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System settings


The HTTP-based video interface provides the functionality for configuring system settings. This document describes the general syntaxes, requests and values that are used for general configurations of your Axis product.

The following CGIs are described in this document:

pwdgrp.cgiAdd, delete and manage user accounts.
factorydefault.cgiReload factory default. Some parameters are not set to their factory default value.
hardfactorydefault.cgiReload factory default. All parameters are set to their factory default value.
firmwareupgrade.cgiUpgrade the firmware version.
restart.cgiRestart the Axis product.
serverreport.cgiGet a server report from the Axis product.
systemlog.cgiGet system log information.
accesslog.cgiGet client log information.



  • Property: Properties.API.HTTP.Version=3
  • Firmware: 5.00 and later.

Add, modify and delete user accounts

The pwdgrp.cgi is used to add a new user account with password and group membership, modify the information and remove a user account.


  • API Discovery: id=user-management
  • Property: Properties.API.HTTP.Version=3
  • Firmware: 5.00 and later
  • Access control: admin (Admin privileges are required if an admin user exists)
  • Method: GET/POST

With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
action=<string>add update remove getadd = Create a new user account. update = Change user account information of specified parameters if the user account exists. remove = Remove an existing user account. get = Get a list of the user accounts which belong to each group defined.
user=<string> Required if action=add. Adding a value to comment is optional.StringThe user account name (1-14 characters), a non-existing user account name. Valid characters are a-z, A-Z and 0-9.
pwd=<string> Required if action=add. Adding a value to comment is optional.StringThe unencrypted password (1-64 characters) for the account. ASCII characters from character code 32 to 126 are valid.
grp=<string> Required if action=add. Adding a value to comment is optional.StringAn existing primary group account name. The recommended value for this argument is users. VAPIX® also supports the value root, but it should only be used when creating the initial user account.
sgrp=<string>[:<string>``...] Required if action=add. Adding a value to comment is optional.<string>[:``<string>``...]Colon separated existing secondary group account names. This argument sets the user access rights for the user account: The supported values for this group are: viewer = Viewer role. viewer:ptz = Viewer role, with PTZ control. operator:viewer = Operator role. operator:viewer:ptz = Operator role, with PTZ control. admin:operator:viewer = Admin role. admin:operator:viewer:ptz = Admin role, with PTZ control.Please note that the group names can be in any order.
comment=<string> Required if action=add. Adding a value to comment is optional. Optional in firmware and service releases since autumn 2019.StringDescription of the user account. This value can be empty.
strict_pwd=<integer>IntegerSet to 1 to enforce VAPIX® password standard. Valid characters for passwords are ASCII characters with byte codes in the range of 0x20 - 0x7E.

It is not advisable to create user access data in the URL, as that might compromise security. Instead, pass the arguments to pwdgrp.cgi in the request body.

Example 1:

Create the initial admin account on the device. This must be done to log in to the device for the first time. The initial admin account has the following restrictions on devices running firmware versions older than 11.5:

  • The user name must be root and the role must be Administrator with PTZ control.
  • The comment parameter must be either empty or omitted.
  • This user can not be deleted, and can only be created once.

The only restriction on devices running firmware 11.5 and later is that the role must be Administrator with PTZ control.

Since logging in to the device is impossible at this stage, no authentication is required to create it. This changes as soon as this user has been created however, and authentication and admin privileges will be required for all future user handling operations.



  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-type


Created account root.

Example 2:

Create a new user account with administrator and PTZ control privileges.



  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-type


Created account joe.


Change the password of an existing account.



  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-type


Modified account joe.

Example 4:

Remove an account.



  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-type


Removed account joe.

Example 5:

List groups and users. In this example Joe is the administrator, Ellen is the operator with PTZ rights and Frank is the viewer without PTZ rights.

The digusers parameter is used to list all created users , however, admin, operator, viewer and ptz are all access group rights. This means that Joe, who is the administrator, will be listed in all groups, while Ellen is only visible in operator, viewer and ptz, as her account only has the access rights to these.



  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain

Example 6:

Create an account with enforced VAPIX® password standards.



  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-type


Modified the account joe.

Error Responses:

Example 7:

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-type


Error: consult the system log file.

Example 8:

If the action is omitted or is not one of add, update, remove or get.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-type


Error: action operation type.

Example 9:

No user name was supplied, or the user name contains characters other than A-Z, a-z or 0-9.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-type


Error: account user name.

Example 10:

The user name is not appropriate for the action.

  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-type


Error: malformed action operation, <action>.

Example 11:

No admin user has been created and the user that attempted to be added is not a valid initial admin user.

  • HTTP code: 401 Unauthorized

  • Content-type


Error: not a valid initial admin user.

Example 12:

No admin user has been created. Start by creating one and use it to login and perform the requested operation.

  • HTTP code: 401 Unauthorized

  • Content-type


Error: initial admin user must be created first.

Factory default


See factoryDefault in the Firmware management API for updated information.

The factorydefault.cgi is used to reset to factory default. All settings are set to their factory default values except.

  • The boot protocol (Network.BootProto).
  • The static IP address (Network.IPAddress).
  • The default router (Network.DefaultRouter).
  • The subnet mask (Network.SubnetMask).
  • The broadcast IP address (Network.Broadcast).
  • The system time.
  • The IEEE 802.1X settings.

Since these parameters are not reset the Axis product can be accessed on the same address. This is especially important when using NAT router. After the Axis product has been reset to factory default it is restarted as part of this function.

  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET




  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-type


<html response>

Hard factory default


See factoryDefault in the Firmware management API for updated information.

The hardfactorydefault.cgi is used to reset to factory default. All settings, including the IP addresses, are set to their factory default values. After the Axis product has been reset to factory default it is restarted as part of this function.

  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET




  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-type


<html response>

Firmware upgrade


See Upgrade in the Firmware management API for updated information.

The firmwareupgrade.cgi is used to upgrade the firmware version. After the Axis product has been upgraded with a new firmware it is restarted as part of this function.

  • Access control: admin
  • Method: POST



With the following arguments and values:

ArgumentValid valuesDescription
type=<string>normal factorydefaultSpecifies the type of firmware upgrade. normal = Upgrade and restore old settings. factorydefault = All parameters are set to their default value. Default: normal.

The file content is provided in the HTTP body according to the format given in RFC 1867. The body is created automatically by the browser if using HTML form with input type "file".


POST /axis-cgi/firmwareupgrade.cgi?type=normal HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=<boundary>
Content-Length: <content length>

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=<name>;
filename="<file name>"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<firmware file content>


For more Firmware upgrade options, see Firmware management API

Restart server


See Reboot in the Firmware management API for updated information.

The restart.cgi is used to restart the Axis product.

  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET




  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-type


<html response>

Server report


The serverreport.cgi is used to generate and return a server report. This report is useful as an input when requesting support. The report includes product information, parameter settings and system logs.


  • Access control: Admin
  • Method: GET/POST
ParameterValid valueDescription
mode=<string>tar_all text zip zip_with_image Only available on products with application support.The server report presentation mode. tar_all: will capture and save a system log file for troubleshooting. text will return the server report as text. zip will return the server report as a .zip-file. zip_with_image will return report together with a snapshot image taken using the Image Appearance settings as a single .zip-file. Optional. If mode is not specified, the value defaults to text.

Common examples

Example 1: Get the server report as text



  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain
<server report>

Example 2: Get the server report as a .zip-file



  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-type



Example 3: Get the server report and a snapshot image with the current image settings as a .zip-archive



  • HTTP Code: 200 OK

  • Content-type






These parameters control inclusion of information in the client access log.


Parameter Log.Access is not available in firmware 5.60 and later.


ParameterDefault valuesValid valuesAccess controlDescription
MaxSize400001000 ... 100000admin: read, writeThe maximum size of the access log.
Criticaldetailedoff on detailedadmin: read, writeSet the level of critical messages that should be shown in the access log.
Warningdetailedoff on detailedadmin: read, writeSet the level of warning messages that should be shown in the access log. off = No warning messages will be shown. on = All suspected intrusions are shown. detailed = All suspected intrusions and access denied events are shown.
Informationaloffoff on detailedadmin: read, writeSet the level of informational messages that should be shown in the access log. off = No informational messages will be shown. on = Most access information will be shown, but some similar and trivial messages are filtered out. detailed = All information will be shown.


These parameters control inclusion of information in the system log.


Parameter Log.System is not available in firmware 5.60 and later.


ParameterDefault valuesValid valuesAccess controlDescription
MaxSize400001000 ... 100000admin: read, writeThe maximum size of the system log.
Criticaldetailedoff on detailedadmin: read, writeSet the level of critical messages that should be shown in the system log. off = No critical messages will be shown. on = All critical messages will be shown. detailed = All critical messages will be shown. Note: Today there is no difference setting the level to on or detailed.
Warningdetailedoff on detailedadmin: read, writeSet the level of warning messages that should be shown in the system log. off = No warning messages will be shown. on = All warning messages will be shown. detailed = All warning messages will be shown. Note: Today there is no difference setting the level to on or detailed.
Informationaloffoff on detailedadmin: read, writeSet the level of informational messages that should be shown in the system log. off = No informational messages will be shown. on = All informational messages will be shown. detailed = All informational messages will be shown. Note: Today there is no difference setting the level to on or detailed.


Parameters for log levels to send as e-mail.


ParameterDefault valuesValid valuesAccess controlDescription
LogSendLevel00 ... 3admin: read, writeMessage that are sent in e-mail: 0 = None. 1 = Critical. 2 = Critical and Warning. 3 = Critical, Warning and Information.
ToEmail<string>admin: read, writeThe e-mail address to where log messages are sent.


System log

The systemlog.cgi is used to retrieve system log information. The level of information included in the log is set in the Log.System parameter group.

  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET


ParameterValid valueDescription
text=<string>Any string that contains only letters and digits.The log entries are filtered on this text. Log entries that contain this text will be shown in the web interface.


  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain


<system log information>

Access log

The accesslog.cgi is used to retrieve client access log information. The level of information included in the log is set in the Log.Access parameter group.

  • Access control: admin
  • Method: GET




  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain


<access log information>

System date and time


This API will no longer receive updates. For a newer version on how to configure date, time and time zones, see Time API.

Get or set the system date and time.



The parameters in the time group control the common time information for the time zone, how date and time are synchronized and the offset related to the chosen time zone and Coordinated Universal Time, UTC.


ParameterDefault valuesValid valuesAccess controlDescription
ObtainFromDHCPyesyes noadmin: read, writeDHCP servers may provide names/IP addresses for local/remote NTP servers. Enable this feature by setting this parameter to yes.
SyncSourceProduct/release dependent.PC NTP None Product/release dependent. Check the product’s release notes.admin: read, writeThe source to synchronize the time with. PC = Synchronize the time with the connected PC. NTP = Synchronize the time with a NTP server. None = Set the time manually.
POSIXTimeZoneGMT0BST,M3.5.0/1,M10.5.0<name>``<offset>[<dst name>[dst offset>[,<start rule>,<stop rule>]]] POSIX TZ rule strings as defined for the TZ variable in Chapter 8.3, The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6 IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004. The ':' prefixed format is not allowed.admin: read, write operator: readThis parameter specifies the time zone with and/or without DST. See section Time zone below for more information.

Set the TimeZone.


This timezone, standard time named GMT and daylight saving time named BST, has daylight saving time. The standard local time is GMT. Daylight saving time, 1 hour ahead of GMT, starts the last Sunday in March at 01:00 and ends the last Sunday in October at 02:00.


The parameter in the Time.DST group controls the Daylight Saving Time (DST).


ParameterDefault valuesValid valuesAccess controlDescription
Enablednoyes noadmin: read, write operator: readEnable/disable DST. yes = Enable DST. no = Disable DST.

Time zone

POSIXTimeZone specifies the time zone with or without DST. The value is added according to the following syntax:

<name>``<offset>[<dst name>[dst offset>[,<start rule>,<stop rule>]]]

<name> and <dst name> = The name of the time zone without and with DST. A name is at least 3 characters long and at most 6 characters long. It can be unquoted or quoted. An unqouted name may only contain the characters A-Z and a-z. A quoted name starts with the < character and ends with a > character. It can have the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, - and +.

<offset> and <dst offset> = The offset for the time zone and the daylight saving time, respectively. An offset specifies the amount of time that when added to the local time is equal to UTC. For example the offset for Paris, France, without daylight saving time, is -1 and the offset for Chicago, Ill., without daylight saving time, is +6. Offsets are specified as HH:MM:SS (hours, 0-24; minutes 0-59 and seconds 0-59) preceded by '-' indicating a negative offset or an optional '+', indicating a positive offset. Minutes and seconds are optional, thus the valid formats are "HH" "HH:MM" "HH:MM:SS". The dst offset may be omitted and will then default to one hour ahead of the zone's standard time.

<start rule> and <stop rule> = The daylight saving time start and stop rules are specified in the form date or date/time. The date is specified in the form Month.Week.Day, Jday, or day. The Month.Week.Dayform sets the month (1-12), week (1-5, with 5 meaning the last week in Month that Day occurs) and day (0-6, 0 is Sunday). The Jn form sets the n:th day (1-365, leap days are not counted). The n form sets the day (0-365, leap days are counted; day 365 thus only exists in leap years).

The time is specified as HH, HH:MM or HH:MM:SS, as the offsets above. It is the local time for the DST transition. The time is always positive and must not be preceded by a sign. If the time is omitted the daylight saving time transition occurs at 02:00:00.

Example: If a zone has a 1 hour DST to standard time offset and the transition time to DST is 02:00 then 01:59:59 will be followed by 03:00:00. If the transition time from DST to standard time in the same zone is 02:00 then 01:59:59 (daylight saving time) will be followed by 01:00:00 (standard time).


The parameters in the Time.NTP set time and date with the NTP protocol.


ParameterDefault valuesValid valuesAccess controlDescription
Server0.0.0.0An IP address or a host name.admin: read, writeThe NTP server to connect to when synchronizing the time in the Axis product.
VolatileServerAn IP address or a host name.admin: readThe name/IP address of the NTP server, received from the DHCP server. Only one NTP server is currently supported. The NTP server name/IP address will be valid only until the next DHCP renewal or reboot.