas and video encoders with multiple video channels, the PTZ functionality is configured and controlled for each view area or video channel (referred to as a camera in the API) separately.

The PTZ API consists of:

  • PTZ control API: Configure and control the PTZ functionality. See PTZ control API.
  • PTZ driver management API: Upload, remove, list, activate and deactivate PTZ drivers. See PTZ driver management API.
  • Queueing API: Configure and control the PTZ control queue. See Queuing API.

See also PTZ events and actions.

In addition to PTZ functionality, the API also includes parameters for IR cut filter (day and night functionality), backlight compensation, focus, brightness and iris.

PTZ parameter and CGI functionality

Each functionality (for example pan) uses Support parameters (see PTZ.Support) to check if the functionality is supported, uses Various parameters (see PTZ.Various) to check if functionality is enabled and to disable functionality, and use CGIs (see PTZ control) to control the functionality.


Digital PTZPTZ without moving parts. PTZ "movements" are done by dynamically changing crop section on the image sensor.
Mechanical PTZMechanical PTZ is driven by motors. The motors could either be integrated in the Axis product or the Axis product could be mounted on a external mechanical PT (PanTilt) device. It could also be an external PTZ camera connected to an encoder.
Panopsis technologyPanopsis technology is used by mechanical PTZ domes that in addition to the standard zoom lens have a Panopsis (fisheye) lens attached to the dome cover.A product with Panopsis technology can be used in two modes. In Overview mode, the zoom lens is fully zoomed out and points straight down (-90 degrees tilt) looking through the Panopsis lens. This gives a 360-degree overview image. In Normal mode, the zoom lens avoids the Panopsis lens and the product works as a standard mechanical PTZ dome. Note that some PTZ commands cannot be used or do not have any effect in Overview mode.
Absolute movementMove to a specific coordinate position, for example "move to -45°".
Relative movementMove a specific distance from the current position, for example "move left 15°".
Continuous movementMove in a specific direction (until stopped), for example "move down".
Auto-flipThe auto-flip functionality allows the camera to simulate a continuous pan beyond the mechanical stop, thereby enabling an operator to continuously follow an object.
Static PTZ driverA PTZ driver is built into the firmware and is always running. Typically used on domes and digital PTZ.
Uploadable PTZ driverA PTZ driver that can be uploaded and installed to a running Axis product.

Common examples

Check if PTZ is available.


Verify that PTZ is enabled on channel 1:


A successful response should look similar or the same to the response in Success for info=1.

Request information about which PTZ commands that are available for camera=1. For the response see example in section PTZ control.


Pan camera=3 to the right, 10 degrees.


Set a home position named "MyPreset" at the current location for the Axis product.


Enable PTZ on video channel number 3 on an Axis product with digital PTZ. For digital PTZ, PTZ.ImageSource.I0.PTZEnabled is controlling all video channel. Each video channel has a PTZ.Various.V#.Locked parameter.


Check if a product supports upload and installation of drivers.


Upload a driver with the driver file contents as HTTP POST data (see for details).


A driver ID is returned in the HTTP response, for example 7.

<?xml version=1"1.0"?>

Install the uploaded driver with ID 7 on video channel 3.


PTZ control API


There are two types of PTZ, mechanical PTZ and digital PTZ. Mechanical PTZ is driven by motors. The motors could either be integrated in the Axis product or the Axis product could be mounted on a external mechanical PT (PanTilt) device. It could also be an external PTZ camera connected to an encoder. For Axis products with digital PTZ it is possible to select only a part of the image by zooming in. The zoomed area can then be moved around using pan/tilt commands. Digital PTZ uses the same HTTP API as Axis products with mechanical PTZ, with some limitations.

The PTZ Control API consists of the following CGIs:

ptz.cgiControl the PTZ movement.
ptzconfig.cgiConfigure the PTZ functionality.
ptzqueue.cgiControl the PTZ control queuing mechanism.



  • API Discovery: id=ptz-control
  • Property: Properties.API.HTTP.Version=3
  • Property: Properties.API.PTZ.Presets.Version=2.00 (The index for the preset that is the device's home position at start-up or when calling ptz.cgi?move=home)
  • Property: Properties.PTZ.PTZ=yes
  • Property: Properties.PTZ.DigitalPTZ=yes (Products with digital PTZ)
  • Property: Properties.Overview.Overview=yes (Products with Panopsis technology)
  • Property: Properties.Overview.MechanicalHybrid=yes (Products with Panopsis technology)
  • Property: Properties.PTZ.EmbeddedDrivers=yes(For when all previously uploadable ptz drivers are embedded in the camera firmware instead of externally published. This also means that it is not possible to upload any ptz drivers.)
  • Firmware: 5.20 and later.



Various Pan tilt zoom parameters. All writable parameters may be directly modified.


ParameterDefault valuesValid valuesAccess controlDescription
BoaProtPTZOperatorpasswordpassword anonymousadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readpassword = Password is required to control PTZ units and to use control queue. anonymous = Anybody on the network have access to PTZ units without having to log in.
CameraDefault11 ... n n = Number of video channels.admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readThe video channel used if the camera parameter is omitted in HTTP requests.
ResponseEncodingiso-8859–1iso-8859–1 utf-8admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readThe character encoding that should be used for the plain-text responses of the preset queries.
NbrOfCamerasProduct specific1 ...admin: read operator: read viewer: readNumber of video channels.
NbrOfSerPortsProduct specific0 ...admin: read operator: read viewer: readNumber of serial ports.


This group contains a parameter for turning on/off PTZ functionality.

Toggling this parameter does not install/uninstall any driver.


ParameterDefault valuesValid valuesAccess controlDescription
PTZEnabledMechanical PTZ: true Digital PTZ: falsetrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read, write viewer: readMechanical PTZ = Enable/disable the PTZ functionality of the video channel. true = Enable the PTZ functionality of the video channel. false = Disable the PTZ functionality of the video channel. Digital PTZ = Enable/disable the PTZ functionality on the Axis product. true = Enable the PTZ functionality on the Axis product. false = Disable the PTZ functionality on the Axis product. When this parameter is changed to false, the product returns to a default PTZ position (in contrast to the parameter PTZ.Various.V#.Locked, for which the position is locked when the parameter is set to true).

For mechanical PTZ, the index # in PTZ.ImageSource.I# is the index of the video channel, starting on 0 for video channel 1. For digital PTZ, there is one group PTZ.ImageSource.I0, and the parameter PTZ.ImageSource.I0.PTZEnabled is used for enabling/disabling PTZ on all channels.


This group contains a parameter that informs about the current status of the drivers installed on the Axis product.


ParameterDefault valuesValid valuesAccess controlDescription
Driver#Status0 ... 3admin: read operator: read viewer: readThe status of the driver installed on camera # , where # starts on 1 for video channel 1. The value should be interpreted as: 0 = No driver installed. 1 = Installation file invalid or incompatible. 2 = Driver malfunction. 3 = Driver installed.


The dynamic parameter group PTZ.Support.S# is updated when a driver is installed on a video channel. A parameter in the group has the value true if the corresponding capability is supported by the driver. The index # is the video channel number which starts from 1.

An absolute operation means moving to a certain position, a relative operation means moving relative to the current position. Arguments referred to apply to PTZ control.


ParameterDefault valuesValid valuesAccess controlDescription
AbsolutePanProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Absolute pan is supported by the driver. false = Absolute pan is disabled/not supported.
RelativePanProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Relative pan is supported by the driver. Products with Panopsis technology: Even if supported, functionality cannot be used in Overview mode. false = Relative pan is disabled/not supported.
AbsoluteTiltProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Absolute tilt is supported by the driver. false = Absolute tilt is disabled/not supported.
RelativeTiltProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Relative tilt is supported by the driver. Products with Panopsis technology: Even if supported, functionality cannot be used in Overview mode. false = Relative tilt is disabled/not supported.
AbsoluteZoomProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Absolute zoom is supported by the driver. Products with Panopsis technology: Even if supported, functionality cannot be used in Overview mode. false = Absolute zoom is disabled/not supported.
RelativeZoomProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Relative zoom is supported by the driver. Products with Panopsis technology: Even if supported, functionality cannot be used in Overview mode. false = Relative zoom is disabled/not supported.
DigitalZoomProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Digital zoom is supported (increases the upper limit of PTZ.Limit.L#.MaxZoom to 19999) by the driver. Products with Panopsis technology: Even if supported, functionality cannot be used in Overview mode. false = Digital zoom is disabled/not supported.
AreaZoomProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Area zoom is supported by the driver. Products with Panopsis technology: Even if supported, functionality cannot be used in Overview mode. false = Area zoom is disabled/not supported.
AbsoluteFocusProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Absolute focus is supported by the driver. Products with Panopsis technology: Even if supported, functionality cannot be used in Overview mode. false = Absolute focus is disabled/not supported.
RelativeFocusProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Relative focus is supported by the driver. Products with Panopsis technology: Even if supported, functionality cannot be used in Overview mode. false = Relative focus is disabled/not supported.
AutoFocusProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Autofocus is supported by the driver. false = Autofocus is disabled/not supported.
AbsoluteIrisProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Absolute iris is supported by the driver. false = Absolute iris is disabled/not supported.
RelativeIrisProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Relative iris is supported by the driver. false = Relative iris is disabled/not supported.
AutoIrisProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Auto iris is supported by the driver. false = Auto iris is disabled/not supported.
AbsoluteBrightnessProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Absolute brightness is supported by the driver. false = Absolute brightness is disabled/not supported.
RelativeBrightnessProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Relative brightness is supported by the driver. false = Relative brightness is disabled/not supported.
ContinuousPanProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Continuous pan is supported by the driver. false = Continuous pan is disabled/not supported.
ContinuousTiltProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Continuous tilt is supported by the driver. false = Continuous tilt is disabled/not supported.
ContinuousZoomProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Continuous zoom is supported by the driver.
Products with Panopsis technology: Even if supported, functionality cannot be used in Overview mode.
false = Continuous zoom is disabled/not supported.
ContinuousFocusProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Continuous focus is supported by the driver.
Products with Panopsis technology: Even if supported, functionality cannot be used in Overview mode.
false = Continuous focus is disabled/not supported.
ContinuousIrisProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Continuous iris is supported by the driver. false = Continuous iris is disabled/not supported.
ContinuousBrightnessProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Continuous brightness is supported by the driver. false = Continuous brightness is disabled/not supported.
AuxiliaryProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = CGI argument auxiliary (com/ptz.cgi?auxiliary=<string>)is supported by the driver. false = CGI argument auxiliary is disabled/not supported.
ServerPresetProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Server presets are supported by the driver. false = Server presets are disabled/not supported.
DevicePresetProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Device presets are supported by the driver. false = Device preset are disabled/not supported.
SpeedCtlProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Speed control is supported by the driver. false = Speed control is disabled/not supported.
IrCutFilterProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = IR cut filter is supported by the driver. false = IR cut filter is disabled/not supported.
AutoIrCutFilterProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = The IR cut filter can be controlled automatically. false = Automatic IR cut filter is disabled/not supported.
BacklightProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Backlight compensation is supported by the driver. false = Backlight compensation is disabled/not supported.
OSDMenuProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = OSD menu is supported by the driver. false = OSD menu is disabled/not supported.
ActionNotificationProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readValue is true if the PTZ driver can send messages to other internal applications when it starts or stops movements. Makes it possible to trigger events on arrival to a preset position. true = Action notification is supported. false = Action notification is disabled/not supported.
ProportionalSpeedProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readValue is true if the product supports proportional speed when using the command continuouspantiltmove, for example adjusting the movement speed in the image proportional to the zoom level used. Proportional speed has the option to be disabled for individual continuous move commands For more information, see PTZ control. true = Proportional speed is supported. false = Proportional speed is disabled/not supported.
LensOffsetProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Lens offset is supported by the driver. false = Lens offset is disabled/not supported.


This dynamic group is updated when a driver is installed on a video channel. Index # is the video channel number, starting on 1. When it is possible to obtain the current position from the driver, for example the current pan position, it is possible to apply limit restrictions to the requested operation. For instance, if an absolute pan to position 150 is requested, but the upper limit is set to 140, the new pan position will be 140. This is the purpose of all but MinFieldAngle and MaxFieldAngle in this group. The purpose of those two parameters is to calibrate image centering.


ParameterDefault valuesValid values (May be overridden by configuration file for driver. Maximal value must be ≥ minimal value.)Access controlDescription
MinPanProduct/driver dependent-180 ... 180admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readLower limit for pan position.
MaxPanProduct/driver dependent-180 ... 180admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readUpper limit for pan position.
MinTiltProduct/driver dependent-180 ... 180admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readLower limit for tilt position.
MaxTiltProduct/driver dependent-180 ... 180admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readUpper limit for tilt position.
MinZoomProduct/driver dependent1 ... 9999 If digital zoom is supported (see PTZ.Support.S#.DigitalZoom in section PTZ.Support), MaxZoom can have values up to 19999.admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readLower limit for zoom position.
MaxZoomProduct/driver dependent1 ... 9999 If digital zoom is supported (see PTZ.Support.S#.DigitalZoom in section PTZ.Support), MaxZoom can have values up to 19999.admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readUpper limit for zoom position.
MinFocusProduct/driver dependent1 ... 9999admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readLower limit for focus position.
MaxFocusProduct/driver dependent1 ... 9999admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readUpper limit for focus position.
MinIrisProduct/driver dependent1 ... 9999admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readLower limit for iris position.
MaxIrisProduct/driver dependent1 ... 9999admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readUpper limit for iris position.
MinBrightnessProduct/driver dependent1 ... 9999admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readLower limit for brightness position.
MaxBrightnessProduct/driver dependent1 ... 9999admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readUpper limit for brightness position.
MinFieldAngleProduct/driver dependent1 ... 1000admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readMinimum field angle for the (zoom) lens, used to calibrate image centering.
MaxFieldAngleProduct/driver dependent1 ... 1000admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readMaximum field angle for the (zoom) lens, used to calibrate image centering.


The dynamic parameter group PTZ.Various.V# is updated when a driver is installed on a video channel. The index # is the video channel number which starts from 1.

The group consists of several different types of parameters for the video channel. To distinguish the parameter types, the group is presented as three different categories below.

The Enabled parameters determine if a specific feature can be controlled using ptz.cgi (see section PTZ control).


ParameterDefault valuesValid values (Integer ranges may be overridden by configuration file for driver)Access controlDescription
PanEnabledProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Pan is allowed. false = Pan is not allowed.
TiltEnabledProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Tilt is allowed. false = Tilt is not allowed.
ZoomEnabledProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Zoom is allowed. Products with Panopsis technology: Cannot be used in Overview mode. false = Zoom is not allowed.
FocusEnabledProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Focus is allowed. Products with Panopsis technology: Cannot be used in Overview mode. false = Focus is not allowed.
IrisEnabledProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Iris is allowed. false = Iris is not allowed.
BrightnessEnabledProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Brightness is allowed. false = Brightness is not allowed.
IrCutFilterEnabledProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = IR cut filter is allowed. false = IR cut filter is not allowed.
BackLightEnabledProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Backlight compensation is allowed. false = Backlight compensation is not allowed.
SpeedCtlEnabledProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Pan/tilt speed adjustment is allowed. false = Pan/tilt speed adjustment is not allowed.
ProportionalSpeedEnabledProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Proportional speed is allowed. This function is adjusting the movement speed in the image proportional to the zoom level used. false = Proportional speed is not allowed.

The default parameters set the default value for a specific function in the driver.


ParameterDefault valuesValid values (Integer ranges may be overridden by configuration file for driver)Access controlDescription
AutoFocusProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Autofocus is on by default. false = Autofocus is off by default.
AutoIrisProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Autoiris is on by default. false = Autoiris is off default.
IrCutFilterProduct/driver dependenton off auto Only valid if PTZ.Support.S#.AutoIrCutFilter is true.admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readon = Default value for IR cut filter is on, that is, the filter will block IR light (daytime use). off = Default value for IR cut filter is off, that is, the filter allows IR light (nighttime use). auto = Default value for IR cut filter is auto, that is, the filter automatically switches between on and off depending on the lighting conditions.
BackLightProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = Backlight compensation is on by default. false = Backlight compensation is off by default.

The various parameters have different types of functions.


ParameterDefault valuesValid values (Integer ranges may be overridden by configuration file for driver)Access controlDescription
CamIdProduct/driver dependentAn integeradmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readIdentifies an external PTZ device on a serial port, often set by a dip switch on the external device.
DeviceTypeProduct/driver dependentA stringadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readA driver for an external device may support several variants of the device. Select the matching device type for best compatibility.
LockedProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readtrue = The PTZ position is locked, that is, the position cannot be changed using PTZ commands. false = The PTZ position is unlocked.
LensOffsetXProduct/driver dependent-9999 ... 9999admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readX coordinate of sensor center to lens center vector. Unit is 1/10000 of the sensor width. Used by the areazoom argument. Only applicable if the driver supports lens offset.
LensOffsetYProduct/driver dependent-9999 ... 9999admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readY coordinate of sensor center to lens center vector. Unit is 1/10000 of the sensor height. Used by the areazoom argument. Only applicable if the driver supports lens offset.
ReturnToOverviewProduct/driver dependent0 ... 300admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readIdle timeout; if there is no PTZ activity for this number of seconds, the video channel returns to its home position. The value 0 means that the idle timeout functionality is turned off.
MaxProportionalSpeedProduct/driver dependent1 ... 1000admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readSet the maximum continuous movement speed in 1/100 of fields of view per second. Example: 200 = Max 2.00 fields of view per second.


This dynamic group is updated when a driver is installed on a video channel. Index # is the video channel number, starting on 1. The parameters in these groups are driver dependent and are hence not known in advance. They are described on the help pages that come with the driver installation.

ParameterDefault valuesValid valuesDescription
FlipPanfalsetrue falseControls if the relative pan operations are inverted. true: The relative pan movements are inverted. false: The relative pan movements are not inverted.
FlipTiltfalsetrue falseControls if the relative tilt operations are inverted. true: The relative tilt movements are inverted. false: The relative tilt movements are not inverted.


This dynamic group is updated when a driver is installed on a video channel. Index # is the video channel number, starting on 1. The parameters in these groups are driver dependent and are hence not known in advance. Some of the parameters (described below) are supported by most drivers. For the rest of the parameters not described in this section please refer to the help pages that come with the driver installation.

The following parameter is supported by all products where PTZ.Support.SpeedCtl=true.


ParameterDefault valuesValid valuesAccess controlDescription
MoveSpeed1001 ... 100admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readSet the default move speed for absolute and relative pan/tilt movements. Can be overridden with the speed argument in the PTZ control HTTP API, see section PTZ control.

The following parameters are supported by most PTZ domes, however please note that some of the parameters are product specific.


ParameterDefault valuesValid valuesAccess controlDescription
ImageFreezeoffoff on autoadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readFreeze the image while the Axis product is moving during a pan, tilt or zoom operation off = Image freeze is turned off. on = Freeze on all movements. auto = Freeze only when going to presets.
AutoFliptruetrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readSimulate continuous pan movement in the same direction. See Definitions for further information. true = Auto flip is enabled. false = Auto flip is disabled.
MovePredictionfalsetrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readThe Axis product attempts to predict the new position in the pan movement, after compensating for the slight delay while the Axis product changes direction after an auto flip. true = Move prediction is enabled. false = Move prediction is disabled.
AutoCalibrationtruetrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readEnable auto calibration which automatically resets the components of the camera, pan and tilt if a hardware error occurs. true = Auto calibration is enabled. false = Auto calibration is disabled.
DeviceStatuscam=ok,pan=ok,tilt=okcomponent=status [,component=status...]admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readShows the status of the camera, pan and tilt hardware components. Camera = Camera optics. For example zoom, focus and iris. The values are shown as a comma separated list of component=status where statuscan be ok or error[code] where [code] is a 4 digit hexadecimal value. cam = Status for the camera. pan = Status for pan. tilt = Status for tilt.
LastTestDateA stringA string [date time year]admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readGet the date and time for the most recent reset, manually or by AutoCalibration.
DeviceModVerProduct dependentmodel:[model_id], version:[version_nbr]admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readAuto detected identifications of internal hardware component model and version. The values are presented as 4 digit hexadecimal values. model = Internal hardware component for model. version = Internal hardware component for version.
AutoFocusTypeassistedassisted normaladmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readControls the auto focus behavior on Laser focus cameras. assisted = Laser focus is used. normal = Contrast based auto focus is used.
QuickZoomtruetrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readControls if quick zoom should be turned on or off. true: The camera zoom is using quick zoom. false: The camera zoom at normal speed using focus tracing.
TiltIlluminationtruetrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readControls if the tilt angle may be used to dim the IR illumination if there is a risk of the IR light being reflected back into the camera. true: The tilt angle may dim the IR illumination to avoid reflections. false: The IR illumination is independent of the tilt angle.
OneShotAFfalsetrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readControls if a new AutoFocus (AF) should be a one shot and only triggered after a PTZ movement. true: A new AF search is only triggered when a pan/tilt/zoom movement has finished. false: A new AF search is triggered whenever the scene changes, even when there is no PTZ movement.
CameraHousingConfigurationdefaultdefault invertedadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readStores information on how the camera housing is mounted on your PT unit. Please note that changing this parameter will automatically switch and invert the sign of the up and down parameters and change the valid tilt limit range for default: -90 to +45 and inverted: -45 to +90. default: The camera housing is mounted upright on the PT unit. inverted: The camera housing is mounted in reverse on the PT unit.
IlluminatorType[IL1 | IL2]nonenone ir whiteadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readGets set when any illuminator gets mounted on your PT unit which makes it controllable from the system. none: No light has been mounted. ir: An IR illuminator has been mounted. The IR lights can be turned on with the auxiliary command tt:LightIR | On and off with tt:LightIR | Off. white: A white light illuminator has been mounted. The white lights can be turned on with the auxiliary command tt:LightWL | On and off with tt:LightWL | Off.
IRSynchCameraDayNightSwitchfalsetrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readControls the on/off switch of any attached IR illuminators based on the day/night mode. true: The IR illuminator will be turned on if the camera has gone into night mode and turned off in day mode. false: The IR illuminator is independent of day/night mode
NozzlePositionfalsetrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readStores the current PT position as the washing position in NozzlePresetData and enables the washer button on the live view page. The washer can also be triggered with the auxiliary command tt:WashingProcedure if the washer button is not available on your camera. true: The current PT position is stored as the washing position in NozzlePresetData. false: NozzlePresetData has not stored the washing position.
NozzlePresetDatapan=0.0:tilt=0.0pan=-180.0 ... 180.0:tilt=-90.0 ... 45.0admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readStores a string that holds the PT position of the washer nozzle.
WasherPumpPin11–4admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readSelects the pin that the washer pump is connected to.
WasherPumpTime1010–60admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readSpecifies the duration of time in seconds that the pump should run during a washing procedure.
WasherWiperTime107–60admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readSpecifies the duration of time in seconds that the wiper should run during a washing procedure.
SpotFocusfalsetrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readEnables spot focus mode for auto focus, causing it to adjust focus based only on the center of the scene.


The preset PTZ position configuration, that should be set using ptzconfig.cgi.


Parameter nameDefault valueValid valuesSecurity level (get/set)Description
NameHardware dependentA stringadmin: read, write operator: read viewer: readNote: This parameter has been deprecated. The name of the preset configuration.
ImageSourceHardware dependent0 (in products with 1 ImageSource, 0 ... 4 (in products with 4 ImageSource (4 inputs + Quad)).admin: read operator: read viewer: readNote: This parameter has been deprecated. The ImageSource.I# this Preset.P# configuration is connected to.
HomePosition0An unsigned integer.admin: read, write operator: read viewer: readThe Position.P# group number of the home position.

The # is replaced with a group number starting from zero, e.g. PTZ.Preset.P0.


This group contains the parameters that describes the individual preset positions.


This parameter group has been deprecated. Use the ptzconfig.cgi and ptz.cgi? query to manage the list of preset positions instead. As of version 2.00 of the PTZ preset API Properties.API.PTZ.Presets.Version=2.00 adding, updating and removing presets using param.cgi is no longer supported.

PTZ control

Control the pan, tilt and zoom behavior of a PTZ unit.

The PTZ control is device-dependent. For information about supported parameters and actual parameter values, check the specification of the Axis PTZ driver used. The following table is only an overview.

  • Access control: Viewer with access to PTZ controls.
  • Method: GET/POST



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
camera=<string>1 (default) ... Product/release dependent. Check the product's release notes.Selects the video channel. If omitted the default value camera=1 is used. This argument is only valid for Axis products with more than one video channel. That is cameras with multiple view areas and video encoders with multiple video channels. Please note that camera=all is only valid for query=presetposcam, query=presetposcamdata and query=attributes.
whoami=<string>1Returns the name of the system-configured device driver.
center=<int>,<int><x>,<y>Center the camera on positions x,y where x,y are pixel coordinates in the client video stream.
areazoom=<int>,<int>,<int><x>,<y>,<z=>1>Centers on positions x,y (like the center command) and zooms by a factor of z/100. If z is more than 100 the image is zoomed in (for example; z=300 zooms in to 1/3 of the current field of view). If z is less than 100 the image is zoomed out (for example; z=50 zooms out to twice the current field of view).Note: In some Axis products, the precision of areazoom can be strongly improved by calibrating the lens offset parameters.
imagewidth=<int>1, ... Product/release dependent. Check the product's release notes.Required in conjunction with center or areazoom if the image width displayed is different from the default size of the image, which is product-specific.
imageheight=<int>1, ... Product/release dependent. Check the product's release notes.Required in conjunction with center or areazoom if the image height is different from the default size of the image, which is product-specific.
move=<string>home up down left right upleft upright downleft downright stopAbsolute:Moves the image 25 % of the image field width in the specified direction. Relative: Moves the device approx. 50-90 degrees in the specified direction (driver-specific). home = Moves the image to the home position. up = Moves the image up. down = Moves the image down. left = Moves the image to the left. right = Moves the image to the right. upleft = Moves the image up diagonal to the left. upright = Moves the image up diagonal to the right. downleft = Moves the image down diagonal to the left. downright = Moves the image down diagonal to the right. stop = Stops the pan/tilt movement.
pan=<float>-180.0 ... 180.0Pans the device to the specified absolute coordinates. Products with Panopsis technology: If the product moves to a position where the Panopsis (fisheye) lens is visible, the product will go to Overview mode.
tilt=<float>-180.0 ... 180.0Tilts the device to the specified absolute coordinates. Products with Panopsis technology: If the product moves to a position where the Panopsis (fisheye) lens is visible, the product will go to Overview mode.
zoom=<int> Float input will be handled as int. No assumptions can be made on the correct rounding.1 ... 9999 If Support.S#.DigitalZoom is true, zoom ranges are 1 ... 19999 for zoom and -19999 ... 19999 for rzoom.Zooms the device n steps to the specified absolute position. A high value means zoom in, a low value means zoom out. Products with Panopsis technology: If the product moves to a position where the Panopsis (fisheye) lens is visible, the product will go to Overview mode.
focus=<int> (driver specific) Float input will be handled as int. No assumptions can be made on the correct rounding.1 ... 9999Moves focus n steps to the specified absolute position. A high value means focus far, a low value means focus near.
iris=<int> Float input will be handled as int. No assumptions can be made on the correct rounding.1 ... 9999Moves iris n steps to the specified absolute position. A high value means open iris, a low value means close iris.
brightness=<int> Float input will be handled as int. No assumptions can be made on the correct rounding.1 ... 9999Moves brightness n steps to the specified absolute position. A high value means brighter image, a low value means darker image.
rpan=<float> Products with Panopsis technology: Does not have any effect in Overview mode.-360.0 ... 360.0Pans the device n degrees relative to the current position. Products with Panopsis technology: If the product moves to a position where the Panopsis (fisheye) lens is visible, the product will go to Overview mode.
rtilt=<float> Products with Panopsis technology: Does not have any effect in Overview mode.-360.0 ... 360.0Tilts the device n degrees relative to the current position. Products with Panopsis technology: If the product moves to a position where the Panopsis (fisheye) lens is visible, the product will go to Overview mode.
rzoom=<int> Products with Panopsis technology: Does not have any effect in Overview mode.-9999 ... 9999 If Support.S#.DigitalZoom is true, zoom ranges are 1 ... 19999 for zoom and -19999 ... 19999 for rzoom.Zooms the device n steps relative to the current position. Positive values mean zoom in, negative values mean zoom out.
rfocus=<int>-9999 ... 9999Moves focus n steps relative to the current position. Positive values mean focus far, negative values mean focus near.
riris=<int>-9999 ... 9999Moves iris n steps relative to the current position. Positive values mean open iris, negative values mean close iris.
rbrightness=<int>-9999 ... 9999Moves brightness n steps relative to the current position. Positive values mean brighter image, negative values mean darker image.
autofocus=<string>on offEnable/disable auto focus. on = Enables auto focus. off = Disables auto focus.
autoiris=<string>on offEnable/disable auto iris. on = Enable auto iris. off = Disable auto iris.
continuouspantiltmove=<int>,<int>-100 ... 100,-100 ... 100Continuous pan/tilt motion. Positive values mean right (pan) and up (tilt), negative values mean left (pan) and down (tilt). 0,0 means stop. Products with Panopsis technology: If the product moves to a position where the Panopsis (fisheye) lens is visible, the product will go to Overview mode. Values as <pan speed>,<tilt speed>. Optional arguments are: proportionalspeed=<string>, valid values: disabled. This option only affects proportional speed for individual commands and is only supported on mechanical PTZ domes when both Properties.PTZ.DigitalPTZ=no and Properties.PTZ.DriverManagement=no have been chosen ( API-version 1.1).
continuouszoommove=<int> Products with Panopsis technology: Does not have any effect in Overview mode.-100 ... 100Continuous zoom motion. Positive values mean zoom in and negative values mean zoom out. 0 means stop.
continuousfocusmove=<int>-100 ... 100Continuous focus motion. Positive values mean focus far and negative values mean focus near. 0 means stop.
continuousirismove=<int>-100 ... 100Continuous iris motion. Positive values mean iris open and negative values mean iris close. 0 means stop.
continuousbrightnessmove=<int>-100 ... 100Continuous brightness motion. Positive values mean brighter image and negative values mean darker image. 0 means stop.
auxiliary=<string><function name>Activates/deactivates auxiliary functions of the device where <function name> is the name of the device specific function. Check in driver's documentation or in response to info=1 for information about <function name>.
gotoserverpresetname=<string><preset name> Preset positions are configured using ptzconfig.cgi, see PTZ configuration.Move to the position associated with the <preset name>.
gotoserverpresetno=<int>1, ... Preset positions are configured using ptzconfig.cgi, see PTZ configurationMove to the position associated with the specified preset position number.
gotodevicepreset=<int><preset pos> Preset positions are configured using ptzconfig.cgi, see PTZ configurationBypasses the presetpos interface and tells the device to go directly to the preset position number <preset pos> stored in the device, where the <preset pos> is a device-specific preset position number. This may also be a device-specific special function.
speed=<int>1 ... 100Sets the move speed of pan and tilt.
imagerotation=<int> Product/release dependent. Check the product's release notes.0 90 180 270If PTZ command refers to an image stream that is rotated differently than the current image setup, then the image stream rotation must be added to each command with this argument to allow the Axis product to compensate. 0 = Rotate the image 0 degrees. 90 = Rotate the image 90 degrees. 180 = Rotate the image 180 degrees. 270 = Rotate the image 270 degrees.
ircutfilter=<string> Product/release dependent. Check the product's release Product/release dependent. Check the product's release notes. on offControl the IR cut filter. auto = Automatically switch between on and off depending on the lighting conditions. on = Apply the filter, that is block IR light. off = Remove the filter, that is allow IR light to reach the image sensor.
backlight=<string>on offControl the backlight compensation. on = Bright mode. off = Normal mode.
query=<string>limits mode position (driver specific) presetposall Character encoding for plain-text responses defined by the PTZ.ResponseEncoding parameter. presetposcam Character encoding for plain-text responses defined by the PTZ.ResponseEncoding parameter. presetposcamdata Character encoding for plain-text responses defined by the PTZ.ResponseEncoding parameter. speed auxiliary Product/release dependent. Check the product's release notes. attributes Product/release dependent. Check the product's release notes.Returns the current status. limits = PTZ limits for the Axis product. mode = Products with Panopsis technology: The current mode (overview or normal). position = Values for current position. presetposall = Current preset positions for all video channels. Optional arguments are:
- format=<string>, valid values: jsonpresetposcam = Current preset positions for a video channel. Optional arguments are:
- format=<string>, valid values: jsonpresetposcamdata = Returns the configured preset positions with position data measured in degrees. Optional arguments are:
- format=<string>, valid values: jsonspeed = Values for pan/tilt speed. auxiliary = Returns supported auxiliary commands. Optional arguments are:
- format=<string>, valid values: jsonattributes = Returns various PTZ attributes such as zoom, focus and speed-steps. Optional arguments are:
- format=<string>, valid values: json
- group=<string>, valid values: zoom, focus, speed, speeddry. All attributes will be returned if no group argument is given.
info=<int>1Returns a description of available PTZ commands.

Example: Request information about available PTZ commands on video channel 3


If PTZ is available the response may look like this:

Available commands
move={ home | up | down | left | right | upleft | upright | downleft | downright | stop }
proportionalspeed={ disabled }
query={ position | limits | presetposcam | presetposall | status }
format={ json }

Query=attributes response

The response is sectioned for each camera/channel number, with each section containing a list of attribute/data pairs. The data can be either a single value or an entire array of entries each containing one or more key/value pairs. Please note that supported attributes are product dependent. Also, the order of cameras/channels sections in the response may not be in the number order.

GroupAttributeData typeValid valuesDescription
speedspeedsAn array of entries containing the keys "value" and "speed".Value: integer 1–100 Speed: integer ≥ 1 or float > 0.0.Mapping between VAPIX pan/tilt speed values and the actual speed (degrees/sec).
focusminFocusAn array of entries containing the keys "value" and "distance".Value: integer 1–100 Distance: integer ≥ 0.Mapping between VAPIX focus limit values and the actual distance (centimeters).
zoommaxOpticalZoomMagSingle value.Integer ≥ 1 or float ≥ 1.0.The maximum optical magnification at tele zoom.
zoommaxDigitalZoomMagSingle value.Integer ≥ 1 or float ≥ 1.0.The maximum digital magnification at tele zoom.
zoomzoomStepsAn array of entries containing the keys "value", "zoom" and the optional "visible".Value: integer 1–19999 Zoom: integer ≥ 1 or float ≥ 1.0 Visible: boolean "true" or "false"Mapping between VAPIX zoom positions and magnification. The optional "visible" key helps the GUI determine if the entry as an option for the zoom limit configuration should be shown or not. Default value is "true".
zoomisOverviewSingle value.Boolean "true" or "false"If "true", the camera on this channel is stationary and does not perform movements itself, instead acting as a proxy to control another channel to which movement commands are forwarded.

Query attribute response format - plain text

Attributes for camera [n]
<attribute a>=<array entry1>, <array entry2>,...
<attribute b>=<array entry1>, <array entry2>,...
<attribute c>=<single value>
Attributes for camera [m]

The attribute array entries are comma separated while the key/value pairs are separated by a | as shown below:

<key 1>=<value 1> |<key 2>=<value 2> |... |<key N>=<value N>


Attributes for camera 1
speeds=value=1 | speed=0.05,value=9 | speed=0.16,value=14 | speed=2,value=24 | speed=2.1,value=40 | speed=9,value=58 | speed=28,value=80 | speed=74,value=100 | speed=150

Query attribute response format - json

"Camera <n>": {
"<attribute a>": [<arrary entry 1>, <array entry 2>],
"<attribute b>": [<arrary entry 1>, <array entry 2>],
"<attribute c>": "<single value>"
"Camera <m>": {

The attribute array entries are json objects with one or more key/value pairs:

"<key 1>": "<value 1>",
"<key 2>": "<value 2>",
"<key N>": "<value N>"


"Camera 1": {
"maxOpticalZoomMag": "30",
"zoomSteps": [
"value": "1",
"zoom": "1"
"value": "3868",
"zoom": "2"
"value": "7736",
"zoom": "3"
"value": "9999",
"zoom": "3.584961"

PTZ configuration

Set and configure PTZ preset positions and On screen display (OSD) control.

A server preset saved with name will also get a number and vice versa. You can use both setserverpresetname/removeserverpresetname and setserverpresetno/removeserverpresetno commands on the same preset.

  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET/POST

With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
camera=<int>1 ...The video channel. If omitted, the default video channel is used. You must specify all to select all video channels. Please note that camera=all is only valid for removeallserverpresets.
osdmenu=<string>open close up down left right select backCommands to control the OSD menu in the external device. Note that support for different commands, and the behavior of the commands, are driver dependent. open = Open. close = Close. up = Move up. down = Move down. left = Move to the left. right = Move to the right. select = Select. back = Go back.
setserverpresetname=<string><preset name> <preset name> is a string with a maximum of 31 characters. The following five characters are not allowed: "<>~:Associates the current position to <preset name> as a preset position in the Axis product.
setserverpresetno=<int>1, ...Saves the current position as a preset position number in the Axis product.
renameserverpresetno=<int>&newname=<string>1, ..., <preset name> <preset name> is a string with a maximum of 31 characters. The following five characters are not allowed: "<>~:Set a new name for the specified preset position.
home=<string>yesMakes the current position the home position for the Axis product. Used with setserverpresetname or setserverpresetno.
removeserverpresetname=<string> When a home preset is removed a new default home preset will be created before the request can be answered.<preset name> <preset name> is a string with a maximum of 31 characters. The following five characters are not allowed: "<>~:Removes the specified preset position associated with <preset name>.
removeserverpresetno=<int> When a home preset is removed a new default home preset will be created before the request can be answered.1 ...Removes the specified preset position.
removeallserverpresets=<string>yesRemoves all presets for a specified camera. Please note that the presets will be removed from all active PTZ channels when camera=all is used.
setdevicepreset=<int><preset pos>Bypasses the presetpos interface and tells the device to save its current position as preset position <preset pos> directly in the device, where <preset pos> is a device-specific preset position number. This may also be a device-specific special function


Success for ptz.cgi

A successful response for ptz.cgi.

  • HTTP code: 204 No content
  • Content-Type: text/plain

Error for ptz.cgi

An error response for ptz.cgi.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain

Success for info=1

If PTZ is available a successful response for info=1. The generated response values for this argument depends on what functions the Axis product supports and what functions that are enabled.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain
Available commands
move={ home | up | down | left | right | upleft | upright | downleft |
downright | stop }
autofocus={ on | off }
autoiris={ on | off }
ircutfilter={ on | off | auto }
backlight={ on | off }
query={ speed | position | limits | presetposcam | presetposall }

Success for query=speed

If PTZ is available a successful response for query=speed. The generated response values for this argument depends on what functions the Axis product supports and what functions that are enabled.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain

Success for query=position

If PTZ is available a successful response for query=position. The generated response values for this argument depends on what functions the Axis product supports and what functions that are enabled.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain
autofocus={ on | off }
autoiris={ on | off }

Success for query=limits

If PTZ is available a successful response for query=limits. The generated response values for this argument depends on what functions the Axis product supports and what functions that are enabled.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain

Success for query=presetposcam

If PTZ is available a successful response for query=presetposcam.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain
Preset Positions for camera [n]

Success for query=presetposall

If PTZ is available on a multichannel product several cameras can be listed. A successful response for query=presetposall .

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain
Preset Positions for camera 1

Preset Positions for camera 2

Error for query=[invalid value]

An error response for an invalid value, query=[invalid value].

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain
query: unknown value: [invalid value]

Success for whoami=1

If PTZ is available a successful response for whoami=1.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain
[Driver name]

Success for ptzconfig.cgi

A successful response for ptzconfig.cgi.

  • HTTP code: 204 No content
  • Content-Type: text/plain

Error for ptzconfig.cgi

An error response for ptzconfig.cgi.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain

PTZ driver management API

Axis products with serial ports can be connected to an external PTZ device, for example a pan-tilt motor, that provides PTZ functionality. To control the external PTZ device, a driver matching the external device must first be activated on the physical channels where the functionality is wanted.


Only one external PTZ device driver can be active at any given time. In addition, there can be zero or more static drivers active. The static drivers are always active and controls the internal hardware. Static drivers also operate in parallel with the external PTZ device driver and cannot be listed or manipulated using any Driver Management CGI.

All compatible external PTZ device drivers are included on the AXIS product’s firmware as of API version 1.1. Please note that when using firmware of earlier API versions that some drivers may be included in the AXIS product's firmware, but most drivers must be retrieved from Axis support and uploaded to the camera by the user before they can be activated.

The PTZ driver management API consists of the following CGIs:

ptzuploader.cgiList uploaded drivers.Please note that uploading and removing drivers are no longer necessary and will have no effect as of API version 1.1, as all compatible PTZ drivers will be embedded part of firmware. Because of this, the options to upload and remove drivers have been deprecated. This feature is no longer supported as of API version 2.0.
ptzupgrader.cgiActivate or deactivate a driver for a video channel, detailed in Install and unistall PTZ driver.

For information about serial ports, see Serial port API.


API version 1.0

  • API Discovery: id=ptz-driver-management version=1.0
  • Property: Properties.PTZ.DriverManagement=yes
  • Firmware: 5.20 and later
  • Product category: Axis video products with serial ports.

API version 1.1

  • API Discovery: id=ptz-driver-management version=1.1
  • Property: Properties.PTZ.DriverManagement=yes
  • Property: Properties.PTZ.EmbeddedDrivers=yes
  • Firmware: 10.12 and later
  • Product category: Axis video products with serial ports.


  • ptzupdate.cgi

    Removed, since drivers are now associated with video channels and not directly with ports.

  • ptzadmin.cgi

    Removed, ptzupgrader.cgi should be used instead.

  • ptzuploader.cgi to upload and remove PTZ drivers

    Deprecated since API version 1.1. Support has been removed completely since API version 2.0.

  • The port argument used in ptzupgrader.cgi

    Deprecated since API version 1.1. The port will always be set to the one required by the driver.

  • root.PTZ.PTZDrivers

    Removed since API version 2.0. Use ptzuploader to list active drivers.

  • root.PTZ.PTZDriverVersions

    Deprecated since API version 1.1, since the PTZ drivers are embedded in the software from that version. Removed completely since API version 2.0.

  • root.PTZ.SerDriverStatuses

    Removed since API version 2.0 Use PTZ.PTZDriverStatuses instead.

Use cases

List all PTZ drivers

This example will show you how to list all PTZ drivers available for activation and see which drivers are currently active. Available PTZ drivers have an ID that can be used to either activate or deactivate them.

  1. List all PTZ drivers.
  1. Parse the HTTP response. A response where a Pelco driver is active on channels 3 and 4 will look like this:

Successful response example

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<deviceType>Esprit ES30C/ES31C</deviceType>
<deviceType>Spectra III</deviceType>
<deviceType>Spectra IV</deviceType>
<deviceType>Spectra Mini</deviceType>
<deviceType>Videotec DTRX3/PTH310P</deviceType>
<deviceType>Videotec ULISSE</deviceType>
<deviceType>PTK AMB</deviceType>
  1. List all PTZ drivers and the driver status for all channels.
  1. Parse the HTTP response. A response where a Pelco driver is active with the device type Generic and device id=1 on channel 1 will look like this:

Successful response example

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<deviceType>Esprit ES30C/ES31C</deviceType>
<deviceType>Spectra III</deviceType>
<deviceType>Spectra IV</deviceType>
<deviceType>Spectra Mini</deviceType>
<deviceType>Videotec DTRX3/PTH310P</deviceType>
<deviceType>Videotec ULISSE</deviceType>
<deviceType>PTK AMB</deviceType>
<channel id="1">
<channel id="2"></channel>
<channel id="3"></channel>
<channel id="4"></channel>

Successful response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Error response example when the product can not use uploadable PTZ driver mode

HTTP/1.1 409

Error response example when the list driver fails

HTTP/1.1 400

Install a PTZ driver

This example will show you how to install a PTZ driver and perform PTZ movements on your camera. Individual addresses can be set for connected devices that are daisy chained.

  1. Install a PTZ driver.

Install a PTZ driver with ID 2 on the default video channel.


Install a PTZ driver with ID 2 on video channel 1.


Install a driver with ID 2 on video channel 1 using device type Generic and giving it the device ID address 1.

  1. Parse the HTTP response.

Successful response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

This error response will appear if the driver installation fails due to an invalid request.

Error response example

HTTP/1.1 400

This error response will appear if the driver installation fails due to the product not being configured to use uploadable PTZ driver mode.

Error response example

HTTP/1.1 409

This error response will appear if the driver installation fails due to misconfiguration or hardware errors.

Error response example

HTTP/1.1 500

This error response will appear if the driver installation fails due to an already installed driver on the channel.

Error response example

HTTP/1.1 501

Change device type or device ID settings

This example will show you how to change the device type or device ID settings of an already active driver or video channel.

  1. Change device ID settings to 2 for the driver with ID 1 that was previously activated on channel 1.
  1. Change device type settings to "Spectra IV" for the Pelco driver with ID 1 previously active on channel 1.

Uninstall a PTZ driver

This example will show you how to uninstall a PTZ driver from a video channel.

  1. Uninstall a PTZ driver from video channel 1.
  1. Parse the HTTP response.

Successful response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

This error response will appear if the driver uninstall fails due to misconfiguration or hardware errors.

Error response example

HTTP/1.1 500

This error response will appear if the driver uninstall fails due to the product not being configured to use uploadable PTZ driver mode.

Error response example

HTTP/1.1 409

This error response will appear if the driver uninstall fails due to the request being invalid.

Error response example

HTTP/1.1 400

Check if a PTZ driver is active

This example will show you how to check whether a PTZ driver is active on a channel.

The channel status is included in the response from any CGI request as long as the argument status=yes is provided. It is also possible to retrieve the status in a separate ptzuploader.cgi request. The status contains information related to active drivers on each channel, such as the driver status, ID and optionally also the device type and ID when this is supported.

  1. Check if the driver is active on channel 1.
  1. The following response will return for a 4–channel device if a Pelco driver with ID 1 is active on channel 1 with device type Generic and device id=1.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<channel id="1">
<channel id="2"></channel>
<channel id="3"></channel>
<channel id="4"></channel>

Successful response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

This error response will appear if the GET status fails due to the product not being configured to use uploadable PTZ driver mode.

Error response example

HTTP/1.1 409

This error response will appear if the GET status fails.

Error response example

HTTP/1.1 400

API Specifications

List PTZ drivers

This method should be used when you want to list available PTZ drivers.


  • Access control: admin
  • Method: POST/GET


ArgumentValid valuesDescription
list=<string>yesyes: The Axis product lists the uploaded drivers in an XML listing.
status=<string>yes no (default value)yes: Appends the driver status for all channels in the response.

Return value - Success

Using list will return the driver listing in the following format:

<?xml version=1.0"?>

Please note that there is one driverentry element for each available driver.

driveridThe driver ID.
drivernameThe driver name.
driverversionThe driver version.
installedContains the number of a video channel where the driver is active. No <ch> on a video channel means that the channel has no active driver. Optional attributes are device type and device ID configured for the active driver. These attributes will be left out if the driver can not support them.
deviceTypesContains one or more <deviceType> elements with the name of a supported device type for the driver. This argument is only included if the driver supports selecting device types.
deviceIdRangeContains the <min> and <max> elements that represents the range of integer values that can be assigned as the address identifier to a device managed by the driver.

Install and unistall PTZ driver

This method should be used when you want to install or uninstall a driver on a video channel. Drivers may have been previously uploaded, or may be included in the firmware of the product.

After activating a driver, the external device can be controlled using the Pan/tilt/zoom API and, if the driver supports it, Serial port API.


  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET/POST



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
driverid=<int>0 (default) ...The driver ID parsed from the XML and returned from ptzuploader.cgi?list=yes. The value 0 deactivates the currently active driver without installing another driver.
channel=<integer>1 (default) ...The video channel where the driver should be installed. An external PTZ device driver active on the channel will be deactivated when a new driver is activated.
deviceType=<string>The type of device the video channel should be configured to communicate with in cases where the driver can be used with different hardware variants. Valid device types can be parsed from the XML returned with ptzuploader.cgi?list=yes when this argument is supported. It will default to the first entry on the list of device types identified with <driverid>, but without any guarantees of successful communication with the connected device.
deviceId=<integer>The address of the device the video channel should be configured to communicate with when several devices are connected in a daisy chain. Defaults to the channel number when it is not supplied. The range of allowed addresses can be parsed from the XML returned by ptzuploader.cgi?list=yes.
status=<string>yes no (default value)Appends the driver status for all channels in the response.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<channel id="1">
<channel id="n"></channel>
ArgumentValid valuesParameter
channelContains channel specific statuses. Limited to one channel element for each channel and uses the channel number as its attribute.
activeDriverData related to the active driver.
driverStatus2 = active 1 = malfunction 0 = not installedThe current status of the driver.
driverIdThe ID number of the active driver defined in the response from ptzuploader.cgi?list=yes.
driverDeviceTypeThe device type of the active driver.
driverDeviceIdThe device ID of the active driver.

Driver management parameters

The Parameter management API should be used to implement the following parameters. Valid values for [video_channel] ranges from 1 to root.PTZ.NbrOfCameras.


The parameters in this group are used when you want to find out the statuses for PTZ drivers associated with the (serial) ports.

  • List security level: viewer


Driver[video_channel]Status=<integer>Holds the status of the driver active on [video_channel] and can be interpreted as: 0: No driver is active or the driver is being activated/configured. 1: The installation file is invalid or incompatible. 2: The driver is malfunctioning. 3: The driver is active.

An active driver with state 3 may briefly change to state 0 while it is reconfigured, such as when the device type is changed.

Queuing API


The control queue is used to administrate the PTZ control in an environment where several users have PTZ control. A control blocking function lets one user at the time have PTZ control. The other users are put in the control queue. Once a user gained PTZ control PTZ requests can be sent as usual. The rules of the queue are based on what type of access control the user has. For example a user with admin access control will be prioritized over a user with viewer access control. To distinguish individuals using the same user account a cookie is sent the first time the user sends a PTZ request.



  • Property: Properties.API.HTTP.Version=3
  • Firmware: 5.20 and later.

Products with mechanical PTZ require:

  • Property: Properties.PTZ.PTZ=yes

Products with digital PTZ require:

  • Property: Properties.PTZ.DigitalPTZ=yes




ParameterDefault valuesValid values (Integer ranges may be overridden by configuration file for driver)Access controlDescription
CtlQueueingProduct/driver dependenttrue falseadmin: read, write operator: read, write viewer: readThe parameter is true if control queuing is supported by the driver. If enabled, access to controlling the PTZ unit is limited to the client currently possessing the control. true = Control queuing is allowed. false = Control queuing is not allowed.
CtlQueueLimitProduct/driver dependent1 ... 100admin: read, write operator: read, write viewer: readSet the maximal number of clients in a control queue.
CtlQueuePollTimeProduct/driver dependent5 ... 3600admin: read, write operator: read, write viewer: readSet the maximum time in seconds between poll-requests, which an existing client in the control queue must send, to stay active in the queue.


Parameters for the different users in the control queue. These parameters only have effect if the control queue is enabled (PTZ.Various.V#.CtlQueuing=true). In that case, cookies will be required for all calls to ptz.cgi.

The # is replaced with a group number starting from 0, for example PTZ.UserCtlQueue.U5.UserGroup.


ParameterDefault valuesValid valuesAccess controlDescription
UserGroupUser group dependentAdministrator Operator Viewer Event Autotracking Guardtour Recordedtour Usergroup ...admin: read operator: readName of the user group.Guardtour = preset tour (guard tour)Recordedtour = recorded tour (guard tour)Autotracking = mechanical autotracking
UseCookieUser group dependentyes noadmin: read, write operator: readIf users from a user group shall be separated by using a cookie. yes = Cookies are used. no = Cookies are not used.
PriorityUser group dependent1 ... 100admin: read, write operator: readThe priority value. 1 is the highest value.
TimeoutTypeUser group dependenttimespan activity infinityadmin: read, write operator: readSet the timeout type to use. timespan = The user possesses the PTZ control during the time defined by TimeoutTime. activity = The user possesses the PTZ control during the time defined by TimeoutTime parameter. The TimeoutTime parameter is reset after every PTZ movement. infinity = The user has infinite PTZ control.
TimeoutTimeUser group dependent1 ... 3600admin: read, write operator: readThe time used for each TimeoutType. The value is ignored when TimeoutType is infinity.

PTZ control queue

This CGI handles requests concerning the control queue. If the PTZ control queuing mechanism is enabled (PTZ.Various.V1.CtlQueueing=true) for a video channel, control of PTZ units is limited to the client currently possessing it.


Cookies are enabled by default when enabling PTZ control queue.

  • Access control: viewer with access to PTZ controls
  • Method: GET/POST



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
control=<string>request drop queryrequest = Requests PTZ control. drop = Drops the PTZ control or leaves the queue. query = Reports the current status for the client. For possessing clients with no peers existing in the queue, request will reset the control timer. For all other clients, request will have the same effect as query.
camera=<int>1 ... Product-dependent. Check the product's Release notes.The video channel number. If omitted, the default channel is used.

Request PTZ control for video channel 2.



PTZ control queue response

The 200 OK response on success for request and query has a format that enables simple JavaScript parsing.


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK


<a name="<pos>"</a><a name="<seconds>"</a><a name="<period>"></a>
  • <pos> can have a value from 0 to the maximum value of how many clients are allowed in the queue. This value is the given position in the queue. 0 means that the client is not in the queue, 1 means control is possessed. If the value is 0 the other values are undefined.
  • <seconds> is the estimated number of seconds remaining, that is for position 1 the remaining control time and for other positions, the time until position 1 is reached. If the value is -1 the time remaining to get control cannot be estimated. This means that a client in the queue has the TimeoutType set to infinity.
  • <period> is the recommended time in seconds when the client should send a new control=query requests. To stay active in the queue the client must regularly send the request control=query to the Axis product. An inactive client will automatically be removed from the queue.

Control requested.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
<a name="3"></a><a name="410"></a><a name="5"></a>

This means the client was assigned queue position 3. The expected number of seconds until control is possessed is 410 and the recommended time until the next request is 5 seconds.


On failure no anchor elements are provided, instead the error message in plain text.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain
<error information>

Focus recall API


The VAPIX® Focus recall API gives instant focus even in challenging light conditions when used for management of camera settings in PTZ zones. Focus recall uses memory zones which consist of a pan, tilt and/or zoom range where the specified camera settings should be applied. Zones can be added, listed and removed. Each zone is identified by a unique index. The settings in a zone is applied when the center coordinate of the camera is inside the PTZ area that is defined by the zone.


VAPIX® Focus recall is available if:

  • Property: Properties.MemoryZones.MemoryZones=yes

Additional read-only properties available through param.cgi:

  • Property: Properties.MemoryZones.MaxNbrOfMemoryZones=X
  • Property: Properties.MemoryZones.Version=0.1
  • API Discovery: id=ptz-focus-recall

Firmware: 6.25 and later.

Product category: PTZ or Zoom cameras.

Common examples

Check if Focus recall is supported.



Response if memoryzones are supported:

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain

Save current focus position as a memoryzone.




  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: application/json
{ "name":"memory_zone_1", "index":1 }

Using a certain zoom range.




  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: application/json
{ "name":"memory_zone_1", "index":1 }

Remove the current memory zone.




  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: application/json
{ "name":"memory_zone_1", "index":1 }

Remove the memory zone having index 4





Add memory zone

Use memoryzones/add.cgi to add a memory zone.


  • Access control: admin, operator, viewer with PTZ control
  • Method: GET



with the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
name=<string>stringName of the memory zone (UTF-8 encoded). Maximum length 32 characters. Optional
polygon=<string>stringImage related coordinates of the corners of the memory zone stored as float values in a string of coordinate pairs, <x1>,<y1>:<x2>,<y2>:<x3>,<y3>:<x4>,<y4>.Origo (0.0, 0.0) is in the middle of the image. X-coordinates have positive direction to the right. Y-coordinates have positive direction up.The coordinates of the image have coordinates (-1.0, -1.0), (1.0, -1.0), (1.0, 1.0) and (-1.0, 1.0).Coordinates less than -1.0 and greater than 1.0 are accepted to indicate points outside the image.All coordinates relate to the currently configured default rotation and mirroring settings for the channel. Optional.
zoomrange=<string>stringZoom coordinates in VAPIX scale in format, <zoom_min>:<zoom_max>, defines the zoomrange where the memoryzone is valid. Valid range 1 - 19999. Default value "1:19999". Optional.
camera=<integer>integerThe index of the camera source to apply the request. Default is 1. This argument is not required when there is only one camera source in the product. Optional.
focus=<string>stringThe focus configuration to be saved in the memory zone. Valid values are: 1 - 9999 | current VAPIX scale, 1 - 9999 for focus position, current to save the current focus position of the camera. Mandatory.


Responses from memoryzones/add.cgi


If the request is successful:

HTTP code: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


{"name" : "name",  "index" : index}

HTTP Code: GeneralSuccess response is returned. See General success response.


If an error occurred:

HTTP code: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


{"error": { "id":<error code>, "message":"<optional error message in English>" }}

HTTP Code: GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

Remove memory zone

Use memoryzones/remove.cgi to delete a memory zone.


  • Access control: admin, operator, viewer with PTZ control
  • Method: GET



with the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
index=<integer>integerThe index of the memoryzone to apply the request. This argument is not required when removing all saved memoryzones. Optional
camera=<integer>integerThe index of the camera source to apply the request. Default is 1. This argument is not required when there is only one camera source in the product. Optional.
removeall=<integer>integerremoveall=1 will remove all configured zones. Optional.


Responses from memoryzones/remove.cgi


If the request is successful:

HTTP code: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json



HTTP code: GeneralSuccess response is returned. See General success response.


If an error occurred:

HTTP code: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


{"error": { "id":<error code>, "message":"<optional error message in English>"}}

HTTP code: GeneralErrorresponse is returned. See General error response.

List memory zones

Use memoryzones/list.cgi to list the memory zones.


  • Access control: admin, operator, viewer with PTZ control
  • Method: GET



with the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
camera=<integer>integerThe index of the camera source to apply the request. Default is 1. This argument is not required when there is only one camera source in the product. Optional.
query=list | current | viewlistcurrentviewList all memory zones in the camera.Query for the memory zone located at the current coordinate.Query details about memoryzones located inside the current view.


Responses from memoryzones/list.cgi


If the request is successful:

HTTP code: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Response for query=list if at least one zone has been added:


[{ "name" : "name", "index" : index, "ptpolygon" : "0.0,0.0:0.0,0.0:0.0,0.0:0.0,0.0", "zoomrange" : "0:0", "focus" : position},...]

Response for query=list if there are no zones:



Response for query=current if there is a zone at the current coordinates:


{ "name" : "name", "index" : index }

Response for query=current if there is no zone at the current coordinates:


{"name" : "", "index" : -1}

Response for query=view if there is one or more zone within the current view:


[{ "name" : "name", "index" : index, "polygon" : "0,0:0,0:0,0:0,0", "ptpolygon" : "0.0,0.0:0.0,0.0:0.0,0.0:0.0,0.0", "zoomrange" : "0:0", "focus" : position}, ...]

Response for query=view if there are no zones in the current view:



HTTP code: GeneralSuccess response is returned. See General success response.


If an error occurred:

HTTP code: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


{ "error": { "id":<error code>, "message":"<optional error message in English>" }}

HTTP code: GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

Goto memory zone

Use memoryzones/goto.cgi to go to and focus on memory zone coordinates.


  • Access control: admin, operator, viewer with PTZ control
  • Method: GET



with the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
camera=<integer>integerThe index of the camera source to apply the request. Default is 1. This argument is not required when there is only one camera source in the product. Optional.
index=<integer>integerIndex of the memory zone. Mandatory.


Responses from memoryzones/goto.cgi


If the request is successful:

HTTP code: 204 OK
Content-Type: application/json



HTTP code: GeneralSuccess response is returned. See General success response.


If an error occurred:

HTTP code: 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


{ "error": { "id":<error code>, "message":"<optional error message in English>" }}

HTTP code: GeneralError response is returned. See General error response.

General success response

General success response from Focus recall API.

  • HTTP code: : 200 OK

  • Content-type

    : application/json


"name" : "name",
"index" : index

General error response

General error response from Focus recall API.

  • HTTP code: : 200 OK

  • Content-type

    : application/json


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<memoryzonesResponse SchemaVersion="1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<ErrorCode>[error code]</ErrorCode>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

memoryzonesResponseContains the response.
ErrorCodeA numeric error code. See table below.
ErrorDescriptionDescription of the error.
Error codeDescriptionCGI
501Other errorAll
502Unknown memory zone commandAll
503Unknown indexremove.cgi, list.cgi
504List fulladd.cgi, goto.cgi
505Name already definedadd.cgi
506Name too longadd.cgi

PTZ events and actions

PTZ preset reached event

The PTZ preset reached event is true when the camera stops at a preset position. Preset positions are defined for each video channel or view area. There is one event for each preset position. The Any event is true if the camera stops at any of the preset positions defined on that channel or view area.

Note that Nice name can be changed.


  • Name: tns1:PTZController/tnsaxis:PTZPresets/tnsaxis:Channel_X
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: PTZ preset reached on channel X

Source instance

  • Nice name: Preset token
  • Type: integer
  • Name: PresetToken
ValueNice name
1HomeNote that Homeis the default and this can be changed.
2User-defined name
number of presets definedUser-defined name

Data instance

  • Nice name: Preset reached
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: on_preset
  • isPropertyState: true

PTZ moving event

The PTZ movement event is true when the camera is moving due to a PTZ operation.

The event can for example be used to prevent motion detection from being triggered while the camera moves due to a PTZ operation.


  • Name: tns1:PTZController/tnsaxis:Move/tnsaxis:Channel_X
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: PTZ movement on channel X

Source instance

  • Nice name: PTZ channel
  • Type: integer
  • Name: PTZConfigurationToken
ValueNice name
XChannel X

Data instance

  • Nice name: Moving
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: is_moving
  • isPropertyState: true

PTZ ready event

The PTZ ready event is true when the PTZ functionality is ready to be used. The event can for example be used to detect that PTZ is ready to use after restart or after a PTZ driver has been installed.

For products with multiple view areas or multiple video channels, there is one event for each view area or video channel. The channel element in SourceInstance specifies the view area or video channel.


  • Name: tns1:PTZController/tnsaxis:PTZReady
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: PTZ ready

Source instance

  • Nice name: Channel
  • Type: integer
  • Name: channel

Data instance

  • Nice name: Ready
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: ready
  • isPropertyState: true

PTZ control queue event

The PTZ control queue event shows the user who is controlling the PTZ functionality.


  • Name: tns1:PTZController/tnsaxis:ControlQueue
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: PTZ control queue

Source instance

  • Nice name: PTZ channel
  • Type: integer
  • Name: PTZConfigurationToken
ValueNice name
1Channel 1
2Channel 2
number of channelsChannel n

Data instance

  • Nice name: Queue owner
  • Type: string
  • Name: queue_owner
  • isPropertyState: true

Autotracking event


These events have been deprecated as of firmware version 10.12 and will no longer receive updates. The methods found in PTZ Autotracker API should be used instead.

The Autotracking event is true when autotracking is active.


  • Name: tns1:PTZController/tnsaxis:AutoTracking
  • Type: Stateful
  • Nice name: Autotracking

Source instance

  • Nice name: Channel
  • Type: integer
  • Name: channel

The table below is valid for multichannel products. For single channel products, the channel is always 0.

ValueNice name
n = number of video channels

Data instance

  • Nice name: Tracking motion
  • Type: boolean
  • Name: tracking
  • isPropertyState: true

PTZ error event

A PTZ error event tns1:PTZController/tnsaxis:PTZError is emitted if the PTZ functionality is malfunctioning.

To retrieve the event declaration, use aev:GetEventInstances.

Event declaration:

<tns1:PTZController aev:NiceName="PTZController">
<tnsaxis:PTZError wstop:topic="true" aev:NiceName="PTZ error">
<aev:SimpleItemInstance aev:NiceName="Channel" Type="xsd:int" Name="channel">
<aev:SimpleItemInstance Type="xsd:string" Name="ptz_error">

Go to PTZ preset action

Use the Go to PTZ preset action to steer the camera view to a PTZ preset position. When the action is completed, the camera view will return to the home position.

This action can be run as:

  • fixed action — stay at the preset position for a predefined time (defined by parameter home_timeout)
  • unlimited action — stay at the preset position as long as all event conditions are fulfilled.
    - Action ID: com.axis.action.fixed.goto.preset
    - Action ID: com.axis.action.unlimited.goto.preset
ParameterValid valuesDescription
channelUnsigned integerVideo channel
preset_nameStringName of the PTZ preset to go to. Preset names can be retrieved from axis-cgi/com/ptz.cgi?query=presetposall
home_timeoutUnsigned integer or -1Number of seconds to wait before returning to the home position. Use -1 if the camera view should not return to the home position.

Autotracking action


These actions have been deprecated as of firmware version 10.12 and will no longer receive updates. The methods found in PTZ Autotracker API should be used instead.

Use the autotracking action to start autotracking from a preset position. When the action is triggered, the camera moves to the preset position preset_name and starts autotracking from that position.

The action can be run as

  • The action can be run as: fixed action — continue autotracking until there are no moving objects
  • unlimited action — continue autotracking as long as all conditions are fulfilled

The action can for example be used in an action rule triggered by a signal from an I/O port. Consider a PTZ camera monitoring a number of doors with door sensors connected to the camera’s I/O ports. When one of the doors is opened, the action rule is triggered and the camera moves to a preset position facing that door and starts follow a person or vehicle coming out of the door.

  • Action ID: com.axis.action.fixed.motiontracking
  • Action ID: com.axis.action.unlimited.motiontracking
ParameterValid valuesDescription
channelUnsigned integerThe video channel.
goto_home_timeoutUnsigned integerFixed action: Number of seconds to wait before returning to the home position when tracking stops.
preset_nameStringThe PTZ preset position from which tracking should start.

Speed dry API


The VAPIX® Speed dry API function enables the camera to shake so that water moves over the dome enabling the water to dry faster, thus clearing the camera’s view faster. Water drops from rain or washing equipment may prevent a clear camera view.


VAPIX® Speed dry is available if:

  • Property: Properties.API.HTTP.Version=3
  • Property: Properties.SpeedDry.SpeedDry=yes

Firmware: 5.65 and later.

Product category: PTZ cameras.

Common examples

Get speed dry capabilites




operations/oneshot/@method xs:enum
operations/oneshot/@runtime xs:integer
operations/oneshot/@idletime sx:integer

Initiate speed dry operation




HTTP code:  200 OK
Content-Type: text/plain

Get speed dry

Use ptz.cgi\auxiliary=speeddry executes a one-shot speed dry operation. After the operation has finished the server has an idle time of ~20 seconds, during which other speed dry requests are discarded.


  • Access control: admin, operator, viewer with PTZ control
  • Method: GET




Responses from ptz.cgi?auxiliary=speeddry

The response is always the same, there is no success or failure information.

General success response

General success response from the Speed dry API.

  • HTTP code: : 200 OK

  • Content-type

    : application/json
    - HTTP code: : 204 No content
    - Content-type

    : N/A

General error response

General error response from the Speed dry API.

  • HTTP code: : 200 OK

  • Content-type

    : application/json
    - HTTP code: : 204 No content
    - Content-type

    : N/A


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<speeddryResponse SchemaVersion="1.0" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
<ErrorCode>[error code]</ErrorCode>

Supported elements, attributes and values:

speeddryResponseContains the response.
ErrorCodeA numeric error code. See table below.
ErrorDescriptionDescription of the error.
Error codeDescriptionCGI
204No content