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Remote Syslog


The Remote Syslog API makes it possible to configure your Axis device to send system logs (syslogs) to a chosen number of remote servers.


The API is implemented by the remotesyslog.cgi called with a HTTP POST and JSON formatted input data. Doing this makes it possible to:

  • Configure up to two remote server addresses that are supposed to receive the log message from your device.
  • Configure the severity level of the log messages. For example, if "Warning" is selected, the device will send all log messages ranked warning and higher.
  • Configure the transport protocol. Valid formats are UDP, TCP, or TCP with TLS.
  • Stop the log from sending messages to avoid clogging the system in case of a failure event, meaning that no messages will be buffered.

Methods for Remote Syslog

setupSet the configuration and send system logs to the remote servers.
enableSend system logs to the remote servers.
disableStop sending system logs to the remote servers.
statusRetrieve the status information for remote system logs.
testTest your configuration by sending system logs to the remote servers.
getSupportedVersionsRetrieve the API versions supported by the device.

Remote Syslog properties

Server1.AddressThe address for Server1
Server1.PortThe port for Server1
Server1.ProtocolThe protocol for Server1
Server1.SyslogFormatThe output format for Server1
Server1.SeverityThe severity level for Server1
Server2.AddressThe address for Server2
Server2.PortThe port for Server2
Server2.ProtocolThe protocol for Server2
Server2.SyslogFormatThe output format for Server2
Server2.ServerityThe severity level for Server2
EnabledWhether the remote system log feature is enabled or disabled.


  • API Discovery: id=remote-syslog

Common examples

Setup a remote server

Use this example to configure your device to send system logs to a remote server.

Send syslogs over TCP

  1. Retrieve information about pre-existing server configurations using Get status for one or several remote servers.

  2. Configure the available remote servers.


JSON input parameters

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "setup",
"params": {
"servers": [
"address": "",
"port": 514,
"protocol": "TCP",
"syslogFormat": "RFC3164",
"severity": "Warning"
"address": "2001:4860:4860::8888",
"port": 1999,
"protocol": "TCP",
"syslogFormat": "RFC5424",
"severity": "Error"
  1. Parse the JSON response.

Successful response

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "setup",
"data": {
"enabled": true,
"servers": [
"address": "",
"port": 514,
"protocol": "TCP",
"syslogFormat": "RFC3164",
"severity": "Warning"
"address": "2001:4860:4860::8888",
"port": 1999,
"protocol": "TCP",
"syslogFormat": "RFC5424",
"severity": "Error"

If the parameter address is missing you will receive the following error response:

Error response

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "setup",
"error": {
"code": 2103,
"message": "Required parameter missing",
"details": {
"propertyName": "address"

If the servers are identical, you will receive the following error response:

Error response

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "setup",
"error": {
"code": 2201,
"message": "Identical servers not allowed"

If too many servers are specified, you will receive the following error response:

Error response

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "setup",
"error": {
"code": 2203,
"message": "Too many servers specified"

If an invalid optional parameter in params is specified, you will receive the following error response:

Error response

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "setup",
"error": {
"code": 2104,
"message": "Invalid parameter value specified",
"details": {
"address": "",
"propertyName": "severity"

If several parameters have invalid values, you will receive the following error response:

Error response

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "setup",
"error": {
"code": 2104,
"message": "Invalid parameter value specified",
"details": {
"address": "",
"propertyName": "protocol"
"errors": [
"code": 2104,
"message": "Invalid parameter value specified",
"details": {
"propertyName": "protocol"
"code": 2104,
"message": "Invalid parameter value specified",
"details": {
"address": "",
"propertyName": "severity"

Send syslogs over UDP

  1. Retrieve information about pre-existing server configurations using Get status for one or several remote servers.

  2. Configure the remote servers.


JSON input parameters

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "setup",
"params": {
"servers": [
"address": "",
"protocol": "UDP"
"address": "",
"protocol": "UDP"
  1. Parse the JSON response.

Successful response

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "setup",
"data": {
"enabled": true,
"servers": [
"address": "",
"port": 514,
"protocol": "UDP",
"syslogFormat": "RFC5424",
"severity": "Warning"
"address": "",
"port": 514,
"protocol": "UDP",
"syslogFormat": "RFC5424",
"severity": "Warning"

For possible error responses, see Send syslogs over TCP.

Send syslogs over TLS

It is possible for the Axis device to validate the remote syslog authenticity by attaching CA certificates to the TLS configuration. To do this you must first install the CA certificate by using either the WEB UI or ONVIF. The following request is used when you want to configure these CA certificates.


SOAP input parameters

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Envelope xmlns=>
<Body xmlns:acertificate= xmlns:acert=>
<SetCertSet xmlns=>
  1. In order to use a CA certificate, you must first install it using either the WEB UI or ONVIF.

  2. Retrieve the server configurations using Get status for one or several remote servers.

  3. Configure the remote servers.


JSON input parameters

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "setup",
"params": {
"servers": [
"address": "",
"protocol": "TLS"
  1. Parse the JSON response.

Successful response

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "setup",
"data": {
"enabled": true,
"servers": [
"address": "",
"port": 6514,
"protocol": "TLS",
"syslogFormat": "RFC5424",
"severity": "Warning"

For possible error responses, see Send syslogs over TCP.

Disable/Enable and send the syslog to a remote server

Use this example to either disable or enable the system log for the remote servers.

Disable syslog from remote server

  1. Retrieve server configurations using Get status for one or several remote servers.

  2. Disable the system log from a remote server.


JSON input parameters

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "disable"
  1. Parse the JSON response.

Successful response

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "disable",
"data": {
"enabled": false,
"servers": [
"address": "",
"port": 514,
"protocol": "TCP",
"syslogFormat": "RFC3164",
"severity": "Warning"
"address": "2001:4860:4860::8888",
"port": 5140,
"protocol": "TCP",
"syslogFormat": "RFC5424",
"severity:" "Emergency"

Enable syslog from remote server

  1. Enable the system log to send to a specified number of remote servers.

JSON input parameters

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "enable"
  1. Parse the JSON response.

Successful response

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "enable",
"data": {
"enabled": true,
"servers": [
"address": "",
"port": 514,
"protocol": "TCP",
"syslogFormat": "RFC3164",
"severity": "Warning"
"address": "2001:4860:4860::8888",
"port": 5140,
"protocol": "TCP",
"syslogFormat": "RFC5424",
"severity": "Emergency"

If no server is configured, you will receive the following error response:

Error response

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "enable",
"error": {
"code": 2200,
"message": "No server configured"

If the servers are identical, you will receive the following error response:

Error response

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "enable",
"error": {
"code": 2201,
"message": "Identical servers not allowed"

Get status for one or several remote servers

Use this example to retrieve status information from a specified number of remote servers.

  1. Request status information from a remote server

JSON input parameters

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "status"
  1. Parse the JSON response.

a) If both servers are configured you will get the following response.

Successful response

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "status",
"data": {
"enabled": true,
"servers": [
"address": "",
"port": 514,
"protocol": "TCP",
"syslogFormat": "RFC3164",
"severity": "Warning"
"address": "",
"port": 1999,
"protocol": "UDP",
"syslogFormat": "RFC5424",
"severity": "Debug"

b) If no server has been configured you will get the following response.

Successful response

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "stauts",
"data": {
"enabled": false,
"servers": []

c) If only one server has been configured you will get the following response.

Successful response

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "status",
"data": {
"enabled": false,
"servers": [
"address": "",
"port": 5140,
"protocol": "UDP",
"syslogFormat": "RFC3164",
"severity": "Emergency"

d) If Server1.Address has not been configured and Server2.Address has been configured through the Parameter handling API you will get the following response.

Successful response

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "status",
"data": {
"enabled": false,
"servers": []

Send a test message to the remote servers

Use this example to send a test system log message to the remote server.

  1. Retrieve information about pre-existing server configurations using Get status for one or several remote servers.

  2. Send a test system log message to a remote server.


JSON input parameters

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "test"
  1. Parse the JSON response

Successful response

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "test",
"data": {
"enabled": true,
"servers": [
"address": "",
"port": 514,
"protocol": "TCP",
"syslogFormat": "RFC3164",
"severity": "Warning"
"address": "2001:4860:4860::8888",
"port": 5140,
"protocol": "TCP",
"syslogFormat": "RFC5424",
"severity": "Emergency"

Error response

"apiVersion": "1.0",
"context": "Client defined request ID",
"method": "test",
"error": {
"code": 2202,
"message": "Remote syslog is disabled, send test message is not possible"

Get supported versions

Use this example to retrieve a list of API versions supported by your device.

  1. Get a list of supported API versions.

JSON input parameters

"context": "abc",
"method": "getSupportedVersions"
  1. Parse the JSON response.

Successful response

"apiVersion": "2.1",
"context": "abc",
"method": "getSupportedVersions",
"data": {
"apiVersions": ["1.3","2.1"]

Error response

"apiVersion": "2.1",
"context": "abc",
"method": "getSupportedVersions",
"error": {
"code": 2102,
"message": "Method not supported"

API specifications


This API method is used when you want to configure the remote servers provided by the API. If the request is successful, you will also be able to send system log messages with properties specified in the table below.

addressSpecifies the address of the remote server.
portSpecifies the UDP or TCP port.
protocolSpecifies the protocol.
syslogFormatSpecifies the system log output format.
severitySpecifies the severity of the log messages.


  • Security level: Admin
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json

Request body syntax

"apiVersion": "<Major>.<Minor>",
"context": <string>,
"method": "setup",
"params": {
"servers": [
"address": <string>,
"port": <integer>,
"protocol": "<UDP | TCP | TLS>",
"syslogFormat": "<RFC3164 | RFC5424>",
"severity": "<Emergency | Alert | Critical | Error | Warning | Notice | Informational | Debug>"
apiVersion:"<Major>.<Minor>"The API version that should be used in the request.
context=<string>The user sets this value and the application echoes it back in the response (optional).
method="setup"The operation that should be performed.
params.servers[]The maximum number of servers possible to configure in a request is limited to 2. These servers can be removed if the server list is empty.
params.servers[].address=<string>Specifies the remote server address.
params.servers[].port=<integer>Specifies the port. The maximum number of ports that can be specified is 65535 (optional).
params.servers[].protocol="<UDP | TCP | TLS>"Specifies the protocol that should be used to send syslogs to a remote server. If not set in the request, TLS will be used as the default (optional). Possible values are:

params.servers[].syslogFormat="<AXIS | RFC3164 | RFC5424>"Specifies the syslog output format. If not set in the request, RFC5424 will be used as the default (optional). Possible values are:

- AXIS: The AXIS syslog protocol is used.
- RFC3164: The BSD syslog protocol is used.
- RFC5424: The syslog protocol is used.
params.servers[].severity=<string>Specifies the syslog severity. Warning will be used as the default (optional). Example: If "Warning" is selected, your device will send all syslogs with Warning, Error, Alert and Emergency severity. Possible severity levels are listed in the table below.

Severity levels

Severity levelDescription
EmergencySystem is unusable.
AlertAction must be taken immediately.
CriticalCritical conditions.
ErrorError conditions.
WarningWarning conditions.
NoticeNormal but significant condition.
InformationalInformational messages.
DebugDebug level messages.

Default port list


Return value - Success

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax

"apiVersion": "<Major>.<Minor>",
"context": <string>,
"method": "setup",
"data": {
"enabled": <boolean>,
"servers": [
"address": <string>,
"port": <integer>,
"protocol": "<UDP | TCP | TLS>",
"syslogFormat": "<RFC3164 | RFC5424>",
"severity": "<Emergency | Alert | Critical | Error | Warning | Notice | Informational | Debug>"
apiVersionThe API version that was used in the request.
contextThe context that was used when the request was made (optional).
methodThe operation that was performed.
data.enabled=<boolean>Specifies if the remote syslog feature was enabled.
data.servers[]Specifies the list of servers. The list will be empty if no servers has been configured.
data.servers[].addressSpecifies the address of the remote server.
data.servers[].port=<integer>Specifies the port. The maximum number that can be specified is 65535.
data.servers[].protocol="<UDP | TCP | TLS>"Specifies the protocol.
data.servers[].syslogFormat="<AXIS | RFC3164 | RFC5424>"Specifies the syslog output format.
data.servers[].severitySpecifies the syslog severity.

Return value - Failure

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax

"apiVersion": "<Major>.<Minor>",
"context": <string>,
"method": "setup",
"error": {
"code": <integer error code>,
"message": <string>,
"details": {
"address": <string>,
"propertyName": <string>
"errors": [
"code": <integer error code>,
"message": <string>,
"details": {
"address": <string>,
"propertyName": <string>
apiVersionThe API version that was used in the request.
contextThe context that was used when the request was made (optional).
methodThe operation that was performed.
error.code=<integer error code>The error code for the first encountered error.
error.message=<string>The error message for the first encountered error.
error.details.address=<string>The server related to the error code (optional).
error.details.propertyName=<string>The property name related to the error code (optional).
error.errors[]Available when there are more than one error (optional).
error.errors[].code=<integer error code>The error code.
error.errors[].message=<string>The error message corresponding second error code.
error.errors[].details.address=<string>The server related to the second error code (optional).
error.errors[].details.propertyName=<string>The property name related to the second error code (optional).

General errors

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax

"apiVersions": "<Major>.<Minor>",
"context": <string>,
"method": <string>,
"error": {
"code": <integer error code>,
"message": <string>
apiVersionThe API version that was used in the request.
contextThe context that was used when the request was made (optional).
error.code=<integer error code>The error code for the first encountered error code.
error.message=<string>The error message corresponding to the error code.

Error codes

2201Identical servers not allowed.
2203Too many servers specified.

See General error codes for a complete list of error codes.


This API method is used when you want to enable system logs to send messages to a remote server.


  • Security level: Admin
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json

Request body syntax

"apiVersion": "<Major>.<Minor>",
"context": <string>,
"method": "enable"
apiVersion:"<Major>.<Minor>"The API version that should be used in the request.
context=<string>The user sets this value and the application echoes it back in the response (optional).
method="enable"The operation that should be performed.

Return value - Success

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax

"apiVersion": "<Major>.<Minor>",
"context": <string>,
"method": <string>,
"data": {
"enabled": <boolean>,
"servers": [
"address": <string>,
"port": <integer>,
"protocol": "<UDP | TCP | TLS>",
"syslogFormat": "<RFC3164 | RFC5424>",
"severity":<Emergency | Alert | Critical | Error | Warning | Notice | Informational | Debug>"
apiVersionThe API version that was used in the request.
contextThe context that was used when the request was made (optional).
methodThe operation that was performed.
data.enabled=<boolean>Specifies whether the remote syslog feature is enabled.
data.servers[]Specifies the list of servers. The list will be empty if no servers were configured.
data.servers[].addressSpecifies the address of the remote server.
data.servers[].port=<integer>Specifies the port. The maximum port that can be specified is 65535.
data.servers[].protocol="<UDP | TCP | TLS>"Specifies the protocol.
data.servers[].syslogFormat="<AXIS | RFC3164 | RFC5424>"Specifies the syslog output format.
data.servers[].severitySpecifies the syslog severity for filtering.

Return value - Failure

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax

"apiVersions": "<Major>.<Minor>",
"context": <string>,
"method": <string>,
"error": {
"code": <integer error code>,
"message": <string>
apiVersionThe API version that was used in the request.
contextThe context that was used when the request was made (optional).
error.code=<integer error code>The error code for the first encountered error code.
error.message=<string>The error message corresponding to the error code.

Error codes

2200No server configured.
2201Identical servers not allowed.

See General error codes for a complete list of error codes.


This API method is used when you want to disable system logs from sending messages to a remote server.


  • Security level: Admin
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json

Request body syntax

"apiVersion": "<Major>.<Minor>",
"context": <string>,
"method": "disable"
apiVersion:"<Major>.<Minor>"The API version that should be used in the request.
context=<string>The user sets this value and the application echoes it back in the response (optional).
method="disable"The operation that should be performed.

Return value - Success

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax

"apiVersion": "<Major>.<Minor>",
"context": <string>,
"method": <string>,
"data": {
"enabled": <boolean>,
"servers": [
"address": <string>,
"port": <integer>,
"protocol": "<UDP | TCP | TLS>",
"syslogFormat": "<RFC3164 | RFC5424>",
"severity":<Emergency | Alert | Critical | Error | Warning | Notice | Informational | Debug>"
apiVersionThe API version that was used in the request.
contextThe context that was used when the request was made (optional).
methodThe operation that was performed.
data.enabled=<boolean>Specifies whether the remote syslog feature is enabled.
data.servers[]Specifies the list of servers. The list will be empty if no servers were configured.
data.servers[].addressSpecifies the address of the remote server.
data.servers[].port=<integer>Specifies the port. The maximum port that can be specified is 65535.
data.servers[].protocol="<UDP | TCP | TLS>"Specifies the protocol.
data.servers[].syslogFormat="<AXIS | RFC3164 | RFC5424>"Specifies the syslog output format.
data.servers[].severitySpecifies the syslog severity for filtering.

Return value - Failure

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax

"apiVersions": "<Major>.<Minor>",
"context": <string>,
"method": <string>,
"error": {
"code": <integer error code>,
"message": <string>
apiVersionThe API version that was used in the request.
contextThe context that was used when the request was made (optional).
error.code=<integer error code>The error code for the first encountered error code.
error.message=<string>The error message corresponding to the error code.

Error codes

No specific errors exist for this method. See General error codes for a complete list of error codes.


This API method is used when you want to retrieve the current configuration of the remote servers.


  • Security level: Admin
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json

Request body syntax

"apiVersion": "<Major>.<Minor>",
"context": <string>,
"method": "status"
apiVersion:"<Major>.<Minor>"The API version that should be used in the request.
context=<string>The user sets this value and the application echoes it back in the response (optional).
method="status"The operation that should be performed.

Return value - Success

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax

"apiVersion": "<Major>.<Minor>",
"context": <string>,
"method": <string>,
"data": {
"enabled": <boolean>,
"servers": [
"address": <string>,
"port": <integer>,
"protocol": "<UDP | TCP | TLS>",
"syslogFormat": "<RFC3164 | RFC5424>",
"severity": <Emergency | Alert | Critical | Error | Warning | Notice | Informational | Debug>
apiVersionThe API version that was used in the request.
contextThe context that was used when the request was made (optional).
methodThe operation that was performed.
data.enabled=<boolean>Specifies whether the remote syslog feature is enabled.
data.servers[]Specifies the list of servers. The list will be empty if no servers were configured.
data.servers[].addressSpecifies the address of the remote server.
data.servers[].port=<integer>Specifies the port. The maximum port that can be specified is 65535.
data.servers[].protocol="<UDP | TCP | TLS>"Specifies the protocol.
data.servers[].syslogFormat="<AXIS | RFC3164 | RFC5424>"Specifies the syslog output format.
data.servers[].severitySpecifies the syslog severity for filtering.

Return value - Failure

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax

"apiVersion": "<Major>.<Minor>",
"context": <string>,
"method": <string>,
"error": {
"code": <integer error code>,
"message": <string>
apiVersionThe API version that was used in the request.
contextThe context that was used when the request was made (optional).
error.code=<integer error code>The error code for the first encountered error code.
error.message=<string>The error message corresponding to the error code.

Error codes

No specific error codes exist for this method. See General error codes for a complete list of error codes.


This API method is used when you want to generate log messages for all severity levels, however, only configured severity level log messages will be sent to the remote servers.


  • Security level: Admin
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json

Request body syntax

"apiVersion": "<Major>.<Minor>",
"context": <string>,
"method": "test"
apiVersion:"<Major>.<Minor>"The API version that should be used in the request.
context=<string>The user sets this value and the application echoes it back in the response (optional).
method="test"The operation that should be performed.

This method is used when you want to generate log messages. It doesn't check if the messages are received on the server.

Return value - Success

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax

"apiVersion": "<Major>.<Minor>",
"context": <string>,
"method": <string>,
"data": {
"enabled": <boolean>,
"servers": [
"address": <string>,
"port": <integer>,
"protocol": "<UDP | TCP | TLS>",
"syslogFormat": "<RFC3164 | RFC5424>,
"severity": <Emergency | Alert | Critical | Error | Warning | Notice | Informational | Debug>
apiVersionThe API version that was used in the request.
contextThe context that was used when the request was made (optional).
methodThe operation that was performed.
data.enabled=<boolean>Specifies whether the remote syslog feature is enabled.
data.servers[]Specifies the list of servers. The list will be empty if no servers were configured.
data.servers[].addressSpecifies the address of the remote server.
data.servers[].port=<integer>Specifies the port. The maximum port that can be specified is 65535.
data.servers[].protocol="<UDP | TCP | TLS>"Specifies the protocol.
data.servers[].syslogFormat="<AXIS | RFC3164 | RFC5424>"Specifies the syslog output format.
data.servers[].severitySpecifies the syslog severity for filtering.

Return value - Failure

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax

"apiVersion": "<Major>.<Minor>",
"context": <string>,
"method": <string>,
"error": {
"code": <integer error code>,
"message": <string>
apiVersionThe API version that was used in the request.
contextThe context that was used when the request was made (optional).
error.code=<integer error code>The error code for the first encountered error code.
error.message=<string>The error message corresponding to the error code.

Error codes

2202Remote syslog is disabled, sending test messages is not possible.

See General error codes for a complete list of error codes.


This API method is used when you want to retrieve a list of supported API versions.


  • Security level: Admin
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json

Request body syntax

"context": <string>,
"method": "getSupportedVersions"
context=<string>The user sets this value and the application echoes it back in the response (optional).
method="getSupportedVersions"The operation that should be performed.

Return value - Success

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax

"context": <string>,
"method": "getSupportedVersions",
"data": {
"apiVersions": ["<Major1>.<Minor1>","<Major2>.<Minor2>"]
context=<string>The context that was used when the request was made (optional).
method="getSupportedVersions"The operation that was performed.
data.apiVersions[]=<list of versions>Specifies the list of supported versions and includes all major versions together with their highest supported minor version.
<list of versions>The list of "<Major>.<Minor>" versions e.g. ["1.4", "2.5"].

Return value - Failure

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: application/json

Response body syntax

"apiVersions": "<Major>.<Minor>",
"context": <string>,
"method": "getSupportedVersions",
"error": {
"code": <integer error code>,
"message": <string>

Error codes

No specific errors exist for this method. See General error codes for a complete list of error codes.


This section will show you how to handle parameters found in this API.


The parameters found in this group are used when you want to configure the servers. Please note that any changes made to these parameters will disable remote logging and put API.RemoteSyslog1.Enabled to false. Also, changes made here might now be shown in the JSON responses. For example, if Server1.Address is empty, no servers will be shown, while if Server2.Address is empty, only Server1 parameters will be shown.

  • List security level: Admin
  • Update security level: Admin

Valid values for # ranges from 1 to 2.

Address=<string>Specifies the address of the remote server.
Port=<integer>Specifies the port. Default port value is 6514, while the maximum number of ports that can be specified is 65535.
Protocol="<UDP | TCP | TLS>"Specifies the protocol. Default protocol is TLS.
SyslogFormat="<AXIS | RFC3164 | RFC5424>"Specifies the syslog output format. Default output format is RFC5424.
SeveritySpecifies the severity filtering for the syslog. Default severity is Warning. See setup for a complete list of severity levels.


This parameter is used when you want to either enable or disable the remote syslog. Enabled can be either true or false, with false being the default. When Enable is true the logging service will be configured with the current values. It is possible to probe the Enabled flag, and if it is false after being set to true, the configured values where incomplete and the configuration failed. Please note that a valid Server1.Address is required to enable the feature, meaning that using Server2.Address on its own is not possible.

  • List security level: Admin
  • Update security level: Admin
Enabled=<boolean>Specifies whether the remote syslog feature has been enabled.

General error codes

The error codes for this API are sorted into the following ranges:


Generic errors common to many API:s and reserved for server errors, e.g. "Could not read configuration from file". The cause can be seen in the server log and the problems can in some cases be solved by restarting the device.


API-specific server errors.


Generic error codes common to many API:s and reserved for client errors, e.g. "Invalid parameter". These errors can be solved by changing the input data to the API.


API-specific client errors. Codes in this range may collide between different API:s.

General error codes

1100Internal error
2100API version not supported
2101Invalid JSON
2102Method not supported
2103Required parameter missing
2104Invalid parameter value specified
2105Authorization failed
2106Authentication failed
2107Request too large

Method specific error codes

2200No server configured
2201Identical servers not allowed
2202Remote syslog is disabled, sending test messages is not possible
2203Too many servers specified