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Trigger data



Deprecated. Trigger data functionality, that is, trigger data in H.264, MPEG-4 and MJPEG headers, is deprecated and will eventually be removed. Trigger data is replaced by event data streaming, see section Event data streaming.

The JPEG header, the MPEG-4 GOV header and the H.264 SEI message contain Axis specific comment fields. One of the fields in the image header can be enabled to contain trigger data. The trigger data field describes different conditions in the Axis product. Triggers can be enabled according to requirement, for example:

  • Digital input states
  • Motion detection states and levels
  • Video loss status
  • Audio trigger state
  • Camera tampering state

User defined triggers can also be used which means that the triggers of interest are specified. For example specific motion detection windows, triggers connected to another video source in a video encoder etc.

When enabled to include triggers, all these states will be included in the JPEG header, GOV header or H.264 SEI message. This allows the receiving application to lose trigger data blocks without necessarily losing a changed state since the current state is included.


In this document, MPEG-4 is short for MPEG-4 Part 2.



  • Property: Properties.API.HTTP.Version=3
  • Firmware: 5.00 and later.


The parameters (see Parameters) are managed through the Parameter Management CGI param.cgi.

Common examples

This examples describes the trigger data block in a network camera. The trigger data block shows that audio, digital input 0 and 3 are not triggered. Digital input 1 and 2 are triggered as well as camera tampering on video source 0. Motion is detected for window 0 and the motion level for window 0 is 35. Video source 0 has video.


In this example, we will consider a network camera with two motion detection windows.

Enable user data and include trigger data:




  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain



Restart the network camera for these settings to take effect.

A listing of the default configuration would look like this:


This would result in a trigger data block similar to this:


Continuation of example 2: In this example the UserTriggers parameter is used to specify a trigger. The parameter MotionDetectionEnabled is set to no and the trigger M0 is set as values for the UserTriggers parameter. If the MotionDetectionEnabled parameter would have been set to yes, both motion detection windows for Image.I0 (M0 and M1) would have been used. All other triggers from example 2 are included in the trigger request in the example below.




  • HTTP Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: text/plain



This will result in a trigger data block in the header. No triggers have been activated in this example.



Enable trigger data


Deprecated. Trigger data functionality, that is, trigger data in H.264, MPEG-4 and MJPEG headers, is deprecated and will eventually be removed. Trigger data is replaced by event data streaming, see section Event data streaming.

The Axis product must be restarted for this parameter to take effect.


ParameterDefault valueValid valuesAccess controlDescription
TriggerDataEnablednoyes noadmin: read, write operator: read, writeInclude trigger data in the video stream.

Enable user data in H.264/MPEG-4

The Axis product must be restarted for these parameters to take effect.


ParameterDefault valueValid valuesAccess controlDescription
(Needs to be enabled to get trigger data in the H.264/MPEG-4 stream.)
noyes noadmin: read, write operator: read, writeEnable/disable inclusion of user data in the H.264 SEI message and the MPEG-4 GOV header.
ConfigHeaderInterval5An integeradmin: read, write operator: read, writeThe interval at which configuration headers are inserted into the H.264 or MPEG-4 stream before a SEI or GOV. A configuration header is always inserted at the start of the stream. n = Headers inserted before every nth SEI/GOV. 0 = No extra headers inserted.
UserDataInterval1An integeradmin: read, write operator: read, writeThis parameter controls how often user data should be sent on a 'per frame' basis and not on a 'per I-frame' basis as for the ConfigHeaderInterval parameter.

The # in Image.I#.MPEG is replaced by an integer starting from zero, e.g. Image.I0.MPEG.

Trigger data parameters

For each image configuration Image.I#, the TriggerData parameters specify the triggers included in the trigger data. The UserTriggers parameter can be used to include only a few triggers or triggers from other image configurations.


ParameterDefault valueValid valuesAccess controlDescription
AudioEnabledyesyes noadmin: read, write operator: read, writeInclude audio trigger states. yes = Include the states of all audio triggers for image configuration #. To include just some audio triggers, set to no and use UserTriggers instead.
IOEnabledyesyes noadmin: read, write operator: read, writeInclude digital input triggers. yes = Include the states of all digital input triggers for image configuration #. To include just some digital input triggers, set to no and use UserTriggers instead.
MotionDetectionEnabledyesyes noadmin: read, write operator: read, writeInclude motion detection triggers. yes = Include the motion detection states of all windows that belong to image configuration #. To include just some window states or window states belonging to other image configurations, set to no and use UserTriggers instead.
MotionLevelEnablednoyes noadmin: read, write operator: read, writeInclude motion detection level triggers. yes = Include the motion detection levels of all windows that belong to image configuration #. To include just some window levels or window levels belonging to other image configurations, set to no and use UserTriggers instead.
TamperingEnabledyesyes noadmin: read, write operator: read, writeInclude camera tampering triggers. yes = Include the camera tampering state of image configuration #. Use UserTriggers to include tampering states for other image configurations.
VideoLossEnabledyesyes noadmin: read, write operator: read, writeInclude video loss status. yes = Include video loss status for image configuration #. Use UserTriggers to include video loss states for other image configurations.
UserTriggersA stringadmin: read, write operator: read, writeInclude user triggers in the trigger data for image configuration #. The string should be in the format <trigger1>;<trigger2>;<trigger3>;... Valid triggers are listed in the section Trigger data blocks.

The # in Image.I#.TriggerData counts the image configurations and is replaced by an integer starting from zero, e.g. Image.I0.TriggerData. The number of image configurations is given by the Image.NbrOfConfigs parameter.

Header data

Three different types of data can be included in the comment header, GOV header and H.264 SEI message:

  • product information
  • time stamps
  • trigger data

To include product information and time stamps in the user data for MPEG-4 or H.264, set the Image.I#.MPEG.UserDataEnabled parameters (one for each image configuration) to yes. To include trigger data for MPEG-4, H.264 and MJPEG, set the Image.TriggerDataEnabled parameter to yes.

The Axis ID field identifies the type of user data:

Axis IDDescription
0x0A,0x00Product information user data
0x0A,0x01Time stamp user data
0x0A,0x03Trigger data

Product information

The product information user data field contains information such as hardware ID, firmware version and serial number.

Value([^1])Size (bytes)Description
0x##,0x##2Hardware ID (0…65535)
0x##.0x##2Firmware version (0x##.0x##)
0x##1Firmware build number (0…255)
0x00,0x40,0x8c,0x##,0x##,0x##6Serial number (00:40:8c:##:##:##)

[1]: The # is replaced by the symbols 0–9 or A-F.

Time stamp

The time stamp user data field contains information about the user time and unit time. For products with firmware 5.00 and later, the unit and user times are equivalent, but both are kept for backwards compatibility.

Value([^2])Size (bytes)Description
0x##, 0x##,0x##,0x##4User Time – Seconds since EPOCH (2…2^32-1).
0x##1User Time – 1/100 seconds (0..99).
0x##,0x##,0x##,0x##4Unit Time. The unit time is equal to the user time.
0x##1Unit Time – 1/100 seconds.
0x##1Unit Time – invalid (1).

[2]: The # is replaced by the symbols 0–9 or A-F.

Trigger data


Deprecated. Trigger data functionality, that is, trigger data in H.264, MPEG-4 and MJPEG headers, is deprecated and will eventually be removed. Trigger data is replaced by event data streaming, see section Event data streaming.

The trigger data field is an optional field which can be included in the comment header, GOV header and H.264 SEI message. For further information about triggers see Trigger data blocks.

Trigger data blocks


Deprecated. Trigger data functionality, that is, trigger data in H.264, MPEG-4 and MJPEG headers, is deprecated and will eventually be removed. Trigger data is replaced by event data streaming, see section Event data streaming.

The trigger data block contains the states of all triggers, as opposed to just including a changed state in one block when it occurs. This allows the receiving application to lose trigger data blocks without necessarily losing a changed state.

The trigger data block, same for all supported video formats, is a block of text containing trigger states in this format:


Where <trigger> is a tag for the trigger and <state> is a text describing the state. The following table lists defined trigger tags and their possible states.

Trigger tagDescriptionState
A0 ... AnStatus for audio trigger for source 0 to n, where n is an audio sources >"0".0 1
IO0 ... IOnStatus for digital input 0 to n, where n is inputs >"0". Note that state "1" means that the input is in triggered state, which isn't necessarily the same as that the input is high. Each input can be configured when to trigger.0 1
V0 ... Vn([^3])Video loss status for video source 0 to n, where n is a video sources >"0". State "0" means that there is no video for that video source.0 1
M0 ... MnMotion detection status for window 0 to n, where n is a motion detection windows >"0". State "1" means that motion has been detected for this window, that is the motion level is above the configured threshold.0 1
ML0 ... MLnMotion detection level for window 0 to n, where n is a motion detection windows >"0". The state specifies the amount of motion in a motion window.000 ... 100
T0 ... TnCamera tampering status for source 0 to n, where n is a video sources >"0". State 1 means that camera tampering has been detected for that video source.0 1

[3]: This trigger is only available for video encoders.


For MJPEG the trigger data block is included as a comment header for each image. The image may contain several comments in this format:

FieldValueSize (bytes)Description
marker0xFF 0xFE2JPEG comment marker.
length0x##, 0x##2Length of the comment (starting from Axis ID).

An example of a comment header. The comment section starts with ff fe, the length is 00 48 and the trigger data starts with 0a 03 (marked in bold in the example)

05 14 07 00 40 8c 18 34  76 ff fe 00 48 0a 03 49 ....@..4 v...H..I
4f 30 3a 30 3b 41 30 3a 30 3b 4d 30 3a 30 3b 4d O0:0;A0: 0;M0:0;M
4c 30 3a 30 30 30 3b 4d 31 3a 30 3b 4d 4c 31 3a L0:000;M 1:0;ML1:
30 30 30 3b 4d 32 3a 30 3b 4d 4c 32 3a 30 30 30 000;M2:0 ;ML2:000
3b 4d 33 3a 30 3b 4d 4c 33 3a 30 30 33 3b 54 30 ;M3:0;ML 3:003;T0
3a 30 3b ff db 00 43 00 0a 07 07 08 07 06 0a 08 :0;...C. ........


For MPEG-4 the trigger data block is included as "user data" in the GOV header. The GOV header may contain several data blocks following each other in this format. The GOV header is inserted into the MPEG-4 stream at regular intervals. A new GOV header can also be forced to be inserted as soon as possible when a trigger changes state. This is done for I/O triggers to reduce the latency.

FieldValueSize (bytes)Description
marker0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xB24User data start code.

An example of user data in the GOV header. The user data section starts with 00 00 01 b2 and the trigger data starts with 0a 03 (both marked in bold in the example)

80 60 55 a3 bb 26 2d e8  16 3f 3e a5 00 00 01 b3 .`U..&-. .?>.....
11 f3 a7 00 00 01 b2 0a 01 4e 73 cd a7 cf 29 ce ........ .Ns...).
79 b7 a9 e4 01 00 00 01 b2 0a 03 49 4f 30 3a 30 y....... ...IO0:0
3b 41 30 3a 30 3b 4d 30 3a 30 3b 4d 4c 30 3a 30 ;A0:0;M0 :0;ML0:0
30 30 3b 56 30 3a 31 3b 54 30 3a 30 3b 00 00 01 00;V0:1; T0:0;...
b2 0a 00 01 3f 04 2f 02 00 40 8c 71 81 ca 00 00 ....?./. .@.q....
01 b6 14 d8 2c 33 14 7f fa 27 1f 6f fc 6f b7 f1 ....,3.. .'.o.o..


For H.264 the trigger data block is included as "user data" in the SEI NAL units marked as type user data unregistered. The H.264 SEI message is inserted into the H.264 stream at regular intervals. A new H.264 SEI message can also be forced to be inserted as soon as possible when a trigger changes state. This is done for I/O triggers to reduce the latency.

The first field in the H.264 SEI message is an UUID identifier filled with 16 consecutive 0xAA bytes. The next three fields are the payload data block including the length of the data block, an identifier and the actual user data. Each SEI may contain several payload data blocks.


For further information about H.264 SEI message please refer to the standard document ISO/IEC 14496-10 Supplemental enhancement information.

FieldValue([^4])Size (bytes)Description
`uuid_iso_iec_11578``0xAA,0xAA,0xAA, 0xAA,0xAA,0xAA, 0xAA,0xAA,0xAA, 0xAA,0xAA,0xAA, 0xAA,0xAA,0xAA, 0xAA16Axis UUID identifier.
Length0x##, 0x##2Size of user data (starting from Axis ID).

[4]: The # is replaced by the symbols 0–9 or A-F.

An example of user data in the SEI NAL units. The user data section starts with aa aa ... aa. There are three length values 00 0d, 00 0d, 00 46. The trigger data starts with 0a 03. Axis UUID identifier, the size of user data and trigger data start are marked in bold in the example.

80 60 bc 7a 15 8e 0e 8d  dc 84 63 98 06 05 76 aa .`.z.... ..c...v.
aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa 00 ........ ........
0d 0a 00 00 a2 05 14 07 00 40 8c 18 34 76 00 0d ........ .@..4v..
0a 01 4e 73 79 0c 01 4e 73 79 0c 01 01 00 46 0a ..Nsy..N sy....F.
03 49 4f 30 3a 30 3b 41 30 3a 30 3b 4d 30 3a 30 .IO0:0;A 0:0;M0:0
3b 4d 4c 30 3a 30 30 30 3b 4d 31 3a 30 3b 4d 4c ;ML0:000 ;M1:0;ML
31 3a 30 30 30 3b 4d 32 3a 30 3b 4d 4c 32 3a 30 1:000;M2 :0;ML2:0
30 30 3b 4d 33 3a 30 3b 4d 4c 33 3a 30 30 30 3b 00;M3:0; ML3:000;
54 30 3a 30 3b 80 T0:0;.